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dehydrate ginger and chili using just a candle and a tile?How long would it take? #234

Open Morningstar88 opened 5 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

You're good. Now for something more fun.How do we dehydrate ginger and chili using just a candle and a tile?How long would it take?

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

To dehydrate ginger and chili using just a candle and a tile, you will need the following:

A candle A tile Ginger and chili peppers The steps are as follows:

Place the ginger and chili peppers on the tile. Light the candle and place it close to the ginger and chili peppers. Monitor the temperature throughout the process to ensure the ginger and chili peppers don't catch fire. The time it takes to dehydrate the ginger and chili peppers depends on the temperature and the air circulation.

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

The time it takes to completely dry chili or ginger depends on the method used.

In an oven:

It can take 2-3 hours for the moisture to evaporate from the chili or ginger at a temperature of 150-170°F.

In the sun:

It can take up to 3-4 days for the moisture to evaporate from the chili or ginger if left exposed to sunlight.

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Great.What method do the pros use?

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Professionals generally use either an oven or a special dehydrator machine.

Ovens are a convenient and easy to use method for dehydrating ginger and chili peppers, while dehydrators are specifically designed to do the job quickly and accurately.

Experts typically use either method, depending on their needs and preferences.

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Yes, it is possible to slow bake bread. The minimum temperature for slow baking bread depends on the type of bread that you are trying to bake, but generally, it is best to keep the temperature at around 280-320°F.

The time it takes to slow bake bread varies depending on the size and thickness of the loaf, but it can take anywhere from 3-6 hours for the bread to be fully cooked and ready to eat.

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Baking soda is a natural dehumidifier, which means that it can help reduce humidity levels in a space by absorbing excess moisture from the air. By doing so, it can help prevent the growth of mold and mildew, which thrive in damp environments.

In addition to its moisture-absorbing properties, baking soda can also neutralize and eliminate odors. It works by reacting with odor-causing molecules to neutralize their pH and eliminate the unpleasant smell. This makes it a popular ingredient in many household cleaning and deodorizing products.

So, in short, baking soda can both absorb moisture and neutralize odors, making it a versatile and useful household ingredient.

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

I am personally a fan of freeze drying which is so quick that the only denigration to the food is the hydration. But, since most of us do not have an extra several $1000’s lying around for the machine to do it…

The most popular method is to use a food dehydrator which slowly dehydrates things using low heat and a fan.

You can also use your oven, hopefully a convection oven (with a fan).

There are also people that will make screens and dehydrate their food in the sun and open air.

Really you just need low heat and good air circulation in a sanitary location.

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a chemical compound with the formula NaHCO3.

It is a white solid that is crystalline but often appears as a fine powder.

It has a slightly salty, alkaline taste and can be used to absorb odors.

Sodium bicarbonate occurs in nature as the mineral natron and is found dissolved in many natural waters.

Baking soda can be produced by reacting carbon dioxide with sodium hydroxide or by passing an electric current through salt water.

Metha Soda or Meetha Soda (Hindi: मीठा सोडा) also known as Sarsaparilla (Sanskrit: सर्सापारील), Sweet birch, black birch, cherry bark syrup,

[1] wintergreen oil,

[2] sweetroot,

[3] and false sarsaparilla

[4]) refers to any of several syrups made from the roots of plants in the genus Aralia.

The most common type of metha soda comes from the root of smilax ornata.

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Can you bake soda? Yes, you can bake baking soda to de-carb it. This makes it more alkaline. Very useful when making homemade ramen noodles (or any kind of springy, rubbery noodle) and certain baked goods like pretzels.

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Why is baking soda used in baking? When baking soda is heated, it decomposes to form sodium carbonate, water, and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide can help it rise. This is actually a neat reaction. You can place baking soda in the oven at 400F and after minutes to hours (depending on surface area and quantity), it will reduce to 63% of its original mass (the rest is lost as water vapor and carbon dioxide). The sodium carbonate (also known as washing soda) can be quite useful. It can be added to hard water to soften it so your washer does better (dump it in the washer), it can clean deposits from coffee makers (it is actually sold as an expensive coffee maker cleaner...I can produce 10 times what they sell at the store for the same cost), it can be used to lower pH in pools, etc. It has numerous uses (keep away from aluminum).

On the matter of pools and baking soda, the pool section at Walmart has food grade baking soda. They also sell pH adjusters that are ridiculously expensive but if you look at the ingredients it says sodium bicarbonate (which is baking soda). So you can actually buy the 12 pound bag of food grade baking soda and that is much cheaper than buying it under a different name. A knowledge of chemistry can actually save a lot of money.

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Dehydrating is just the process of removing water from your food. Removing moisture quickly enough to prevent spoilage and discourage future pathogen growth is typically the final desired outcome of the process. This can be done as simply as hanging the food in air and allowing evaporation to naturally occur, but there are many factors that can contribute to your success or failure.

This process can be greatly facilitated by the shape of your food and the amount of air circulation available. Thin slices have a much greater surface area than a chunk or cube of the same weight, so they will dry faster. Spreading them out on racks/screens or hanging them individually allows for better air circulation, especially if you keep the pieces from touching. Increasing air circulation around the food with a fan will also speed the rate of dehydration significantly. The humidity of your environment will also greatly affect drying times.

Heating the air will allow the air to hold more moisture, speeding evaporation, but it will also slightly cook your food, even at low temperatures, especially if you are drying over long periods of time. If sunlight is used, heat and UV may degrade some vitamins as well.

Some dehydration methods will also aid drying by adding salt or sugar, which draws moisture to the surface of the food. There is an added bonus in that many pathogens do not thrive in highly salty conditions.

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

Hi! Well that all depends on the food. A food dehydrator is the most versatile and can be used to dehydrate meat, fish,poultry, vegetables, fruit, herbs etc. Check online if interested to dehydrate food on a regular basis. The only thing I dehydrate is herbs and bread crumbs and cubes for croutons. I put them in a slow oven (about 200–250) on a baking sheet for an hour or two. To save electricity/gas, I do this after I finish baking something else, like dinner. I turn the oven down and have everything ready to go to dehydrate while I eat dinner. Then I put the items in airtight jars, containers, or small bags.

I sometimes dehydrate fresh tomatoes that are about to go bad in oven with a bit of oil and herbs for a future pasta sauce.

Hope that helps! Without specifics, it’s hard to answer your question.

Morningstar88 commented 5 months ago

There are a bunch of dehydrators on the market that range from under $40 up. Sometimes you can get them for free on websites with free stuff or for lots less at flea markets and yard sales. I bought one decades ago, and …. I used to be a kitchen gadget freak? Nowadays, less is more is my motto. The cost of a dehydrator is about surface area. So, the less trays you need the lower the cost. You can also dehydrate fruit in your oven by slicing an apple or fruit in thin slices with care using a mandolin (always use the guard when slicing if your not a pro, I’m not one) and line them up in a single layer in a sheet pan lined with parchment paper in a low oven (175F) for 3 hours until dried. It’ll be a bit more leathery than crunchy.