Morgul / ui-bootstrap4

Native AngularJS (Angular) directives for Bootstrap 4.
MIT License
115 stars 40 forks source link

I understand no one is really maintaining this... #66

Open MikeDigitalExample opened 3 years ago

MikeDigitalExample commented 3 years ago

The issues forum is NOT for support requests. It is for bugs and feature requests only. Please read and search existing issues (both open and closed) prior to opening any new issue and ensure you follow the instructions therein.

Bug description:

I uiboostrap for bs 3 if you created a modal and didn't pass it a new controller, it would use the controller for the page you were on. I believe you could also pass in the controller and controllerAs for the current controller, into your modal, and it would use the current object.

This version always creates a new controller object. There is no way to pass in anything remotely useful for the johnpapa standard of using vm=this;

I have tested in all way shapes and forms, and short of passing in a service to hold the data to be edited, there is no real way to connect the current page data.

I found this to be true because modalInstance was null whenever the break point was hit to close the modal. Because using the current pages controller, instantiated a new copy of the controller.

Is there a way to get your current page viewmodel/controller into the modal?


Link to minimally-working plunker that reproduces the issue:

Steps to reproduce the issue:

Version of Angular, UIBS, and Bootstrap




Morgul commented 2 years ago

Interesting. Nothing really should have changed in this project to break it like that. And I can tell you that when I was last using this project, that functionality worked, because I was using my own controllers for modals.

I tracked down some of my old code, and this was working:

`import VerificationModalController from './verification';`

// ... bunch of unrelated code ...

    return this.${
            template: require('./verification.html'),
            size: 'lg',
            keyboard: false,
            backdrop: 'static',
            windowClass: 'modal-full',
            controller: VerificationModalController,
            controllerAs: '$ctrl'

// ... more unrelated code ...

If directly importing your controller (or, as a test, just writing a dummy one as a function inline) doesn't work, then there's definitely a bug and it needs to be tracked down. (If you can find the change in this repo that broke it and put in a PR, I'll be glad to merge it and make a release.)

eliezerjg commented 1 month ago

im stuck in a project that uses this lib, anyone knows if there is any bs5 alternative for ui-boostrap and bootstrap dialog for angular js ? thx