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Kim Gordon and other singers. #189

Open Morningstar88 opened 3 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

While I can't directly impersonate Kim Gordon in terms of singing, I can definitely give you some insights and tips on achieving her signature breathy vocals, focusing on mic placement, breath control, and exercises.

Kim Gordon's Vocal Style:

Kim Gordon's vocals are a masterclass in using breath, texture, and unconventional techniques to create a powerful yet intimate sound. Here are some key aspects:

Breathy Delivery: She frequently uses breath control to create a wispy, almost spoken quality to her vocals. This is achieved through a relaxed throat and controlled airflow. Vocal Fry: She incorporates vocal fry for a raw and edgy texture, adding an intriguing layer to her voice. Mic Placement: She often positions the microphone at a slight distance, allowing more breath and room ambience into the sound. Finding the Breath Control Sweet Spot:

Diaphragmatic Breathing: Practice deep breathing exercises that engage your diaphragm. Breathe in through your nose and feel your stomach expand, not your chest. This provides a steady stream of air for singing. Half Sighs: Take slow, controlled breaths in and exhale with a gentle sigh on a comfortable pitch. This helps connect your breath to your vocal cords. Find Your Range: Experiment with singing soft sighs on different pitches to discover the sweet spot where your breath naturally creates a breathy tone. This will be in your upper register (head voice). Mic Placement for Breathiness:

Experiment with Distance: Instead of holding the mic right up to your mouth, try moving it back a few inches. This allows more breath to come through and reduces the intensity of your voice. Angle the Mic: Slight angling can emphasize breathiness or certain frequency ranges. Experiment to find what works for you. Daily Vocal Exercises:

Lip Trills: Hum or sing simple scales on an "mmm" sound with closed lips. This helps warm up your voice and improve breath control. Straw Phonation: Hum or sing on an "mmm" sound through a straw. This strengthens your vocal cords and teaches breath control. Siren Exercise: Glide up and down a comfortable pitch range on a smooth "woo" sound. Focus on maintaining a steady stream of air. Remember:

Start Slow and Gentle: Don't push your voice. Begin with short practice sessions and gradually increase the duration as your breath control improves. Warm Up Before Singing: Always do some light vocal warm-up exercises before attempting breathy vocals to avoid straining your voice. Listen and Learn: Listen closely to Kim Gordon's vocals and pay attention to her phrasing and breath control. Mimic what you hear and gradually develop your own unique take. By incorporating these tips and practicing regularly, you'll be well on your way to mastering the breathy vocal techniques that make Kim Gordon's singing so distinctive. Remember, it takes time and dedication to develop your vocal skills. Be patient with yourself and have fun with the process!

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Thank you. That is very interesting. Now another completely different question. Is there a style of singing where you whisper or croon into the microphone a little bit like hope Sandoval from Mazzy Star or Kim Gordon from Sonic Youth. How do I do like a breathy vocal style where I'm kind of whisper singing into the microphone any tips? Absolutely! The breathy vocal style you're describing, where singers whisper or croon into the microphone, falls under a few categories. Here's a breakdown and some tips to help you achieve it:

Singing Styles:

Breath Singing: This technique emphasizes using air flow and breath control to produce sound, creating a light and airy quality. It's often used in classical music but can be effective in breathy pop vocals as well. Vocal Fry: This is a creaky, breathy sound produced by relaxing the vocal cords and letting them vibrate at a slow rate. It can add a hauntingly beautiful quality to vocals, characteristic of singers like Kim Gordon. Head Voice: This refers to singing in your higher register using the thinnest part of your vocal cords. It can create a light and breathy tone, often used by Hope Sandoval. Tips for Breath Vocals and Head Voice:

Focus on Breath Control: Practice breathing exercises to develop strong diaphragmatic breathing. This will give you better control over your airflow, allowing you to produce a sustained breathy tone. Relax your Throat: Avoid tensing your throat muscles. A relaxed throat allows for smoother airflow and a more breathy sound. Sing High and Soft: Focus on singing in your upper register (head voice) and keep your volume soft. This will naturally create a breathy quality. Experiment with Mic Placement: Moving the microphone slightly away from your mouth can help emphasize the breathiness. Tips for Vocal Fry:

Find the Sweet Spot: The key to vocal fry is finding the right balance between breath and vocal cord vibration. Experiment until you achieve the desired creaky sound. Use it Sparingly: While effective, overuse of vocal fry can strain your voice. Use it for emphasis or stylistic effect, but not throughout your entire singing. Additional Tips:

Listen to Singers You Admire: Pay close attention to how singers like Hope Sandoval and Kim Gordon use breathy vocals. Try to emulate their techniques. Warm Up Your Voice: Always warm up your voice before singing, especially when using breathy techniques, to avoid straining your vocal cords. Record Yourself: Record yourself singing and listen back to identify areas for improvement. This can help you fine-tune your breathy vocal technique. Consider Vocal Lessons: A vocal coach can provide personalized guidance and help you develop your breathy singing skills safely and effectively. By practicing these techniques and listening to your favorite breathy vocalists, you can develop your own unique approach to this captivating singing style.