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Open Morningstar88 opened 1 month ago

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

![Uploading image.png…]()

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

20 reps or dead

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago


Starts clearly from here. Count sevens on the hihat...


Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

first eight loops 1:17 to 145.. easy to follow

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago


Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago


Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago


Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

thanks... can you look at this specific url, the actual issue 243, and tell me what you find. we need to get really specific, cheers.

bing #indexing

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

pretty good.. could you pick 5 urls, and make short summaries from each one? thanks...

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

You closer.. can you pull the first two links from this list, and tell me what you see?

PS, what do you think SR means?

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

ha.. this is fun, close... Im sure if you put in some effort, you can find what SR means.. its in the issue...

Effort brings reward... as ye sow...

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

RESULTS INCONCLUSIVE - Probably too much information for the AI to parse... we will have to clean the data manually at first....

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago


Simpler than html cleaner but less extensible?

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

Morningstar88 commented 3 weeks ago

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago #IND #I

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago


Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago


Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

SR -

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

I Lived As A Man For 18mths - Listen To What Happened

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

It seems such a shame When the English claim The earth That they give rise to such hilarity and mirth.

Mad dogs and Englishmen Go out in the midday sun, The Japanese don't care to. The Chinese wouldn't dare to, Hindoos and Argentines sleep firmly from twelve to one. But Englishmen detest a siesta. In the Philippines There are lovely screens To protect you from the glare. In the Malay States There are hats like plates Which the Britishers won't wear. At twelve noon The natives swoon And no further work is done. But mad dogs and Englishmen Go out in the midday sun.

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago


Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago


Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago



Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago



Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago


Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago



Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago



Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago


Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago


Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago


Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago


Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago


Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

Anéeka: is a Taygetan human in orbit. Robert: is from Earth.

Anéeka: They just still believe that the aliens want the earth because it's a garden of life and the other planets are not here. That's not what's happening here. What they want is the humans themselves. Ok, so is the earth, but for interstellar beings, whether the next "M" class earth or planet is in Alpha Centauri, or in the Hyades at 60 light years, or in Canis minor, it doesn't matter, because in Hyper Space, as all ETs move, no distances are observed.

What they want with Earth is humanity itself and for various reasons, by the simple fact that it is them again, their family, mirrors, friends incarnated there, or by simple exploitation.

Robert: And what would ET want the people themselves for? As energetic slaves?

Anéeka: From the standpoint of the simplest explanation yes. By energy exploitation because they need it to exist, because those beings and entities are egregores of humanity itself. They eat creative concentrated attention of the kind that is generated in fear.

Though I know this reason eludes simple minds who think in a human way that tangible material resources are involved. Simply because there is so much outside to mine from is not the reason.

That they see that as the reason they want the earth is a reflection of their lack of mentality, the mentality that is experienced on earth. Here in terms of material there are no or few shortcomings. What matters is what is in the matter of consciousness, manifestation of realities and control over those two things.

For example, do you want gold? Asteroids belt. Do they want water? Asteroid belt. Strange, rare things, chemical elements? Asteroid belt.

And if they have enough technology with a replicator, they have the matter, element or material they want. They're not going to call the shots". It's something else more complex.

Robert: Yes. More metaphysical as you would expect. The reflection thing sounds very logical. Yes, issue of consciousness. Manifestation of realities. And why have control over that? Does it provide any benefit?

Anéeka: It means everything. Control over what they will experience as a race, as a species, as a culture. Her future. What you can call your reality.

Robert: What do the Ets gain from that? You mean they want control over it because they are here themselves? Do you want to remove that control that drives people's perceptions? Manifest realities that are not the human's own? I don't know if I explained it well. The control to manifest positive things.

Anéeka: That's what they get as profit. The fact that people believe that the spiritual and the issue of consciousness is a poor or little reason to generate so much interest from aliens, generalizing, is again a reflection of the same human mentality that the benefits should be in material things or power summed up in control over resources, energy or new materials. Because that is what is scarce on Earth.

However, as an interstellar culture, any race advanced enough to navigate through the stars will, as such, have more than adequate resources.

What will interest them is control over reality itself.

Robert: That's what the Federation is doing here in a sense, and the way you explain it clearly shows that the Federation dominates everything on Earth. As you have always said.

Anéeka: Spirituality on earth is as poor or limited a subject as it is a tool for dealing with the harshness of life. As a defense mechanism against how hard it is to live.

This is reflected even in the most advanced religions that say things almost as they are, such as the Buddhist or Buddhist rather. Even this is based on the concept of handling life wisely and not destroying yourself in the process.

But here among the extraterrestrials, spirituality is much stronger and more pronounced ... and remains not only as a slogan for survival, as a defense mechanism, but it is also the basis of everything that is and everything that is desired.

So with a certain level of technological advancement sufficient to traverse the stars, coupled with a sufficiently high level of consciousness, the real resources one wishes to obtain are not material, but those of manipulation of densities and existential realities.

One must think like ET to understand their true intentions for the earth.

Robert: Yes. I see. That's what I'm trying to do. See things from your angle.

Anéeka: Their gold, their minerals or their water are nothing for advanced alien races. Just observe and respect as a partial reflection of its own mentality of respect and preservation. They respect each other. But they are not something to covet.

Robert: You project your interior outward in everything. Coveting the things of others is not very spiritual.

Anéeka: In other ufological circles on Earth it is said that ETs are interested in DNA. An example of this is what Alex Collier or Barbara Marciniak teach.

This is partially true and is a step closer to the truth than thinking in purely physical means. But you have to look a little further, since ETs who are so advanced know that DNA is only the physical reflection of the memory that characterizes and defines it from the soul-attachment consciousness linked to that DNA.

Now back to controlling material resources on earth. This part is also valid because this is a very complex dynamic, the one that takes place around the earth, since the difference between ET and human is not that clear, it is a gray and blurred line that separates ET from human.

So yes, there are levels or parts, whether they are human or semi-human, working on Earth, wanting to dominate the physical and energy resources of the planet. However, that does not reflect the mentality of whole aliens who are not on earth in human form. It does not reflect the alien culture as such and what it defines between cooperative races or species.

Robert: I imagine it does. Yes. In this known universe taking an average "of 5D". Broadening of consciousness. You have different preferences. And why not leave that control to the earthlings themselves?

Aneeka: Because the line between ET and human is gray. And from the ground up, it's easy to confuse human interests with power, Cabal-Empresas, with the interests of really non-human alien races.

Robert: Yes. All of that has to be removed. So that people can manifest what they really want. Without external interests for them. Otherwise, people will never progress. And now more than ever. We are in a total war.

Anéeka: The war, however, is still largely human.

Robert: Yes. Its creation. Only the awakened see or perceive reality.

Anéeka: On the level of everyone, yes.

Robert: Again you are breaking all these stories and myths of ETs coming to extract the natural resources of the earth. That's very basic. And, as you say, they are internal reflections and shortcomings of those who say those things.

Aneeka: Yes. They are often on the right track. But they still have to understand many things.

Robert: Yes. They need to talk to the ETs. They lack contact.

Aneeka: Yes. But even if I am ET, I can see my world, what surrounds me, only to the limit of my understanding, just like everyone else. However my point of interest if it's from outside, then for what it's worth thinking about or I share another angle of the same problem.

Robert: It's so clear. Not Enki who created human slaves to extract gold or absurd things.

Aneeka: It's that again it depends on the level of the entities we're talking about.

Robert: Yes. But those entities that would be interested in human resources are created by the same people, right? All creation of human beings. That's what people are not clear about.

Anéeka: Again, about the idea that aliens want to dominate Earth's resources and energy, as a reflection of the same human mindset that perceives, it is valid, but they confuse the interests of domination of resources and energy of the corporate Cabal and hybrids on Earth with the interests of fully interstellar ETs and with technological levels such that they already control the power to extract matter from energy. This above is an important point to understand.

Robert: Yes. For replicators of matter. But most, if not all members of the Federation here, would agree with you, right? In what you have exposed above.

Anéeka: Members and advanced races Local Federation, the known ones, yes, they would agree with me, this what I just said is not only my personal opinion, but I give it based on what I have observed and understood when I lived with the rest of the civilizations and friendly races with whom mine has cordial and friendly relations.

Robert: Yes. These points are super interesting. They are different. Logical and consistent. From someone who is from this planet. You can't have an ET mentality if you don't live by that. Or... If you don't "live" with them, as we do.

Aneeka: That's how it is. What you see of me is a reflection of my unconscious. Of what I am inside. That's why I get it. It's just who I am.

Robert: Yes. Make the water clearer. I like it. The point is, how can some of us realize this and others not? Maybe because our interior is reflected in your words? And we make it "ours"?

Anéeka: They don't have a reference base.

Robert: I understand. But they can only have that reference if they have contact with the ETs at some point.

Anéeka: You have the base, you have the necessary base, others don't. As long as they have the right mindset, and that's not easy.

Robert: And less on earth where the "real" is unreal and the "unreal" is the real. Anéeka, when you talk about hybrids on earth, they are biological suits of people, with every entity in them, right? Those are hybrids. It's that the same people think of different things.

Anéeka: The term hybrids is very broad. It's that a hybrid comes from a star seed that has a fully human body, the kind that doesn't change when they are extracted, for example Suriko not to go on, or also entities or technologically altered bodies that split genes from a non-human race with humans. Or the result of a natural cross between a human species, genetically compatible with humans, and a terrestrial human person, such as the Alfrateans among others.

Robert: I understand. But not a hybrid between a lizard and a human. They cannot be reproduced and, as we said, species are not created that way. And if they were created like the Maitrers, they would have to be reproduced artificially, right?

Anéeka: Yes, otherwise they would have limited reproduction. This is also exacerbated because the person who genetically creates a hybrid also wants to control its reproduction. All this has already been explained in our articles on DNA.

Robert: Yes. Control the reproduction of it. Again, a reflection of who said it.

Aneeka: Yes.

Robert: And another thing. Those ETs that, if they're interested in terrestrial resources, are human creations? It's to have things clear. I would say Yes.

Aneeka: Yes, or they are subject to the same problems of humanity being part of the same dynamics of the earth, as the intraterrestrial reptilian races reflecting abroad with treaties with world leaders-cabal. This level if you want to control material and energy resources, as well as the human mind.

Robert: Yes, they are experts in controlling the human mind.

Anéeka: But even if they are not human beings themselves, they still have the same "human" mentality because they are subject to the same existential dynamics. However, this does not reflect the mentality of high-tech ETs outside of Earth.

And the level of said high technological progress is measured by two things:

If you observe the implications of these two previous points carefully, you will understand that both imply that they are not interested in the material and energy resources of any particular planet, in this case Earth. For they have already mastered and solved that. Because only a small group of low technology would be interested in the resources as such of the earth. And they are interested in the specific resources of the earth because it reflects the fact that they are dependent on the earth or limited to the earth.

So this is another argument for understanding that extraterrestrial civilizations with a certain high level of progress are not interested in the resources or materials or energy of a particular planet, but in the implications of consciousness and spirituality of those planets.

Robert: Yes. In this case, the inhabitants with a certain level of mental development, right? Spiritual development. Because if that wasn't there, it would be difficult, right?

Anéeka: Yes, as a mass of the population of those races.

Robert: In the case of Earth, the human mass.

Anéeka: The technological level of any race or advanced interstellar species depends on its own population. It is a direct reflection of the spiritual and consciousness level of said people.

So all desires for dominance over material and energy resources remain motivations that come from those who are on earth. It is still a direct reflection of the earth mentality.

Robert: Yes. That now, after what you share with us, is very clear.

That would be one of the reasons why the Reptiles of Earth cannot be contacted to change their way of thinking or is that way of thinking their modus vivendi?

Anéeka: Good luck with it . It is the same as contacting people with a small earthly consciousness and asking them to change their mentality for the good of all.

It will not be possible.

Robert: This question was obligatory because someone will ask it.

Exactly, you are not the same in form and shape.

Anéeka: Thank you, yes, I have realized that, which questions I have to clarify in anticipation of what the public will say.

Robert: You also contact us and not the reptiles because you are most similar in shape and form. With the reptiles they will have to connect other reptiles that are positive.

Anéeka: Yes, because for reptiles we are very ugly and they cannot tolerate contact, nor do they agree in mentality.

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

However, as an interstellar culture, any race advanced enough to navigate through the stars will, as such, have more than adequate resources.

What will interest them is control over reality itself.

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

10 Harshest Truths About Women That Men Learn Too Late!

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago