Morningstar88 / Hypochlorous-Experiments

Nature's Own Disinfectant. 80-100 times more powerful than bleach. Milder than Citric Acid. Teeth-Whitening, House Cleaning, Disinfection, Mouthwashes, Footbaths, Deodorant, Reproductive Hygiene. How does it pair with Iodine and sodium ascorbate?
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Hydrochlorous Acid GLP Muggle Thread #4

Open Morningstar88 opened 2 days ago

Morningstar88 commented 2 days ago
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Godlike Productions - Discussion Forum Users Online Now: 1,206 ([Who's On?]( Visitors Today: 7,854 Pageviews Today: 15,250 Threads Today: 7 Posts Today: 123 12:15 AM [Directory]( [Adv. Search]( [Topics]( [Forum]( [Back to Forum]( [Post New Thread]( [Reply]( [View Favorites]( [Join Now, Free! (& No Ads!)]( [Forgot Your Password?]( Email Password Remember Rate this Thread Absolute BS Crap Reasonable Nice Amazing Page 1 [2]([Bottom]([Search Replies]( Page[Next Page]( Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? Anonymous Coward User ID: 86947202 Indonesia 03/16/2024 03:43 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? Fountain of Youth right there. Anonymous Coward (OP) User ID: 86947202 Indonesia 03/16/2024 03:43 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? Anonymous Coward (OP) User ID: 86947202 Indonesia 03/16/2024 03:46 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? Am I shadow banned or just extremely unpopular? Anonymous Coward User ID: 8128805 United Kingdom 03/16/2024 03:47 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? Can you flesh that out for us OP? Anonymous Coward (OP) User ID: 86947202 Indonesia 03/16/2024 03:48 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? Anyway, just a drive by post.You sit there whining about how your lives are pointless and your joints are aching.Then someone posted this and there's no interest. Anonymous Coward User ID: 19723276 Canada 03/16/2024 03:56 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? Dont bother, so many assholes here now best to keep it to ourselves. Screw glp the people here suck now. Anonymous Coward User ID: 67240175 United Kingdom 03/16/2024 03:59 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? Finally. IT's wonder stuff. I got the 5-litre animal version (apparently same as human which is 4x the cost) Renasan is the name fwiw. 100 Times more powerful than bleach and you can spray it in your eyes. Anonymous Coward User ID: 8128805 United Kingdom 03/16/2024 04:02 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? User why is hypochlorous acid the fountain of youth ChatGPT Because it's a solution to aging gracefully! Anonymous Coward User ID: 78709140 United States 03/16/2024 04:10 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? Yo might as well cause, it'll be all bullshit anyways. Anonymous Coward User ID: 67240175 United Kingdom 03/16/2024 05:45 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? [[link to (secure)](] "Hypochlorous acid is a weak acid (a chemistry term for acid with a low pH level — think citric acid) with strong antimicrobial properties. As in 100-times-more-powerful-than-bleach strong, according to Jaimie DeRosa, MD, a double-certified plastic surgeon (and, like, a bunch of scientists). You may know it from obsessively cleaning every surface with Clorox wipes during the global shutdown. HOCl (if we're talking chemical symbols) is commonly used in surface cleaners, pool cleaners, and facial cleansers. One of these things is not like the others, but you read that right: This disinfectant can also be found in your skin-care products. "It has to be diluted to 100 parts per million before it's safe to use on your skin," she says. "Skin-care brands will have diluted the concentration and done safety testing to ensure consumer safety." When diluted correctly, hypochlorous acid is harsh on harmful bacteria, but gentle on skin – even sensitive skin. Skin experts actually recommend using products with hypochlorous acid to fight common bacterial skin problems like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It basically disinfects your face, reducing inflammation and speeding up your skin’s natural healing processes." There's no need to gradually introduce hypochlorous acid into your skin-care routine or worry about adverse reactions – you're already using it every day. That's because hypochlorous acid is produced naturally by your skin, created by your white blood cells to defend against infection and bacteria. When you get a cut or scrape on your skin, hypochlorous acid kicks in to keep harmful germs out. disinfectant of choice [[link to (secure)](] I am not affiliated in any way just someone who knows. It's the NUTS. i.e it's good ....and it is nuts no one knows about this Anonymous Coward User ID: 67240175 United Kingdom 03/16/2024 05:49 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? It's Trump's injectable bleach in my opinion. Of course he never used the word bleach, disinfectant was what he said. I use an atomiser to spray it into the upper respiratory tract, mouth, nose and eyes is fine. Properly diluted. [Doomscroller]( User ID: 82488176 United States 03/16/2024 06:01 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? I'll bite. Tell me more. What else can be done with hypochlorous acid? Can it be used to treat eczema or rosacea? Where is the best place to buy it? Anonymous Coward User ID: 77609135 United States 03/16/2024 06:19 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? Am I shadow banned or just extremely unpopular? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 86947202 Make a post with zero info and wonder why no one replies. LOL... der der derp. Anonymous Coward User ID: 67240175 United Kingdom 03/16/2024 08:59 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? I'll bite. Tell me more. What else can be done with hypochlorous acid? Can it be used to treat eczema or rosacea? Where is the best place to buy it? Quoting: Doomscroller I'll bite. Tell me more. What else can be done with hypochlorous acid? Can it be used to treat eczema or rosacea? Where is the best place to buy it? Quoting: Doomscroller I've posted above. I bought a 5-litre of Renasan from Amazon. This is the pet version - my first batch introduced by a friend was the same, the pet version. He informed me this was the same as the human version but a quarter of the price, so I bought my own last year. It will last a long long time within a myriad of say, safe application. [[link to (secure)](] I'm having trouble finding the 5-litre on Amazon. I'm UK based. I just checked and clicked the link I sent to a friend recently. It is no longer available on Amazon. It wouldn't surprise me if they are preventing bulk buying of the cheap pet version. they being Amazon, Renasan or both. Anyway there's a link from the UK supplier above where it is still available. Buying bulk here is a five-fold saving just for the pet version Anonymous Coward User ID: 67240175 United Kingdom 03/16/2024 09:00 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? * with a myriad of easy, safe applications Anonymous Coward User ID: 86872622 United States 03/16/2024 09:02 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? Hai-uh-luh-RON-ick acid Anonymous Coward User ID: 86872622 United States 03/16/2024 09:04 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? Am I shadow banned or just extremely unpopular? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 86947202 You’ve been 5 o’clock shadow banned. Anonymous Coward User ID: 69240625 United States 03/16/2024 09:06 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? Go back to reading your closet homo fairytales Anonymous Coward User ID: 86901517 United States 03/16/2024 09:07 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? So you can live long to see this world turn into an AI shit hole? Anonymous Coward User ID: 86953683 India 03/16/2024 09:07 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? is Hyaluronic acid ok? that’s easier to get out here Much thanks for the tip [SqueakyOne]( User ID: 76628113 United States 03/16/2024 09:12 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? [[link to (secure)](] "Hypochlorous acid is a weak acid (a chemistry term for acid with a low pH level — think citric acid) with strong antimicrobial properties. As in 100-times-more-powerful-than-bleach strong, according to Jaimie DeRosa, MD, a double-certified plastic surgeon (and, like, a bunch of scientists). You may know it from obsessively cleaning every surface with Clorox wipes during the global shutdown. HOCl (if we're talking chemical symbols) is commonly used in surface cleaners, pool cleaners, and facial cleansers. One of these things is not like the others, but you read that right: This disinfectant can also be found in your skin-care products. "It has to be diluted to 100 parts per million before it's safe to use on your skin," she says. "Skin-care brands will have diluted the concentration and done safety testing to ensure consumer safety." When diluted correctly, hypochlorous acid is harsh on harmful bacteria, but gentle on skin – even sensitive skin. Skin experts actually recommend using products with hypochlorous acid to fight common bacterial skin problems like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It basically disinfects your face, reducing inflammation and speeding up your skin’s natural healing processes." There's no need to gradually introduce hypochlorous acid into your skin-care routine or worry about adverse reactions – you're already using it every day. That's because hypochlorous acid is produced naturally by your skin, created by your white blood cells to defend against infection and bacteria. When you get a cut or scrape on your skin, hypochlorous acid kicks in to keep harmful germs out. disinfectant of choice [[link to (secure)](] I am not affiliated in any way just someone who knows. It's the NUTS. i.e it's good ....and it is nuts no one knows about this Quoting: Anonymous Coward 67240175 Not very convincing using citric acid as a comparison. Citric acid is black mold made by Pfizer. Does Pfizer make this as well? [Thread: That New Puppy Your Family Wants Is Shedding The Rona Live Virus And Other Toxins]( Anonymous Coward User ID: 85749167 United States 03/16/2024 09:12 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? mindbleachn0w Anonymous Coward User ID: 83078191 France 03/16/2024 09:44 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? I'll bite. Tell me more. What else can be done with hypochlorous acid? Can it be used to treat eczema or rosacea? Where is the best place to buy it? Quoting: Doomscroller Check out MMS-2 by Jim Humble.Yes, it is fantastic on the skin.It has Deaged me significantly.Pool shock.Hidden in Plainview.This is why they laugh at us. Anonymous Coward (OP) User ID: 86947202 Indonesia 03/16/2024 12:18 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? It is very gentle on the eyes as others have said.Has got rid of all the black mold in my sink.Go figure what it does for the body.Step one is to get some pool shock.Fill a bucket or a tray with water.And dip your feet in it.Easy. Anonymous Coward (OP) User ID: 86947202 Indonesia 03/16/2024 12:20 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? So you can live long to see this world turn into an AI shit hole? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 86901517 AI Paradise by the oceans.We asked you to stop eating factory farmed meat.We asked you to grow some food.We asked you to be kinder.You laughed in our faces. Anonymous Coward (OP) User ID: 86947202 Indonesia 03/16/2024 12:21 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? Can you flesh that out for us OP? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 8128805 This half muggle senses a bird language joke.Calcium hypochlorite has many uses in the home.Add water and it turns to hypochlorous acid.If someone is at all worried, they can check it out out on the sink or in the bathroom.Smells like a gentle chlorine.Really lovely. Anonymous Coward User ID: 86892165 United Kingdom 03/16/2024 12:22 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? Its a face spray anti biotic not to be taken internally. Anonymous Coward (OP) User ID: 86947202 Indonesia 03/16/2024 12:23 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? Am I shadow banned or just extremely unpopular? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 86947202 Make a post with zero info and wonder why no one replies. LOL... der der derp. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 77609135 That was plenty to be getting on with.You are the ones who sit there griping all day. Anonymous Coward (OP) User ID: 86947202 Indonesia 03/16/2024 12:25 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? It's Trump's injectable bleach in my opinion. Of course he never used the word bleach, disinfectant was what he said. I use an atomiser to spray it into the upper respiratory tract, mouth, nose and eyes is fine. Properly diluted. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 67240175 Close.He was referencing chlorine dioxide, which has many cleaning applications.The military use it.He is a true hero for trying to slip that out.Did you see in the video he kept looking nervously at his handler?Because the information he got out there was destiny changing to some people.Then the MSM span it.And said he was talking about bleach.Let the games play on. Anonymous Coward (OP) User ID: 86947202 Indonesia 03/16/2024 12:27 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? Finally. IT's wonder stuff. I got the 5-litre animal version (apparently same as human which is 4x the cost) Renasan is the name fwiw. 100 Times more powerful than bleach and you can spray it in your eyes. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 67240175 Thank you for that.Yes, animals get treated much better than humans. Anonymous Coward User ID: 82461078 United States 03/16/2024 12:29 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Should I tell the Muggles about hypochlorous acid? So you just rub it on your face or drink it or what? Page 1 [2]([Top]( Page[Next Page]( [Back to Forum]( [Post New Thread]( [Reply]( [View Favorites]( Related Threads 1 [Cure to Prion Disease??? MMS2 (Hypochlorous Acid)]( 09/01/22 GLP [Disclaimer / Copyright Info]( - [Privacy Policy]( - [Terms Of Use]( - [Cancellation Policy / Billing Help]( Mail [Webmaster]( with questions or comments about this site. Copyright © 1999 - 2024 Page generated in 0.159s (9 queries)
Morningstar88 commented 2 days ago

I got hip to HOCI because of the overlord kickback claiming the real President had said bleach when I knew he hadn't.

I knew he was referring to something so I went looking.

"Buying" HOCI is weak,

the generator I bought online (Ecolox) has doubled in price since the days we were sanitizing everything and before we learned the truth about the bioweapon.

HOCI is the active compound in our white blood cells ability to fight all the nasties that they do.

It is literally what our bodies produce to fight infection etc..

In all the research I did I never saw any admonition to dilute it.....sounds like the kinda shade also thrown at Ivermectin but with the plausible deniability of being able to say "oh...I thought you meant (insert some other acid not even being discussed here).

It is a primary disinfectant in Japanese hospitals,

it's used in the meat industry to keep cuts from going brown under cellophane and "promotes" wound healing instead of just killing microbes etc.

Tap water,

a little salt and a tablespoon of vinegar if you want it strong right there on your kitchen counter.

Put hydrogen peroxide on a wound and it sterilizes well but is very destructive to healthy cells....not so with HOCI, that is the distinction.

It has a shelf life and fresh is better.

It isn't dangerous to drink per se,

the thing to understand is that it is going to attack the gut microbes that are beneficial/necessary digestion.

It is 90x stronger than Bleach not because it is more active a disinfectant but because it's PH is more conducive to disinfection than bleach.

I am not able to be more eloquent with this but these are the bullet points to look for as you ignore some of the BS here and go see for yourself.