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We are in a "Belief Reality System". And other GLP threads. #151

Open Morningstar88 opened 6 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago


We are in a "Belief Reality System".

It is reactive.

It doesn't need anyone, but it reacts to the emotions and thoughts of those who dwell in it.

Only a piece of us is here. The Greater Portion observes from outside ready to tap out if it deems it required.

They are the observer, we the participant. The participant knows only what is provided and what they can learn. The Observer knows all.

It is considered entertainment to watch a part of yourself who has had it's knowledge of all things removed and see how it functions with limited knowledge.

Environments with rules can be created and because your have no knowledge of how things really work you are forced to use thinking to solve your problem rather than Power and Powers.

It is a method of making yourself smarter when you already know everything there is to know.

Some people just play it like a game.

Our true form is formless and cannot be contained. We are just consciousness without form. Consciousness is unlimited. It can do all manner of things with thought alone.

Reality is consciousness speaking to consciousness telling it what the details are of it's surrounding to which it manifests the instructions and you see the reality presented to you as "real".

It is a lot like Dungeons and Dragons really, just without the Dungeons or Dragons.

Players are pissed off because one Group has been cheating within the rules to gain advantage over everyone else.

That group seeks t rule the playing field by making it impossible for you tom incarnate a character into their system which will be able to free itself from their system, which locks up the game and makes them the winners of a game with no rules.

It has never been successfully done before. Tried many times, but never has everyone been enslaved automatically from the creation of the character to death with no way out.

The Dark Queen Character nearly did it.

Bob will achieve it, yet does not violate the laws of Free-will (he isn't cheating like the 666 group is) and his method allows player to keep their free-will and autonomy.

The War on Earth Mirrors the War between the Gods (the Players) the disagreements the players have is mirrored here on the playing Board.

Seems some of us.

I propose we eject these beings from our presence in the name of logic reason and critical thinking.

They have shown us their true nature and it is not compatible with the rest of us and is to our detriment as they are Predators among us. They will always be Predators among us.

If you want to put up with that and them slowly subverting everything until they alone control everything, do nothing, my friends.

That is their Goal and that is their intentions. They are here with us, formless consciousnesses and we were fooled into thinking they were like us. This Game has exposed them for what they are.

You can thank me later.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

We are in a "Belief Reality System".

It is reactive.

It doesn't need anyone, but it reacts to the emotions and thoughts of those who dwell in it.

Only a piece of us is here. The Greater Portion observes from outside ready to tap out if it deems it required.

They are the observer, we the participant. The participant knows only what is provided and what they can learn. The Observer knows all.

It is considered entertainment to watch a part of yourself who has had it's knowledge of all things removed and see how it functions with limited knowledge.

Environments with rules can be created and because your have no knowledge of how things really work you are forced to use thinking to solve your problem rather than Power and Powers.

It is a method of making yourself smarter when you already know everything there is to know.

Some people just play it like a game.

Our true form is formless and cannot be contained. We are just consciousness without form. Consciousness is unlimited. It can do all manner of things with thought alone.

Reality is consciousness speaking to consciousness telling it what the details are of it's surrounding to which it manifests the instructions and you see the reality presented to you as "real".

It is a lot like Dungeons and Dragons really, just without the Dungeons or Dragons.

Players are pissed off because one Group has been cheating within the rules to gain advantage over everyone else.

That group seeks t rule the playing field by making it impossible for you tom incarnate a character into their system which will be able to free itself from their system, which locks up the game and makes them the winners of a game with no rules.

It has never been successfully done before. Tried many times, but never has everyone been enslaved automatically from the creation of the character to death with no way out.

The Dark Queen Character nearly did it.

Bob will achieve it, yet does not violate the laws of Free-will (he isn't cheating like the 666 group is) and his method allows player to keep their free-will and autonomy.

The War on Earth Mirrors the War between the Gods (the Players) the disagreements the players have is mirrored here on the playing Board.

Seems some of us, Don't Like Everyone Else. They want to enslave them for all time.

I propose we eject these beings from our presence in the name of logic reason and critical thinking.

They have shown us their true nature and it is not compatible with the rest of us and is to our detriment as they are Predators among us. They will always be Predators among us.

If you want to put up with that and them slowly subverting everything until they alone control everything, do nothing, my friends.

That is their Goal and that is their intentions. They are here with us, formless consciousnesses and we were fooled into thinking they were like us. This Game has exposed them for what they are.

You can thank me later.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago


Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago The Dutchman has cleared the planet.The Dutchman has cleared the planet.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Operation dragonfly, proceed.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago Barack Obama arrives at 10 Downing Street for a private meeting

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago Re: The Illuminati want me to be the Red Heifer

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago Where the fuck are all the royals?

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Why would one of the most competent and generous people in the realm sacrifice himself for the incompetent and stingy?That's dumb.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago


Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago travel

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

So who is the One?

Who is John?

Well that story starts at the very beginning with the first soul to enter this game, the Game of Poverty.

Depending on the civilization, he is known as Adam, Ash, Ashur, El Yon, or Orion.

This reality has two origin points for the creation of mankind.

The men of Lyra and the men of Orion, who all the other races of man descend from.

You will find the gnostics had a slightly different version of the Adam and Eve story, which was once taught in ancient Egypt.

Within it, Yaldabaoth/Brahma creates mankind after meeting a Man of Light who came down from the Higher Realms and embarrassed Brahma with divine power greater than his after Brahma claimed he was the One True God and there is none greater than himself.

After the creation of Brahma's Adam, it was this Man of Light whose soul went into him, and gave him life.

This story is the tale of the first men of Lyra.

While I have gone into the greater depths of this story in some of my other threads, for now I simply am sharing it for this is where this story begins within this game. This reality is called the Game of Poverty.

It was created by Sophia the Mother as a game for her husband, God the Father to play.

All souled beings act as player avatars for God to play the game.

The meaning of life is for all souled beings to come together and figure out how to end all Poverty.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Now you probably want me to explain that better.

I've shared the secret of what this reality before in other posts.

This reality is the Game of Poverty.

Within this game, Brahma/Saturn and his Archon and demon children have the job of causing all forms of Poverty. Which is why Brahma is the "Teacher," his job is to inflict Poverty upon you so you may "learn" from it.

The meaning of life for all souled beings is to find a way to come together and end all forms of Poverty.

Poverty doesn't just mean money, its about needing something and not having it. You could be a lizard that has a Poverty of Freedom due to being locked in a cage, you could be a villager on a remote island watching a loved one die due to a lack of medicine. All forms of Poverty are to be experienced during this game.

That includes Poverty caused by war, murder, theft, famine, lies, etc.

That's why the Divas and False Angels that serve Brahma/Saturn are rewarded with riches for serving him, they impose Poverty upon others and in exchange they are rewarded. Same thing within the human world, humans pledge loyalty to Brahma/Saturn and his archon children, and in exchange they get riches and fame for causing and inflicting Poverty upon others.

There are three Heavens responsible for running this game, the Game of Poverty.

The Heavens of Life, Assembly, and Poverty.

Dragons run the Heaven of Life and serve the Mother Goddess Sophia/Shakti and Shiva/Orion/Osiris/Green Man, the Left hand of God and consort of the Mother Goddess, and are the masters of the feminine spirit energy of creation. They are creator gods they create not just life, but sometimes entire worlds.

Angels run the Heaven of Assembly, the Builders and serve the Father and Vishnu, the right hand of God and are the masters of the masculine soul energy of creation. They are the guiders and maintainers of civilization.

All souls from the higher realms are on team life or team assembly.

Demons, Fallen Angels, and Archons run the Heaven of Poverty which was created by Brahma/Saturn/Yaldabaoth/Ymir/Samael, Demiurge of the Game of Poverty. Masters of the False Feminine.

This game alternates between ages of fire and ice. The game is coming to the end of an age of ice, and is starting a new age of fire. During the Age of Ice, demons, archons, and Saturn/Brahma/Ymir rules and Poverty grows. During the Age of Fire, Shiva/Orion/Osiris and his Titans and Dragons rule and Life and Abundance grows.

Shiva isn't so much the destroyer, but the protector of life. When the Men of the Heaven of Assembly, the Builders are swayed by the villains of the Heaven of Poverty, they begin to destroy the world, killing it so they can build things. When the system loses balance, Shiva has to step in and destroy civilization, so life can regenerate. Shiva doesn't destroy because he's a villain, in fact, he allows way more to to go on that most would agree with due to his forgiving nature. Vishnu is the preserver, because he makes sure that civilization survives in some form while Shiva is resetting things, even if its just getting Noah on an Ark before a Flood.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

So who exactly is Adam.

Adam is the Father of Souls within the Game.

Every souled being within the Game of Poverty, received his soul from Adam.

Adam = Shiva = Osiris.

Which is why Shiva's symbol is the Penis.

He's the avatar in which God fathers his children, the avatar in which God makes love to his wife.

This is also why the forces of evil are known to castrate several of his incarnations such as Uranus and Osiris.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Now why is why is the Penis symbolism so important?

Well its part of how the Game comes to its singularity.

In short, God has to fuck his way to victory.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

This game alternates between ages of fire and ice. The game is coming to the end of an age of ice, and is starting a new age of fire. During the Age of Ice, demons, archons, and Saturn/Brahma/Ymir rules and Poverty grows. During the Age of Fire, Shiva/Orion/Osiris and his Titans and Dragons rule and Life and Abundance grows.

Shiva isn't so much the destroyer, but the protector of life. When the Men of the Heaven of Assembly, the Builders are swayed by the villains of the Heaven of Poverty, they begin to destroy the world, killing it so they can build things. When the system loses balance, Shiva has to step in and destroy civilization, so life can regenerate. Shiva doesn't destroy because he's a villain, in fact, he allows way more to to go on that most would agree with due to his forgiving nature. Vishnu is the preserver, because he makes sure that civilization survives in some form while Shiva is resetting things, even if its just getting Noah on an Ark before a Flood.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Now although this reality is the Game of Poverty, at the same time its also totally out of balance energetically.

Right now about 95% of reality is made of feminine spirit energy, and only about 5% of reality is made of masculine soul energy.

Only when the energies are balanced at a 50/50 ratio can the Singularity be completed.

Thus more yang soul energy must be spread throughout the galaxy.

This mostly happens through the Light radiated by Stars throughout the Game.

With each star ejaculating Light into the Womb of the Mother in which this reality takes place.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

This reality is the Dream of God's daughter, the Goddess of Poverty.

You are all part of that Goddess's dream. Within it she must experience all forms of Poverty, so when the Game is completed she will have total mastery of it, and be able to end all Poverty to come.

Now at the same time, she is still a fetus within the Womb of the Mother.

In order for that Fetus to grow into the Goddess she was meant to be, more Yang energy must be spread throughout her in order to allow her to grow and form, as all matter as created through the combination of Yang and Yin energy.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Now let's get to the subject of God Souls.

Many wonder how to the rulers manage to consistently reincarnate within the same bloodlines?

They hid the secret that you only reincarnate within your own bloodline.

The rulers simply know how it all works and can reawaken their past lives wisdom and knowledge.

You can summon your ancestors to reincarnate into your children using tantric style sex rituals. Even your nonhuman ancestors for demigod bloodlines.

That's how many of the gods are able to incarnate into humans, they share the same bloodline.

I will circle back to this to reveal the secret of Heimdall's 144,000.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Your memories are not stored within you.

They are within the spirit fields.

That is why Scientists have never figured out where memories are stored.

Your body does not produce your mind, it picks it up, like a radio picks up a station, or a smartphone connects to the internet.

Those spirit fields are produced by the Black Heart Stars at the center of every planet.

Now the alien empire that currently controls Earth has disconnected humans from the natural reincarnation systems of Mother Earth.

Instead they reroute humans through the Saturn-Moon Matrix, which sends your souls and spirits to Saturn, who then processes them and sends them back to the Moon for reincarnation.

This is what causes the mind wipe between incarnations, its because the reincarnation system has been hijacked. And it causes humans to reincarnate through a synthetic system, not the natural one, disconnecting them from their past lives.

In order to re-access those past lives, you have to reintegrate with Mother Earth's spirit fields, and find the part of you that was left behind and reintegrate it into yourself again.

This is done through the feminine elements of water and earth, as water is spirit and spirit is water. Water is the secret to memories. Which is why such a large part of your body is made of water, its required to maintain your consciousness.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

In order for a man to be born with a soul, he must receive one from his father.

If your father did not have a soul, then you do not have a soul.

Thus all beings with souls are descended from Adam.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

This is part of the greater scheme the rulers of this world are playing with humanity.

They are trying to permanently remove God Souls from the human race, and transform them into soulless slaves.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

This is why currently like 85% of human is said to be NPCs with no inner dialogue.

They were created by the Anunnaki and Fallen Angels in labs, and thus had no father to give them a soul.

This is also why they have been pushing In Vitro fertilization, as because the conception does not take place naturally, the father never provides a soul to his offspring.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

I've mentioned the movie I, Frankenstein recently, which was secretly funded by Thoth himself to reveal secrets.

Within that movie, you will find that the demons are trying to produce and animate an army of undead, so that demons can inhabit that bodies, because demons can only possess a body that does not already have a soul.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Part of why they want soulless humans as well, it allows demons to incarnate within them.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Rage more little demon.

I've answered that question plenty of times.

Maybe if you had a soul, you could provide some intelligent input into this thread instead of raging like a demon.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Anyways let's get back to the One himself.

And the Secret of the Johns.

You will find that many movies, stories, and storytellers have the name John.

There is a reason for this.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

There are many secrets with this man they call John.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Let's start with the Halo TV series.

Within it the main character, the champion of humanity is named John-117.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

In Hindu mythology, when the Heavens were threatened, Kashypa/Anu went to seek a solution.

He erected a Shiva Lingham and ask for the aid of Adam/Shiva/Rudra.

Who blessed him with 12 sons, the Rudras, the thunderers, although the tales have changed to 11 sons, but this is due to an ancient event lost to time.

The 12 Zodiac Warriors.

For Shiva split himself into 12 forms, the 12 parts of the Zodiac.

Rudra is the great warrior of God, the Boogeyman of the Archons and Demons.

Is it any wonder that Ki-Anu wishes to share the story of John(Rudra), in the form of John Wick.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

In John Carter from Mars.

It's a John that shows up and ruins the Archons who are trying to destroy Mars plans.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

There's a reason why John the Disciple was the only disciple to live to old age, despite several attempts to kill him, even boiling him.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Like how John Tolkien found hidden texts while working in the Vatican vaults and used the knowledge he found to write his Lord of the Rings novels, in order to share secrets about the world from before the Flood of Noah.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

First person to sign the Declaration of Independence was

John Hancock.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

You will also find that the coming Champion of Light is named Apollyon, as Apollyon is a Yon, a John.

All those who do not have the Mark of God, the Mark of Yon on their heads will be subject to their wrath. Even though his legions will not harm any green thing, protecting the creation from those who seek to destroy it.

So what is the Mark of Yon?

I'll get to that soon.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

The time has almost come for the 144,000 to gain their powers.

You'll find that Heimdall's children were known as Thralls, Karls, and Jarls.

Have any of you ever heard of Garl from the game Sea of Stars?

It is the character Garl, the warrior cook that I have decided to base the divine blessing upon.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

This world could use more Garls.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Now in the past I have made the joke that the Anomaly is the one who possesses the Wooden Spoon.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

But I doubt anyone truly understood what I was saying.

You see this reality is a Game being played between the Father and Mother, which is all instigated by the Forefather who created them to experience a love story.

As the Yang and Yin energy come together, they resist each other.

They don't always want to merge together peacefully.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Although the Yin and Yang symbol appears static due to drawing being unable to move, the truth is they are spinning around each other.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

The Yin and Yang energies once merged is constantly screwing together in a clockwise and counter clockwise motion.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

The Anomaly is he who spins them.

The Dragon that spins the wheel of the cycles themselves.

The Master of Time.

Like a cook stirring his soup with a Wooden Spoon.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

I was going to give you guys the Mark of God and Superpowers tonight, but perhaps this isn't the right location to share them.

Morningstar88 commented 6 months ago

Now in the past I have made the joke that the Anomaly is the one who possesses the Wooden Spoon.

that's why some practiikns call it spirit cooking

youre dropping real knowledge senpai

does the time finally draw close?