Morningstar88 / Morningstar-Abraxas-Collections

Small claims and Big Claims
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MONEYCLAIM.GOV - Who can use it. Are there any limits? #34

Open Morningstar88 opened 1 week ago

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

There are only 250 in the whole of the UK.

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago


Steps before issuing a claim at court

  1. Where there is a relevant pre-action protocol, the parties should comply with that protocol before commencing proceedings. Where there is no relevant pre-action protocol, the parties should exchange correspondence and information to comply with the objectives in paragraph 3, bearing in mind that compliance should be proportionate. The steps will usually include—

(a) the claimant writing to the defendant with concise details of the claim. The letter should include the basis on which the claim is made, a summary of the facts, what the claimant wants from the defendant, and if money, how the amount is calculated;

(b) the defendant responding within a reasonable time – 14 days in a straight forward case and no more than 3 months in a very complex one. The reply should include confirmation as to whether the claim is accepted and, if it is not accepted, the reasons why, together with an explanation as to which facts and parts of the claim are disputed and whether the defendant is making a counterclaim as well as providing details of any counterclaim; and

(c) the parties disclosing key documents relevant to the issues in dispute.

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago