Morningstar88 / Five-Repos-For-Bali

Sleeping Policemen, Nyepi every day, Congestion charges, Forums, Rice Pixels
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MAIN... Draft to Ngurah Rai Airport #2

Open Morningstar88 opened 1 week ago

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

Bali 2024 to 2025. Stopping the Leviathan Before It's Too Late.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I hope you are doing well today. I will get right to the point.

Three Evils

Bali is a spiritual wonderland... but as many of us are aware, She is being overrun by three evils:


Three Forces


These three snakes heads represent extant dangers for the future.

If we are not careful, by 2030, Bali could become a living nightmare. It will take 100 years to fix Sanur. But, if we look with a cool, clear engineers eye, and discard emotional blaming, we can trace the bugs, fix the faults, and maybe return Bali to her former glory. //


It's time for the 80-90% of decent tourists, to work together with the 80-90% of decent locals, to force out the cancerous elements of both our cultures. I believe this can be accomplished at a regency or town level. No need to wait for politicians. They will assist once the village leaders make clear, calm, brave choices.

We can discuss unchecked development later.

First, I present a few ideas to fix Bali's traffic problem.

Second, I will present 5 industries that Balinese could use to make up the shortfall in Bule dollars.

Industries for Bali by 2030.

Bali should be selling their knowledge, not just trinkets.







This can be done via video.

The choice for the future is clear.

![Uploading image.png…]()

Will the Emerald Green of Bali triumph over the grey of the Industrial Matrix? Or will the Cheese N Onion Darkness of The Matrix suffocate Bali?


Ngurah Rai and Traffic (Have proof read up to here)

It strikes me that Ngurah Rai airport could do a lot to alleviate the traffic situation. If proper policies were directly implemented at Ngurah Rai, we could tame the Hydra as she enters the island.

I am writing this openly, and distributing it among the working and office classes, because I don't have patience or stomach to deal with the arrogant "Spiritual Upper Classes", whether they are from Bali, Indonesia, Russia, America, or where-ever. It is unpleasant to sit and chat with someone who considers themselves genetically superior to you. Doubly unpleasant

So let

I have started the following Reddit discussions and github repos.


Implementable Plans Now

Traffic is a studiable phenomenon.

ALL of the following measures are imperfect.

Low Drive Days.

  1. Visitors could be asked to refrain from driving scooters or cars on certain days. A pamphlet could be printed which asks them to refrain from travelling.

Perhaps Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This will give the island a break, and allow us to see what happens when people refrain from driving on certain days.

  1. More open air public transport could be laid on. Ngurah Rai airport has plenty of money at its disposal. I believe that every electric bus that is laid on, we may succeed in taking 5-10 cars off the road.  I have researched the prices


  1. Island wide discussions, Using Github and other solutions, will provide engineering results.

  2. Alternative industries such as Software could be promoted.

  3. Kicking out hairdressers for the sins of Russian property developers is

  4. A countrywide speed limit. I saw in Vietnam and Cambodia,

  5. Kosta snitch app. Governer Kosta has a good idea with a snitch on foreigner app. i grew up in London.. I do not think in general, that cameras are a good. Why are the self-serving Balinese and Predatory Javanese exempt? This simply feeds into the narrative that the Balinese are a island of sweet, innocent people who are overrun by tourists.

What about the Indonesians selling dirty tap water in Canggu as mineral water? What about the fat-boy taxi mafias trying to intimidate. What about the local parasite buying Arak for 25,000, and selling it for 150,000? BAli has no right to lay all the blame at the feet of Whitey. It is their own fault for

Where does Bali want to be in 2027. Right now, she is becoming the laughing stock of Indonesia. Perhaps the Gods

  1. A countrywide on overweight people guilt tripping gullible Bules.

Alternative Industries.

80% work with the 80%.

It is time for the silent majority to stand up.

Right now, Bali is in danger of becoming the Tired Whore of Indonesia. She has been passed around the whole village.

The army of parasitic Trustafarians and Property developers who have gutted Sanur, Kuta, Penestanan and Ubud, are now moving on to destroy Lombok and Nusa Penida.

We need to look at the situation in a granular manner, like Engineers. Trace the bug, and fix it at source.

Bali 2025

I believe in the intelligence, goodwill, and flexibility of both Balinese local leaders, and the foreigners who come here. I do not think it's logically fair to lay all the blame at the feet of the Westerners who come and visit.

The situation in 2024 has come about because Bali was sold off by the locals. More on that later...

If we are to trace the fault and correct the problem correctly, it is imperative that the Balinese stop presenting themselves as innocent victims of evil, marauding white people. Such a narrative is deflective, opaque and often plain dishonest.

Who sold all this land to the foreigners?

Tourism is a Multi-dimensional Dragon, a Plumed Serpent of unbelievable power. If she is tamed, fed, and directed clearly.. she will lift Bali up further to the heavens.

However, if She is treated dismissively or disrespectfully, The Plumed Serpent will lay waste to Bali. The uncontrolled Leviathan has already destroyed Sanur. Canggu is a twitching, honey covered corpse. The trustafarians and property developers who pillaged Bali over the last twenty years are already smirking and "moving on" from their very successful gangbang... The Trustafarian Army, and their local sycophants, are busy destroying Lombok and Nusa Penida now.

None of this could have taken place if it was not for the abject complicity of many Balinese. Bali is a case study in upper-classed exceptionalism. Greedy, arrogant x3.

Is this the island of The Gods, or the island of the beggar Kings?

If we can gain confidence fixing the traffic situation, we can look at stopping unchecked development.

Bali was sold off....

  1. By greedy or desperate locals,
  2. to greedy property developers,
  3. under the nose of corrupt village officials,
  4. with a blind eye from local and national politicians,
  5. to arrogant and greedy foreign Trustafarians.

The perfidious Bule plays an important role in this pipeline of corruption, but Balinese and Indonesians have their share of the blame too. If they do not even admit a little responsibility, we can never trace the fault.

Please stop blaming those other guys for the Gang Rape of Bali. In truth, everyone is involved.

Nyepi Every Day.

Can we extend Nyepi to every day?

Christians have got themselves a good deal. They spend the week, and get a reset on Sunday. The Balinese, in their intelligence, have worked out a far better deal. They spend one day... this allows them to spend the remaining 364 days swaggering around, selling off rice fields, racing through villages at 70km. One day a year, they act penitent before their Gods... the rest, they serve Mammon.

How Github can help. Im currrently using a site... Fork and Issues. I started 5 issues.

Ask the right questions.

I have opened this Repo.

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

Certainly! Let’s improve this draft. You’ve highlighted some critical issues facing Bali, and I appreciate your concern for the island’s future. Here are some suggestions to enhance your message:

Title: Bali 2024-2025: Halting the Leviathan Before It’s Too Late

Dear Friends,

I hope this message finds you well. I want to address a pressing matter related to Bali’s future.

The Three Evils: Bali, our spiritual wonderland, faces a formidable challenge. Three evils threaten its essence:

Crowded Traffic Unchecked Development Irresponsible Tourism These three heads of the serpent represent imminent dangers.

The Path Forward: By 2030, Bali could become a living nightmare if we don’t act. While fixing Sanur may take a century, we can approach this with a clear, engineer’s eye—free from emotional blame. Let’s trace the bugs, fix the faults, and restore Bali to its former glory.

Unity Across Cultures: Decent tourists (80-90%) and locals (80-90%) must collaborate. We don’t need to wait for politicians; village leaders can make clear, calm, and brave choices.

Addressing Traffic: Here are some ideas to alleviate Bali’s traffic woes:

Software Expertise: Bali should sell its knowledge, not just trinkets. Focusing on CSS and Codepen could attract tech-savvy visitors. Advanced Home Water Purification: A sustainable solution that benefits both locals and tourists. Arak and Wine Consultation: Leveraging traditional expertise to create unique experiences. Bamboo Housing: Promoting eco-friendly construction methods. Bali Villages Abroad: Showcasing Balinese culture globally. Reforestation: Let’s restore Bali’s greenery. Videos can spread awareness effectively.

The Choice Ahead: Will Bali’s Emerald Green triumph over the grey of the Industrial Matrix? Or will the Cheese N Onion Darkness of The Matrix suffocate our beloved island?

!Emerald Green vs. Industrial Matrix

Feel free to adjust or expand upon these points as needed. Your passion for Bali’s well-being shines through, and I hope this revised draft captures it effectivel

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

Certainly! I appreciate your openness to feedback. Here's a constructive critique of your writing:

  1. Clarity and Structure:

    • Your message starts with a friendly tone, but consider being more direct in addressing the issue. For instance, you could begin with a succinct introduction that captures attention.
    • Break down your content into clear sections or bullet points. This will make it easier for readers (including politicians) to follow your points.
  2. Conciseness:

    • Some sentences can be tightened. For example:
      • Instead of "Three Evils," consider "Challenges."
      • Instead of "It will take 100 years to fix Sanur," try "Sanur's restoration may span a century."
      • Instead of "I present a few ideas to fix Bali's traffic problem," use "Here are traffic solutions for Bali."
  3. Visual Aids:

    • You mention images (e.g., "image" placeholders). If possible, include actual images or diagrams to enhance your message visually.
  4. Positive Tone:

    • While you highlight problems, balance it with optimism. Emphasize the potential for positive change and community collaboration.
  5. Specifics:

    • When discussing industries (software, water purification, etc.), provide more details. How can these industries thrive in Bali? What unique advantages does Bali offer?
  6. Call to Action:

    • End with a strong call to action. Encourage readers to take specific steps or join the cause.

Remember, your passion for Bali shines through, and with a few adjustments, your message can resonate powerfully. Best of luck! 🌿🌏✨

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

Certainly! Thomas Paine's influential pamphlet "Common Sense" played a pivotal role in galvanizing support for American independence during the Revolutionary era. Let's explore how it was printed and distributed:

  1. Publication Date:

    • "Common Sense" was first published on January 10, 1776, in Philadelphia¹².
    • The initial print run consisted of one thousand copies, which sold out immediately².
  2. Widespread Circulation:

    • Within three months of its release, more than 150,000 copies of "Common Sense" were in circulation throughout the American colonies and even around the world³.
    • This remarkable number of copies was significant for the time, considering the demographics and state of the print industry¹.
  3. Impact and Influence:

    • The pamphlet was widely read and discussed at taverns and meeting places, contributing to the momentum for independence³.
    • Paine's persuasive arguments resonated with many, and his call for breaking away from British rule gained traction.

In summary, "Common Sense" rapidly spread across the colonies, capturing the imagination of readers and fueling the revolutionary spirit. Its impact was profound, shaping the course of American history⁵. 🇺🇸📜✨

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 7/7/2024 (1) Thomas Paine’s Inflated Numbers - Journal of the American Revolution.[3]( (2) Thomas Paine: Quotes, Summary & Common Sense | HISTORY. (3) Common Sense-Thomas Paine (1776) : Thomas Paine : Free Download, Borrow .... (4) Common Sense, by Thomas Paine (1776) - ZSR Library. (5) Thomas Paine's Common Sense []. (6) Getty Images.[3](

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago


Morningstar88 commented 5 days ago

I think about this everyday driving around ubud. The one way traffic helps alot, but that only alleviates it for a bit. Its a bandage for an open wound. Last week it was a solid line from sunset vet into ubud center. Absolutely insane.

You need to de-incentivize car traffic. To do this my thoughts are: Create a public transportation that people want to use

make it more attractive to use by making cars expensive. -A ton of trolly type small vehicles (6-10ppl max) easy on easy off no doors. Maybe something like the hotels use. Wr dont need huge transport busses like major cities. Small footprint and many of them to eliminate waiting. -That are running all over this tiny tiny town. You’d need only a couple bus routes to cover ubud. -If there were a bunch id consider not driving my scooter

Decintivize car: -Penalize or rather charge people a toll who are using cars in certain situations. Such as: -foreigners, Non balinese drivers -cars w only 1 or two occupants (waste of space clogging the road) -Exceptions for local deliveries (trucks etc) -Encourage tourists not to use taxi’s — doubtful, as ubud taxi drivers need jobs,

restrict oversize vehicles by special permit only or really high fees. NO MORE TOUR BUSSES!!! -do not allow vehicles to enter the country if they are too big for bali roads. Tax them like crazy and allow cities to ban them. —Encourage small vehicles

Id like to have stats on the various vehicles using the road causing issues. i must wonder the stats of cars driving in ubud causing the issues are? Oversize vehicles for bali roads (any western vehicle, lol), dumb drivers, and prolly all sheet amount of tourists taxi’s operating at oncd