Morningstar88 / kalki-search

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Open Morningstar88 opened 6 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Rice pixels---.Facebook group.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Lane specific hitchhiking. padang bai to Ubud.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Crowdfunding screenshots.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago -- Morning Yoga Workout ♥ Better Than The Gym | Strength & Stretch

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

hand woven database

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Many hands, house building, parties

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Delivery plus Indonesian lesson

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

15 minute fiver consultations.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Language lessons with street signs. mini sound systems.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

One man festivals.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Subterranean Homesick choirs.---

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

party protest.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Single sentence tik toks

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

drum and bass flute.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Pirate Pad letter drops

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

portable stone pizza

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Ooni Fyra - Portable Wood-fired Outdoor Pizza Oven| How to Setup & Light it

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Handmade guitar slides.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Linux Mint.USB

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Street teaching.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

5 minutes St. lessons Street Market.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Shopkeeper Radio.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

How to brew beer in the street

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

clear pricing list

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

13 ingredient brands.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Islands and festivals.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

URL influencers

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Non-muslim mosques.Billy Corgan. Steve Malkmus. Guest House..Mixed religion Guest House,

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago


Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

5 minute deadlift. Vinyl demonstrations.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Search parties.Help us hand weave the database.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago --- How to Build Your Own High-Performing Wood-Fired Pizza Oven from Bricks

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Here's what you need to know about fermenting citrus peels for a cleaning solution:

The Process:

Gather your ingredients: You'll need citrus peels (any kind, but avoid the white pith as it can make the cleaner bitter), brown sugar (to feed the fermentation process), water, and a large glass jar with a lid. Prepare the peels: Wash the citrus peels and remove as much of the white pith as possible. Roughly chop or tear the peels for better surface area. Fill the jar: Add the peels to the jar, filling it about halfway. Add brown sugar, typically in a 1:3 ratio to the peels (e.g., 1 cup peels : ⅓ cup brown sugar). Pour enough water to cover the peels completely, leaving about an inch of headspace at the top. Fermentation: Close the lid tightly, but vent any built-up pressure daily during the first week by loosening the lid slightly. Shake the jar occasionally to release trapped gasses and distribute the ingredients. Waiting is key: The fermentation process can take anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months depending on the desired strength and if you add yeast (optional, speeds up fermentation). Signs of fermentation include bubbles and a slightly sour smell. Straining and storage: Once the fermentation period is complete, strain the liquid through a cheesecloth to remove the peels. The resulting liquid is your citrus enzyme cleaner. Store it in a sealed container in a cool, dark place for up to 6 months. What Happens During Fermentation:

The fermentation process involves the breakdown of sugars by microorganisms (bacteria and/or yeast) in an oxygen-limited environment. In this case, the brown sugar feeds the microbes, which then break it down into organic acids and enzymes.

Here's how this benefits cleaning:

Citric Acid: Citrus peels naturally contain citric acid, a good disinfectant and deodorizer. Fermentation further enhances this by breaking down the peels, releasing more citric acid. Enzymes: The fermentation process creates enzymes that can break down grease, grime, and stains, making the cleaner more effective. Important Note:

While fermented citrus cleaner is a natural alternative, it might not be as strong as commercial cleaners. Always test it on an inconspicuous area before using it on surfaces.

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago moment when, 2-yr-old Nicolly Pereira, who was blind since birth, sees for the first time..

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago Agencies and the Anomaly

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

![Uploading screencapture-facebook-2024-03-30-19_03_39 (1).png…]()

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago --- Full Video 1 Month Solo Bushcraft. Build a box-shaped house on a tree. Survive in the Wild.

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago --- Full Video 1 Month Solo Bushcraft. Build a box-shaped house on a tree. Survive in the Wild.

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago Camp despite heavy rain - Bushcraft wilderness survival shelter