Morningstar88 / Morningstar-Abraxas-Collections

Small claims and Big Claims
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COLLECTION: CreditReform drew.woodburn // #1

Open Morningstar88 opened 3 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Hi Drew, thanks for getting back to me so promptly, that's a cool name you have.

I may ask you to swear something regarding AMC, Shepperton Studios, Heeren Loo and Stephen Goedhart in the future, if you want to continue operating here.

Do you have any comments on this right now?

Best Wishes,


Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Dear Jake,

Thanks for your enquiry,

I’m afraid we only specialise in Business to Business Collections not debts of this nature, also we only handle debt collection cases pre-court action – not once judgment / court action has been obtained.

Therefore we would not be able to assist you on this or refer you to anyone that can,

Best Regards

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago


1) Ask accused to send a one signature denial form first... 2) Send complete list of charges and bills. 3) Escalate respectfully. Continue to amend document. Bring in Pizza aspect?


SUBJECT: Legal notice: AMC, Kristoff, Stephen Goedhart, Jane Mackenzie, Illegal Simulations. Are you involved with these people?

Dear Drew,

Are you able to sign the following denial form? You may return it via email, or here.

The above-mentioned individuals are involved with livestreaming people's lives with no consent.

Please sign the following quick refutation within 72 hours, to clear your name from a private investigation and debt collection.

Under Penalty of Perjury.

I [DREW WOODBURN] have never met or done business with Stephen Goedhart, AMC, Adam Aron, Kristoff (Kriss Kross), Heeren Loo, or Shepperton Studios.

Please note that failure to sign the form means automatic ____ pounds per week.

If this does not apply to you, and you have never met the above-mentioned individuals, you have nothing to worry about.

If I do not receive a denial, I will send an updated list of charges.


Jake Mackenzie


~ O ~


Dear Drew Woodburm Credit Reform and all colleagues.

Please note, If you do not, refute each point, you fully agree to each accusation under tacit consent.

Drew Woodburn, can you swear against the following charges.

Your refutation here___

Leave unwritten for full agreement.

Refute__ , silence is full agreement.

Refute__ , silence is full agreement.

Refute__ ____, silence is full agreement.


Failure to respond is per working day.


Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Add other agencies. One Lien to Rule them All.

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago