Morningstar88 / kalki-search

Распределенная поисковая система с открытым исходным кодом - Raspredelennaya poiskovaya sistema s otkrytym iskhodnym kodom-Оформим за 15 минут Oformim za 15 minut ____\_____ KALKI: VillageSearchEngine \_ Distributed Open Source - Beginner Set up in 15 minutes ________\________ Mesin pencari sumber terbuka terdistribusi-Siapkan dalam 15 men
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Bali.Influencers #190

Open Morningstar88 opened 3 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Hi, BiancaI'm looking for someone to make a video promoting an open source search engine.So you can show your brains as well as looks.Is that of interest to you?I could send you a portfolio if you wish..I speak Spanish too.Best wishes..Jake.

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Hello beautiful souls of Ubud and Penestanan.Take that.I I'm looking for influencers to make a video promoting an open source search engine.It's a project to help beginners learn technology like HTML, CSS and JS, including Jason.We were index organic cafes.We will index organic cafes.Rental projects.Environmental projects.And anything which preserves Bally's heritage.So you can show your brains as well as looks.Is that of interest to you?I could send you a portfolio if you wish..I speak Spanish too.Best wishes..Jake.

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Hi, Ubud, I'm looking for a cleaner who can help tidy a house in Penestanan, Ubud . I can play 50 to 70,000 per hour depending on experience. Id also like you to teach me just a few words of Indonesian per hour. Let's say 5 to 10 words. Please let me know your rate here, or in a DM. Work environment is relaxed and easy. I also need you help do some light work on my balcony Mint and Rosemary garden if possible. Please get in contact if you feel that's good for you. Best wishes, Jack.

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago Above advert posted here.Bali House Staff Jobs.