MoriceD3 / D3ROS-ArreatCore

8 stars 10 forks source link

Bug TP fin de run #61

Closed Ano69 closed 10 years ago

Ano69 commented 10 years ago

Petit bug en fin de run j'ai pas compris , il arretais pas de bouger pendant le TP et donc de le cancel.


>"C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "Z:\Games\D3ROS-ArreatCore\main.au3" /UserParams    
+>20:10:36 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v. SciTE v. ;  Keyboard:0000040C  OS:WIN_XP/Service Pack 3  CPU:X64 OS:X86    Environment(Language:0409  Keyboard:0000040C  OS:WIN_XP/Service Pack 3  CPU:X64 OS:X86)
>Running AU3Check (  from:C:\Program Files\AutoIt3
+>20:10:36 AU3Check ended.rc:0
>Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "Z:\Games\D3ROS-ArreatCore\main.au3"    
--> Press Ctrl+Alt+F5 to Restart or Ctrl+Break to Stop
+>24/04 20:10:36 | offsetlist
->24/04 20:10:36 | LocateMyToon not possible since we are not in game
 >24/04 20:10:36 | LoadingSNO
 >24/04 20:10:37 | GB SNO loaded
 >24/04 20:10:37 | Loading grablist : grablist/grabListTourment.txt
>>24/04 20:10:38 | Size Windows X : 939 - Y : 708
+>24/04 20:10:38 | Start Botting
>>24/04 20:10:38 | New main loop
+>24/04 20:10:38 | offsetlist
->24/04 20:10:38 | LocateMyToon not possible since we are not in game
 >24/04 20:10:40 | Game Settings
>>24/04 20:10:42 | Passage en mode Aventure
+>24/04 20:10:44 | We are in menu : Resuming game
 >24/04 20:10:44 | fastcheckuiitemactived : Root.NormalLayer.BattleNetCampaign_main.LayoutRoot.Menu.PlayGameButton : 1
 >24/04 20:10:44 | fastcheckuiitemactived : Root.NormalLayer.BattleNetCampaign_main.LayoutRoot.Menu.ChangeQuestButton : 1
 >24/04 20:10:44 | Resume Game
->24/04 20:10:48 | Ingame False
 >24/04 20:10:48 | fastcheckuiitemactived : Root.NormalLayer.BattleNetCampaign_main.LayoutRoot.Menu.PlayGameButton : 0
->24/04 20:10:50 | Ingame False
 >24/04 20:10:50 | fastcheckuiitemactived : Root.NormalLayer.BattleNetCampaign_main.LayoutRoot.Menu.PlayGameButton : 0
->24/04 20:10:52 | Ingame False
 >24/04 20:10:52 | fastcheckuiitemactived : Root.NormalLayer.BattleNetCampaign_main.LayoutRoot.Menu.PlayGameButton : 0
+>24/04 20:10:54 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:11:01 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:11:01 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:11:01 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:11:01 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:11:01 | ofs -> 0x20D5E888
>>24/04 20:11:01 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:11:01 | My toon located at: 0x20D5E888, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
+>24/04 20:11:01 | Bounty with sequence : X1_Bounty_A1_Cathedral_Kill_SkeletonKing -> act1_ADV-Tuer_SkeletonKing
->24/04 20:11:01 | Bounty without sequence : X1_Bounty_A1_Highlands_Clear_CaveMoonClan2
->24/04 20:11:01 | Bounty without sequence : X1_Bounty_A1_Fields_Event_FarmBesieged
+>24/04 20:11:01 | Bounty with sequence : X1_Bounty_A1_Highlands_Northern_Kill_Reggrel -> Act1_BOUNTY-Northern|Act1_BOUNTY-Leoric_Hunting_1
->24/04 20:11:01 | Bounty without sequence : X1_Bounty_A1_Cemetery_Kill_DiggerODell
+>24/04 20:11:01 | Bounty with sequence : X1_Bounty_A2_Caldeum_Kill_Belial -> act2_ADV-Tuer_Belial
->24/04 20:11:01 | Bounty without sequence : X1_Bounty_A2_Oasis_Clear_FloodedCave2
->24/04 20:11:01 | Bounty without sequence : X1_Bounty_A2_StingingWinds_Event_RestlessSands
->24/04 20:11:01 | Bounty without sequence : X1_Bounty_A2_ZKArchives_Kill_TheArchivist
+>24/04 20:11:01 | Bounty with sequence : X1_Bounty_A2_Alcarnus_Kill_HighPriestMurdos -> act2_BOUNTY-route_alcarnus_[1-2]
->24/04 20:11:01 | Bounty without sequence : X1_Bounty_A3_KeepDepths_Kill_Ghom
->24/04 20:11:01 | Bounty without sequence : X1_Bounty_A3_Battlefields_Clear_ForwardBarracks
->24/04 20:11:01 | Bounty without sequence : X1_Bounty_A3_Battlefields_Event_DeathChill
+>24/04 20:11:01 | Bounty with sequence : X1_Bounty_A3_Crater_Kill_Haxxor -> act3_ADV-tower_[1-5]
->24/04 20:11:01 | Bounty without sequence : X1_Bounty_A3_Crater_Kill_Sawtooth
+>24/04 20:11:01 | Sequence generated : act1_ADV-Tuer_SkeletonKing|Act1_BOUNTY-Northern|Act1_BOUNTY-Leoric_Hunting_1|act2_ADV-Tuer_Belial|act2_BOUNTY-route_alcarnus_[1-2]|act3_ADV-tower_[1-5]
+>24/04 20:11:01 | *** Starting new run
+>24/04 20:11:01 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:11:01 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:11:01 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:11:01 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:11:01 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:11:01 | ofs -> 0x20D5E888
>>24/04 20:11:01 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:11:01 | My toon located at: 0x20D5E888, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
+>24/04 20:11:01 | We are in map : 270011
>>24/04 20:11:01 | Our Current Act is : 5 ---> So our vendor is : X1_A5_UniqueVendor_InnKeeper
>>24/04 20:11:01 | CheckHotkeys
+>24/04 20:11:04 | Check des touches OK
>>24/04 20:11:04 | What game mode you are
+>24/04 20:11:05 | Adventure Mode
>>24/04 20:11:06 | Starting Auto_spell_init
+>24/04 20:11:06 | Wizard detected, Gest Affix Enabled
>>24/04 20:11:06 | Skill Associed Left Click -> Wizard_Electrocute
>>24/04 20:11:06 | Skill Associed Right Click -> Wizard_ArcaneOrb
>>24/04 20:11:06 | Skill Associed '&' Key -> Wizard_Archon
>>24/04 20:11:06 | Skill Associed 'é' Key -> Wizard_Familiar
>>24/04 20:11:06 | Skill Associed '"' Key -> Wizard_MagicWeapon
>>24/04 20:11:06 | Skill Associed ''' Key -> Wizard_EnergyArmor
>>24/04 20:11:06 | Starting GestSpellInit
>>24/04 20:11:06 | Starting Load_Attrib_GlobalStuff
>>24/04 20:11:06 | $Check_HandLeft_Seed -> -1076093991
>>24/04 20:11:06 | $Check_HandRight_Seed -> -1926245854
>>24/04 20:11:06 | $Check_RingLeft_Seed -> -491391384
>>24/04 20:11:06 | $Check_RingRight_Seed -> 1923119043
>>24/04 20:11:06 | $Check_Amulet_Seed -> 618429764
>>24/04 20:11:06 | $Check_ArmorTotal -> 4761
+>24/04 20:11:06 | Max HP : 386234.5625
+>24/04 20:11:06 | Ressource Maximum : 113
>>24/04 20:11:06 | Stringreference : You can't do th
 >24/04 20:11:06 | Loading string file
 >24/04 20:11:06 | Comparing string : You can't do th / You can't do th
>>24/04 20:11:06 | Lang loaded detected
>>24/04 20:11:06 | Ui full -> You have no place to put that item.
>>24/04 20:11:06 | Ui Stash -> Not enough Inventory space to complete this operation.
>>24/04 20:11:06 | Ui TP -> This ability cannot be used here.
>>24/04 20:11:06 | Ui Id -> You do not have any unidentified items.
>>24/04 20:11:06 | Zone Clickable -> Y[0] : 84.82 - X[1] : 88.5 - Width[2] : 818.78 - Height[3] : 498.1
+>24/04 20:11:06 | We are in map : 270011
>>24/04 20:11:06 | Our Current Act is : 5 ---> So our vendor is : X1_A5_UniqueVendor_InnKeeper
+>24/04 20:11:07 | I have more than 100 potions. I will not take more until next check (122)
>>24/04 20:11:07 | New sequence, max death allowed :3
+>24/04 20:11:07 | File loaded : sequence\act1_ADV-Tuer_SkeletonKing.txt
 >24/04 20:11:07 | Lancement du buff 2 en pré-buff
 >24/04 20:11:07 | Lancement du buff 3 en pré-buff
 >24/04 20:11:08 | Lancement du buff 4 en pré-buff
>>24/04 20:11:08 | Enclenchement auto du buffinit() takewpadv
>>24/04 20:11:08 | Enclenchement d'un TakeWPAdv(5) line : 1
+>24/04 20:11:08 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:11:08 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:11:08 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:11:08 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:11:08 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:11:08 | ofs -> 0x20D5E888
+>24/04 20:11:08 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:11:08 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:11:08 | My toon located at: 0x20D5E888, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
 >24/04 20:11:08 | TakeWpByKey : Enclenche attack during TakeWpByKey
>>24/04 20:11:09 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >24/04 20:11:10 | TakeWpByKey : clicking wp UI
 >24/04 20:11:10 | Act5 Detected
 >24/04 20:11:10 | Act1 Required
>>24/04 20:11:12 | GiveBucketWp : 5 -> 1562
 >24/04 20:11:13 | TakeWpByKey : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
+>24/04 20:11:13 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:11:13 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:11:13 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:11:13 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:11:13 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:11:13 | ofs -> 0x20D5E888
+>24/04 20:11:13 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:11:13 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:11:13 | My toon located at: 0x20D5E888, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:11:13 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 151 item(s)
+>24/04 20:11:13 | _inTown : We are in town 
 >24/04 20:11:13 | TakeWpByKey In Town : on reste inerte pendant 6sec voir si on arrive dans la nouvelle area, tentative -> 0
 >24/04 20:11:14 | TakeWpByKey In Town : on reste inerte pendant 6sec voir si on arrive dans la nouvelle area, tentative -> 1
 >24/04 20:11:15 | TakeWpByKey In Town : on reste inerte pendant 6sec voir si on arrive dans la nouvelle area, tentative -> 2
 >24/04 20:11:16 | TakeWpByKey In Town : on reste inerte pendant 6sec voir si on arrive dans la nouvelle area, tentative -> 3
 >24/04 20:11:17 | TakeWpByKey In Town : on reste inerte pendant 6sec voir si on arrive dans la nouvelle area, tentative -> 4
>>24/04 20:11:19 | TakeWpByKey : New area found
 >24/04 20:11:19 | TakeWpByKey : On a renvoyer true, quite bien la fonction
 >24/04 20:11:19 | Result : TakeWpByKey True
+>24/04 20:11:20 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:11:20 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:11:20 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:11:20 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:11:20 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:11:20 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:11:20 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:11:20 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:11:20 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
 >24/04 20:11:20 | Active quest Id : 361234
>>24/04 20:11:20 | Enclenchement d'un monsterlist line : 2
+>24/04 20:11:20 | Remplacement de la MonsterList : unique_captaindaltyn_|adventurer_d_templarintrounique|unburied_|x1_speedkill_gluttony|ghoul_|withermoth|beast_b|goatman_m|goatman_r|withermoth|beast_a|goblin|scavenger|zombie|corpulent|skeleton|quilldemon|fleshpitflyer|succubus|scorpion|azmodanbodyguard|succubus|thousandpounder|fallengrunt|fallenchampion|fallenhound|fallenshaman|goatmutant|demonflyer_b|demontrooper_|creepmob|brickhouse_a|brickhouse_b|triune_|triunevesselactivated_|triunevessel|triune_summonable_|triunesummoner_a|conductorproxymaster|goblin|sandwasp|triunecultist|sandshark|lacuni|uber|ghoul|cultist|cultistmelee|goatman_shaman_a|goatman_shaman_b|goatman_shaman|goatman_s|woodwraith_a_01|woodwraith_a_02|woodwraith_a_03|graverobber_
>>24/04 20:11:20 | Enclenchement d'un SpecialMonsterList line : 3
+>24/04 20:11:20 | Remplacement de la SpecialMonsterlist : trdun_crypt_pillar_spawner
>>24/04 20:11:20 | Enclenchement d'un Banlist() line : 4
+>24/04 20:11:20 | Ajout d'une nouvelle BanList : Fetish_Skeleton_A|treasureGoblin_A_Slave|Skeleton_Archer_A_Unique_Ring_|Skeleton_A_Unique_Ring_|WD_ZombieDog|WD_wallOfZombies|DH_Companion|trdun_cath_gate_b_skeletonking
>>24/04 20:11:20 | Autobuff definit sur true line : 5
>>24/04 20:11:20 | Turn UsePath mod to Off line
>>24/04 20:11:20 | Detection de la modification de l'attackRange line : 7
+>24/04 20:11:20 | Modification de la valeur attackRange : 25
>>24/04 20:11:20 | Turn UsePath mod to Off line
>>24/04 20:11:20 | Mise en array d'un sleep line : 13
>>24/04 20:11:20 | Mise en array d'un InteractWithDoor() line : 14
>>24/04 20:11:20 | Mise en array d'un sleep line : 15
>>24/04 20:11:20 | Mise en array d'un sleep line : 45
>>24/04 20:11:20 | Mise en array d'un InteractWithDoor() line : 46
>>24/04 20:11:20 | Mise en array d'un sleep line : 47
>>24/04 20:11:20 | Mise en array d'un sleep line : 56
>>24/04 20:11:20 | Mise en array d'un InteractWithDoor() line : 57
>>24/04 20:11:20 | Mise en array d'un sleep line : 58
 >24/04 20:11:20 | Taille de l'array reverse : 66
+>24/04 20:11:23 | InteractWithDoor : trDun_Cath_Gate_C-591 distance -> 16.3469601257402
+>24/04 20:11:24 | InteractWithDoor : click x : 607.373652158408 y : 129.337494200499
+>24/04 20:11:27 | CheckItem -> trDun_Crypt_DeathoftheKing_Sword_Clickable-660
+>24/04 20:11:27 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:11:27 | Ban Item -> trDun_Crypt_DeathoftheKing_Sword_Clickable-660 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:11:30 | Attacking Mob : SkeletonArcher_A-683 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:11:32 | SkeletonArcher_A-683 : Killed in 1.97 secs (Dps : 1922k)
>>24/04 20:11:32 | Attack : Ban SkeletonArcher_A-683 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:11:32 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-685
 >24/04 20:11:32 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Shield_Skeleton_A-682
+>24/04 20:11:33 | CheckItem -> Boots_norm_base_flippy-838
+>24/04 20:11:33 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:11:33 | Ban Item -> Boots_norm_base_flippy-838 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:11:33 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-692 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:11:35 | Skeleton_A-692 : Killed in 1.7 secs (Dps : 2150k)
+>24/04 20:11:35 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-702 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:11:36 | Skeleton_A-702 : Killed in 1.29 secs (Dps : 3186k)
+>24/04 20:11:37 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-705 (Type : 0)
>>24/04 20:11:37 | Skeleton_A-705 : No life -> skipping
+>24/04 20:11:37 | Skeleton_A-705 : Killed in 0.05 secs (Dps : 0k)
+>24/04 20:11:37 | Attacking Mob : SkeletonArcher_A-733 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:11:39 | SkeletonArcher_A-733 : Killed in 1.55 secs (Dps : 1506k)
>>24/04 20:11:39 | Attack : Ban SkeletonArcher_A-733 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:11:39 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-1009 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:11:40 | Skeleton_A-1009 : Killed in 1.06 secs (Dps : 2403k)
 >24/04 20:11:40 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Skeleton_A-1108
 >24/04 20:11:40 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Skeleton_A-1009
+>24/04 20:11:41 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-860 (Type : 3)
+>24/04 20:11:44 | Skeleton_A-860 : Killed in 2.95 secs (Dps : 9220k)
>>24/04 20:11:44 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe-1248 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:11:44 | Attacking Mob : Shield_Skeleton_A-743 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:11:45 | Shield_Skeleton_A-743 : Killed in 0.84 secs (Dps : 1722k)
 >24/04 20:11:45 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonKing_LeoricGhost_DoQ-1292
+>24/04 20:11:45 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-758 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:11:46 | Skeleton_A-758 : Killed in 0.98 secs (Dps : 2931k)
+>24/04 20:11:47 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-728 (Type : 3)
+>24/04 20:11:49 | Skeleton_A-728 : Killed in 2.15 secs (Dps : 9493k)
+>24/04 20:11:49 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-1348 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:11:50 | Skeleton_A-1348 : Killed in 0.75 secs (Dps : 1296k)
+>24/04 20:11:50 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-726 (Type : 3)
>>24/04 20:11:50 | Skeleton_A-726 : No life -> skipping
+>24/04 20:11:50 | Skeleton_A-726 : Killed in 0.05 secs (Dps : 0k)
+>24/04 20:11:50 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-696 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:11:51 | Skeleton_A-696 : Killed in 0.98 secs (Dps : 424k)
+>24/04 20:11:52 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-1457 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:11:53 | Skeleton_A-1457 : Killed in 0.68 secs (Dps : 6914k)
+>24/04 20:11:53 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-1390
+>24/04 20:11:53 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:11:53 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-1390 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:11:53 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-742
+>24/04 20:11:53 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-741 (Type : 0)
->24/04 20:11:54 | Skeleton_A-741 : Leave because of Dist Verif : 24.6822570292648 - 17.5868744039416
+>24/04 20:11:54 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-714 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:11:55 | Skeleton_A-714 : Killed in 0.99 secs (Dps : 4252k)
+>24/04 20:11:55 | Attacking Mob : SkeletonArcher_A-722 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:11:56 | SkeletonArcher_A-722 : Killed in 0.85 secs (Dps : 3922k)
>>24/04 20:11:56 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe-1391 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:11:57 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-741 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:11:58 | Skeleton_A-741 : Killed in 0.96 secs (Dps : 2582k)
 >24/04 20:11:59 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonKing_LeoricGhost_DoQ-1292
+>24/04 20:11:59 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-731 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:00 | Skeleton_A-731 : Killed in 0.81 secs (Dps : 5763k)
 >24/04 20:12:00 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Skeleton_A-1568
 >24/04 20:12:00 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonKing_LeoricGhost_DoQ-1292
+>24/04 20:12:00 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-1568 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:01 | Skeleton_A-1568 : Killed in 0.97 secs (Dps : 3893k)
+>24/04 20:12:01 | CheckItem -> SkeletonSummoner_A-695
+>24/04 20:12:01 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:12:01 | Attack : Ban SkeletonSummoner_A-695 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:12:02 | CheckItem -> shoulderPads_norm_base_flippy-1631
+>24/04 20:12:02 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:12:02 | Ban Item -> shoulderPads_norm_base_flippy-1631 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:12:02 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-1643
+>24/04 20:12:02 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:12:02 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-1643 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:12:02 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-1639
+>24/04 20:12:02 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:12:02 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-1639 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:12:02 | Attacking Mob : SkeletonArcher_A-738 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:04 | SkeletonArcher_A-738 : Killed in 1.24 secs (Dps : 1799k)
>>24/04 20:12:04 | Attack : Ban SkeletonArcher_A-738 : Second passage
>>24/04 20:12:05 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe_02-1632 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:12:08 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-1803 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:09 | Skeleton_A-1803 : Killed in 1.34 secs (Dps : 3528k)
+>24/04 20:12:10 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-1601 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:12 | Skeleton_A-1601 : Killed in 2.18 secs (Dps : 2253k)
+>24/04 20:12:13 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-1608 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:13 | Skeleton_A-1608 : Killed in 0.58 secs (Dps : 655k)
>>24/04 20:12:13 | Attack : Ban Skeleton_A-1608 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:12:14 | Attacking Mob : Shield_Skeleton_A-1672 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:15 | Shield_Skeleton_A-1672 : Killed in 1.14 secs (Dps : 3950k)
+>24/04 20:12:15 | Attacking Mob : Shield_Skeleton_A-1674 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:16 | Shield_Skeleton_A-1674 : Killed in 0.95 secs (Dps : 283k)
+>24/04 20:12:16 | Attacking Mob : trDun_Crypt_Pillar_Spawner-1766 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:23 | trDun_Crypt_Pillar_Spawner-1766 : Killed in 6.51 secs (Dps : 2468k)
+>24/04 20:12:23 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-2279 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:24 | Skeleton_A-2279 : Killed in 1.28 secs (Dps : 1544k)
+>24/04 20:12:25 | Attacking Mob : Shield_Skeleton_A-1800 (Type : 0)
->24/04 20:12:25 | Shield_Skeleton_A-1800 : Leave because of Dist Verif : 22.912117757474 - 15.1681739148474
+>24/04 20:12:26 | Attacking Mob : SkeletonArcher_A-1821 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:28 | SkeletonArcher_A-1821 : Killed in 2.85 secs (Dps : 1250k)
+>24/04 20:12:28 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-2490
+>24/04 20:12:28 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:12:28 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-2490 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:12:29 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-2473 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:30 | Skeleton_A-2473 : Killed in 1.62 secs (Dps : 1860k)
 >24/04 20:12:31 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Skeleton_A-2571
+>24/04 20:12:31 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-1986 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:32 | Skeleton_A-1986 : Killed in 0.88 secs (Dps : 1561k)
+>24/04 20:12:32 | Attacking Mob : Shield_Skeleton_A-1872 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:33 | Shield_Skeleton_A-1872 : Killed in 1.37 secs (Dps : 1888k)
+>24/04 20:12:34 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-1831 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:34 | Skeleton_A-1831 : Killed in 0.77 secs (Dps : 1342k)
+>24/04 20:12:35 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-2652
+>24/04 20:12:35 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:12:35 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-2652 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:12:36 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-2188 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:36 | Skeleton_A-2188 : Killed in 0.95 secs (Dps : 817k)
+>24/04 20:12:37 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-2248 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:37 | Skeleton_A-2248 : Killed in 0.68 secs (Dps : 201k)
>>24/04 20:12:38 | Attack : Ban Skeleton_A-2248 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:12:38 | Attacking Mob : trDun_Crypt_Pillar_Spawner-1816 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:39 | trDun_Crypt_Pillar_Spawner-1816 : Killed in 0.77 secs (Dps : 905k)
+>24/04 20:12:39 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-2255 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:40 | Skeleton_A-2255 : Killed in 0.97 secs (Dps : 485k)
 >24/04 20:12:40 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Skeleton_A-2865
 >24/04 20:12:40 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring trDun_Crypt_Pillar_Spawner-1816
+>24/04 20:12:41 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-2693 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:42 | Skeleton_A-2693 : Killed in 1.28 secs (Dps : 860k)
 >24/04 20:12:42 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-1884
+>24/04 20:12:42 | Attacking Mob : SkeletonArcher_A-1883 (Type : 0)
>>24/04 20:12:42 | SkeletonArcher_A-1883 : No life -> skipping
+>24/04 20:12:42 | SkeletonArcher_A-1883 : Killed in 0.01 secs (Dps : 0k)
 >24/04 20:12:43 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-1884
 >24/04 20:12:43 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-1884
 >24/04 20:12:43 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-1883
+>24/04 20:12:44 | CheckItem -> SkeletonSummoner_A-2981
+>24/04 20:12:44 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:12:44 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe-2700 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:12:45 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Skeleton_A-3001
+>24/04 20:12:45 | Attacking Mob : trDun_Crypt_Pillar_Spawner-2963 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:46 | trDun_Crypt_Pillar_Spawner-2963 : Killed in 1.21 secs (Dps : 4574k)
>>24/04 20:12:47 | Attack : Ban trDun_Crypt_Pillar_Spawner-2963 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:12:47 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-2968 (Type : 0)
>>24/04 20:12:47 | Skeleton_A-2968 : No life -> skipping
+>24/04 20:12:47 | Skeleton_A-2968 : Killed in 0.04 secs (Dps : 0k)
+>24/04 20:12:47 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-3001 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:49 | Skeleton_A-3001 : Killed in 1.45 secs (Dps : 2180k)
+>24/04 20:12:49 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-2904 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:50 | Skeleton_A-2904 : Killed in 0.81 secs (Dps : 1455k)
 >24/04 20:12:50 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Skeleton_A-3128
 >24/04 20:12:51 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Skeleton_A-3128
+>24/04 20:12:51 | Attacking Mob : SkeletonArcher_A-2036 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:52 | SkeletonArcher_A-2036 : Killed in 0.89 secs (Dps : 3053k)
+>24/04 20:12:52 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-3162 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:53 | Skeleton_A-3162 : Killed in 1 secs (Dps : 3479k)
 >24/04 20:12:53 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-2036
 >24/04 20:12:53 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-2795
 >24/04 20:12:53 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-2725
+>24/04 20:12:54 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-2726 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:55 | Skeleton_A-2726 : Killed in 1.09 secs (Dps : 1251k)
+>24/04 20:12:55 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-2079 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:12:56 | Skeleton_A-2079 : Killed in 1.19 secs (Dps : 962k)
+>24/04 20:12:56 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-3284
+>24/04 20:12:56 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:12:56 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-3284 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:12:56 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-3243
+>24/04 20:12:56 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:12:56 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-3243 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:12:58 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-2712 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:13:00 | Skeleton_A-2712 : Killed in 1.56 secs (Dps : 2935k)
+>24/04 20:13:01 | InteractWithDoor : trDun_Cath_Gate_D-1893 distance -> 20.6146302612009
+>24/04 20:13:01 | InteractWithDoor : click x : 298.878229034831 y : 154.432964842311
+>24/04 20:13:04 | Attacking Mob : Unburied_A-2038 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:13:07 | Unburied_A-2038 : Killed in 3.15 secs (Dps : 6320k)
 >24/04 20:13:07 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-2076
 >24/04 20:13:07 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-2076
+>24/04 20:13:07 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-3482
+>24/04 20:13:07 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:13:07 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-3482 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:13:08 | Attacking Mob : SkeletonArcher_A-3257 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:13:09 | SkeletonArcher_A-3257 : Killed in 1.02 secs (Dps : 4765k)
>>24/04 20:13:09 | Attack : Ban SkeletonArcher_A-3257 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:13:10 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-3515
+>24/04 20:13:10 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:13:10 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-3515 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:13:10 | CheckItem -> GoldCoins-3514
+>24/04 20:13:10 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:13:10 | Ban Item -> GoldCoins-3514 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:13:11 | Attacking Mob : SkeletonArcher_A-3241 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:13:12 | SkeletonArcher_A-3241 : Killed in 1.07 secs (Dps : 4076k)
>>24/04 20:13:12 | Attack : Ban SkeletonArcher_A-3241 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:13:12 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-3242
>>24/04 20:13:12 | Trying to take Shrine/Well : Shrine_Global_Fortune-3286
+>24/04 20:13:13 | Shrine/Well taken : Shrine_Global_Fortune-3286
>>24/04 20:13:13 | Attack : Ban Shrine_Global_Fortune-3286 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:13:13 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-3242
+>24/04 20:13:13 | CheckItem -> GoldCoin-3552
+>24/04 20:13:13 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:13:13 | Ban Item -> GoldCoin-3552 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:13:13 | CheckItem -> GoldCoin-3568
+>24/04 20:13:13 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:13:13 | Ban Item -> GoldCoin-3568 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:13:14 | InteractWithDoor : trDun_Cath_Gate_D-3021 distance -> 15.9439857234086
+>24/04 20:13:15 | InteractWithDoor : click x : 588.792038449457 y : 402.765804239697
+>24/04 20:13:18 | Attacking Mob : SkeletonArcher_A-3240 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:13:19 | SkeletonArcher_A-3240 : Killed in 0.81 secs (Dps : 2928k)
 >24/04 20:13:19 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-3239
+>24/04 20:13:19 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-3610
+>24/04 20:13:19 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:13:19 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-3610 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:13:19 | CheckItem -> GoldCoin-3585
+>24/04 20:13:19 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:13:19 | Ban Item -> GoldCoin-3585 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:13:19 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-3590
+>24/04 20:13:19 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:13:19 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-3590 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:13:19 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-3599
+>24/04 20:13:19 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:13:19 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-3599 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:13:19 | CheckItem -> GoldCoin-3637
+>24/04 20:13:19 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:13:19 | Ban Item -> GoldCoin-3637 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:13:19 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-3589
+>24/04 20:13:19 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:13:19 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-3589 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:13:19 | CheckItem -> GoldCoin-3628
+>24/04 20:13:19 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:13:19 | Ban Item -> GoldCoin-3628 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:13:20 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-3239
 >24/04 20:13:20 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-3239
+>24/04 20:13:20 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-3685
+>24/04 20:13:20 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:13:20 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-3685 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:13:22 | Attacking Mob : SkeletonArcher_A-3600 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:13:23 | SkeletonArcher_A-3600 : Killed in 1.87 secs (Dps : 2259k)
>>24/04 20:13:24 | Attack : Ban SkeletonArcher_A-3600 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:13:24 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-3751
+>24/04 20:13:24 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:13:24 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-3751 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:13:24 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-3767
+>24/04 20:13:24 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:13:24 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-3767 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:13:24 | CheckItem -> GoldCoin-3750
+>24/04 20:13:24 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:13:24 | Ban Item -> GoldCoin-3750 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:13:24 | CheckItem -> GoldCoin-3766
+>24/04 20:13:24 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:13:24 | Ban Item -> GoldCoin-3766 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:13:25 | CheckItem -> GoldCoin-3777
+>24/04 20:13:25 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:13:25 | Ban Item -> GoldCoin-3777 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:13:29 | Attacking Mob : SkeletonArcher_A-3785 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:13:30 | SkeletonArcher_A-3785 : Killed in 1.07 secs (Dps : 3920k)
 >24/04 20:13:30 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Skeleton_A-3871
 >24/04 20:13:30 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-3785
 >24/04 20:13:30 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-3790
 >24/04 20:13:30 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-3788
 >24/04 20:13:31 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-3785
 >24/04 20:13:31 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-3790
 >24/04 20:13:31 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_A-3788
+>24/04 20:13:31 | Attacking Mob : Skeleton_A-3871 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:13:33 | Skeleton_A-3871 : Killed in 1.9 secs (Dps : 2521k)
>>24/04 20:13:33 | Attack : Ban Skeleton_A-3871 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:13:33 | CheckItem -> SkeletonSummoner_A-3813
+>24/04 20:13:33 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:13:34 | Attack : Ban SkeletonSummoner_A-3813 : Second passage
>>24/04 20:13:34 | Enclenchement auto du unbuff()
>>24/04 20:13:34 | Enclenchement d'un endsave() line : 75
>>24/04 20:13:34 | Mise en array d'un offsetlist line : 78
>>24/04 20:13:34 | Mise en array d'un InteractWithPortal() line : 79
 >24/04 20:13:34 | Taille de l'array reverse : 4
+>24/04 20:13:35 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:13:35 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:13:35 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:13:35 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:13:35 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:13:35 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:13:35 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:13:35 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:13:35 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:13:35 | Try n°1 Portal
+>24/04 20:13:35 | InteractByActorName : Boss_Portal_SkeletonKing-3801 distance -> 34.0356975510584
+>24/04 20:13:38 | Succesfully Portal Try
 >24/04 20:13:38 | Active quest Id : 361234
>>24/04 20:13:38 | Enclenchement auto du unbuff()
>>24/04 20:13:38 | Enclenchement d'un endsave() line : 80
>>24/04 20:13:39 | Enclenchement d'un sleep direct line : 81
+>24/04 20:13:39 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:13:39 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:13:39 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:13:39 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:13:39 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:13:39 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:13:39 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:13:39 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:13:39 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:13:39 | Enclecnhement d'un offsetlist line : 82
>>24/04 20:13:39 | Detection de la modification de l'attackRange line : 83
+>24/04 20:13:39 | Modification de la valeur attackRange : 45
>>24/04 20:13:39 | Turn UsePath mod to Off line
>>24/04 20:13:39 | Enclenchement d'un SpecialMonsterList line : 85
+>24/04 20:13:39 | Remplacement de la SpecialMonsterlist : skeletonking
>>24/04 20:13:39 | Mise en array d'un sleep line : 107
>>24/04 20:13:39 | Mise en array d'un interact() line : 108
>>24/04 20:13:39 | Mise en array d'un sleep line : 109
 >24/04 20:13:39 | Taille de l'array reverse : 50
+>24/04 20:13:50 | InteractByActorName : SkeletonKingGizmo-4063 distance -> 18.340422155005
 >24/04 20:14:08 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonKing-4097
 >24/04 20:14:09 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonKing-4097
 >24/04 20:14:09 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonKing-4097
+>24/04 20:14:09 | Attacking Mob : SkeletonKing-4097 (Type : 7)
+>24/04 20:14:35 | SkeletonKing-4097 : Killed in 25.43 secs (Dps : 14056k)
 >24/04 20:14:35 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonArcher_B-4598
 >24/04 20:14:35 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonKing-4097
+>24/04 20:14:35 | CheckItem -> trDun_Crypt_Skeleton_King_Throne_Parts-4070
+>24/04 20:14:35 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:35 | Attack : Ban trDun_Crypt_Skeleton_King_Throne_Parts-4070 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:14:35 | Quest completed : 361234(2)
->24/04 20:14:35 | Bounty completed : Waiting a little for loots then end sequence
+>24/04 20:14:36 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-4710
+>24/04 20:14:36 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:36 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-4710 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:36 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-4708
+>24/04 20:14:36 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:36 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-4708 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:36 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-4705
+>24/04 20:14:36 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:36 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-4705 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:37 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-4701
+>24/04 20:14:37 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:37 | Ban Item -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-4701 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:37 | CheckItem -> pants_norm_base_flippy-4703
+>24/04 20:14:37 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:37 | Ban Item -> pants_norm_base_flippy-4703 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:14:37 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonKing-4097
+>24/04 20:14:37 | CheckItem -> x1_spear_norm_base_flippy_02-4697
+>24/04 20:14:37 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:37 | Ban Item -> x1_spear_norm_base_flippy_02-4697 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:37 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-4706
+>24/04 20:14:37 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:37 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-4706 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:37 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-4707
+>24/04 20:14:37 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:37 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-4707 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:37 | CheckItem -> healthPotion_Console-4704
+>24/04 20:14:37 | CheckItem : Potion
>>24/04 20:14:37 | Ban Item -> healthPotion_Console-4704 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:37 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-4709
+>24/04 20:14:37 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:37 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-4709 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:37 | CheckItem -> healthPotion_Console-4702
+>24/04 20:14:37 | CheckItem : Potion
>>24/04 20:14:37 | Ban Item -> healthPotion_Console-4702 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:14:37 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe-4698 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:14:39 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonKing-4097
!>24/04 20:14:39 | Object found or quest completed and command is : endsequence()
->24/04 20:14:39 | End sequence detected. Stopping current sequence file.
+>24/04 20:14:39 | File loaded : sequence\Act1_BOUNTY-Northern.txt
 >24/04 20:14:39 | Lancement du buff 2 en pré-buff
 >24/04 20:14:39 | Lancement du buff 3 en pré-buff
 >24/04 20:14:40 | Lancement du buff 4 en pré-buff
>>24/04 20:14:40 | Enclenchement auto du buffinit() takewpadv
>>24/04 20:14:40 | Enclenchement d'un TakeWPAdv(14) line : 1
 >24/04 20:14:40 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonKing-4097
+>24/04 20:14:40 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:14:40 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:14:40 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:14:40 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:14:40 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:14:40 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:14:40 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:14:40 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:14:40 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
 >24/04 20:14:40 | TakeWpByKey : Enclenche attack during TakeWpByKey
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-4710
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:41 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-4710 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-4708
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:41 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-4708 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-4705
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:41 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-4705 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-4701
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:41 | Ban Item -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-4701 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem -> pants_norm_base_flippy-4703
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:41 | Ban Item -> pants_norm_base_flippy-4703 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:14:41 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonKing-4097
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem -> x1_spear_norm_base_flippy_02-4697
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:41 | Ban Item -> x1_spear_norm_base_flippy_02-4697 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-4706
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:41 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-4706 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-4707
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:41 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-4707 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem -> healthPotion_Console-4704
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem : Potion
>>24/04 20:14:41 | Ban Item -> healthPotion_Console-4704 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-4709
+>24/04 20:14:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:41 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-4709 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:42 | CheckItem -> healthPotion_Console-4702
+>24/04 20:14:42 | CheckItem : Potion
>>24/04 20:14:42 | Ban Item -> healthPotion_Console-4702 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:14:42 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe-4698 : Second passage
>>24/04 20:14:42 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >24/04 20:14:43 | TakeWpByKey : clicking wp UI
 >24/04 20:14:43 | Act1 Detected
 >24/04 20:14:43 | Act1 Required
>>24/04 20:14:43 | GiveBucketWp : 14 -> 1808
 >24/04 20:14:44 | TakeWpByKey : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
 >24/04 20:14:44 | enclenchement du timer
 >24/04 20:14:44 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonKing-4097
 >24/04 20:14:44 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonKing-4097
 >24/04 20:14:44 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring SkeletonKing-4097
+>24/04 20:14:48 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:14:48 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:14:48 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:14:48 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:14:48 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:14:48 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:14:48 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:14:48 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:14:48 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:14:48 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 114 item(s)
+>24/04 20:14:48 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:14:48 | TakeWpByKey : compare time to tp -> 3685.13980974423> 3700 
>>24/04 20:14:48 | TakeWpByKey : New try -> 1
 >24/04 20:14:48 | TakeWpByKey : Enclenche attack during TakeWpByKey
+>24/04 20:14:49 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-4710
+>24/04 20:14:49 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:49 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-4710 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:49 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-4708
+>24/04 20:14:49 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:49 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-4708 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:49 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-4705
+>24/04 20:14:49 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:49 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-4705 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:14:49 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-4701
+>24/04 20:14:49 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:14:49 | Ban Item -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-4701 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:04 | CheckItem -> healthPotion_Console-4704
+>24/04 20:15:04 | CheckItem : Potion
>>24/04 20:15:04 | Ban Item -> healthPotion_Console-4704 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:04 | CheckItem -> LootType2_Adventurer_B_Corpse_02-4813
+>24/04 20:15:04 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:04 | Ban Item -> LootType2_Adventurer_B_Corpse_02-4813 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:04 | CheckItem -> GoatmanLore_Corpse-4805
+>24/04 20:15:04 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:04 | Ban Item -> GoatmanLore_Corpse-4805 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:15:04 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >24/04 20:15:05 | TakeWpByKey : clicking wp UI
 >24/04 20:15:05 | Act1 Detected
 >24/04 20:15:05 | Act1 Required
>>24/04 20:15:05 | GiveBucketWp : 14 -> 1808
 >24/04 20:15:06 | TakeWpByKey : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
+>24/04 20:15:06 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:15:06 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:15:06 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:15:06 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:15:06 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:15:06 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:15:06 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:15:06 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:15:06 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:15:06 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 46 item(s)
+>24/04 20:15:06 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:15:06 | TakeWpByKey : On se deplace, pas de detection de la barre de TP
>>24/04 20:15:07 | TakeWpByKey : New area found
 >24/04 20:15:07 | TakeWpByKey : On a renvoyer true, quite bien la fonction
 >24/04 20:15:07 | Result : TakeWpByKey True
+>24/04 20:15:08 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:15:08 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:15:08 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:15:08 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:15:08 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:15:08 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:15:08 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:15:08 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:15:08 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
 >24/04 20:15:08 | Active quest Id : 369253
+>24/04 20:15:08 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:15:08 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:15:08 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:15:08 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:15:08 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:15:08 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:15:08 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:15:08 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:15:08 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:15:08 | Enclecnhement d'un offsetlist line : 2
>>24/04 20:15:08 | Changing PositionRange to : 20
 >24/04 20:15:08 | Testing current position with range : 20
->24/04 20:15:08 | Position not found !
 >24/04 20:15:08 | Testing current position with range : 20
->24/04 20:15:08 | Position not found !
 >24/04 20:15:08 | Testing current position with range : 20
+>24/04 20:15:08 | Position found ! 
->24/04 20:15:08 | [If] Lancement de la sequence : act1_bounty-northern_tpe
+>24/04 20:15:08 | File loaded : sequence\act1_bounty-northern_tpe.txt
>>24/04 20:15:08 | Enclenchement d'un monsterlist line : 1
+>24/04 20:15:08 | Remplacement de la MonsterList : withermoth|woodwraith|beast_b|goatman_m|goatman_r|withermoth|beast_a|goblin|scavenger|zombie|corpulent|skeleton|quilldemon|fleshpitflyer|succubus|scorpion|azmodanbodyguard|succubus|thousandpounder|fallengrunt|fallenchampion|fallenhound|fallenshaman|goatmutant|demonflyer_b|demontrooper_|creepmob|brickhouse_a|brickhouse_b|triune_|triunevesselactivated_|triunevessel|triune_summonable_|triunesummoner_a|conductorproxymaster|goblin|sandwasp|triunecultist|sandshark|lacuni|uber|ghoul|cultist|cultistmelee|goatman_shaman_a|goatman_shaman_b|goatman_shaman|goatman_s|woodwraith_|unburied_|graverobber_
>>24/04 20:15:08 | Turn UsePath mod to Off line
>>24/04 20:15:08 | Autobuff definit sur true line : 3
>>24/04 20:15:08 | Detection de la modification de l'attackRange line : 4
+>24/04 20:15:08 | Modification de la valeur attackRange : 40
 >24/04 20:15:08 | Taille de l'array reverse : 223
+>24/04 20:15:08 | CheckItem -> LootType2_Adventurer_B_Corpse_02-4813
+>24/04 20:15:08 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:08 | Ban Item -> LootType2_Adventurer_B_Corpse_02-4813 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:08 | CheckItem -> GoatmanLore_Corpse-4805
+>24/04 20:15:08 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:08 | Ban Item -> GoatmanLore_Corpse-4805 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:15:10 | Trying to open chest : Goatman_Weapon_Rack_trOut_Highlands-4811
+>24/04 20:15:11 | Chest opened : Goatman_Weapon_Rack_trOut_Highlands-4811
>>24/04 20:15:11 | Attack : Ban Goatman_Weapon_Rack_trOut_Highlands-4811 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:15:11 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-4830 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:15:14 | Goatman_Melee_B-4830 : Killed in 2.66 secs (Dps : 3463k)
 >24/04 20:15:14 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring trOut_Wilderness_RockPile_A-4801
+>24/04 20:15:14 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-4867
+>24/04 20:15:14 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:14 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-4867 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:14 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Ranged_B-4794 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:15:15 | Goatman_Ranged_B-4794 : Killed in 1.09 secs (Dps : 2275k)
+>24/04 20:15:15 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-4925
+>24/04 20:15:15 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:15 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-4925 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:15 | CheckItem -> x1_twoHandedAxe_norm_base_flippy_02-4848
+>24/04 20:15:15 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:15 | Ban Item -> x1_twoHandedAxe_norm_base_flippy_02-4848 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:15:15 | Trying to open chest : Goatman_Weapon_Rack_trOut_Highlands-4797
+>24/04 20:15:17 | Chest opened : Goatman_Weapon_Rack_trOut_Highlands-4797
>>24/04 20:15:17 | Attack : Ban Goatman_Weapon_Rack_trOut_Highlands-4797 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:15:18 | CheckItem -> x1_Axe_norm_base_flippy_02-4976
+>24/04 20:15:18 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:18 | Ban Item -> x1_Axe_norm_base_flippy_02-4976 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:15:19 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe-4923 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:15:20 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_01_B-4799
 >24/04 20:15:20 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_01_B-4799
 >24/04 20:15:20 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_01_B-4799
>>24/04 20:15:22 | Trying to open chest : TrOut_Highlands_Chest-4837
+>24/04 20:15:23 | Chest opened : TrOut_Highlands_Chest-4837
>>24/04 20:15:23 | Attack : Ban TrOut_Highlands_Chest-4837 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:15:23 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-4996
+>24/04 20:15:23 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:23 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-4996 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:24 | CheckItem -> GoldCoins-5006
+>24/04 20:15:24 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:24 | Ban Item -> GoldCoins-5006 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:24 | CheckItem -> GoldLarge-5003
+>24/04 20:15:24 | CheckItem : In grablist
>>24/04 20:15:24 | Grabbing : GoldLarge-5003
+>24/04 20:15:25 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-5002
+>24/04 20:15:25 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:25 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-5002 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:25 | CheckItem -> Ring_flippy-5008
+>24/04 20:15:25 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:25 | Ban Item -> Ring_flippy-5008 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:25 | CheckItem -> pants_norm_base_flippy-5007
+>24/04 20:15:25 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:25 | Ban Item -> pants_norm_base_flippy-5007 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:15:27 | Handling cursed chest
>>24/04 20:15:27 | Trying to take Shrine/Well : x1_Global_Chest_CursedChest_B-5016
+>24/04 20:15:28 | Shrine/Well taken : x1_Global_Chest_CursedChest_B-5016
 >24/04 20:15:28 | Ban Cursed chest (1) -> x1_Global_Chest_CursedChest_B-5016
 >24/04 20:15:30 | Cursed Chest opened : Waiting 2 s
 >24/04 20:15:30 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
+>24/04 20:15:30 | CheckItem -> x1_twoHandedAxe_norm_base_flippy_02-5020
+>24/04 20:15:30 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:30 | Ban Item -> x1_twoHandedAxe_norm_base_flippy_02-5020 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:15:30 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Melee_B-5032
 >24/04 20:15:30 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Melee_B-5030
 >24/04 20:15:30 | Handling cursed chest
>>24/04 20:15:30 | Trying to take Shrine/Well : x1_Global_Chest_CursedChest-5027
->24/04 20:15:32 | Leaving Take_ShrineOrWell() : no move since 1.5 secs
 >24/04 20:15:32 | Ban Cursed chest (2) -> x1_Global_Chest_CursedChest-5027
+>24/04 20:15:32 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-5031 (Type : 1)
+>24/04 20:15:43 | Goatman_Melee_B-5031 : Killed in 10.71 secs (Dps : 4822k)
+>24/04 20:15:43 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-5022
+>24/04 20:15:43 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:43 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-5022 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:43 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-5319
+>24/04 20:15:43 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:43 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-5319 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:43 | CheckItem -> GoldLarge-5313
+>24/04 20:15:43 | CheckItem : In grablist
>>24/04 20:15:43 | Grabbing : GoldLarge-5313
+>24/04 20:15:45 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-5030 (Type : 1)
+>24/04 20:15:46 | Goatman_Melee_B-5030 : Killed in 1.16 secs (Dps : 352k)
+>24/04 20:15:46 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-5371
+>24/04 20:15:46 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:46 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-5371 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:46 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-5032 (Type : 1)
+>24/04 20:15:49 | Goatman_Melee_B-5032 : Killed in 2.62 secs (Dps : 4808k)
+>24/04 20:15:50 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-5365
+>24/04 20:15:50 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:50 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-5365 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:50 | CheckItem -> healthPotion_Console-5514
+>24/04 20:15:50 | CheckItem : Potion
>>24/04 20:15:50 | Ban Item -> healthPotion_Console-5514 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:50 | CheckItem -> Belt_norm_base_flippy-5504
+>24/04 20:15:50 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:50 | Ban Item -> Belt_norm_base_flippy-5504 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:50 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-5506
+>24/04 20:15:50 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:50 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-5506 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:50 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-5510
+>24/04 20:15:50 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:50 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-5510 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:15:51 | Trying to open chest : x1_Global_Chest_SpeedKill_Elite-5480
+>24/04 20:15:52 | Chest opened : x1_Global_Chest_SpeedKill_Elite-5480
 >24/04 20:15:52 | Open_Chest() : Wait a litle, it's a demonic chest
>>24/04 20:15:53 | Attack : Ban x1_Global_Chest_SpeedKill_Elite-5480 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:15:54 | CheckItem -> Amethyst_15-5604
+>24/04 20:15:54 | CheckItem : In grablist
>>24/04 20:15:54 | Grabbing : Amethyst_15-5604
>>24/04 20:15:54 | CheckTextvalueUI : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text | Name : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text 
>>24/04 20:15:54 | Textcheck : You have no place to put that item. | Text : You have no place to put that item. 
>>24/04 20:15:54 | ERROR DETECT -> INVENTORY FULL
+>24/04 20:15:54 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:15:54 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:15:54 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:15:54 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:15:54 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:15:54 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:15:54 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:15:54 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:15:54 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:15:54 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 69 item(s)
+>24/04 20:15:54 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
+>24/04 20:15:54 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:15:54 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:15:54 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:15:54 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:15:54 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:15:54 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:15:54 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:15:54 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:15:54 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:15:54 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 69 item(s)
+>24/04 20:15:54 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:15:54 | _TownPortalnew : Tour de boucle IsInTown Mode : 0 -- tentative de TP 1
>>24/04 20:15:54 | CheckTextvalueUI : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text | Name : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text 
>>24/04 20:15:54 | Textcheck : You have no place to put that item. | Text : You have no place to put that item. 
>>24/04 20:15:54 | ERROR DETECT -> INVENTORY FULL
 >24/04 20:15:54 | _TownPortalnew : Enclenche attack during TownPortalnew
+>24/04 20:15:54 | CheckItem -> Amethyst_15-5604
+>24/04 20:15:54 | CheckItem : In grablist
>>24/04 20:15:54 | Grabbing : Amethyst_15-5604
+>24/04 20:15:54 | Grabit : Deactivate because your inventory is full
>>24/04 20:15:54 | Ban Item -> Amethyst_15-5604 Reason : Grabit To False
+>24/04 20:15:54 | CheckItem -> shoulderPads_norm_base_flippy-5587
+>24/04 20:15:54 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:54 | Ban Item -> shoulderPads_norm_base_flippy-5587 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:54 | CheckItem -> x1_Shield_norm_base_flippy_02-5590
+>24/04 20:15:54 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:54 | Ban Item -> x1_Shield_norm_base_flippy_02-5590 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:15:54 | Ban Opened chest -> x1_Global_Chest_SpeedKill_Elite-5480
 >24/04 20:15:54 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
+>24/04 20:15:54 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-5510
+>24/04 20:15:54 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:54 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-5510 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem -> Belt_norm_base_flippy-5504
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:55 | Ban Item -> Belt_norm_base_flippy-5504 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-5506
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:55 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-5506 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem -> healthPotion_Console-5514
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem : Potion
>>24/04 20:15:55 | Ban Item -> healthPotion_Console-5514 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem -> shoulderPads_norm_base_flippy-5642
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:55 | Ban Item -> shoulderPads_norm_base_flippy-5642 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem -> GoatmanLore_Corpse-4805
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:55 | Ban Item -> GoatmanLore_Corpse-4805 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem -> x1_twoHandedAxe_norm_base_flippy_02-5020
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:55 | Ban Item -> x1_twoHandedAxe_norm_base_flippy_02-5020 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-5022
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:55 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-5022 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem -> x1_Shield_norm_base_flippy_02-5645
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:55 | Ban Item -> x1_Shield_norm_base_flippy_02-5645 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem -> Ring_flippy-5008
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:55 | Ban Item -> Ring_flippy-5008 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem -> pants_norm_base_flippy-5007
+>24/04 20:15:55 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:15:55 | Ban Item -> pants_norm_base_flippy-5007 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:15:55 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe_02-5540 : Second passage
>>24/04 20:15:55 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >24/04 20:15:55 | _TownPortalnew : on enclenche le TP
>>24/04 20:15:56 | CheckTextvalueUI : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text | Name : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text 
>>24/04 20:15:56 | Textcheck : This ability cannot be used here. | Text : You have no place to put that ite 
 >24/04 20:15:56 | _TownPortalnew : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
 >24/04 20:15:56 | _TownPortalnew : enclenchement du timer
 >24/04 20:15:56 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:56 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:56 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:56 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:56 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:56 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:57 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:57 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:57 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:57 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:57 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:57 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:57 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:58 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:58 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:58 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:58 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:58 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:58 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:58 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:59 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:59 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:59 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:59 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:59 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:59 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:15:59 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-5014
 >24/04 20:16:00 | _TownPortalnew : compare time to tp -> 3769.94985329895> 3700 
+>24/04 20:16:00 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:16:00 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:16:00 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:16:00 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:16:00 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:16:00 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:16:00 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:16:00 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:16:00 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:16:00 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 69 item(s)
+>24/04 20:16:00 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:16:00 | _TownPortalnew : on a peut etre reussi a tp, on reste inerte pendant 6sec voir si on arrive en ville, tentative -> 0
+>24/04 20:16:01 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:16:01 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:16:01 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:16:01 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:16:01 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:16:01 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:16:01 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:16:01 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:16:01 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:16:01 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 69 item(s)
+>24/04 20:16:01 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:16:01 | _TownPortalnew : on a peut etre reussi a tp, on reste inerte pendant 6sec voir si on arrive en ville, tentative -> 1
+>24/04 20:16:02 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:16:02 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:16:02 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:16:02 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:16:02 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:16:02 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:16:02 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:16:02 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:16:02 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:16:02 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 12 item(s)
+>24/04 20:16:02 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:16:02 | _TownPortalnew : on a peut etre reussi a tp, on reste inerte pendant 6sec voir si on arrive en ville, tentative -> 2
+>24/04 20:16:03 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:16:03 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:16:03 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:16:03 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:16:03 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:16:03 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:16:03 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:16:03 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:16:03 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:16:03 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 87 item(s)
+>24/04 20:16:03 | _inTown : We are in town 
+>24/04 20:16:04 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:16:04 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:16:04 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:16:04 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:16:04 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:16:04 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:16:04 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:16:04 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:16:04 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:16:04 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 87 item(s)
+>24/04 20:16:04 | _inTown : We are in town 
+>24/04 20:16:04 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:16:04 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:16:04 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:16:04 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:16:04 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:16:04 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:16:04 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:16:04 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:16:04 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
+>24/04 20:16:04 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:16:04 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:16:04 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:16:04 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:16:04 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:16:04 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:16:04 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:16:04 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:16:04 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:16:04 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 87 item(s)
+>24/04 20:16:04 | _inTown : We are in town 
 >24/04 20:16:04 | _TownPortalnew : On a renvoyer true, quite bien la fonction
+>24/04 20:16:04 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:16:04 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:16:04 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:16:04 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:16:04 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:16:04 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:16:04 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:16:04 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:16:04 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:16:04 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 87 item(s)
+>24/04 20:16:04 | _inTown : We are in town 
 >24/04 20:16:04 | Func StashAndRepair
+>24/04 20:16:04 | We are in map : 19941
>>24/04 20:16:04 | Our Current Act is : 1 ---> So our vendor is : UniqueVendor_miner_InTown
+>24/04 20:16:06 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:16:06 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:16:06 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:16:06 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:16:06 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:16:06 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:16:06 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:16:06 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:16:06 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
 >24/04 20:16:07 | Filter Backpack
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_AngelWings_Imperius-113
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_orb_norm_base_02-131
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_twoHandedAxe_norm_base_02-132
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_Bracers_hell_base_08-133
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_spear_norm_base_02-134
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_Boots_hell_base_08-136
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_shoulderPads_hell_base_08-137
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_orb_norm_base_02-138
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_xbow_norm_base_02-139
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_pants_hell_base_08-145
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> healthPotion_Console-123
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Potion
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> healthPotion_Console-166
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Potion
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> Crafting_AssortedParts_05-142
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : In grablist
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_wizardHat_norm_base_02-146
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_Boots_hell_base_08-148
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_handXbow_norm_base_02-149
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_pants_hell_base_08-151
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_pants_hell_base_08-152
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_Helm_hell_base_08-153
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_orb_norm_base_02-154
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_02-155
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_Belt_hell_base_08-135
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_Belt_hell_base_08-143
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> Crafting_Magic_05-140
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : In grablist
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_BarbBelt_norm_base_02-144
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> FollowerItem_Scoundrel_norm_base_02-150
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_Boots_hell_base_08-156
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> Amulet_norm_base_17-158
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_pants_hell_base_08-160
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> Crafting_Rare_05-161
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : In grablist
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_Boots_hell_base_08-117
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> Amethyst_15-163
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : In grablist
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_Gloves_hell_base_08-165
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> Topaz_15-141
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : In grablist
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> Crafting_Looted_Reagent_05-147
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : In grablist
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> x1_BarbBelt_norm_base_02-157
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : Default action to Sell
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> Diamond_15-159
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : In grablist
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> LootRunKey-118
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : In grablist
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-164
+>24/04 20:16:08 | CheckItem : In grablist
+>24/04 20:16:09 | InteractByActorName : Player_Shared_Stash-5852 distance -> 25.1217582660507
 >24/04 20:16:10 | Move backpack : 1/2 to stash
 >24/04 20:16:11 | Move backpack : 0/4 to stash
 >24/04 20:16:12 | Move backpack : 6/4 to stash
>>24/04 20:16:13 | CheckTextvalueUI : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text | Name : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text 
>>24/04 20:16:13 | Textcheck : Not enough Inventory space to complete this operation. | Text : Not enough Inventory space to complete this operation. 
>>24/04 20:16:13 | ERROR DETECT -> STACH FULL
->24/04 20:16:13 | Tab is full : Switching tab
 >24/04 20:16:18 | Move backpack : 6/4 to stash
 >24/04 20:16:19 | Move backpack : 8/4 to stash
 >24/04 20:16:20 | Move backpack : 0/5 to stash
 >24/04 20:16:20 | Move backpack : 1/5 to stash
 >24/04 20:16:21 | Move backpack : 4/5 to stash
>>24/04 20:16:22 | CheckTextvalueUI : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text | Name : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text 
>>24/04 20:16:22 | Textcheck : Not enough Inventory space to complete this operation. | Text : Not enough Inventory space to complete this operation. 
>>24/04 20:16:22 | ERROR DETECT -> STACH FULL
->24/04 20:16:22 | Tab is full : Switching tab
 >24/04 20:16:27 | Move backpack : 4/5 to stash
 >24/04 20:16:28 | Move backpack : 6/5 to stash
 >24/04 20:16:29 | Move backpack : 8/5 to stash
+>24/04 20:16:30 | Checking stuff successful
 >24/04 20:16:31 | Fonction BuyPotion désactivée
+>24/04 20:16:32 | We are in map : 332339
>>24/04 20:16:32 | Our Current Act is : 1 ---> So our vendor is : UniqueVendor_miner_InTown
+>24/04 20:16:32 | We are in map : 332339
>>24/04 20:16:32 | Our Current Act is : 1 ---> So our vendor is : UniqueVendor_miner_InTown
+>24/04 20:16:34 | InteractByActorName : A1_UniqueVendor_Miner_InTown_01-5792 distance -> 61.2544895136001
+>24/04 20:16:34 | interactbyactor: click x : 617.929668606278 y : 150.589822599492
>>24/04 20:16:37 | Definition of Repair Tab to TAB 2
+>24/04 20:16:57 | Checking stuff successful
+>24/04 20:16:57 | We are in map : 332339
>>24/04 20:16:57 | Our Current Act is : 1 ---> So our vendor is : UniqueVendor_miner_InTown
+>24/04 20:16:57 | We are in map : 332339
>>24/04 20:16:57 | Our Current Act is : 1 ---> So our vendor is : UniqueVendor_miner_InTown
 >24/04 20:16:58 | cur area :332339
+>24/04 20:16:58 | We are in map : 332339
>>24/04 20:16:58 | Our Current Act is : 1 ---> So our vendor is : UniqueVendor_miner_InTown
 >24/04 20:16:59 | try n°1 hearthPortal
+>24/04 20:16:59 | InteractByActorName : hearthPortal-6048 distance -> 53.5601825112075
+>24/04 20:16:59 | interactbyactor: click x : 170.85790204372 y : 427.843399802748
 >24/04 20:17:05 | succesfully teleported back : 332339:19941
+>24/04 20:17:05 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:17:05 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:17:05 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:17:05 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:17:05 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:17:05 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:17:05 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:17:05 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:17:05 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
+>24/04 20:17:05 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:17:05 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:17:05 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:17:05 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:17:05 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:17:05 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:17:05 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:17:05 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:17:05 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
 >24/04 20:17:05 | Lancement du buff 2 en pré-buff
 >24/04 20:17:06 | Lancement du buff 3 en pré-buff
 >24/04 20:17:06 | Lancement du buff 4 en pré-buff
 >24/04 20:17:07 | buffinit post grabit full inventory
+>24/04 20:17:07 | CheckItem -> Amethyst_15-6152
+>24/04 20:17:07 | CheckItem : In grablist
>>24/04 20:17:07 | Grabbing : Amethyst_15-6152
+>24/04 20:17:07 | CheckItem -> x1_Shield_norm_base_flippy_02-6161
+>24/04 20:17:07 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:07 | Ban Item -> x1_Shield_norm_base_flippy_02-6161 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:07 | CheckItem -> shoulderPads_norm_base_flippy-6148
+>24/04 20:17:07 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:07 | Ban Item -> shoulderPads_norm_base_flippy-6148 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:17:07 | Ban Opened chest -> x1_Global_Chest_SpeedKill_Elite-6154
 >24/04 20:17:07 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-6166
+>24/04 20:17:07 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-6147
+>24/04 20:17:07 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:07 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-6147 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:07 | CheckItem -> Belt_norm_base_flippy-6165
+>24/04 20:17:07 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:07 | Ban Item -> Belt_norm_base_flippy-6165 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:07 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-6163
+>24/04 20:17:07 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:07 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-6163 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:07 | CheckItem -> healthPotion_Console-6153
+>24/04 20:17:07 | CheckItem : Potion
>>24/04 20:17:07 | Ban Item -> healthPotion_Console-6153 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:07 | CheckItem -> x1_twoHandedAxe_norm_base_flippy_02-6169
+>24/04 20:17:07 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:08 | Ban Item -> x1_twoHandedAxe_norm_base_flippy_02-6169 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:08 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-6170
+>24/04 20:17:08 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:08 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-6170 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:08 | CheckItem -> Ring_flippy-6146
+>24/04 20:17:08 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:08 | Ban Item -> Ring_flippy-6146 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:08 | CheckItem -> pants_norm_base_flippy-6158
+>24/04 20:17:08 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:08 | Ban Item -> pants_norm_base_flippy-6158 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
->24/04 20:17:09 | MoveToPos Timed out ! ! ! 
 >24/04 20:17:09 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-6166
 >24/04 20:17:10 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-6166
+>24/04 20:17:11 | CheckItem -> x1_Axe_norm_base_flippy_02-6213
+>24/04 20:17:11 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:11 | Ban Item -> x1_Axe_norm_base_flippy_02-6213 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:15 | Attacking Decor : trOut_Wilderness_RockPile_A-6225 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:17:16 | trOut_Wilderness_RockPile_A-6225 : Killed in 0.54 secs (Dps : 0k)
 >24/04 20:17:16 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring trOut_Wilderness_RockPile_A-6225
+>24/04 20:17:16 | CheckItem -> LootType2_Adventurer_A_Corpse_02-6254
+>24/04 20:17:16 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:16 | Ban Item -> LootType2_Adventurer_A_Corpse_02-6254 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:17 | Attacking Mob : treasureGoblin_B-6245 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:17:23 | treasureGoblin_B-6245 : Killed in 5.96 secs (Dps : 6172k)
+>24/04 20:17:23 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-6240 (Type : 0)
->24/04 20:17:25 | Goatman_Melee_B-6240 : Leave because of Dist Verif : 37.549700697774 - 29.6209512239549
+>24/04 20:17:25 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-6319
+>24/04 20:17:25 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:25 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-6319 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:25 | CheckItem -> GoldLarge-6284
+>24/04 20:17:25 | CheckItem : In grablist
>>24/04 20:17:25 | Grabbing : GoldLarge-6284
+>24/04 20:17:26 | CheckItem -> GoldLarge-6448
+>24/04 20:17:26 | CheckItem : In grablist
>>24/04 20:17:26 | Grabbing : GoldLarge-6448
>>24/04 20:17:26 | Ban Item -> GoldLarge-6448 Reason : Grabit To False
+>24/04 20:17:26 | CheckItem -> Amethyst_15-6487
+>24/04 20:17:26 | CheckItem : In grablist
>>24/04 20:17:26 | Grabbing : Amethyst_15-6487
>>24/04 20:17:27 | CheckTextvalueUI : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text | Name : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text 
>>24/04 20:17:27 | Textcheck : You have no place to put that item. | Text : Not enough Arcane Power to use this 
>>24/04 20:17:27 | CheckTextvalueUI : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text | Name : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text 
>>24/04 20:17:27 | Textcheck : You have no place to put that item. | Text : Not enough Arcane Power to use this 
+>24/04 20:17:27 | CheckItem -> HelmCloth_norm_base_flippy-6415
+>24/04 20:17:27 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:27 | Ban Item -> HelmCloth_norm_base_flippy-6415 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:27 | CheckItem -> CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-6489
+>24/04 20:17:27 | CheckItem : In grablist
>>24/04 20:17:27 | Grabbing : CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-6489
+>24/04 20:17:28 | CheckItem -> CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-6493
+>24/04 20:17:28 | CheckItem : In grablist
>>24/04 20:17:28 | Grabbing : CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-6493
+>24/04 20:17:28 | CheckItem -> Ruby_15-6483
+>24/04 20:17:28 | CheckItem : In grablist
>>24/04 20:17:28 | Grabbing : Ruby_15-6483
+>24/04 20:17:29 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-6237 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:17:30 | Goatman_Melee_B-6237 : Killed in 1.07 secs (Dps : 2747k)
 >24/04 20:17:30 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Melee_B-6236
+>24/04 20:17:31 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-6567
+>24/04 20:17:31 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:31 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-6567 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:17:31 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Melee_B-6236
 >24/04 20:17:31 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Melee_B-6236
 >24/04 20:17:35 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WitherMoth_A_Hidden-6596
+>24/04 20:17:35 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Shaman_C_Unique_01-6595 (Type : 4)
+>24/04 20:17:43 | Goatman_Shaman_C_Unique_01-6595 : Killed in 8.58 secs (Dps : 8056k)
 >24/04 20:17:44 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring FleshPitFlyer_E-6609
+>24/04 20:17:44 | Attacking Mob : WoodWraith_B_01-6584 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:17:47 | WoodWraith_B_01-6584 : Killed in 2.89 secs (Dps : 6468k)
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem -> GoldCoins-6810
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:47 | Ban Item -> GoldCoins-6810 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-6809
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:47 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-6809 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-6826
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:47 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-6826 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-6829
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:47 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-6829 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-6808
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:47 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-6808 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem -> Belt_norm_base_flippy-6803
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:47 | Ban Item -> Belt_norm_base_flippy-6803 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-6821
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:47 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-6821 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-6822
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:47 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-6822 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-6815
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:47 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-6815 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-6813
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:47 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-6813 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-6861
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:47 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-6861 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:17:47 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_B_01-6584
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem -> HelmCloth_norm_base_flippy-6847
+>24/04 20:17:47 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:47 | Ban Item -> HelmCloth_norm_base_flippy-6847 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:17:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_B_01-6584
 >24/04 20:17:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_B_01-6584
 >24/04 20:17:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WitherMoth_A_Hidden-6596
>>24/04 20:17:48 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe-6804 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:17:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_B_01-6584
 >24/04 20:17:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WitherMoth_A_Hidden-6596
 >24/04 20:17:49 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WitherMoth_A_Hidden-6596
 >24/04 20:17:49 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_B_01-6584
 >24/04 20:17:49 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WitherMoth_A_Hidden-6596
>>24/04 20:17:49 | Trying to open chest : Goatman_Weapon_Rack_trOut_Highlands-6840
+>24/04 20:17:51 | Chest opened : Goatman_Weapon_Rack_trOut_Highlands-6840
>>24/04 20:17:51 | Attack : Ban Goatman_Weapon_Rack_trOut_Highlands-6840 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:17:51 | CheckItem -> x1_Mace_norm_base_flippy_02-6889
+>24/04 20:17:51 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:51 | Ban Item -> x1_Mace_norm_base_flippy_02-6889 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:17:55 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_B_03-6908
>>24/04 20:17:56 | Trying to open chest : TrOut_Highlands_Chest-6918
+>24/04 20:17:57 | Chest opened : TrOut_Highlands_Chest-6918
>>24/04 20:17:57 | Attack : Ban TrOut_Highlands_Chest-6918 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:17:57 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_B_03-6908
+>24/04 20:17:57 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-6956
+>24/04 20:17:57 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:57 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-6956 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:17:57 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_B_03-6908
+>24/04 20:17:58 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-6958
+>24/04 20:17:58 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:58 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-6958 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:58 | CheckItem -> Diamond_15-6963
+>24/04 20:17:58 | CheckItem : In grablist
>>24/04 20:17:58 | Grabbing : Diamond_15-6963
+>24/04 20:17:59 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-6968
+>24/04 20:17:59 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:59 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-6968 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:59 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-6957
+>24/04 20:17:59 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:59 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-6957 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:59 | CheckItem -> GoldCoins-6964
+>24/04 20:17:59 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:17:59 | Ban Item -> GoldCoins-6964 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:17:59 | CheckItem -> GoldLarge-6966
+>24/04 20:17:59 | CheckItem : In grablist
>>24/04 20:17:59 | Grabbing : GoldLarge-6966
 >24/04 20:18:00 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_B_03-6908
 >24/04 20:18:01 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_B_03-6908
+>24/04 20:18:02 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-6934 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:18:04 | Goatman_Melee_B-6934 : Killed in 1.99 secs (Dps : 5211k)
+>24/04 20:18:04 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Ranged_B-6938 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:18:05 | Goatman_Ranged_B-6938 : Killed in 0.75 secs (Dps : 0k)
>>24/04 20:18:05 | Attack : Ban Goatman_Ranged_B-6938 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:18:06 | CheckItem -> Spore-7041
+>24/04 20:18:06 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:18:06 | Ban Item -> Spore-7041 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:18:06 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Ranged_B-6932
+>24/04 20:18:06 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-6937 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:18:07 | Goatman_Melee_B-6937 : Killed in 1.28 secs (Dps : 5586k)
 >24/04 20:18:07 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Melee_B-6931
+>24/04 20:18:08 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Ranged_B-6939 (Type : 1)
+>24/04 20:18:18 | Goatman_Ranged_B-6939 : Killed in 10.95 secs (Dps : 3088k)
+>24/04 20:18:19 | Attacking Mob : WoodWraith_B_01-6935 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:18:20 | WoodWraith_B_01-6935 : Killed in 1.77 secs (Dps : 4547k)
>>24/04 20:18:21 | Attack : Ban WoodWraith_B_01-6935 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:18:21 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-7552
+>24/04 20:18:21 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:18:21 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-7552 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:18:22 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Ranged_B-6924 (Type : 1)
+>24/04 20:18:25 | Goatman_Ranged_B-6924 : Killed in 3.21 secs (Dps : 4282k)
+>24/04 20:18:25 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-7556
+>24/04 20:18:25 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:18:25 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-7556 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:18:25 | Trying to take Shrine/Well : Shrine_Global_Hoarder-6925
+>24/04 20:18:26 | Shrine/Well taken : Shrine_Global_Hoarder-6925
+>24/04 20:18:26 | CheckItem -> HelmCloth_norm_base_flippy-7712
+>24/04 20:18:26 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:18:26 | Ban Item -> HelmCloth_norm_base_flippy-7712 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:18:26 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-7720
+>24/04 20:18:26 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:18:26 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-7720 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:18:26 | Ban opened shrine -> Shrine_Global_Hoarder-6925
+>24/04 20:18:26 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-7718
+>24/04 20:18:26 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:18:26 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-7718 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:18:26 | CheckItem -> CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-7723
+>24/04 20:18:26 | CheckItem : In grablist
>>24/04 20:18:26 | Grabbing : CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-7723
>>24/04 20:18:26 | CheckTextvalueUI : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text | Name : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text 
>>24/04 20:18:26 | Textcheck : You have no place to put that item. | Text : Not enough Arcane Power to use this 
>>24/04 20:18:27 | CheckTextvalueUI : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text | Name : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text 
>>24/04 20:18:27 | Textcheck : You have no place to put that item. | Text : Not enough Arcane Power to use this 
+>24/04 20:18:27 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-7383
+>24/04 20:18:27 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:18:27 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-7383 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:18:27 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-7377
+>24/04 20:18:27 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:18:27 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-7377 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:18:33 | Attacking Mob : FleshPitFlyer_E-7776 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:18:35 | FleshPitFlyer_E-7776 : Killed in 1.64 secs (Dps : 1947k)
+>24/04 20:18:35 | Attacking Mob : FleshPitFlyerSpawner_C-7773 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:18:37 | FleshPitFlyerSpawner_C-7773 : Killed in 2.2 secs (Dps : 4442k)
>>24/04 20:18:37 | Attack : Ban FleshPitFlyerSpawner_C-7773 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:18:38 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-7895
+>24/04 20:18:38 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:18:38 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-7895 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:18:39 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-7772
 >24/04 20:18:39 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-7772
 >24/04 20:18:39 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-7772
 >24/04 20:18:39 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-7772
 >24/04 20:18:40 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-7772
 >24/04 20:18:40 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-7772
 >24/04 20:18:40 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-7772
 >24/04 20:18:40 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-7772
+>24/04 20:18:41 | CheckItem -> x1_Axe_norm_base_flippy_02-7924
+>24/04 20:18:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:18:41 | Ban Item -> x1_Axe_norm_base_flippy_02-7924 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:18:41 | CheckItem -> x1_twoHandedAxe_norm_base_flippy_02-7929
+>24/04 20:18:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:18:41 | Ban Item -> x1_twoHandedAxe_norm_base_flippy_02-7929 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:18:42 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-7932
+>24/04 20:18:42 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:18:42 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-7932 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:18:42 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-7935
+>24/04 20:18:42 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:18:42 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-7935 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:18:42 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-7938
+>24/04 20:18:42 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:18:42 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-7938 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:18:42 | CheckItem -> healthPotion_Console-7942
+>24/04 20:18:42 | CheckItem : Potion
>>24/04 20:18:42 | Ban Item -> healthPotion_Console-7942 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:18:42 | CheckItem -> Belt_norm_base_flippy-7941
+>24/04 20:18:42 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:18:42 | Ban Item -> Belt_norm_base_flippy-7941 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:18:43 | CheckItem -> shoulderPads_norm_base_flippy-7944
+>24/04 20:18:43 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:18:43 | Ban Item -> shoulderPads_norm_base_flippy-7944 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:18:43 | CheckItem -> x1_Shield_norm_base_flippy_02-7947
+>24/04 20:18:43 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:18:43 | Ban Item -> x1_Shield_norm_base_flippy_02-7947 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:18:47 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_01_B-7965
 >24/04 20:18:47 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_01_B-7965
 >24/04 20:18:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_01_B-7965
 >24/04 20:18:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_01_B-7965
 >24/04 20:18:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_01_B-7965
 >24/04 20:18:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_01_B-7965
+>24/04 20:18:51 | Attacking Decor : trOut_Wilderness_RockPile_A-7995 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:18:51 | trOut_Wilderness_RockPile_A-7995 : Killed in 0.64 secs (Dps : 0k)
>>24/04 20:18:51 | Attack : Ban trOut_Wilderness_RockPile_A-7995 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:18:52 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-7987
 >24/04 20:18:52 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-7987
 >24/04 20:18:52 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_03_B-8004
 >24/04 20:18:52 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-7987
 >24/04 20:18:52 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_03_B-8004
 >24/04 20:18:53 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-7987
 >24/04 20:18:53 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_03_B-8004
+>24/04 20:18:53 | Attacking Decor : trOut_Log_Highlands-7996 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:18:53 | trOut_Log_Highlands-7996 : Killed in 0.59 secs (Dps : 0k)
>>24/04 20:18:54 | Attack : Ban trOut_Log_Highlands-7996 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:18:54 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-7999 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:18:56 | Goatman_Melee_B-7999 : Killed in 1.8 secs (Dps : 4285k)
>>24/04 20:18:56 | Attack : Ban Goatman_Melee_B-7999 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:18:56 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Melee_B-8013
+>24/04 20:18:56 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-7981 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:18:57 | Goatman_Melee_B-7981 : Killed in 1.06 secs (Dps : 3842k)
+>24/04 20:18:58 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-8025 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:18:59 | Goatman_Melee_B-8025 : Killed in 1.61 secs (Dps : 3555k)
>>24/04 20:18:59 | Attack : Ban Goatman_Melee_B-8025 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:19:00 | CheckItem -> chestArmor_norm_base_flippy-8080
+>24/04 20:19:00 | CheckItem : Quality in keepItem (9)
>>24/04 20:19:00 | Grabbing : chestArmor_norm_base_flippy-8080
+>24/04 20:19:00 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Shaman_A-8020 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:19:02 | Goatman_Shaman_A-8020 : Killed in 1.78 secs (Dps : 6202k)
 >24/04 20:19:02 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Shaman_Iceball_Explosion-8234
 >24/04 20:19:02 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Shaman_A-8020
 >24/04 20:19:02 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Shaman_A-8019
 >24/04 20:19:02 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Shaman_Iceball_Explosion-8269
+>24/04 20:19:02 | CheckItem -> GoldCoin-8219
+>24/04 20:19:02 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:19:02 | Ban Item -> GoldCoin-8219 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:19:03 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Shaman_Iceball_Explosion-8269
 >24/04 20:19:03 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Shaman_A-8020
 >24/04 20:19:03 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Shaman_A-8019
 >24/04 20:19:03 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Shaman_A-8020
 >24/04 20:19:03 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-7987
 >24/04 20:19:04 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-7987
 >24/04 20:19:04 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-7987
+>24/04 20:19:05 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-8293
+>24/04 20:19:05 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:19:05 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-8293 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:19:06 | CheckItem -> GoldCoin-8300
+>24/04 20:19:06 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:19:06 | Ban Item -> GoldCoin-8300 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:19:06 | Attacking Decor : trOut_Log_Highlands-7959 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:19:07 | trOut_Log_Highlands-7959 : Killed in 0.52 secs (Dps : 0k)
>>24/04 20:19:07 | Attack : Ban trOut_Log_Highlands-7959 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:19:10 | Attacking Mob : TriuneCultist_A-8327 (Type : 0)
->24/04 20:19:10 | TriuneCultist_A-8327 : Leave because of Dist Verif : 36.2301787298671 - 28.7311182508592
+>24/04 20:19:10 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-8325 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:19:12 | Goatman_Melee_B-8325 : Killed in 1.82 secs (Dps : 5335k)
>>24/04 20:19:12 | Attack : Ban Goatman_Melee_B-8325 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:19:13 | Attacking Mob : TriuneCultist_A-8327 (Type : 0)
>>24/04 20:19:13 | TriuneCultist_A-8327 : No life -> skipping
+>24/04 20:19:13 | TriuneCultist_A-8327 : Killed in 0.04 secs (Dps : 0k)
+>24/04 20:19:13 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-8338 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:19:14 | Goatman_Melee_B-8338 : Killed in 1.31 secs (Dps : 4714k)
>>24/04 20:19:14 | Attack : Ban Goatman_Melee_B-8338 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:19:15 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-8335 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:19:16 | Goatman_Melee_B-8335 : Killed in 1.2 secs (Dps : 3803k)
 >24/04 20:19:16 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Melee_B-8346
 >24/04 20:19:16 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Melee_B-8336
>>24/04 20:19:17 | Enclenchement auto du unbuff()
+>24/04 20:19:17 | File loaded : sequence\Act1_BOUNTY-Leoric_Hunting_1.txt
>>24/04 20:19:17 | Enclenchement d'un monsterlist line : 1
+>24/04 20:19:17 | Remplacement de la MonsterList : withermoth|woodwraith|beast_b|goatman_m|goatman_r|withermoth|beast_a|goblin|scavenger|zombie|corpulent|skeleton|quilldemon|fleshpitflyer|succubus|scorpion|azmodanbodyguard|succubus|thousandpounder|fallengrunt|fallenchampion|fallenhound|fallenshaman|goatmutant|demonflyer_b|demontrooper_|creepmob|brickhouse_a|brickhouse_b|triune_|triunevesselactivated_|triunevessel|triune_summonable_|triunesummoner_a|conductorproxymaster|goblin|sandwasp|triunecultist|sandshark|lacuni|uber|ghoul|cultist|cultistmelee|goatman_shaman_a|goatman_shaman_b|goatman_shaman|goatman_s|woodwraith_|trout_highlands_goatmen_summoningmachine_a_node|graverobber_
>>24/04 20:19:17 | Autobuff definit sur true line : 2
>>24/04 20:19:17 | Detection de la modification de l'attackRange line : 3
+>24/04 20:19:17 | Modification de la valeur attackRange : 40
>>24/04 20:19:17 | Turn UsePath mod to Off line
 >24/04 20:19:17 | Taille de l'array reverse : 361
 >24/04 20:19:18 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Melee_B-8346
+>24/04 20:19:18 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-8369 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:19:20 | Goatman_Melee_B-8369 : Killed in 2.47 secs (Dps : 3979k)
 >24/04 20:19:20 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Melee_B-8476
+>24/04 20:19:21 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-8363 (Type : 0)
>>24/04 20:19:21 | Goatman_Melee_B-8363 : No life -> skipping
+>24/04 20:19:21 | Goatman_Melee_B-8363 : Killed in 0 secs (Dps : -9223372036854777k)
>>24/04 20:19:21 | Attack : Ban Goatman_Melee_B-8363 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:19:22 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Ranged_B-8342 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:19:23 | Goatman_Ranged_B-8342 : Killed in 1.08 secs (Dps : 1697k)
>>24/04 20:19:23 | Attack : Ban Goatman_Ranged_B-8342 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:19:24 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-8515 (Type : 0)
->24/04 20:19:24 | Goatman_Melee_B-8515 : Leave because of Dist Verif : 15.4585816609408 - 7.47255999912674
+>24/04 20:19:24 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-8356 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:19:27 | Goatman_Melee_B-8356 : Killed in 2.85 secs (Dps : 3046k)
>>24/04 20:19:27 | Attack : Ban Goatman_Melee_B-8356 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:19:27 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Melee_B-8515
+>24/04 20:19:28 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-8512 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:19:30 | Goatman_Melee_B-8512 : Killed in 2.73 secs (Dps : 3185k)
+>24/04 20:19:31 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Ranged_B-8344 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:19:32 | Goatman_Ranged_B-8344 : Killed in 1.05 secs (Dps : 421k)
+>24/04 20:19:32 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-8518 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:19:34 | Goatman_Melee_B-8518 : Killed in 2.02 secs (Dps : 3765k)
+>24/04 20:19:34 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-8603 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:19:35 | Goatman_Melee_B-8603 : Killed in 1.03 secs (Dps : 690k)
>>24/04 20:19:35 | Attack : Ban Goatman_Melee_B-8603 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:19:36 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Ranged_A-8607 (Type : 0)
->24/04 20:19:36 | Goatman_Ranged_A-8607 : Leave because of Dist Verif : 20.8574196012618 - 12.0642103538934
+>24/04 20:19:37 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Ranged_A-8655 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:19:38 | Goatman_Ranged_A-8655 : Killed in 1.11 secs (Dps : 2343k)
+>24/04 20:19:38 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-8716 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:19:39 | Goatman_Melee_B-8716 : Killed in 1.13 secs (Dps : 4507k)
+>24/04 20:19:39 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-8613 (Type : 0)
->24/04 20:19:40 | Goatman_Melee_B-8613 : Leave because of Dist Verif : 39.035232887285 - 32.3779836385593
+>24/04 20:19:41 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Ranged_A-8647 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:19:41 | Goatman_Ranged_A-8647 : Killed in 0.38 secs (Dps : 1637k)
>>24/04 20:19:41 | Attack : Ban Goatman_Ranged_A-8647 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:19:42 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Shaman_Iceball_Explosion-9117
 >24/04 20:19:42 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Ranged_A-8520
 >24/04 20:19:42 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Shaman_Iceball_Explosion-9125
 >24/04 20:19:42 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WitherMoth_A_Hidden-8345
 >24/04 20:19:43 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Ranged_A-8520
 >24/04 20:19:43 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Shaman_Iceball_Explosion-9125
 >24/04 20:19:43 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WitherMoth_A_Hidden-8345
 >24/04 20:19:43 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Ranged_A-8520
 >24/04 20:19:43 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WitherMoth_A_Hidden-8345
 >24/04 20:19:43 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Shaman_Iceball_Explosion-9125
 >24/04 20:19:43 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WitherMoth_A_Hidden-8345
+>24/04 20:19:44 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Shaman_A-8548 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:19:46 | Goatman_Shaman_A-8548 : Killed in 2.71 secs (Dps : 3938k)
+>24/04 20:19:47 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Shaman_A-8606 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:19:48 | Goatman_Shaman_A-8606 : Killed in 1.66 secs (Dps : 4211k)
 >24/04 20:19:49 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WitherMoth_A_Hidden-8345
 >24/04 20:19:49 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WitherMoth_A_Hidden-8345
 >24/04 20:19:49 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WitherMoth_A_Hidden-8345
 >24/04 20:19:50 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WitherMoth_A_Hidden-8345
 >24/04 20:19:50 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WitherMoth_A_Hidden-8345
+>24/04 20:19:53 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-9252 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:19:56 | Goatman_Melee_B-9252 : Killed in 3.38 secs (Dps : 2155k)
>>24/04 20:19:56 | Attack : Ban Goatman_Melee_B-9252 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:19:57 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-9251 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:19:58 | Goatman_Melee_B-9251 : Killed in 1.24 secs (Dps : 1471k)
>>24/04 20:19:58 | Attack : Ban Goatman_Melee_B-9251 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:19:58 | Attacking Mob : TriuneCultist_A-9285 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:20:00 | TriuneCultist_A-9285 : Killed in 1.28 secs (Dps : 3530k)
 >24/04 20:20:00 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring TriuneCultist_A-9291
+>24/04 20:20:00 | Attacking Mob : TriuneCultist_A-9282 (Type : 0)
->24/04 20:20:00 | TriuneCultist_A-9282 : Leave because of Dist Verif : 32.895770796464 - 25.4775620480834
+>24/04 20:20:01 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-9257 (Type : 0)
>>24/04 20:20:01 | Goatman_Melee_B-9257 : No life -> skipping
+>24/04 20:20:01 | Goatman_Melee_B-9257 : Killed in 0.05 secs (Dps : 0k)
>>24/04 20:20:01 | Attack : Ban Goatman_Melee_B-9257 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:20:01 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_01_B-9261
+>24/04 20:20:02 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Ranged_A-9186 (Type : 0)
->24/04 20:20:02 | Goatman_Ranged_A-9186 : Leave because of Dist Verif : 34.0689433889574 - 28.0728840275294
+>24/04 20:20:02 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Ranged_B-9432 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:20:03 | Goatman_Ranged_B-9432 : Killed in 0.91 secs (Dps : 1456k)
>>24/04 20:20:03 | Attack : Ban Goatman_Ranged_B-9432 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:20:03 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Ranged_B-9433 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:20:04 | Goatman_Ranged_B-9433 : Killed in 0.79 secs (Dps : 191k)
+>24/04 20:20:04 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-9133 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:20:06 | Goatman_Melee_B-9133 : Killed in 1.55 secs (Dps : 4913k)
 >24/04 20:20:06 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_01_B-9261
+>24/04 20:20:06 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-9333 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:20:10 | Goatman_Melee_B-9333 : Killed in 3.26 secs (Dps : 2924k)
+>24/04 20:20:10 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-9471 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:20:10 | Goatman_Melee_B-9471 : Killed in 0.37 secs (Dps : 12423k)
 >24/04 20:20:11 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_01_B-9261
 >24/04 20:20:11 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_01_B-9261
 >24/04 20:20:11 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_01_B-9261
 >24/04 20:20:12 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_01_B-9261
 >24/04 20:20:12 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_01_B-9261
 >24/04 20:20:12 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_01_B-9261
>>24/04 20:20:13 | Attack : Ban HealthWell_Global-9287 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:20:14 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Ranged_B-9404 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:20:15 | Goatman_Ranged_B-9404 : Killed in 1.23 secs (Dps : 2660k)
 >24/04 20:20:15 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Ranged_B-9472
+>24/04 20:20:15 | Attacking Mob : trOut_Highlands_Goatmen_SummoningMachine_A_Node-9668 (Type : 0)
->24/04 20:20:15 | trOut_Highlands_Goatmen_SummoningMachine_A_Node-9668 : Leave because of Dist Verif : 34.6206175869506 - 24.6314634104313
+>24/04 20:20:16 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-9388 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:20:18 | Goatman_Melee_B-9388 : Killed in 2.33 secs (Dps : 3012k)
+>24/04 20:20:18 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-9761 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:20:21 | Goatman_Melee_B-9761 : Killed in 2.47 secs (Dps : 2805k)
 >24/04 20:20:21 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Melee_B-9681
 >24/04 20:20:21 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Melee_B-9761
+>24/04 20:20:21 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-9695 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:20:24 | Goatman_Melee_B-9695 : Killed in 2.71 secs (Dps : 3916k)
 >24/04 20:20:24 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Melee_B-9881
+>24/04 20:20:24 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-9940 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:20:26 | Goatman_Melee_B-9940 : Killed in 1.86 secs (Dps : 4293k)
 >24/04 20:20:26 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Melee_B-9737
 >24/04 20:20:26 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring trOut_Highlands_Goatmen_SummoningMachine_A_Node-9680
+>24/04 20:20:26 | Attacking Mob : TriuneCultist_A-9739 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:20:27 | TriuneCultist_A-9739 : Killed in 1.05 secs (Dps : 3287k)
+>24/04 20:20:28 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-9744 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:20:29 | Goatman_Melee_B-9744 : Killed in 0.89 secs (Dps : 6089k)
+>24/04 20:20:29 | Attacking Mob : TriuneCultist_A-9725 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:20:30 | TriuneCultist_A-9725 : Killed in 0.85 secs (Dps : 2595k)
 >24/04 20:20:30 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Shaman_Iceball_Explosion-10063
 >24/04 20:20:30 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Melee_B-9744
+>24/04 20:20:30 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-9546 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:20:32 | Goatman_Melee_B-9546 : Killed in 2.04 secs (Dps : 2615k)
+>24/04 20:20:33 | Attacking Mob : Goatman_Melee_B-9745 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:20:35 | Goatman_Melee_B-9745 : Killed in 2.08 secs (Dps : 3579k)
>>24/04 20:20:35 | Attack : Ban Goatman_Melee_B-9745 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:20:36 | Attacking Mob : trOut_Highlands_Goatmen_SummoningMachine_A_Node-9668 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:20:38 | trOut_Highlands_Goatmen_SummoningMachine_A_Node-9668 : Killed in 2.07 secs (Dps : 3418k)
 >24/04 20:20:38 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Shaman_Iceball_Explosion-10206
 >24/04 20:20:38 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring trOut_Highlands_Goatmen_SummoningMachine_A_Node-9668
 >24/04 20:20:39 | Quest completed : 369253(2)
->24/04 20:20:39 | Bounty completed : Waiting a little for loots then end sequence
 >24/04 20:20:40 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring trOut_Highlands_Goatmen_SummoningMachine_A_Node-9668
 >24/04 20:20:40 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
>>24/04 20:20:40 | Attack : Ban HealthWell_Global-10178 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:20:41 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring trOut_Highlands_Goatmen_SummoningMachine_A_Node-9668
 >24/04 20:20:41 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
!>24/04 20:20:41 | Object found or quest completed and command is : endsequence()
->24/04 20:20:41 | End sequence detected. Stopping current sequence file.
+>24/04 20:20:41 | File loaded : sequence\act2_ADV-Tuer_Belial.txt
 >24/04 20:20:41 | Lancement du buff 2 en pré-buff
 >24/04 20:20:42 | Lancement du buff 3 en pré-buff
 >24/04 20:20:42 | Lancement du buff 4 en pré-buff
>>24/04 20:20:43 | Enclenchement auto du buffinit() takewpadv
>>24/04 20:20:43 | Enclenchement d'un TakeWPAdv(20) line : 1
 >24/04 20:20:43 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
+>24/04 20:20:43 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:20:43 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:20:43 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:20:43 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:20:43 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:20:43 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:20:43 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:20:43 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:20:43 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
 >24/04 20:20:43 | TakeWpByKey : Enclenche attack during TakeWpByKey
 >24/04 20:20:43 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
>>24/04 20:20:43 | Attack : Ban HealthWell_Global-10178 : Second passage
>>24/04 20:20:43 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >24/04 20:20:44 | TakeWpByKey : clicking wp UI
 >24/04 20:20:44 | Act1 Detected
 >24/04 20:20:44 | Act2 Required
>>24/04 20:20:47 | GiveBucketWp : 20 -> 667
 >24/04 20:20:47 | TakeWpByKey : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
 >24/04 20:20:47 | enclenchement du timer
 >24/04 20:20:47 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Shaman_Iceball_Explosion-10243
 >24/04 20:20:47 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Shaman_Iceball_Explosion-10243
 >24/04 20:20:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Shaman_Iceball_Explosion-10243
 >24/04 20:20:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Shaman_Iceball_Explosion-10243
 >24/04 20:20:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Goatman_Shaman_Iceball_Explosion-10243
 >24/04 20:20:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:49 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:49 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:49 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:49 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:49 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:49 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:50 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:50 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:50 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:50 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:50 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:50 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:50 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:51 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:51 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:51 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:51 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
 >24/04 20:20:51 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring WoodWraith_Static_pose_02_B-9866
+>24/04 20:20:51 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:20:51 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:20:51 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:20:51 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:20:51 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:20:51 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:20:51 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:20:51 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:20:51 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:20:51 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 98 item(s)
+>24/04 20:20:51 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:20:51 | TakeWpByKey : compare time to tp -> 3773.33304144988> 3700 
 >24/04 20:20:51 | TakeWpByKey : on a peut etre reussi a tp, on reste inerte pendant 6sec voir si on arrive dans la nouvelle area, tentative -> 0
 >24/04 20:20:52 | TakeWpByKey : on a peut etre reussi a tp, on reste inerte pendant 6sec voir si on arrive dans la nouvelle area, tentative -> 1
 >24/04 20:20:53 | TakeWpByKey : on a peut etre reussi a tp, on reste inerte pendant 6sec voir si on arrive dans la nouvelle area, tentative -> 2
 >24/04 20:20:54 | TakeWpByKey : on a peut etre reussi a tp, on reste inerte pendant 6sec voir si on arrive dans la nouvelle area, tentative -> 3
>>24/04 20:20:56 | TakeWpByKey : New area found
 >24/04 20:20:56 | TakeWpByKey : On a renvoyer true, quite bien la fonction
 >24/04 20:20:56 | Result : TakeWpByKey True
+>24/04 20:20:57 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:20:57 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:20:57 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:20:57 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:20:57 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:20:57 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:20:57 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:20:57 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:20:57 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
 >24/04 20:20:57 | Active quest Id : 358353
>>24/04 20:20:57 | Enclenchement d'un monsterlist line : 2
+>24/04 20:20:57 | Remplacement de la MonsterList : belial|x1_speedkill_gluttony|ghoul_|ghost_c_event|snakeman_caster_b|fallengrunt_a|fallenlunatic_a|sandwasp_a|fallenchampion_a|sandshark_a|goblin|uber|sandshark_b|sandshark_|sandwasp_b|triune_summonable_c|triunecultist_c|triunecultist_d|triunevessel_c|triune_summonable_d|triune_berserker_c|triune_berserker_b|triunesummoner_c|caout_stingingwinds_barricade_a|lacunifemale_a|dunedervish_b|fallenlunatic_b|fallengrunt_b|bloodhawk_a|snakeman_melee_a|snakeman_melee_b|fallenlunatic_c|snakeman_caster_a|fallenchampion_b|dunedervish_a|fallenshaman_b|fallenshaman_|khamsin_snakeman_melee|electriceel_a|fallenshaman_a_unique_minipools|barrel_|dunedervish|dunedervish_b_unique_uber|skeleton_c|corpulent_c|fallenhound_b|fallenhound_a|fallenhound_c|fallenhound_d|skeleton_
>>24/04 20:20:57 | Enclenchement d'un Banlist() line : 3
+>24/04 20:20:57 | Ajout d'une nouvelle BanList : Fetish_Skeleton_A|treasureGoblin_A_Slave|Skeleton_Archer_A_Unique_Ring_|Skeleton_A_Unique_Ring_|WD_ZombieDog|WD_wallOfZombies|DH_Companion|a2dun_cald_belial_room_gate_a|a2dun_cald_belial_room_a_breakable_main|belial_bss_soul|belial_spray_marker|belial_treasuregrant
>>24/04 20:20:57 | Autobuff definit sur true line : 4
>>24/04 20:20:57 | Turn UsePath mod to Off line
>>24/04 20:20:57 | Enclenchement d'un sleep direct line : 6
 >24/04 20:20:57 | Taille de l'array reverse : 54
+>24/04 20:21:00 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-10368 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:21:03 | snakeMan_Melee_A-10368 : Killed in 3.43 secs (Dps : 2236k)
 >24/04 20:21:03 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring snakeMan_Melee_A-10367
 >24/04 20:21:03 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring snakeMan_Melee_A-10372
+>24/04 20:21:04 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-10375 (Type : 0)
->24/04 20:21:07 | snakeMan_Melee_A-10375 : Leave because of Dist Verif : 18.3383540485452 - 13.2703880003947
>>24/04 20:21:07 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:21:07 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-10474
+>24/04 20:21:07 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:21:07 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-10474 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:21:08 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-10375 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:21:09 | snakeMan_Melee_A-10375 : Killed in 1.03 secs (Dps : 1262k)
+>24/04 20:21:09 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-10568
+>24/04 20:21:09 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:21:09 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-10568 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:21:12 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Caster_A-10593 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:21:13 | snakeMan_Caster_A-10593 : Killed in 0.98 secs (Dps : 6146k)
+>24/04 20:21:13 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Caster_A-10586 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:21:14 | snakeMan_Caster_A-10586 : Killed in 1.19 secs (Dps : 1837k)
+>24/04 20:21:15 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Caster_A-10595 (Type : 0)
>>24/04 20:21:15 | snakeMan_Caster_A-10595 : No life -> skipping
+>24/04 20:21:15 | snakeMan_Caster_A-10595 : Killed in 0.05 secs (Dps : 0k)
+>24/04 20:21:15 | Attacking Mob : FallenShaman_B-10591 (Type : 3)
+>24/04 20:21:20 | FallenShaman_B-10591 : Killed in 5.38 secs (Dps : 6894k)
+>24/04 20:21:21 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Caster_A-10597 (Type : 2)
+>24/04 20:21:23 | snakeMan_Caster_A-10597 : Killed in 2.09 secs (Dps : 851k)
>>24/04 20:21:23 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe_02-11047 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:21:24 | CheckItem -> HelmCloth_norm_base_flippy-11046
+>24/04 20:21:24 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:21:24 | Ban Item -> HelmCloth_norm_base_flippy-11046 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:21:24 | Attacking Mob : FallenShaman_B-10754 (Type : 3)
+>24/04 20:21:26 | FallenShaman_B-10754 : Killed in 1.94 secs (Dps : 669k)
+>24/04 20:21:27 | Attacking Mob : FallenShaman_B-11126 (Type : 3)
+>24/04 20:21:28 | FallenShaman_B-11126 : Killed in 1.11 secs (Dps : 759k)
+>24/04 20:21:28 | Attacking Mob : FallenShaman_B-10596 (Type : 3)
+>24/04 20:21:35 | FallenShaman_B-10596 : Killed in 7.09 secs (Dps : 4733k)
>>24/04 20:21:35 | Trying to take Globe : Console_PowerGlobe-11374
+>24/04 20:21:36 | Globe taken (distance=)
>>24/04 20:21:37 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe-11193 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:21:39 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-11406 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:21:44 | snakeMan_Melee_A-11406 : Killed in 4.71 secs (Dps : 1900k)
+>24/04 20:21:44 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-11449 (Type : 0)
>>24/04 20:21:44 | snakeMan_Melee_A-11449 : No life -> skipping
+>24/04 20:21:44 | snakeMan_Melee_A-11449 : Killed in 0.07 secs (Dps : 0k)
+>24/04 20:21:48 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Caster_A-11620 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:21:49 | snakeMan_Caster_A-11620 : Killed in 1.26 secs (Dps : 4877k)
+>24/04 20:21:49 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-11587 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:21:52 | snakeMan_Melee_A-11587 : Killed in 2.94 secs (Dps : 2233k)
+>24/04 20:21:53 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-11615 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:21:54 | snakeMan_Melee_A-11615 : Killed in 1.43 secs (Dps : 3740k)
+>24/04 20:21:54 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Caster_A-11486 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:21:55 | snakeMan_Caster_A-11486 : Killed in 0.99 secs (Dps : 2129k)
+>24/04 20:21:56 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Caster_A-11497 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:21:57 | snakeMan_Caster_A-11497 : Killed in 1.04 secs (Dps : 2574k)
+>24/04 20:21:57 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-11624 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:21:59 | snakeMan_Melee_A-11624 : Killed in 2.34 secs (Dps : 878k)
+>24/04 20:21:59 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-11596 (Type : 1)
+>24/04 20:22:08 | snakeMan_Melee_A-11596 : Killed in 8.76 secs (Dps : 4387k)
+>24/04 20:22:08 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-12206
+>24/04 20:22:08 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:22:08 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-12206 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:22:09 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-11598 (Type : 1)
+>24/04 20:22:11 | snakeMan_Melee_A-11598 : Killed in 2.55 secs (Dps : 3705k)
+>24/04 20:22:11 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Caster_A-11880 (Type : 0)
>>24/04 20:22:11 | snakeMan_Caster_A-11880 : No life -> skipping
+>24/04 20:22:11 | snakeMan_Caster_A-11880 : Killed in 0 secs (Dps : -9223372036854777k)
+>24/04 20:22:11 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-12387
+>24/04 20:22:11 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:22:11 | Ban Item -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-12387 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:22:11 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring snakeMan_Caster_A-11880
+>24/04 20:22:12 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-12403
+>24/04 20:22:12 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:22:12 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-12403 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:22:12 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-12391
+>24/04 20:22:12 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:22:12 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-12391 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:22:12 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe_02-12388 too many skips
>>24/04 20:22:16 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe_02-12270 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:22:18 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Caster_A-12482 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:22:20 | snakeMan_Caster_A-12482 : Killed in 1.8 secs (Dps : 2780k)
+>24/04 20:22:20 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Caster_A-12480 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:22:21 | snakeMan_Caster_A-12480 : Killed in 1.22 secs (Dps : 2272k)
+>24/04 20:22:22 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Caster_A-12502 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:22:22 | snakeMan_Caster_A-12502 : Killed in 0.5 secs (Dps : 2604k)
+>24/04 20:22:22 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Caster_A-12525 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:22:25 | snakeMan_Caster_A-12525 : Killed in 2.72 secs (Dps : 2192k)
+>24/04 20:22:25 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-12664
+>24/04 20:22:25 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:22:25 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-12664 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:22:25 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-12669
+>24/04 20:22:25 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:22:25 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-12669 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:22:28 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-12540 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:22:30 | snakeMan_Melee_A-12540 : Killed in 2.43 secs (Dps : 3337k)
+>24/04 20:22:30 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-12633 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:22:32 | snakeMan_Melee_A-12633 : Killed in 1.23 secs (Dps : 5205k)
+>24/04 20:22:32 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-12637 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:22:33 | snakeMan_Melee_A-12637 : Killed in 1.01 secs (Dps : 1614k)
+>24/04 20:22:33 | CheckItem -> HelmCloth_norm_base_flippy-12842
+>24/04 20:22:33 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:22:33 | Ban Item -> HelmCloth_norm_base_flippy-12842 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:22:33 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-12634 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:22:34 | snakeMan_Melee_A-12634 : Killed in 0.81 secs (Dps : 412k)
+>24/04 20:22:34 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-12559 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:22:35 | snakeMan_Melee_A-12559 : Killed in 0.96 secs (Dps : 5376k)
+>24/04 20:22:36 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-12636 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:22:38 | snakeMan_Melee_A-12636 : Killed in 2.16 secs (Dps : 817k)
+>24/04 20:22:38 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-12800
+>24/04 20:22:38 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:22:38 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-12800 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:22:38 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-12797
+>24/04 20:22:38 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:22:38 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-12797 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:22:38 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-12978
+>24/04 20:22:38 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:22:38 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-12978 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:22:40 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-12716 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:22:42 | snakeMan_Melee_A-12716 : Killed in 2.33 secs (Dps : 2482k)
+>24/04 20:22:42 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-13028
+>24/04 20:22:42 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:22:42 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-13028 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:22:42 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-13024
+>24/04 20:22:42 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:22:42 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-13024 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:22:43 | CheckItem -> x1_xbow_norm_base_flippy_02-13058
+>24/04 20:22:43 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:22:43 | Ban Item -> x1_xbow_norm_base_flippy_02-13058 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:22:43 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Caster_A-12987 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:22:45 | snakeMan_Caster_A-12987 : Killed in 1.48 secs (Dps : 3892k)
+>24/04 20:22:45 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Caster_A-12989 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:22:47 | snakeMan_Caster_A-12989 : Killed in 1.94 secs (Dps : 1302k)
+>24/04 20:22:47 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-13065 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:22:50 | snakeMan_Melee_A-13065 : Killed in 2.66 secs (Dps : 2408k)
+>24/04 20:22:50 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-13000 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:22:51 | snakeMan_Melee_A-13000 : Killed in 0.76 secs (Dps : 604k)
+>24/04 20:22:52 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-12997 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:22:52 | snakeMan_Melee_A-12997 : Killed in 0.8 secs (Dps : 4166k)
+>24/04 20:22:53 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Melee_A-13001 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:22:54 | snakeMan_Melee_A-13001 : Killed in 1.33 secs (Dps : 2767k)
>>24/04 20:22:54 | Attack : Ban snakeMan_Melee_A-13001 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:22:55 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Caster_A-13029 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:22:56 | snakeMan_Caster_A-13029 : Killed in 0.8 secs (Dps : 2433k)
+>24/04 20:22:56 | Attacking Mob : snakeMan_Caster_A-13007 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:22:56 | snakeMan_Caster_A-13007 : Killed in 0.57 secs (Dps : 309k)
>>24/04 20:22:58 | Enclenchement auto du unbuff()
>>24/04 20:22:58 | Enclenchement d'un endsave() line : 61
>>24/04 20:22:58 | Mise en array d'un offsetlist line : 64
>>24/04 20:22:58 | Mise en array d'un sleep line : 65
>>24/04 20:22:58 | Mise en array d'un InteractWithPortal() line : 66
>>24/04 20:22:58 | Mise en array d'un sleep line : 67
>>24/04 20:22:58 | Mise en array d'un closewindows() line : 68
>>24/04 20:22:58 | Mise en array d'un sleep line : 69
>>24/04 20:22:58 | Mise en array d'un offsetlist line : 70
>>24/04 20:22:58 | Turn UsePath mod to Off line
>>24/04 20:22:58 | Mise en array d'un sleep line : 96
>>24/04 20:22:58 | Mise en array d'un closewindows() line : 97
>>24/04 20:22:58 | Mise en array d'un sleep line : 98
>>24/04 20:22:58 | Mise en array d'un sleep line : 110
>>24/04 20:22:58 | Mise en array d'un sleep line : 122
>>24/04 20:22:58 | Mise en array d'un sleep line : 128
>>24/04 20:22:58 | Mise en array d'un offsetlist line : 134
>>24/04 20:22:58 | Mise en array d'un sleep line : 135
 >24/04 20:22:58 | Taille de l'array reverse : 73
+>24/04 20:22:59 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:22:59 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:22:59 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:22:59 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:22:59 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:22:59 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:22:59 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:22:59 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:22:59 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:22:59 | Try n°1 Portal
+>24/04 20:22:59 | InteractByActorName : Boss_Portal_Belial-13063 distance -> 17.5115891900917
+>24/04 20:23:02 | Succesfully Portal Try
 >24/04 20:23:02 | Active quest Id : 358353
+>24/04 20:23:06 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:23:06 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:23:06 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:23:06 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:23:06 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:23:06 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:23:06 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:23:06 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:23:06 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
+>24/04 20:23:07 | Attacking Mob : Snakeman_Melee_Belial-13423 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:23:09 | Snakeman_Melee_Belial-13423 : Killed in 2.14 secs (Dps : 3631k)
+>24/04 20:23:09 | Attacking Mob : Snakeman_Melee_Belial-13426 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:23:10 | Snakeman_Melee_Belial-13426 : Killed in 0.91 secs (Dps : 3511k)
+>24/04 20:23:10 | Attacking Mob : Snakeman_Melee_Belial-13425 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:23:12 | Snakeman_Melee_Belial-13425 : Killed in 1.31 secs (Dps : 3175k)
 >24/04 20:23:12 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
+>24/04 20:23:12 | Attacking Mob : Snakeman_Caster_Belial-13546 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:23:14 | Snakeman_Caster_Belial-13546 : Killed in 2.49 secs (Dps : 1252k)
 >24/04 20:23:15 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
 >24/04 20:23:15 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
+>24/04 20:23:15 | Attacking Mob : Snakeman_Melee_Belial-13578 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:23:18 | Snakeman_Melee_Belial-13578 : Killed in 2.33 secs (Dps : 3380k)
+>24/04 20:23:18 | Attacking Mob : Snakeman_Melee_Belial-13592 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:23:20 | Snakeman_Melee_Belial-13592 : Killed in 1.64 secs (Dps : 3234k)
+>24/04 20:23:20 | Attacking Mob : Snakeman_Caster_Belial-13656 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:23:21 | Snakeman_Caster_Belial-13656 : Killed in 1.03 secs (Dps : 3063k)
+>24/04 20:23:21 | Attacking Mob : Snakeman_Melee_Belial-13706 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:23:23 | Snakeman_Melee_Belial-13706 : Killed in 1.98 secs (Dps : 4492k)
+>24/04 20:23:23 | Attacking Mob : Snakeman_Melee_Belial-13680 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:23:25 | Snakeman_Melee_Belial-13680 : Killed in 1.34 secs (Dps : 4222k)
 >24/04 20:23:25 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
+>24/04 20:23:25 | Attacking Mob : Snakeman_Caster_Belial-13813 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:23:27 | Snakeman_Caster_Belial-13813 : Killed in 1.69 secs (Dps : 2297k)
+>24/04 20:23:27 | Attacking Mob : Snakeman_Melee_Belial-13832 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:23:30 | Snakeman_Melee_Belial-13832 : Killed in 2.14 secs (Dps : 2227k)
 >24/04 20:23:30 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
>>24/04 20:23:30 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe-13894 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:23:30 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
 >24/04 20:23:30 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
 >24/04 20:23:30 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
 >24/04 20:23:31 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
 >24/04 20:23:31 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
 >24/04 20:23:31 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
 >24/04 20:23:31 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
 >24/04 20:23:31 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
 >24/04 20:23:32 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
+>24/04 20:23:32 | Attacking Mob : Belial_TrueForm-13421 (Type : 7)
->24/04 20:23:45 | Belial_TrueForm-13421 : Pas de DPS pendant 5 secondes on passe au mob suivant
>>24/04 20:23:45 | Attack : Item was skipped (attempt : 1)
 >24/04 20:23:45 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
 >24/04 20:23:46 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
 >24/04 20:23:46 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
 >24/04 20:23:46 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
>>24/04 20:23:46 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe-13856 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:23:47 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
 >24/04 20:23:47 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
 >24/04 20:23:47 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
 >24/04 20:23:47 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
 >24/04 20:23:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
 >24/04 20:23:48 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial_TrueForm-13421
+>24/04 20:24:02 | Attacking Mob : Belial-14141 (Type : 7)
->24/04 20:24:30 | Globe found !
+>24/04 20:24:32 | Globe taken (range=2)
->24/04 20:24:32 | Globe found !
+>24/04 20:24:33 | Globe taken (range=2)
->24/04 20:24:48 | Globe found !
+>24/04 20:24:49 | Globe taken (range=2)
->24/04 20:24:58 | Globe found !
->24/04 20:25:00 | Fake globe or timeout
+>24/04 20:25:00 | Belial-14141 : Killed in 57.94 secs (Dps : 7499k)
>>24/04 20:25:01 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe-14951 too many skips
 >24/04 20:25:02 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial-14141
 >24/04 20:25:02 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial-14141
 >24/04 20:25:02 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial-14141
 >24/04 20:25:03 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial-14141
 >24/04 20:25:03 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial-14141
 >24/04 20:25:03 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial-14141
 >24/04 20:25:03 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial-14141
 >24/04 20:25:04 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial-14141
 >24/04 20:25:04 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Belial-14141
+>24/04 20:25:09 | CheckItem -> Ring_flippy-15601
+>24/04 20:25:09 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:25:09 | Ban Item -> Ring_flippy-15601 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:25:09 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-15599
+>24/04 20:25:09 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:25:09 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-15599 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:25:09 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-15598
+>24/04 20:25:09 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:25:09 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-15598 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:25:10 | CheckItem -> x1_orb_norm_base_flippy_02-15602
+>24/04 20:25:10 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:25:10 | Ban Item -> x1_orb_norm_base_flippy_02-15602 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:25:10 | CheckItem -> HelmCloth_norm_base_flippy-15592
+>24/04 20:25:10 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:25:10 | Ban Item -> HelmCloth_norm_base_flippy-15592 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:25:10 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-15600
+>24/04 20:25:10 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:25:10 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-15600 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:25:10 | CheckItem -> chestArmor_norm_base_flippy-15596
+>24/04 20:25:10 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:25:10 | Ban Item -> chestArmor_norm_base_flippy-15596 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:25:10 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-15604
+>24/04 20:25:10 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:25:10 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-15604 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:25:10 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-15603
+>24/04 20:25:10 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:25:10 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-15603 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:25:10 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe-15593 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:25:10 | Quest completed : 358353(2)
->24/04 20:25:10 | Bounty completed : Waiting a little for loots then end sequence
!>24/04 20:25:12 | Object found or quest completed and command is : endsequence()
->24/04 20:25:12 | End sequence detected. Stopping current sequence file.
+>24/04 20:25:12 | File loaded : sequence\act2_BOUNTY-route_alcarnus_1.txt
 >24/04 20:25:13 | Lancement du buff 2 en pré-buff
 >24/04 20:25:13 | Lancement du buff 3 en pré-buff
 >24/04 20:25:14 | Lancement du buff 4 en pré-buff
>>24/04 20:25:14 | Enclenchement auto du buffinit() takewpadv
>>24/04 20:25:14 | Enclenchement d'un TakeWPAdv(22) line : 1
+>24/04 20:25:14 | Attacking Mob : a2dun_Cald_Belial_Room_Gate_A-13400 (Type : 0)
->24/04 20:25:30 | a2dun_Cald_Belial_Room_Gate_A-13400 : Kill timeout (12 secs)
+>24/04 20:25:30 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:25:30 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:25:30 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:25:30 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:25:30 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:25:30 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:25:30 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:25:30 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:25:30 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
 >24/04 20:25:30 | TakeWpByKey : Enclenche attack during TakeWpByKey
>>24/04 20:25:31 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >24/04 20:25:32 | TakeWpByKey : clicking wp UI
 >24/04 20:25:32 | Act2 Detected
 >24/04 20:25:32 | Act2 Required
>>24/04 20:25:32 | GiveBucketWp : 22 -> 689
 >24/04 20:25:33 | TakeWpByKey : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
 >24/04 20:25:33 | enclenchement du timer
+>24/04 20:25:52 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:25:52 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:25:52 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:25:52 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:25:52 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:25:52 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:25:52 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:25:52 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:25:52 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:25:52 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 74 item(s)
+>24/04 20:25:52 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:25:52 | TakeWpByKey : compare time to tp -> 419.374371509017> 3700 
>>24/04 20:25:52 | TakeWpByKey : New area found
 >24/04 20:25:53 | TakeWpByKey : On a renvoyer true, quite bien la fonction
 >24/04 20:25:53 | Result : TakeWpByKey True
+>24/04 20:25:53 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:25:53 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:25:53 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:25:53 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:25:53 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:25:53 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:25:53 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:25:53 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:25:53 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
 >24/04 20:25:53 | Active quest Id : 347563
>>24/04 20:25:53 | Enclenchement d'un monsterlist line : 2
+>24/04 20:25:53 | Remplacement de la MonsterList : x1_speedkill_gluttony|ghoul_|fallengrunt_a|fallenhound_b|fallenhound_a|fallenhound_c|fallenhound_d|sandwasp_a|fallenchampion_a|sandshark_a|sandwasp_b|triune_summonable_c|triunecultist_c|triunecultist_d|triunevessel_c|triune_summonable_d|triune_berserker_c|triune_berserker_b|triunesummoner_c|lacunifemale_a|dunedervish_b|fallengrunt_b|bloodhawk_a|snakeman_melee_a|snakeman_caster_a|fallenchampion_b|dunedervish_a|fallenshaman_b|khamsin_snakeman_melee|electriceel_a|fallenshaman_a_unique_minipools|goblin|uber|dunedervish|triunevesselactivated_c|triunecultist_c|triunecultist_d|skeleton_
>>24/04 20:25:53 | Autobuff definit sur true line : 3
>>24/04 20:25:53 | Turn UsePath mod to Off line
>>24/04 20:25:53 | Detection de la modification de l'attackRange line : 5
+>24/04 20:25:53 | Modification de la valeur attackRange : 45
>>24/04 20:25:54 | Enclenchement d'un sleep direct line : 6
 >24/04 20:25:54 | Taille de l'array reverse : 32
>>24/04 20:25:54 | Trying to open chest : caOut_Props_Hidden_Cache-15776
+>24/04 20:25:55 | Chest opened : caOut_Props_Hidden_Cache-15776
>>24/04 20:25:55 | Attack : Ban caOut_Props_Hidden_Cache-15776 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:25:56 | CheckItem -> healthPotion_Console-15853
+>24/04 20:25:56 | CheckItem : Potion
>>24/04 20:25:56 | Ban Item -> healthPotion_Console-15853 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:25:59 | Attacking Mob : sandWasp_B-15846 (Type : 0)
->24/04 20:26:00 | sandWasp_B-15846 : Leave because of Dist Verif : 28.8418457390942 - 23.3183618518901
+>24/04 20:26:00 | Attacking Mob : sandWasp_B-15863 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:26:01 | sandWasp_B-15863 : Killed in 1.11 secs (Dps : 2001k)
+>24/04 20:26:01 | Attacking Mob : Triune_Berserker_B-15843 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:26:04 | Triune_Berserker_B-15843 : Killed in 3.19 secs (Dps : 2597k)
+>24/04 20:26:05 | Attacking Mob : Triune_Summonable_C-15883 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:26:06 | Triune_Summonable_C-15883 : Killed in 1.59 secs (Dps : 1798k)
 >24/04 20:26:06 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring sandWasp_B-15858
+>24/04 20:26:07 | Attacking Mob : sandWasp_B-15846 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:26:08 | sandWasp_B-15846 : Killed in 1.81 secs (Dps : 397k)
>>24/04 20:26:08 | Attack : Ban sandWasp_B-15846 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:26:10 | CheckItem -> healthPotion_Console-15951
+>24/04 20:26:10 | CheckItem : Potion
>>24/04 20:26:10 | Ban Item -> healthPotion_Console-15951 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:26:11 | Attacking Mob : sandWasp_B-15860 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:26:13 | sandWasp_B-15860 : Killed in 1.46 secs (Dps : 1073k)
>>24/04 20:26:13 | Attack : Ban sandWasp_B-15860 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:26:20 | CheckItem -> healthPotion_Console-16208
+>24/04 20:26:20 | CheckItem : Potion
>>24/04 20:26:20 | Ban Item -> healthPotion_Console-16208 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:26:22 | Attacking Mob : TriuneCultist_C-16206 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:26:24 | TriuneCultist_C-16206 : Killed in 1.9 secs (Dps : 1442k)
+>24/04 20:26:24 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-16270
+>24/04 20:26:24 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:26:24 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-16270 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:26:24 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-16273
+>24/04 20:26:24 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:26:24 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-16273 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:26:25 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-16283
+>24/04 20:26:25 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:26:25 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-16283 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:26:25 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-16277
+>24/04 20:26:25 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:26:25 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-16277 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:26:25 | CheckItem -> GoldCoin-16281
+>24/04 20:26:25 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:26:25 | Ban Item -> GoldCoin-16281 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:26:27 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-16307
+>24/04 20:26:27 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:26:27 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-16307 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:26:27 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-16311
+>24/04 20:26:27 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:26:27 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-16311 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:26:27 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-16310
+>24/04 20:26:27 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:26:27 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-16310 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:26:27 | Attack : Ban HealthWell_Global-16225 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:26:28 | CheckItem -> GoldCoin-16317
+>24/04 20:26:28 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:26:28 | Ban Item -> GoldCoin-16317 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:26:28 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-16318
+>24/04 20:26:28 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:26:28 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-16318 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:26:33 | Enclenchement auto du unbuff()
>>24/04 20:26:33 | Enclenchement d'un endsave() line : 39
 >24/04 20:26:33 | Taille de l'array reverse : 70
->24/04 20:26:38 | Toggle try: 10 Movement Skipped : 1
+>24/04 20:26:38 | Attacking Decor : caOut_StingingWinds_Barricade_A-16309 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:26:39 | caOut_StingingWinds_Barricade_A-16309 : Killed in 0.57 secs (Dps : 0k)
>>24/04 20:26:39 | Attack : Ban caOut_StingingWinds_Barricade_A-16309 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:26:40 | Attacking Mob : TriuneVessel_C-16341 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:26:41 | TriuneVessel_C-16341 : Killed in 0.83 secs (Dps : 1864k)
>>24/04 20:26:41 | Attack : Ban TriuneVessel_C-16341 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:26:42 | Attacking Mob : TriuneVessel_C-16346 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:26:42 | TriuneVessel_C-16346 : Killed in 0.73 secs (Dps : 383k)
+>24/04 20:26:43 | Attacking Mob : TriuneVessel_C-16348 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:26:44 | TriuneVessel_C-16348 : Killed in 1.39 secs (Dps : 654k)
+>24/04 20:26:44 | Attacking Mob : TriuneVessel_C-16357 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:26:46 | TriuneVessel_C-16357 : Killed in 1.03 secs (Dps : 2931k)
+>24/04 20:26:46 | Attacking Mob : TriuneVessel_C-16356 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:26:47 | TriuneVessel_C-16356 : Killed in 0.85 secs (Dps : 3142k)
 >24/04 20:26:47 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring TriuneVesselActivated_C-16499
+>24/04 20:26:47 | Attacking Mob : TriuneVessel_C-16363 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:26:48 | TriuneVessel_C-16363 : Killed in 1.1 secs (Dps : 1333k)
+>24/04 20:26:48 | Attacking Mob : TriuneVesselActivated_C-16499 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:26:52 | TriuneVesselActivated_C-16499 : Killed in 3.66 secs (Dps : 4109k)
+>24/04 20:26:55 | Attacking Mob : TriuneCultist_C_Unique_01-16632 (Type : 4)
+>24/04 20:27:10 | TriuneCultist_C_Unique_01-16632 : Killed in 14.41 secs (Dps : 5070k)
+>24/04 20:27:10 | Attacking Mob : TriuneSummoner_C-16636 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:27:13 | TriuneSummoner_C-16636 : Killed in 2.56 secs (Dps : 812k)
+>24/04 20:27:13 | CheckItem -> x1_bow_norm_base_flippy_02-16998
+>24/04 20:27:13 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:27:13 | Ban Item -> x1_bow_norm_base_flippy_02-16998 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:27:13 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring TriuneSummoner_C-16636
+>24/04 20:27:13 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-16870
+>24/04 20:27:13 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:27:13 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-16870 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:27:14 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring TriuneSummoner_C-16636
+>24/04 20:27:16 | Attacking Mob : TriuneVessel_C-17063 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:27:18 | TriuneVessel_C-17063 : Killed in 1.34 secs (Dps : 2069k)
+>24/04 20:27:18 | Attacking Mob : TriuneVessel_C-17067 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:27:20 | TriuneVessel_C-17067 : Killed in 1.36 secs (Dps : 2339k)
+>24/04 20:27:21 | Attacking Mob : TriuneSummoner_C-17088 (Type : 1)
+>24/04 20:27:28 | TriuneSummoner_C-17088 : Killed in 6.89 secs (Dps : 5496k)
+>24/04 20:27:28 | Attacking Mob : TriuneSummoner_C-17087 (Type : 1)
+>24/04 20:27:34 | TriuneSummoner_C-17087 : Killed in 5.66 secs (Dps : 4548k)
>>24/04 20:27:34 | Attack : Ban TriuneSummoner_C-17087 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:27:35 | CheckItem -> GoldCoins-17346
+>24/04 20:27:35 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:27:35 | Ban Item -> GoldCoins-17346 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:27:35 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-17354
+>24/04 20:27:35 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:27:35 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-17354 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:27:35 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-17229
+>24/04 20:27:35 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:27:35 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-17229 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:27:36 | CheckItem -> GoldCoins-17239
+>24/04 20:27:36 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:27:36 | Ban Item -> GoldCoins-17239 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:27:36 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe_02-17230 too many skips
+>24/04 20:27:36 | CheckItem -> CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-17591
+>24/04 20:27:36 | CheckItem : In grablist
>>24/04 20:27:36 | Grabbing : CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-17591
>>24/04 20:27:37 | CheckTextvalueUI : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text | Name : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text 
>>24/04 20:27:37 | Textcheck : You have no place to put that item. | Text : Not enough Arcane Power to use this 
>>24/04 20:27:37 | CheckTextvalueUI : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text | Name : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text 
>>24/04 20:27:37 | Textcheck : You have no place to put that item. | Text : Not enough Arcane Power to use this 
>>24/04 20:27:37 | CheckTextvalueUI : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text | Name : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text 
>>24/04 20:27:37 | Textcheck : You have no place to put that item. | Text : Not enough Arcane Power to use this 
>>24/04 20:27:37 | CheckTextvalueUI : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text | Name : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text 
>>24/04 20:27:37 | Textcheck : You have no place to put that item. | Text : Not enough Arcane Power to use this 
>>24/04 20:27:38 | CheckTextvalueUI : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text | Name : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text 
>>24/04 20:27:38 | Textcheck : You have no place to put that item. | Text : Not enough Arcane Power to use this 
>>24/04 20:27:38 | CheckTextvalueUI : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text | Name : Root.TopLayer.error_notify.error_text 
>>24/04 20:27:38 | Textcheck : You have no place to put that item. | Text : Not enough Arcane Power to use this 
+>24/04 20:27:39 | CheckItem -> x1_Shield_norm_base_flippy_02-17568
+>24/04 20:27:39 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:27:39 | Ban Item -> x1_Shield_norm_base_flippy_02-17568 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:27:39 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-17576
+>24/04 20:27:39 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:27:39 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-17576 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:27:39 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-17582
+>24/04 20:27:39 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:27:39 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-17582 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:27:39 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-17724
+>24/04 20:27:39 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:27:39 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-17724 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:27:39 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe_02-17569 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:27:41 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-17742
+>24/04 20:27:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:27:41 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-17742 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:27:41 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-17741
+>24/04 20:27:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:27:41 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-17741 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:27:41 | CheckItem -> GoldCoins-17751
+>24/04 20:27:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:27:41 | Ban Item -> GoldCoins-17751 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:27:41 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe_02-17347 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:27:43 | Attacking Mob : TriuneSummoner_C-17766 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:27:43 | TriuneSummoner_C-17766 : Killed in 0.57 secs (Dps : 6651k)
 >24/04 20:27:43 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Triune_Summonable_D-17841
 >24/04 20:27:43 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Triune_Summonable_D-17843
 >24/04 20:27:43 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring TriuneSummoner_C-17766
 >24/04 20:27:43 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Triune_Summonable_D-17840
 >24/04 20:27:43 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Triune_Summonable_D-17842
+>24/04 20:27:44 | Attacking Mob : Triune_Summonable_D-17841 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:27:46 | Triune_Summonable_D-17841 : Killed in 1.46 secs (Dps : 5015k)
+>24/04 20:27:46 | CheckItem -> GoldLarge-17925
+>24/04 20:27:46 | CheckItem : In grablist
>>24/04 20:27:46 | Grabbing : GoldLarge-17925
>>24/04 20:27:47 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe-17986 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:27:48 | Attacking Mob : TriuneVessel_C-17800 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:27:50 | TriuneVessel_C-17800 : Killed in 1.59 secs (Dps : 1869k)
+>24/04 20:27:50 | CheckItem -> x1_twoHandedSword_norm_base_flippy_02-18065
+>24/04 20:27:50 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:27:50 | Ban Item -> x1_twoHandedSword_norm_base_flippy_02-18065 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:27:50 | Attacking Mob : TriuneVessel_C-17822 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:27:51 | TriuneVessel_C-17822 : Killed in 0.66 secs (Dps : 0k)
+>24/04 20:27:51 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-18097
+>24/04 20:27:51 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:27:51 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-18097 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:27:52 | Trying to take Globe : Console_PowerGlobe-18143
+>24/04 20:27:54 | Globe taken (distance=)
+>24/04 20:27:54 | CheckItem -> x1_Shield_norm_base_flippy_02-18254
+>24/04 20:27:54 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:27:54 | Ban Item -> x1_Shield_norm_base_flippy_02-18254 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:27:54 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-18252
+>24/04 20:27:54 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:27:54 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-18252 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:27:54 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-18255
+>24/04 20:27:54 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:27:54 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-18255 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:27:56 | Attacking Mob : TriuneVessel_C-18023 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:27:57 | TriuneVessel_C-18023 : Killed in 1.27 secs (Dps : 2353k)
+>24/04 20:27:58 | Attacking Mob : TriuneVessel_C-18022 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:27:59 | TriuneVessel_C-18022 : Killed in 0.95 secs (Dps : 2237k)
>>24/04 20:27:59 | Trying to take Shrine/Well : Shrine_Global_Frenzied-17055
+>24/04 20:28:00 | Shrine/Well taken : Shrine_Global_Frenzied-17055
>>24/04 20:28:00 | Attack : Ban Shrine_Global_Frenzied-17055 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:28:00 | Attacking Mob : Triune_Summonable_C-18392 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:28:02 | Triune_Summonable_C-18392 : Killed in 2.28 secs (Dps : 4205k)
+>24/04 20:28:03 | CheckItem -> GoldCoin-18371
+>24/04 20:28:03 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:03 | Ban Item -> GoldCoin-18371 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:28:03 | Attacking Mob : TriuneSummoner_C-18129 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:28:04 | TriuneSummoner_C-18129 : Killed in 1.32 secs (Dps : 2127k)
>>24/04 20:28:04 | Attack : Ban TriuneSummoner_C-18129 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:28:05 | Quest completed : 347563(2)
->24/04 20:28:05 | Bounty completed : Waiting a little for loots then end sequence
+>24/04 20:28:06 | CheckItem -> x1_twoHandedAxe_norm_base_flippy_02-18495
+>24/04 20:28:06 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:06 | Ban Item -> x1_twoHandedAxe_norm_base_flippy_02-18495 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:28:06 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-18287
+>24/04 20:28:06 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:06 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-18287 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:28:06 | CheckItem -> x1_bow_norm_base_flippy_02-18367
+>24/04 20:28:06 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:06 | Ban Item -> x1_bow_norm_base_flippy_02-18367 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
!>24/04 20:28:07 | Object found or quest completed and command is : endsequence()
->24/04 20:28:07 | End sequence detected. Stopping current sequence file.
+>24/04 20:28:07 | File loaded : sequence\act3_ADV-tower_1.txt
 >24/04 20:28:07 | Lancement du buff 2 en pré-buff
 >24/04 20:28:08 | Lancement du buff 3 en pré-buff
 >24/04 20:28:08 | Lancement du buff 4 en pré-buff
>>24/04 20:28:09 | Enclenchement auto du buffinit() takewpadv
>>24/04 20:28:09 | Enclenchement d'un TakeWPAdv(35) line : 1
+>24/04 20:28:09 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:28:09 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:28:09 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:28:09 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:28:09 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:28:09 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:28:09 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:28:09 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:28:09 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
 >24/04 20:28:09 | TakeWpByKey : Enclenche attack during TakeWpByKey
+>24/04 20:28:09 | CheckItem -> x1_twoHandedAxe_norm_base_flippy_02-18495
+>24/04 20:28:09 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:09 | Ban Item -> x1_twoHandedAxe_norm_base_flippy_02-18495 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:28:09 | Ban opened shrine -> Shrine_Global_Frenzied-17055
+>24/04 20:28:09 | CheckItem -> GoldCoin-18371
+>24/04 20:28:09 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:09 | Ban Item -> GoldCoin-18371 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:28:09 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-18287
+>24/04 20:28:09 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:09 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-18287 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:28:09 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-18252
+>24/04 20:28:09 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:09 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-18252 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:28:09 | CheckItem -> x1_Shield_norm_base_flippy_02-18254
+>24/04 20:28:09 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:09 | Ban Item -> x1_Shield_norm_base_flippy_02-18254 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:28:09 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-18255
+>24/04 20:28:09 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:09 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-18255 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:28:09 | CheckItem -> x1_bow_norm_base_flippy_02-18367
+>24/04 20:28:09 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:09 | Ban Item -> x1_bow_norm_base_flippy_02-18367 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:28:10 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >24/04 20:28:11 | TakeWpByKey : clicking wp UI
 >24/04 20:28:11 | Act2 Detected
 >24/04 20:28:11 | Act3 Required
>>24/04 20:28:13 | GiveBucketWp : 35 -> 503
 >24/04 20:28:14 | TakeWpByKey : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
 >24/04 20:28:14 | enclenchement du timer
+>24/04 20:28:18 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:28:18 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:28:18 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:28:18 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:28:18 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:28:18 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:28:18 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:28:18 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:28:18 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:28:18 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 166 item(s)
+>24/04 20:28:18 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:28:18 | TakeWpByKey : compare time to tp -> 3751.29609829881> 3700 
 >24/04 20:28:18 | TakeWpByKey : on a peut etre reussi a tp, on reste inerte pendant 6sec voir si on arrive dans la nouvelle area, tentative -> 0
 >24/04 20:28:19 | TakeWpByKey : on a peut etre reussi a tp, on reste inerte pendant 6sec voir si on arrive dans la nouvelle area, tentative -> 1
 >24/04 20:28:20 | TakeWpByKey : on a peut etre reussi a tp, on reste inerte pendant 6sec voir si on arrive dans la nouvelle area, tentative -> 2
 >24/04 20:28:21 | TakeWpByKey : on a peut etre reussi a tp, on reste inerte pendant 6sec voir si on arrive dans la nouvelle area, tentative -> 3
>>24/04 20:28:22 | TakeWpByKey : New area found
 >24/04 20:28:23 | TakeWpByKey : On a renvoyer true, quite bien la fonction
 >24/04 20:28:23 | Result : TakeWpByKey True
+>24/04 20:28:23 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:28:23 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:28:23 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:28:23 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:28:23 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:28:23 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:28:23 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:28:23 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:28:23 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
 >24/04 20:28:23 | Active quest Id : 349240
>>24/04 20:28:23 | Enclenchement d'un monsterlist line : 2
+>24/04 20:28:23 | Remplacement de la MonsterList : x1_speedkill_gluttony|ghoul_|beast_b|goatman_m|goatman_r|withermoth|beast_a|goblin|scavenger|corpulent|skeleton|quilldemon|fleshpitflyer|succubus|scorpion|azmodanbodyguard|succubus|thousandpounder|fallengrunt|fallenchampion|fallenhound|fallenshaman|goatmutant|demonflyer_b|demontrooper_|creepmob|brickhouse_a|brickhouse_b|triune_|triunevesselactivated_|triunevessel|triune_summonable_|conductorproxymaster|goblin|sandwasp|triunecultist|sandshark|lacuni
>>24/04 20:28:23 | Autobuff definit sur true line : 3
>>24/04 20:28:23 | Detection de la modification de l'attackRange line : 4
+>24/04 20:28:23 | Modification de la valeur attackRange : 40
>>24/04 20:28:23 | Reverse mod line : 5
>>24/04 20:28:23 | Turn UsePath mod to Off line
>>24/04 20:28:24 | Enclenchement d'un sleep direct line : 7
 >24/04 20:28:24 | Taille de l'array reverse : 42
+>24/04 20:28:28 | Attacking Decor : a3dun_crater_BonePile-18635 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:28:28 | a3dun_crater_BonePile-18635 : Killed in 0.52 secs (Dps : 0k)
>>24/04 20:28:28 | Attack : Ban a3dun_crater_BonePile-18635 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:28:29 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Ghoul_E-18644
+>24/04 20:28:29 | Attacking Mob : Ghoul_E-18646 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:28:30 | Ghoul_E-18646 : Killed in 1.05 secs (Dps : 2870k)
+>24/04 20:28:30 | Attacking Mob : Ghoul_E-18645 (Type : 0)
>>24/04 20:28:31 | Ghoul_E-18645 : No life -> skipping
+>24/04 20:28:31 | Ghoul_E-18645 : Killed in 0.05 secs (Dps : 0k)
+>24/04 20:28:31 | Attacking Mob : Ghoul_E-18648 (Type : 0)
>>24/04 20:28:31 | Ghoul_E-18648 : No life -> skipping
+>24/04 20:28:31 | Ghoul_E-18648 : Killed in 0.06 secs (Dps : 0k)
+>24/04 20:28:31 | Attacking Decor : A3_crater_st_DemonCage_A-18634 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:28:32 | A3_crater_st_DemonCage_A-18634 : Killed in 0.75 secs (Dps : 0k)
 >24/04 20:28:32 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Monstrosity_Scorpion_A-18727
+>24/04 20:28:32 | Attacking Mob : Ghoul_E-18668 (Type : 0)
->24/04 20:28:33 | Ghoul_E-18668 : Leave because of Dist Verif : 40.0788061289773 - 34.49773760252
+>24/04 20:28:33 | Attacking Mob : Ghoul_E-18665 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:28:34 | Ghoul_E-18665 : Killed in 0.57 secs (Dps : 1684k)
 >24/04 20:28:34 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Ghoul_E-18737
+>24/04 20:28:34 | Attacking Mob : Ghoul_E-18662 (Type : 0)
>>24/04 20:28:34 | Ghoul_E-18662 : No life -> skipping
+>24/04 20:28:34 | Ghoul_E-18662 : Killed in 0.04 secs (Dps : 0k)
>>24/04 20:28:34 | Attack : Ban Ghoul_E-18662 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:28:35 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Ghoul_E-18665
 >24/04 20:28:35 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Ghoul_E-18737
 >24/04 20:28:35 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Ghoul_E-18738
+>24/04 20:28:36 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-18806
+>24/04 20:28:36 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:36 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-18806 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:28:36 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Ghoul_E-18668
 >24/04 20:28:36 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Ghoul_E-18749
+>24/04 20:28:36 | Attacking Mob : Ghoul_E-18799 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:28:38 | Ghoul_E-18799 : Killed in 1.98 secs (Dps : 1635k)
 >24/04 20:28:38 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Ghoul_E-18757
 >24/04 20:28:38 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Ghoul_E-18748
+>24/04 20:28:38 | Attacking Mob : Ghoul_E-18760 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:28:40 | Ghoul_E-18760 : Killed in 1.51 secs (Dps : 1038k)
+>24/04 20:28:40 | Attacking Mob : Ghoul_E-18754 (Type : 1)
+>24/04 20:28:48 | Ghoul_E-18754 : Killed in 7.9 secs (Dps : 3430k)
>>24/04 20:28:48 | Attack : Ban Ghoul_E-18754 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:28:48 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-19189
+>24/04 20:28:48 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:48 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-19189 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:28:49 | Attacking Mob : Ghoul_E-18916 (Type : 1)
+>24/04 20:28:53 | Ghoul_E-18916 : Killed in 3.94 secs (Dps : 3271k)
+>24/04 20:28:53 | Attacking Mob : Ghoul_E-18921 (Type : 1)
+>24/04 20:28:54 | Ghoul_E-18921 : Killed in 1.5 secs (Dps : 6042k)
>>24/04 20:28:54 | Attack : Ban Ghoul_E-18921 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:28:55 | CheckItem -> Belt_norm_base_flippy-19378
+>24/04 20:28:55 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:55 | Ban Item -> Belt_norm_base_flippy-19378 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:28:55 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-19388
+>24/04 20:28:55 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:55 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-19388 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:28:55 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-19329
+>24/04 20:28:55 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:55 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-19329 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:28:55 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-19393
+>24/04 20:28:55 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:55 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-19393 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:28:55 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-19336
+>24/04 20:28:55 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:55 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-19336 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >24/04 20:28:55 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring a3dun_Crater_DemonClawBomb_A_Monster-18639
+>24/04 20:28:55 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-19397
+>24/04 20:28:55 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:55 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-19397 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:28:55 | CheckItem -> CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-19400
+>24/04 20:28:55 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:28:55 | Item : CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-19400 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:28:55 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:28:55 | CheckItem -> CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-19400
+>24/04 20:28:55 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:28:55 | Item : CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-19400 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:28:55 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:28:55 | CheckItem -> CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-19400
+>24/04 20:28:55 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:28:55 | Item : CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-19400 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:28:55 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
>>24/04 20:28:55 | Attack : Ban CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-19400 too many skips
->24/04 20:28:57 | Toggle try: 10 Movement Skipped : 1
 >24/04 20:28:57 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring a3dun_Crater_DemonClawBomb_A_Monster-18639
>>24/04 20:28:58 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe_02-19379 too many skips
+>24/04 20:28:59 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-19193
+>24/04 20:28:59 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:28:59 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-19193 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:29:01 | Trying to open chest : a3Battlefield_Props_Demonic_Container_A-19494
+>24/04 20:29:02 | Chest opened : a3Battlefield_Props_Demonic_Container_A-19494
>>24/04 20:29:03 | Attack : Ban a3Battlefield_Props_Demonic_Container_A-19494 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:29:03 | Attacking Mob : azmodanBodyguard_A-19500 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:29:06 | azmodanBodyguard_A-19500 : Killed in 2.27 secs (Dps : 4674k)
+>24/04 20:29:07 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-19575
+>24/04 20:29:07 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:07 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-19575 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:29:07 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-19573
+>24/04 20:29:07 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:07 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-19573 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:29:10 | Attacking Decor : a3dun_crater_BonePile-19509 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:29:11 | a3dun_crater_BonePile-19509 : Killed in 1.03 secs (Dps : 0k)
>>24/04 20:29:11 | Attack : Ban a3dun_crater_BonePile-19509 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:29:12 | Attacking Mob : Succubus_A-19588 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:29:14 | Succubus_A-19588 : Killed in 1.72 secs (Dps : 5575k)
+>24/04 20:29:19 | Attacking Decor : a3dun_crater_BonePile-19672 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:29:20 | a3dun_crater_BonePile-19672 : Killed in 0.6 secs (Dps : 0k)
>>24/04 20:29:20 | Attack : Ban a3dun_crater_BonePile-19672 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:29:21 | CheckItem -> a3_crater_st_demonic_forge-19678
+>24/04 20:29:21 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:21 | Ban Item -> a3_crater_st_demonic_forge-19678 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:29:22 | Attack : Ban HealthWell_Global-19679 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:29:26 | Attacking Mob : Monstrosity_Scorpion_B-19701 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:29:27 | Monstrosity_Scorpion_B-19701 : Killed in 1.38 secs (Dps : 3312k)
 >24/04 20:29:27 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Monstrosity_Scorpion_B-19700
 >24/04 20:29:27 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring Monstrosity_Scorpion_B-19702
+>24/04 20:29:28 | Attacking Mob : Ghoul_E-19705 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:29:28 | Ghoul_E-19705 : Killed in 0.41 secs (Dps : 183k)
>>24/04 20:29:28 | Attack : Ban Ghoul_E-19705 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:29:28 | Attacking Mob : Ghoul_E-19714 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:29:30 | Ghoul_E-19714 : Killed in 1.1 secs (Dps : 2580k)
+>24/04 20:29:30 | Attacking Mob : azmodanBodyguard_A-19713 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:29:31 | azmodanBodyguard_A-19713 : Killed in 1.17 secs (Dps : 6771k)
+>24/04 20:29:31 | Attacking Mob : azmodanBodyguard_A-19710 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:29:32 | azmodanBodyguard_A-19710 : Killed in 0.79 secs (Dps : 1272k)
+>24/04 20:29:32 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-19872
+>24/04 20:29:32 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:32 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-19872 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:29:32 | Attacking Mob : Monstrosity_Scorpion_B-19708 (Type : 0)
>>24/04 20:29:32 | Monstrosity_Scorpion_B-19708 : No life -> skipping
+>24/04 20:29:32 | Monstrosity_Scorpion_B-19708 : Killed in 0.05 secs (Dps : 0k)
+>24/04 20:29:32 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-19895
+>24/04 20:29:32 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:32 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-19895 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:29:32 | CheckItem -> a3_crater_st_demonic_forge-19719
+>24/04 20:29:32 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:32 | Ban Item -> a3_crater_st_demonic_forge-19719 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:29:34 | Attacking Decor : a3dun_crater_BonePile-19718 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:29:35 | a3dun_crater_BonePile-19718 : Killed in 0.59 secs (Dps : 0k)
 >24/04 20:29:35 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring a3dun_crater_BonePile-19720
 >24/04 20:29:35 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring a3dun_crater_BonePile-19718
 >24/04 20:29:35 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring a3dun_crater_BonePile-19721
 >24/04 20:29:36 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring a3dun_crater_BonePile-19721
 >24/04 20:29:36 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring a3dun_crater_BonePile-19720
+>24/04 20:29:36 | Attacking Mob : FallenHound_D-19864 (Type : 1)
+>24/04 20:29:40 | FallenHound_D-19864 : Killed in 3.99 secs (Dps : 9268k)
+>24/04 20:29:40 | Attacking Mob : FallenHound_D-19781 (Type : 1)
+>24/04 20:29:42 | FallenHound_D-19781 : Killed in 1.4 secs (Dps : 7071k)
+>24/04 20:29:42 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20002
+>24/04 20:29:42 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:42 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20002 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:29:42 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20013
+>24/04 20:29:42 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:42 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20013 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:29:42 | CheckItem -> GoldCoins-20009
+>24/04 20:29:42 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:42 | Ban Item -> GoldCoins-20009 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:29:42 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20014
+>24/04 20:29:42 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:42 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20014 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:29:42 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20065
+>24/04 20:29:42 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:42 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20065 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:29:42 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20067
+>24/04 20:29:42 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:42 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20067 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:29:42 | CheckItem -> x1_handXbow_norm_base_flippy_02-20059
+>24/04 20:29:42 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:42 | Ban Item -> x1_handXbow_norm_base_flippy_02-20059 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:29:42 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe_02-20003 too many skips
+>24/04 20:29:43 | CheckItem -> a3_crater_st_demonic_forge-19925
+>24/04 20:29:43 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:43 | Ban Item -> a3_crater_st_demonic_forge-19925 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:29:46 | CheckItem -> a3_crater_st_demonic_forge-19897
+>24/04 20:29:46 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:46 | Ban Item -> a3_crater_st_demonic_forge-19897 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:29:47 | CheckItem -> GoldCoins-20130
+>24/04 20:29:47 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:47 | Ban Item -> GoldCoins-20130 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:29:47 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20128
+>24/04 20:29:47 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:47 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20128 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:29:47 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20129
+>24/04 20:29:47 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:47 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20129 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:29:47 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20131
+>24/04 20:29:47 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:47 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20131 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:29:48 | Attacking Mob : FallenGrunt_D-20063 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:29:49 | FallenGrunt_D-20063 : Killed in 1.44 secs (Dps : 1933k)
>>24/04 20:29:49 | Attack : Ban FallenGrunt_D-20063 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:29:50 | CheckItem -> x1_handXbow_norm_base_flippy_02-20157
+>24/04 20:29:50 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:29:50 | Ban Item -> x1_handXbow_norm_base_flippy_02-20157 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:29:53 | Attacking Decor : a3dun_crater_BonePile-19902 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:29:54 | a3dun_crater_BonePile-19902 : Killed in 1.12 secs (Dps : 0k)
>>24/04 20:29:54 | Attack : Ban a3dun_crater_BonePile-19902 : Second passage
+>24/04 20:29:57 | Attacking Mob : azmodanBodyguard_A-20184 (Type : 0)
+>24/04 20:29:59 | azmodanBodyguard_A-20184 : Killed in 2.69 secs (Dps : 4366k)
+>24/04 20:30:00 | Attacking Mob : azmodanBodyguard_A_Unique_01-20181 (Type : 4)
+>24/04 20:30:12 | azmodanBodyguard_A_Unique_01-20181 : Killed in 11.85 secs (Dps : 5125k)
>>24/04 20:30:12 | Trying to open chest : a3Battlefield_Props_Demonic_Container_A-20180
+>24/04 20:30:13 | Chest opened : a3Battlefield_Props_Demonic_Container_A-20180
>>24/04 20:30:13 | Attack : Ban a3Battlefield_Props_Demonic_Container_A-20180 : Second passage
 >24/04 20:30:14 | Quest completed : 349240(2)
->24/04 20:30:14 | Bounty completed : Waiting a little for loots then end sequence
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:15 | Ban Item -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20580
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:15 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20580 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20576
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:15 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20576 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:15 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:15 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20579
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:15 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20579 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:15 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:15 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20581
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:15 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20581 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:15 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:15 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20582
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:15 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20582 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:15 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:15 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:15 | Attack : Item was skipped (attempt : 4)
>>24/04 20:30:15 | Attack : Ban Emerald_15-20584 : Second passage
!>24/04 20:30:16 | Object found or quest completed and command is : endsequence()
->24/04 20:30:16 | End sequence detected. Stopping current sequence file.
+>24/04 20:30:16 | End Run. Gamefailed : 0
+>24/04 20:30:16 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:16 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:16 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:16 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:16 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:16 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:16 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:16 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:16 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:16 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 79 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:16 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
+>24/04 20:30:16 | Return to town after run
 >24/04 20:30:16 | start loop _onloginscreen() = False And _intown() = False And _playerdead() = False
+>24/04 20:30:16 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:16 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:16 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:16 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:16 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:16 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:16 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:16 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:16 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:16 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 79 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:16 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
+>24/04 20:30:16 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:16 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:16 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:16 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:16 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:16 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:16 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:16 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:16 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:16 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 79 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:16 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:16 | _TownPortalnew : Tour de boucle IsInTown Mode : 10 -- tentative de TP 1
 >24/04 20:30:16 | _TownPortalnew : Enclenche attack during TownPortalnew
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:16 | Ban Item -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20580
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:16 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20580 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:30:16 | Ban Opened chest -> a3Battlefield_Props_Demonic_Container_A-20180
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20576
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:16 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20576 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:16 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:16 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20579
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:16 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20579 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:16 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:16 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20581
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:16 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20581 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:16 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:16 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20582
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:16 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20582 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:16 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:16 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:16 | Attack : Item was skipped (attempt : 4)
>>24/04 20:30:16 | Attack : Ban Emerald_15-20584 : Second passage
>>24/04 20:30:16 | Affix detecter, on verifie si l'on est trop pres avant de TP
 >24/04 20:30:16 | _TownPortalnew : on enclenche le TP
 >24/04 20:30:17 | _TownPortalnew : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
+>24/04 20:30:17 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:17 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:17 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:17 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:17 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:17 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:17 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:17 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:17 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:17 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 79 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:17 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:17 | _TownPortalnew : On se deplace, pas de detection de la barre de TP
+>24/04 20:30:18 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:18 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:18 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:18 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:18 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:18 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:18 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:18 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:18 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:18 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 79 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:18 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:18 | _TownPortalnew : Tour de boucle IsInTown Mode : 10 -- tentative de TP 2
 >24/04 20:30:18 | _TownPortalnew : Enclenche attack during TownPortalnew
>>24/04 20:30:18 | Ban Opened chest -> a3Battlefield_Props_Demonic_Container_A-20180
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20580
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:18 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20580 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:18 | Ban Item -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:18 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:18 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20579
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:18 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20579 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:18 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:18 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20576
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:18 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20576 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:18 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:18 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20581
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:18 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20581 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:18 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:18 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20582
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:18 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20582 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:18 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:18 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20596
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:18 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20596 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:18 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:18 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20597
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:18 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20597 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:18 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:18 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:18 | Attack : Item was skipped (attempt : 7)
>>24/04 20:30:18 | Attack : Ban Emerald_15-20584 : Second passage
>>24/04 20:30:19 | Affix detecter, on verifie si l'on est trop pres avant de TP
 >24/04 20:30:19 | _TownPortalnew : on enclenche le TP
 >24/04 20:30:19 | _TownPortalnew : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
+>24/04 20:30:19 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:19 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:19 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:19 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:19 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:19 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:19 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:19 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:19 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:19 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 79 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:19 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:20 | _TownPortalnew : On se deplace, pas de detection de la barre de TP
+>24/04 20:30:20 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:20 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:20 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:20 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:20 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:20 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:20 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:20 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:20 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:20 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 79 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:20 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:20 | _TownPortalnew : Tour de boucle IsInTown Mode : 10 -- tentative de TP 3
 >24/04 20:30:20 | _TownPortalnew : Enclenche attack during TownPortalnew
>>24/04 20:30:20 | Ban Opened chest -> a3Battlefield_Props_Demonic_Container_A-20180
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20580
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:21 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20580 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:21 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:21 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:21 | Ban Item -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:21 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:21 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20579
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:21 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20579 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:21 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:21 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20576
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:21 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20576 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:21 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:21 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20581
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:21 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20581 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:21 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:21 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:21 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:21 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:21 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:21 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:21 | CheckItem : In grablist
 >24/04 20:30:21 | Item : Emerald_15-20584 in affix zone, skipping
>>24/04 20:30:21 | Attack : First Item skipped since same as last try
>>24/04 20:30:21 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe-20573 too many skips
>>24/04 20:30:21 | Affix detecter, on verifie si l'on est trop pres avant de TP
 >24/04 20:30:21 | _TownPortalnew : on enclenche le TP
 >24/04 20:30:22 | _TownPortalnew : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
+>24/04 20:30:22 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:22 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:22 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:22 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:22 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:22 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:22 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:22 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:22 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:22 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 79 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:22 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:22 | _TownPortalnew : On se deplace, pas de detection de la barre de TP
+>24/04 20:30:23 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:23 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:23 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:23 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:23 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:23 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:23 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:23 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:23 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:23 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 82 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:23 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:23 | _TownPortalnew : Tour de boucle IsInTown Mode : 10 -- tentative de TP 4
 >24/04 20:30:23 | _TownPortalnew : Enclenche attack during TownPortalnew
>>24/04 20:30:23 | Ban Opened chest -> a3Battlefield_Props_Demonic_Container_A-20180
+>24/04 20:30:23 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20580
+>24/04 20:30:23 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:23 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20580 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:23 | CheckItem -> Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:23 | CheckItem : In grablist
>>24/04 20:30:23 | Grabbing : Emerald_15-20584
+>24/04 20:30:24 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20579
+>24/04 20:30:24 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:24 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20579 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:24 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572
+>24/04 20:30:24 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:24 | Ban Item -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:24 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20581
+>24/04 20:30:24 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:24 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20581 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:24 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20582
+>24/04 20:30:24 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:24 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20582 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:24 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20576
+>24/04 20:30:24 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:24 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20576 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:25 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20596
+>24/04 20:30:25 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:25 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20596 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:25 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20597
+>24/04 20:30:25 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:25 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20597 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:25 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20607
+>24/04 20:30:25 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:25 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20607 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:25 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20606
+>24/04 20:30:25 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:25 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20606 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:30:25 | Attack : Ban HealthGlobe-20573 : Second passage
>>24/04 20:30:25 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >24/04 20:30:25 | _TownPortalnew : on enclenche le TP
 >24/04 20:30:25 | _TownPortalnew : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
+>24/04 20:30:25 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:25 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:25 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:25 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:25 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:25 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:25 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:25 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:25 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:25 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 79 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:25 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:26 | _TownPortalnew : On se deplace, pas de detection de la barre de TP
+>24/04 20:30:27 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:27 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:27 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:27 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:27 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:27 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:27 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:27 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:27 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:27 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 82 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:27 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:27 | _TownPortalnew : Tour de boucle IsInTown Mode : 10 -- tentative de TP 5
 >24/04 20:30:27 | _TownPortalnew : Enclenche attack during TownPortalnew
+>24/04 20:30:27 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572
+>24/04 20:30:27 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:27 | Ban Item -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:27 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20582
+>24/04 20:30:27 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:27 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20582 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:27 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20581
+>24/04 20:30:27 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:27 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20581 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:27 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20576
+>24/04 20:30:27 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:27 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20576 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:27 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20596
+>24/04 20:30:27 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:27 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20596 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:30:27 | Ban Opened chest -> a3Battlefield_Props_Demonic_Container_A-20180
+>24/04 20:30:27 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20597
+>24/04 20:30:27 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:27 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20597 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:27 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20607
+>24/04 20:30:27 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:27 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20607 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:27 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20606
+>24/04 20:30:27 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:27 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20606 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:30:27 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >24/04 20:30:27 | _TownPortalnew : on enclenche le TP
 >24/04 20:30:28 | _TownPortalnew : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
+>24/04 20:30:28 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:28 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:28 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:28 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:28 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:28 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:28 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:28 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:28 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:28 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 77 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:28 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:28 | _TownPortalnew : On se deplace, pas de detection de la barre de TP
+>24/04 20:30:29 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:29 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:29 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:29 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:29 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:29 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:29 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:29 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:29 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:29 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 77 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:29 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:29 | _TownPortalnew : Tour de boucle IsInTown Mode : 10 -- tentative de TP 6
 >24/04 20:30:29 | _TownPortalnew : Enclenche attack during TownPortalnew
+>24/04 20:30:29 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20596
+>24/04 20:30:29 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:29 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20596 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:29 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20597
+>24/04 20:30:29 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:29 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20597 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:29 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20607
+>24/04 20:30:29 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:29 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20607 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:29 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20606
+>24/04 20:30:29 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:29 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20606 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:29 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20582
+>24/04 20:30:29 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:29 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20582 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:30:29 | Ban Opened chest -> a3Battlefield_Props_Demonic_Container_A-20180
+>24/04 20:30:29 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20581
+>24/04 20:30:29 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:29 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20581 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:29 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572
+>24/04 20:30:29 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:29 | Ban Item -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:29 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20576
+>24/04 20:30:29 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:29 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20576 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:30:29 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >24/04 20:30:29 | _TownPortalnew : on enclenche le TP
 >24/04 20:30:30 | _TownPortalnew : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
+>24/04 20:30:30 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:30 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:30 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:30 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:30 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:30 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:30 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:30 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:30 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:30 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 77 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:30 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:30 | _TownPortalnew : On se deplace, pas de detection de la barre de TP
+>24/04 20:30:31 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:31 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:31 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:31 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:31 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:31 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:31 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:31 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:31 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:31 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 79 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:31 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:31 | _TownPortalnew : Tour de boucle IsInTown Mode : 10 -- tentative de TP 7
 >24/04 20:30:31 | _TownPortalnew : Enclenche attack during TownPortalnew
+>24/04 20:30:31 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20596
+>24/04 20:30:31 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:31 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20596 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:31 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20597
+>24/04 20:30:31 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:31 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20597 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:31 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20607
+>24/04 20:30:31 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:31 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20607 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:31 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20606
+>24/04 20:30:31 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:31 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20606 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:30:31 | Ban Opened chest -> a3Battlefield_Props_Demonic_Container_A-20180
+>24/04 20:30:31 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20582
+>24/04 20:30:31 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:31 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20582 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:31 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20581
+>24/04 20:30:31 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:31 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20581 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:31 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572
+>24/04 20:30:31 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:31 | Ban Item -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:31 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20576
+>24/04 20:30:31 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:31 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20576 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:30:31 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >24/04 20:30:31 | _TownPortalnew : on enclenche le TP
 >24/04 20:30:32 | _TownPortalnew : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
+>24/04 20:30:32 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:32 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:32 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:32 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:32 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:32 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:32 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:32 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:32 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:32 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 79 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:32 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:32 | _TownPortalnew : On se deplace, pas de detection de la barre de TP
+>24/04 20:30:33 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:33 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:33 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:33 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:33 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:33 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:33 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:33 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:33 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:33 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 79 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:33 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:33 | _TownPortalnew : Tour de boucle IsInTown Mode : 10 -- tentative de TP 8
 >24/04 20:30:33 | _TownPortalnew : Enclenche attack during TownPortalnew
+>24/04 20:30:33 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20597
+>24/04 20:30:33 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:33 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20597 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:33 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20596
+>24/04 20:30:33 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:33 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20596 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:30:33 | Ban Opened chest -> a3Battlefield_Props_Demonic_Container_A-20180
+>24/04 20:30:33 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20582
+>24/04 20:30:33 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:33 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20582 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:33 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20581
+>24/04 20:30:33 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:33 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20581 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:33 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572
+>24/04 20:30:33 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:33 | Ban Item -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:33 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20576
+>24/04 20:30:33 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:33 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20576 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:30:33 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >24/04 20:30:33 | _TownPortalnew : on enclenche le TP
 >24/04 20:30:34 | _TownPortalnew : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
+>24/04 20:30:34 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:34 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:34 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:34 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:34 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:34 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:34 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:34 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:34 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:34 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 79 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:34 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:34 | _TownPortalnew : On se deplace, pas de detection de la barre de TP
+>24/04 20:30:35 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:35 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:35 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:35 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:35 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:35 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:35 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:35 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:35 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:35 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 79 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:35 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:35 | _TownPortalnew : Tour de boucle IsInTown Mode : 10 -- tentative de TP 9
 >24/04 20:30:35 | _TownPortalnew : Enclenche attack during TownPortalnew
+>24/04 20:30:35 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20597
+>24/04 20:30:35 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:35 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20597 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:35 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20596
+>24/04 20:30:35 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:35 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20596 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:35 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20582
+>24/04 20:30:35 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:35 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20582 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:35 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20581
+>24/04 20:30:35 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:35 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20581 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:35 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572
+>24/04 20:30:35 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:35 | Ban Item -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:35 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20576
+>24/04 20:30:35 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:35 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20576 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:30:35 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >24/04 20:30:35 | _TownPortalnew : on enclenche le TP
 >24/04 20:30:36 | _TownPortalnew : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
+>24/04 20:30:36 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:36 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:36 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:36 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:36 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:36 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:36 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:36 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:36 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:36 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 79 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:36 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:36 | _TownPortalnew : On se deplace, pas de detection de la barre de TP
+>24/04 20:30:37 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:37 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:37 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:37 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:37 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:37 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:37 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:37 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:37 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:37 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 82 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:37 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:37 | _TownPortalnew : Tour de boucle IsInTown Mode : 10 -- tentative de TP 10
 >24/04 20:30:37 | _TownPortalnew : Enclenche attack during TownPortalnew
+>24/04 20:30:37 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20597
+>24/04 20:30:37 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:37 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20597 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:37 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20596
+>24/04 20:30:37 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:37 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20596 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:37 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20582
+>24/04 20:30:37 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:37 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20582 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:37 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20581
+>24/04 20:30:37 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:37 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20581 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:37 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572
+>24/04 20:30:37 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:37 | Ban Item -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:37 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20576
+>24/04 20:30:37 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:37 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20576 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:30:37 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >24/04 20:30:37 | _TownPortalnew : on enclenche le TP
 >24/04 20:30:38 | _TownPortalnew : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
+>24/04 20:30:38 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:38 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:38 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:38 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:38 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:38 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:38 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:38 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:38 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:38 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 82 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:38 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:38 | _TownPortalnew : On se deplace, pas de detection de la barre de TP
+>24/04 20:30:39 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:39 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:39 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:39 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:39 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:39 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:39 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:39 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:39 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:39 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 82 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:39 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:39 | _TownPortalnew : Tour de boucle IsInTown Mode : 10 -- tentative de TP 11
!>24/04 20:30:39 | _TownPortalnew : Too Much TP try !!!
+>24/04 20:30:39 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:39 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:39 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:39 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:39 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:39 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:39 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:39 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:39 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
+>24/04 20:30:39 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:39 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:39 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:39 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:39 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:39 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:39 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:39 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:39 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:39 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 82 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:39 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:39 | _TownPortalnew : On a renvoyer true, quite bien la fonction
+>24/04 20:30:39 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:39 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:39 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:39 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:39 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:39 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:39 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:39 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:39 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:39 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 82 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:39 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
+>24/04 20:30:39 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:39 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:39 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:39 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:39 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:39 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:39 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:39 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:39 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:39 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 82 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:39 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:39 | _TownPortalnew : Tour de boucle IsInTown Mode : 10 -- tentative de TP 1
 >24/04 20:30:39 | _TownPortalnew : Enclenche attack during TownPortalnew
+>24/04 20:30:39 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20597
+>24/04 20:30:39 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:39 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20597 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:39 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20596
+>24/04 20:30:39 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:39 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20596 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:39 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20582
+>24/04 20:30:39 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:39 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20582 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:39 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20581
+>24/04 20:30:39 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:39 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20581 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:39 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572
+>24/04 20:30:39 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:39 | Ban Item -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:39 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20576
+>24/04 20:30:39 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:39 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20576 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:30:40 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >24/04 20:30:40 | _TownPortalnew : on enclenche le TP
 >24/04 20:30:40 | _TownPortalnew : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
+>24/04 20:30:40 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:40 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:40 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:40 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:40 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:40 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:40 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:40 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:40 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:40 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 82 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:40 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:40 | _TownPortalnew : On se deplace, pas de detection de la barre de TP
+>24/04 20:30:41 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:41 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:41 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:41 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:41 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:41 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:41 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:41 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:41 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:41 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 82 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:41 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:41 | _TownPortalnew : Tour de boucle IsInTown Mode : 10 -- tentative de TP 2
 >24/04 20:30:41 | _TownPortalnew : Enclenche attack during TownPortalnew
+>24/04 20:30:41 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20597
+>24/04 20:30:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:41 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20597 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:41 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20596
+>24/04 20:30:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:41 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20596 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:41 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20582
+>24/04 20:30:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:41 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20582 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:41 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20581
+>24/04 20:30:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:41 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20581 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:41 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572
+>24/04 20:30:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:41 | Ban Item -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:41 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20576
+>24/04 20:30:41 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:41 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20576 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:30:41 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >24/04 20:30:41 | _TownPortalnew : on enclenche le TP
 >24/04 20:30:42 | _TownPortalnew : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
+>24/04 20:30:42 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:42 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:42 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:42 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:42 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:42 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:42 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:42 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:42 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:42 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 82 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:42 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
->24/04 20:30:47 | Toggle try: 10 Movement Skipped : 2
 >24/04 20:30:47 | _TownPortalnew : On se deplace, pas de detection de la barre de TP
+>24/04 20:30:48 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:48 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:48 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:48 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:48 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:48 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:48 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:48 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:48 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:48 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 82 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:48 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:48 | _TownPortalnew : Tour de boucle IsInTown Mode : 10 -- tentative de TP 3
 >24/04 20:30:48 | _TownPortalnew : Enclenche attack during TownPortalnew
+>24/04 20:30:48 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20597
+>24/04 20:30:48 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:48 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20597 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:48 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20596
+>24/04 20:30:48 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:48 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20596 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:48 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20582
+>24/04 20:30:48 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:48 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20582 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:48 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20581
+>24/04 20:30:48 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:48 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20581 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:48 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572
+>24/04 20:30:48 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:48 | Ban Item -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:48 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20576
+>24/04 20:30:48 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:48 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20576 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:30:48 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >24/04 20:30:48 | _TownPortalnew : on enclenche le TP
 >24/04 20:30:49 | _TownPortalnew : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
+>24/04 20:30:49 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:49 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:49 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:49 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:49 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:49 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:49 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:49 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:49 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:49 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 82 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:49 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:49 | _TownPortalnew : On se deplace, pas de detection de la barre de TP
+>24/04 20:30:50 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:50 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:50 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:50 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:50 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:50 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:50 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:50 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:50 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:50 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 82 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:50 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >24/04 20:30:50 | _TownPortalnew : Tour de boucle IsInTown Mode : 10 -- tentative de TP 4
 >24/04 20:30:50 | _TownPortalnew : Enclenche attack during TownPortalnew
+>24/04 20:30:50 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20597
+>24/04 20:30:50 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:50 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20597 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:50 | CheckItem -> GoldMedium-20596
+>24/04 20:30:50 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:50 | Ban Item -> GoldMedium-20596 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:50 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20582
+>24/04 20:30:50 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:50 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20582 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:50 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20581
+>24/04 20:30:50 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:50 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20581 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:50 | CheckItem -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572
+>24/04 20:30:50 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:50 | Ban Item -> x1_Wand_norm_base_flippy_02-20572 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>24/04 20:30:50 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-20576
+>24/04 20:30:50 | CheckItem : Trash
>>24/04 20:30:50 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-20576 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>24/04 20:30:50 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >24/04 20:30:50 | _TownPortalnew : on enclenche le TP
 >24/04 20:30:51 | _TownPortalnew : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
+>24/04 20:30:51 | offsetlist
+>24/04 20:30:51 | Looking for local player
>>24/04 20:30:51 | name -> Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:51 | sno -> 0000197E
>>24/04 20:30:51 | guid -> 0x788000AC
>>24/04 20:30:51 | ofs -> 0x20D511B0
+>24/04 20:30:51 | Checking stuff successful
>>24/04 20:30:51 | Acd Ofs : 1119997136
+>24/04 20:30:51 | My toon located at: 0x20D511B0, GUID: 0x788000AC, NAME: Wizard_Female-103
>>24/04 20:30:51 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 82 item(s)
+>24/04 20:30:51 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
MoriceD3 commented 10 years ago

Probablement un mauvais retour du fastcheckuiitemvisible, car tes jamais rentré dans cette boucle,sinon tu aurait eu ''_TownPortalnew : enclenchement du timer '' dans tes log, c'est le pourquoi il bouge : '' _TownPortalnew : On se deplace, pas de detection de la barre de TP ''.

Donc en ce moment précis,le bot n'a jamais vue la barre de progression. 1 fois ça arrive mais + 10 fois,il y a du y avoir une grosse latence sur les serveur D3.

Ano69 commented 10 years ago

Y a quand même des trucs bizarre avec le TP :(

Genre la :

25/04 14:27:17 | Ban Item -> x1_spear_norm_base_flippy_02-9948 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix) 25/04 14:27:32 | La zone est sure, on peut TP

15 seconde a attendre alors qu'il a TP puis il reTP encore

->25/04 14:26:59 | Bounty completed : Waiting a little for loots then end sequence
+>25/04 14:27:00 | Attacking Mob : LacuniMale_A-10278 (Type : 0)
+>25/04 14:27:02 | LacuniMale_A-10278 : Killed in 1.64 secs (Dps : 7301k)
+>25/04 14:27:02 | Attacking Mob : LacuniFemale_A-10292 (Type : 0)
+>25/04 14:27:03 | LacuniFemale_A-10292 : Killed in 0.65 secs (Dps : 3484k)
 >25/04 14:27:04 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-9117
 >25/04 14:27:04 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
!>25/04 14:27:04 | Object found or quest completed and command is : endsequence()
->25/04 14:27:04 | End sequence detected. Stopping current sequence file.
>>25/04 14:27:04 | New sequence, max death allowed :2
+>25/04 14:27:04 | File loaded : sequence\act3_BOUNTY-tour_maudits_lvl1.txt
 >25/04 14:27:04 | Lancement du buff 2 en pré-buff
 >25/04 14:27:05 | Lancement du buff 3 en pré-buff
 >25/04 14:27:05 | Lancement du buff 4 en pré-buff
>>25/04 14:27:06 | Enclenchement auto du buffinit() takewpadv
>>25/04 14:27:06 | Enclenchement d'un TakeWPAdv(37) line : 1
+>25/04 14:27:06 | Attacking Mob : LacuniFemale_A-9117 (Type : 0)
+>25/04 14:27:08 | LacuniFemale_A-9117 : Killed in 1.64 secs (Dps : 2399k)
 >25/04 14:27:08 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
+>25/04 14:27:08 | offsetlist
+>25/04 14:27:08 | Looking for local player
>>25/04 14:27:08 | name -> Wizard_Female-134
>>25/04 14:27:08 | sno -> 0000197E
>>25/04 14:27:08 | guid -> 0x78B600E2
>>25/04 14:27:08 | ofs -> 0x1F0E11B0
+>25/04 14:27:08 | Checking stuff successful
>>25/04 14:27:08 | Acd Ofs : 1220546552
+>25/04 14:27:08 | My toon located at: 0x1F0E11B0, GUID: 0x78B600E2, NAME: Wizard_Female-134
 >25/04 14:27:08 | TakeWpByKey : Enclenche attack during TakeWpByKey
 >25/04 14:27:08 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
+>25/04 14:27:08 | CheckItem -> HelmCloth_norm_base_flippy-10253
+>25/04 14:27:08 | CheckItem : Trash
>>25/04 14:27:08 | Ban Item -> HelmCloth_norm_base_flippy-10253 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>25/04 14:27:08 | CheckItem -> x1_spear_norm_base_flippy_02-9948
+>25/04 14:27:08 | CheckItem : Trash
>>25/04 14:27:08 | Ban Item -> x1_spear_norm_base_flippy_02-9948 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>25/04 14:27:08 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >25/04 14:27:09 | TakeWpByKey : clicking wp UI
 >25/04 14:27:09 | Act2 Detected
 >25/04 14:27:09 | Act3 Required
>>25/04 14:27:11 | GiveBucketWp : 37 -> 613
 >25/04 14:27:12 | TakeWpByKey : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
 >25/04 14:27:12 | enclenchement du timer
+>25/04 14:27:12 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-10459
+>25/04 14:27:12 | CheckItem : Trash
>>25/04 14:27:12 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-10459 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >25/04 14:27:12 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:12 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:12 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:13 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:13 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:13 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:13 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:13 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:13 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:14 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:14 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:14 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:14 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:14 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:14 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:15 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:15 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:15 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:15 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:15 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:15 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:16 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:16 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
 >25/04 14:27:16 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
+>25/04 14:27:16 | offsetlist
+>25/04 14:27:16 | Looking for local player
>>25/04 14:27:16 | name -> Wizard_Female-134
>>25/04 14:27:16 | sno -> 0000197E
>>25/04 14:27:16 | guid -> 0x78B600E2
>>25/04 14:27:16 | ofs -> 0x1F0E11B0
+>25/04 14:27:16 | Checking stuff successful
>>25/04 14:27:16 | Acd Ofs : 1220546552
+>25/04 14:27:16 | My toon located at: 0x1F0E11B0, GUID: 0x78B600E2, NAME: Wizard_Female-134
>>25/04 14:27:16 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 136 item(s)
+>25/04 14:27:16 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >25/04 14:27:16 | TakeWpByKey : compare time to tp -> 3658.5914890612> 3700 
>>25/04 14:27:17 | TakeWpByKey : New try -> 1
 >25/04 14:27:17 | TakeWpByKey : Enclenche attack during TakeWpByKey
+>25/04 14:27:17 | CheckItem -> GoldSmall-10459
+>25/04 14:27:17 | CheckItem : Trash
>>25/04 14:27:17 | Ban Item -> GoldSmall-10459 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
 >25/04 14:27:17 | No HP or Invulnerable : Ignoring LacuniFemale_A-10339
+>25/04 14:27:17 | CheckItem -> HelmCloth_norm_base_flippy-10253
+>25/04 14:27:17 | CheckItem : Trash
>>25/04 14:27:17 | Ban Item -> HelmCloth_norm_base_flippy-10253 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>25/04 14:27:17 | CheckItem -> x1_spear_norm_base_flippy_02-9948
+>25/04 14:27:17 | CheckItem : Trash
>>25/04 14:27:17 | Ban Item -> x1_spear_norm_base_flippy_02-9948 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
>>25/04 14:27:32 | La zone est sure, on peut TP
 >25/04 14:27:33 | TakeWpByKey : clicking wp UI
 >25/04 14:27:33 | Act3 Detected
 >25/04 14:27:33 | Act3 Required
>>25/04 14:27:33 | GiveBucketWp : 37 -> 613
 >25/04 14:27:34 | TakeWpByKey : enclenchement fastCheckui de la barre de loading
+>25/04 14:27:34 | offsetlist
+>25/04 14:27:34 | Looking for local player
>>25/04 14:27:34 | name -> Wizard_Female-134
>>25/04 14:27:34 | sno -> 0000197E
>>25/04 14:27:34 | guid -> 0x78B600E2
>>25/04 14:27:34 | ofs -> 0x1F0E11B0
+>25/04 14:27:34 | Checking stuff successful
>>25/04 14:27:34 | Acd Ofs : 1220546552
+>25/04 14:27:34 | My toon located at: 0x1F0E11B0, GUID: 0x78B600E2, NAME: Wizard_Female-134
>>25/04 14:27:34 | FindActor : Player_Shared_Stash in 39 item(s)
+>25/04 14:27:34 | _inTown : We are NOT in town 
 >25/04 14:27:34 | TakeWpByKey : On se deplace, pas de detection de la barre de TP
>>25/04 14:27:34 | TakeWpByKey : New area found
 >25/04 14:27:35 | TakeWpByKey : On a renvoyer true, quite bien la fonction
 >25/04 14:27:35 | Result : TakeWpByKey True
+>25/04 14:27:36 | offsetlist
+>25/04 14:27:36 | Looking for local player
>>25/04 14:27:36 | name -> Wizard_Female-134
>>25/04 14:27:36 | sno -> 0000197E
>>25/04 14:27:36 | guid -> 0x78B600E2
>>25/04 14:27:36 | ofs -> 0x1F0E11B0
+>25/04 14:27:36 | Checking stuff successful
>>25/04 14:27:36 | Acd Ofs : 1220546552
+>25/04 14:27:36 | My toon located at: 0x1F0E11B0, GUID: 0x78B600E2, NAME: Wizard_Female-134
 >25/04 14:27:36 | Active questID : 345971
>>25/04 14:27:36 | Enclenchement d'un monsterlist line : 2
+>25/04 14:27:36 | Remplacement de la MonsterList : mistressofpain|x1_speedkill_gluttony|ghoul_|beast_b|goatman_m|goatman_r|withermoth|beast_a|goblin|scavenger|corpulent|skeleton|quilldemon|fleshpitflyer|succubus|scorpion|azmodanbodyguard|thousandpounder|fallengrunt|fallenchampion|fallenhound|fallenshaman|goatmutant|demonflyer_b|demontrooper_|creepmob|brickhouse_a|brickhouse_b|triune_|triunevesselactivated_|triunevessel|triune_summonable_|conductorproxymaster|goblin|sandwasp|triunecultist|sandshark|lacuni
>>25/04 14:27:36 | Enclenchement d'un Banlist() line : 3
+>25/04 14:27:36 | Ajout d'une nouvelle BanList : Fetish_Skeleton_A|treasureGoblin_A_Slave|Skeleton_Archer_A_Unique_Ring_|Skeleton_A_Unique_Ring_|WD_ZombieDog|WD_wallOfZombies|DH_Companion|a3dun_crater_st_demon_chainpylon_fire_mistressofpain|boss_portal_mistressofpain|crater_st_succubusprison_male_a
>>25/04 14:27:36 | Autobuff definit sur true line : 4
>>25/04 14:27:36 | Detection de la modification de l'attackRange line : 5
+>25/04 14:27:36 | Modification de la valeur attackRange : 40
>>25/04 14:27:36 | Turn UsePath mod to Off line
>>25/04 14:27:36 | Enclenchement d'un sleep direct line : 7
 >25/04 14:27:36 | Taille de l'array reverse : 102
+>25/04 14:27:36 | CheckItem -> a3_crater_st_demonic_forge-10529
+>25/04 14:27:36 | CheckItem : Trash
>>25/04 14:27:36 | Ban Item -> a3_crater_st_demonic_forge-10529 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
+>25/04 14:27:39 | Attacking Decor : A3_crater_st_DemonCage_A-10519 (Type : 0)
+>25/04 14:27:40 | A3_crater_st_DemonCage_A-10519 : Killed in 0.65 secs (Dps : 0k)
+>25/04 14:27:41 | Attacking Decor : a3dun_crater_BonePile-10515 (Type : 0)
MoriceD3 commented 10 years ago

Ok j'y jetterez un œil :)

Dsl de ne pas t'avoir répondu avant.J'ai pas beaucoup temps a moi.

Ano69 commented 10 years ago

Pas de soucis on fait tous ça sur notre temps libre hein :)

Ano69 commented 10 years ago un autre petit bug sur le TP.

La suis plutot chargé ces jours ci, mais j'essaye de regarder tout ces points demain

MoriceD3 commented 10 years ago

ici il y a le même genre de de log que toi , mais on voit clairement avec sont Screenshots qui y a pas affix,est ce lié.Je vais faire quelque test pour voir.

edit: c'est surement pas lié, mais le log (With affix) tout le gold y passe et d'autre objet (enfin pas tout juste ceux qui ne font pas partis de la grablist) alors qu'il n'y a pas affix. Je regarde dans courant la semaine la fonction TP voir si je peut le reproduire les différent bug et l'améliorer. mais les log du liens me dise qu'il na jamais vue la barre de tp, mais 100 fois la ça crin lol. Je suis toujours sur les map data. A+

Ban Item -> GoldCoin-7585 Reason : not in Table_Monster (With affix)
Ano69 commented 10 years ago

Le townportal new on l'as pas trop corriger, j'avais refait que le takeWP.

Par contre attends un peu avant de trop trop chercher car faut que je trouve une solution pour changer certains fonctionnement du bot pour les TP.

Car pour le moment la banlist est reset a la fin de la sequence et donc y a des trucs plus ban pour le takeWP ou le TP qui peuvent poser soucis (genre certains cadavre en ACT1).

Et y a aussi le reset de la ban list temporaire qui se fait pas au bon moment et qui fait quelle se reset entre chaque TP et peut donc causer des soucis.

Dès que j'ai corriger ces 2 trucs (au moins le 2ième) on pourra plus chercher s'il reste des bugs mais 90% du temps c'est ca.