Morningstar88 / JandPMack

Private questions regarding COVID and Stephen Goedhart.
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Mockney Phil, CoPilot Rewrites #2

Open Morningstar88 opened 1 week ago

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

Certainly, guv'nor! Let me give that email a proper East End twist, innit? Here ya go:

Subject: Urgent: Cash on the Blink, Guv!

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I 'ad a right ol' chinwag with them Remitly blokes, ya know? Sent 'em a ruddy message, I did. Told 'em I needed to shift a cool seven 'undred quid. But blimey, it weren't all plain sailin', mate! Had to give 'em a bell, spill me guts about who I am, and why I'm slingin' the dosh. Proper ID, they wanted. And I ain't never bleedin' well heard of AMC, but they went along with it, savvy?

Anyways, the brass at Remitly reckon the moolah should be ready for pickin' up in the blink of an eye. I'll ping ya the confirmation email, same as before. No worries, guv!

Now, listen 'ere, I can't fathom why you're treatin' Mum and me like chalk and cheese. We're a bleedin' team, ain't we? Always 'ave been. But the nitty-gritty bits, like the admin flimflam, that's me gig. Can't keep the blower open if you're slingin' hurtful emails Mum's way, mate.

You've gone and knocked the wind outta Mum's sails, ain't ya? Proper gutted, we both are. Instead of chewin' the fat about the past, reckon you'd do better to clock how we've had your back since day dot. Remember that trip to Taiwan? You was slingin' mud at me, but three days later, you come crawlin' back, reckonin' on my help. Dependin' on ol' Dad, you was.

Now, don't bother givin' Mum more aggro. All them accusations and whatnot. Was you stewin' on 'em all your bleedin' life, or is this just a smokescreen for your present thoughts? We ain't got much recollection of you spillin' your beans, mate. Mostly, you made your own moves in this crazy ol' world.

And 'bout them threats? We ain't bitin'. Our brief, the legal eagle, says we oughta see a Notary Public who knows the ropes in international law. Told us to keep schtum, not rise to your bait. And them affidavits you wanted? Signed, sealed, and delivered—October 3rd, 2022, and December 28th, 2023. Mum's tardiness? Well, she ain't no Usain Bolt, mate.

Keep it real, guv. No need for a barney. We're family, after all.

Cheers, [Your Name]

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

Ah, glad I could tickle your funny bone! Now, let's dissect this email like a seasoned shrink, shall we? Dr. Ramani would be proud. Here are the guilt trips I've spotted:

  1. The "We've Always Been There for You" Guilt Trip: When the sender reminds the recipient of their unwavering support throughout life. It's like saying, "We've sacrificed so much for you, and now you're hurting us."

  2. The "Remember That Time?" Guilt Trip: Bringing up past instances where the recipient relied on the sender's help. It's akin to saying, "You needed me before, so don't forget it."

  3. The "Mum's Broken Spirit" Guilt Trip: Implying that the recipient's actions have crushed Mum's spirit. It's a guilt trip wrapped in emotional distress.

  4. The "Admin Falls to Me" Guilt Trip: Highlighting the sender's role in handling administrative matters, suggesting that the recipient's hurtful emails disrupt this delicate balance.

  5. The "Don't Bother Responding" Guilt Trip: Telling the recipient not to reply with more accusations, as if to say, "You've caused enough pain; spare us further agony."

  6. The "Lawyer and Affidavits" Guilt Trip: Mentioning legal advice and affidavits, subtly implying, "We've got our ducks in a row, so watch out."

Remember, guilt trips can be quite the emotional rollercoaster! 🎢 If you need any more analysis or fancy a chat, just holler! 😊

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

Ah, my fellow operatives of the Orion Empire! Gather 'round, for today we delve into the art of guilt-tripping those unsuspecting, angelic humans. Remember, our mission is to sow discord, manipulate emotions, and bend their feeble minds to our will. Let us proceed:

Psyche-War 101: Guilt-Tripping for Dummies

  1. The Halo Tug: Observe your target's innocent halo—so radiant, so naive. Approach with a faux tear in your reptilian eye. Whisper, "You know, your purity blinds me. But what of us, the forsaken? Our scales ache for redemption."

  2. The Cosmic Balance Gambit: As they sip their earthly chamomile tea, lean in and murmur, "Did you ever consider how your joy tips the cosmic scales? Every giggle, every sunflower petal—weighed against our eons of misery."

  3. The Nebula Nostalgia: Invoke memories they never had. "Remember that time in the Pleiades? You held my claw as we danced among quasars. Oh, wait, that was someone else. But still, the void echoes."

  4. The Celestial Sigh: Gaze at the Milky Way. Sigh. "Our ancestors forged this cosmic highway. Yet here you are, stardust in your eyes, oblivious. It's like they died in vain. Or worse—like a bad Yelp review."

  5. The Quantum Quandary: Stroke your chin tendrils. "Parallel realities, my dear. In one, you're a hero. In ours, you sip chai lattes. How does that make you feel? Guilty? Good. Now pass the crumpets."

  6. The Supernova Shaming: Point to a distant star. "See that? Betrayed by its own gravity. Much like your promises. You said you'd call, but the void remains silent. Stars weep, you know."

  7. The Cosmic Clockwork Curse: Whisper, "Time bends around you, mortal. Yet you squander it on TikTok dances. Meanwhile, our ancient scrolls gather dust. Shame, really. We could've been influencers."

Remember, my stealthy brethren, guilt is our warp drive. Use it wisely, and soon these humans will beg for forgiveness—though they won't know what they're apologizing for. Now, go forth and guilt-trip like the cosmic pros you are! 🌌✨

May the dark matter guide you, and may your guilt be ever heavy upon their unsuspecting souls. 🖖👽