MoreUnit / org.moreunit.intellij.plugin

MoreUnit IntelliJ Plugin
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Doesn't work with Intellij 15 Ultimate #4

Closed sesto closed 8 years ago

sesto commented 8 years ago

Plugin is installed normally without errors, IDE restarts. But when I try to use "Jump To Test" from a class, I want to generate a test for, nothing happens. Windows 7 64 bit

ndemengel commented 8 years ago

Hi Sesto,

First, thanks for your report!

Well, everything works fine for me, but I'm not using Windows 7, so maybe the OS plays a role. I will setup a VM to test it. Meanwhile, could you tell me more about your configuration?

I thank you in advance for your answers!

sesto commented 8 years ago

I've just switched from Eclipse to IntelliJ 15, I don't know how it would behave in 14. Indeed, I am trying to generate test, which does not exists. That was perfectly possible with the Eclipse plugin. Now, I am surprised why this functionality is not supported in IntelliJ plugin. I was specifically interested with functionality because it allowed to generate all Mockito boilerplate code in Eclipse. I thought it would be possible to do also in IntelliJ

ndemengel commented 8 years ago

That explains a lot :-)

Well, when coding the IntelliJ plugin, our goal was a bit different than with the Eclipse plugin: "stay dead simple and get shit done". Indeed, IDEs already have a lot of features allowing - for instance - to generate test code (IntelliJ live templates are really handy, as are Eclipse code templates). Coding very specific cases took us a lot of time on the Eclipse plugin, and we only ported the key feature to IntelliJ: jumping between files, whatever the language.

I let you read our tiny README for the small set of implemented features.

If you're only coding using Java, you could as well not install MoreUnit, because IntelliJ already has a "Go To > Test" action that jumps between classes, and allows for creating test cases. But I invite you to keep it nonetheless, for the other features :-D