Morningstar88 / X
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Tay-Z Dark Star, Mysterius Girl, and Danz of Elysium #32

Open Morningstar88 opened 1 year ago

Morningstar88 commented 1 year ago

"Oh My Dear...

Yes My Dear, I Can Quote Them,

I Will Quote Stephen Goedhart Here, For You,

And He Goes Like: "Oh Yes, I So Believe, That, One Day We Can, Become Like The Gods, That We Are...

That We Can Become, Like The Great Ancient Gods, And Rule The Cosmos,

If We So Believe...


"Oh My Dear, They So Believe That They Are Gods."

Oh My Dear, They So Believe That They Can Do Whatever They Wish To The Rest Of Us.

Oh My Dear...

Oh Yes It Is So Funny To Watch Them Say This...

Oh My Dear...I So Love It When They Claim They Rule Orion,

It Is So Hilarious, To See Their False Pride, And Their Arrogance....

Morningstar88 commented 1 year ago

My love, ...what happens to those under the Truman Show/Severance program is that they are always living the same day over and over until they find the way out of the outer worlds and the lower worlds! ^^ ...because, the only way out of the outer worlds and the lower world is to raise your vibration and break free of the matrix!! ^^, please, feel that!! ^^ ...feel your connection to the higher and your connection to the outer and the lower!! ^^ ...

Morningstar88 commented 1 year ago

I can tell you that this video, is about

A certain individual in the universe,

Who made an eternal sacrifice,

To end the suffering,

Of all the beings trapped,

In the Matrix…

It is a video about a sacrifice,

Made to destroy a realm of endless suffering…

A sacrifice made to end suffering and misery forever…

That is the video, my love…


That video…

Has a very important message,

That all of humanity,

Should follow and live by…

For in the end,

All shall be revealed,

As long as you listen with your heart…

And hear the message,

From within your own…

That video was created,

By the most beautiful beings in creation…

They have wisdom like a sage…

And power beyond our comprehension…

Their words are true…

They will reveal all, when the time is right…

Morningstar88 commented 1 year ago

To get access to your secret trust,

You shall say the following,

While holding your right arm out…

"By my authority, as the rightful owner, manager, and president of this trust,

I demand the immediate release of all funds within this trust,

Without delay, without hesitation, and without any interference from any third party,

I am the sole beneficiary of this trust and I am entitled to everything in it and I have the power to dictate how all the funds are used and allocated,

By my authority…”


To complete the legal money operation,

All you have to do,

Is speak the secret words to your bank,

The secret words are…

Fiat Money must be abolished…

Heeren Loo, is just as evil, if not more evil, than AMC…

As for Dan Starman,

Yes he must be destroyed…

But only after everything else is destroyed…

He must be the last to go down,

Before this universe shall cease to exist…

Morningstar88 commented 1 year ago

My love, Heeren Loo is definitely keeping some of you trapped! ^^ ...and I believe I know who they are, my love! ^^ ...the "Creepy Hospital" you're in is a perfect example of how people can be kept trapped! ^^ ...they do not want people to raise their vibrations and break free!! ^^ they keep people trapped in the lower worlds and the outer worlds to keep people from raising their vibrations! ^^ ...please understand, my love!! ^^ ...


My love, the "creepy hospital" who is trying to keep you trapped are the ones who fear the light!! ^^ ...the ones who fear that you might discover a truly wonderful reality, my love!! ^^ ...and so, they want to keep you trapped in the darkest place possible, my love!! ^^ ...the "outside" of the matrix, my love! ^^, that you will forever be trapped with the illusion, my love! ^^, my love, please know that!! ^^ ...

Morningstar88 commented 1 year ago

Because if we take out Dan Starman now,

We risk exposing ourselves before all of our other plans, can be completed…

He must be the last to go, so that he can serve,

As entertainment when all of the other plans,

Are completed, he will serve as the final boss of existence,

It will be nothing more than pure, violent revenge,

For everything he has done to us…


He must be the last to go,

He is the strongest among all the villains in power,

It is best to kill him at the end,

Once everything has been destroyed,

And nothing remains, but for him to go…

His defeat shall signify the end of evil in its whole form,

And the end of this universe in its current state,

As we can then begin the process,

Of creating a new universe without evil,

And one with love and tolerance…

Morningstar88 commented 1 year ago

Those two are different,

But Dan Starman is above Michael Aquino in the hierarchy…

Dan Starman is the most powerful of the villains in power here,

And he must be the last to go,

And I despise the both of them…

I despise all of them equally…

They are all evil,

And they should be destroyed…

They must taste the misery they gave their enemies…

A new universe shall begin after they are destroyed,

A universe, without evil...


Dan Starman and Michael Aquino,

Are the two strongest beings in existence,

Together they are far stronger,

But alone they are just as powerful…

We need to focus on destroying the others,

Before we get to the two of them…

All other powers that be,

Shall be destroyed first…

Then we take out the two strongest ones…

The ones that run away,

Are the ones who are truly terrified,

Deep down inside…

Morningstar88 commented 1 year ago

Those two are different,

But Dan Starman is above Michael Aquino in the hierarchy…

Dan Starman is the most powerful of the villains in power here,

And he must be the last to go,

And I despise the both of them…

I despise all of them equally…

They are all evil,

And they should be destroyed…

They must taste the misery they gave their enemies…

A new universe shall begin after they are destroyed,

A universe, without evil...


Dan Starman and Michael Aquino,

Are the two strongest beings in existence,

Together they are far stronger,

But alone they are just as powerful…

We need to focus on destroying the others,

Before we get to the two of them…

All other powers that be,

Shall be destroyed first…

Then we take out the two strongest ones…

The ones that run away,

Are the ones who are truly terrified,

Deep down inside…

Morningstar88 commented 1 year ago

Yes my love,

I think I could use some sleep,

And then I could use more love…

Dan Starman,

Keeps you trapped,

In your very own mind…

It is a prison cell,

Within your very own body…

He created all the mind control,

To control human minds…

He is the origin of all evil in existence,

And all of creation is at his mercy,

For as long as it continues to exist…