Summary of worldgen-oriented tweaks, or minor new stuff that isn't major. New worldgen will be its own post, as will new content overall
[ ] Seep Frequency Config: Option to increase or decrease the generation rate of Seeps
[x] The Sun has Vanished (not good): The "sun" (as in, the custom aylyth sun) does not currently appear in the sky. Also, the time of day should be "paused" with the sun never moving or setting
[ ] Axis Mundi: At spawn, or roughly in the general area, a Seeping Tree (the one grown from Girasol Seeds) will generate
[ ] Mud: Edges of all water features are lined with mud, both on the sides and bottoms, with a bit of bleed into the surrounding terrain
[x] Tree replacement in Forests: Standard Copse forests no longer contain vanilla Dark Oaks. Instead, they use the custom Aylyth Oaks.
[ ] Fix "Oceans"
[ ] More Diverse terrain:
[ ] - Dirt that generates up to 4 layers under grass should be rooty
[ ] - Rooty dirt can generate in small “blobs” on the ground in any biomes but Clearings and Uplands.
[ ] - “Dark Podzol” replaces the normal Podzol in Deepwoods-type biomes (texture pending)
[ ] - Normal Podzol occurs in “veins” (as in, spreading out like veins, see below) in Deepwoods Aylyth biomes.
[ ] - Dark Podzol occurs in “veins” in normal Aylyth forest biomes.
[ ] - Dark Podzol can generate under trees in normal Aylyth forests, similar to how Podzol works under vanilla big spruce trees.
[ ] Uplands overhaul: Rather than terracotta, the terrain in this biome is composed of Sapstone. Standard sapstone is the main, with circular patterns of the other types. Inside of the standard is amber, and inside of amber is opalescent. Lignite can be mixed in as needed. The biome also has much more vertical lift now, so it is less flat, should almost resemble plateaus
[ ] More ambiance sounds
[x] Branches for most of our trees: [assets pending] Ympe, Writhewood, and Estantiga trees have small "branches" that are a single model (json made of a few flats). When broken, it drops 0-2 sticks. If its a non-bare one, it may also drop the respective strewn leaves
[ ] Estantiga Leaf Piles: Strewn and piles of estantiga leaves
Mod version (NOT Minecraft version)
A description of the issue
Summary of worldgen-oriented tweaks, or minor new stuff that isn't major. New worldgen will be its own post, as will new content overall
[ ] Seep Frequency Config: Option to increase or decrease the generation rate of Seeps
[x] The Sun has Vanished (not good): The "sun" (as in, the custom aylyth sun) does not currently appear in the sky. Also, the time of day should be "paused" with the sun never moving or setting
[ ] Axis Mundi: At spawn, or roughly in the general area, a Seeping Tree (the one grown from Girasol Seeds) will generate
[ ] Mud: Edges of all water features are lined with mud, both on the sides and bottoms, with a bit of bleed into the surrounding terrain
[x] Tree replacement in Forests: Standard Copse forests no longer contain vanilla Dark Oaks. Instead, they use the custom Aylyth Oaks.
[ ] Fix "Oceans"
[ ] More Diverse terrain:
[ ] Uplands overhaul: Rather than terracotta, the terrain in this biome is composed of Sapstone. Standard sapstone is the main, with circular patterns of the other types. Inside of the standard is amber, and inside of amber is opalescent. Lignite can be mixed in as needed. The biome also has much more vertical lift now, so it is less flat, should almost resemble plateaus
[ ] More ambiance sounds
[x] Branches for most of our trees: [assets pending] Ympe, Writhewood, and Estantiga trees have small "branches" that are a single model (json made of a few flats). When broken, it drops 0-2 sticks. If its a non-bare one, it may also drop the respective strewn leaves
[ ] Estantiga Leaf Piles: Strewn and piles of estantiga leaves
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