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Populating the Database with Co-Pilot and Prompts #266

Open Morningstar88 opened 1 month ago

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

thanks, can you return me ten links on eric dolphy and his friendship with charles mingus. ,,,


Hi can you return me ten links on [[[ INSERT SUBJECT HERE ]]] eric dolphy and his friendship with charles mingus. ,,,

Thanks, can you now return them in this format.

[ { "title": "", "link": "", "description": "", "image": "", "categories": [], "level": "" }, { "title": "", "link": "", "description": "", "image": "", "categories": [], "level": "" } ]

Good, now can you add them to this database?

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

cheers... now can you return them as JSON, following this format.

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

thanks... excellent work. Now please return those links as a simple JSON database, following this format.

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

Thanks, but I didnt explain the task clear enough. My mistake. Apologies...

Please can you

1) delete the information in the JSON database so you have empty fields. 2) Keeping the format, insert the Charles Mingus and Eric Dolphy information you found into the appropriate places, using your initiative and intuition.

Please ask any questions you have whenever you feel like it...


Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

[ { "title": "", "link": "", "description": "", "image": "", "categories": [], "level": "" }, { "title": "", "link": "", "description": "", "image": "", "categories": [], "level": "" } ]

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

[ { "title": "Remembering Eric Dolphy", "link": "", "description": "This article discusses the composition 'So Long Eric,' written during Mingus' ongoing argument with Dolphy about his decision to leave the group and stay in Europe after their 1964 tour.", "image": "", "categories": ["Jazz", "Music", "Friendship"], "level": "Intermediate" }, { "title": "Eric Dolphy: Gone In The Air", "link": "", "description": "Learn more about Dolphy's technical perfectionism and his early collaborations with Mingus, including the recording of 'The Story of Love' in 1949.", "image": "", "categories": ["Jazz", "Music", "Collaboration"], "level": "Advanced" } ]

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

[ { "title": "Remembering Eric Dolphy", "link": "", "description": "This article discusses the composition 'So Long Eric,' written during Mingus' ongoing argument with Dolphy about his decision to leave the group and stay in Europe after their 1964 tour.", "image": "", "categories": ["Jazz", "Music", "Friendship"], "level": "Intermediate" }, { "title": "Eric Dolphy: Gone In The Air", "link": "", "description": "Learn more about Dolphy's technical perfectionism and his early collaborations with Mingus, including the recording of 'The Story of Love' in 1949.", "image": "", "categories": ["Jazz", "Music", "Collaboration"], "level": "Advanced" }, { "title": "Charles Mingus: Triumph of the Underdog", "link": "", "description": "A documentary film that explores the life, music, and legacy of Charles Mingus, including his influential collaborations with Eric Dolphy.", "image": "", "categories": ["Jazz", "Documentary", "Biography"], "level": "Expert" }, { "title": "Eric Dolphy: Out to Lunch!", "link": "", "description": "An iconic album by Eric Dolphy, featuring groundbreaking compositions and innovative improvisations. Mingus' influence is palpable in Dolphy's work.", "image": "", "categories": ["Jazz", "Album", "Avant-Garde"], "level": "Intermediate" } ]

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

Hi, can you take these database entries and add both Khmer and Bahasa Indonesia hashtags, in the categories field. Thanks...

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

Certainly! Converting HTML to JSON can be done in a few steps. Here's a straightforward approach:

  1. Extract HTML Content:

    • Retrieve the HTML content from your GitHub issues. You can use JavaScript or Python to fetch the content.
    • For example, in JavaScript, you can select an element by its ID (e.g., document.getElementById('TextBoxesGroup')) and get its outer HTML.
  2. Serialize to JSON:

    • Convert the HTML content into a JSON object.
    • In JavaScript, you can create an object with a property named html containing the HTML string.
    • Serialize this object to a JSON string using JSON.stringify(data).
  3. Store the JSON:

    • Store the resulting JSON string in your database.
    • When needed, you can decode the JSON and use it for further editing.

Remember to handle any specific requirements related to your use case. If you need more details or have additional questions, feel free to ask! 😊¹³

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/18/2024 (1) How to convert selected HTML to Json? - Stack Overflow. (2) python - Convert html source code to json object - Stack Overflow.[1]([2]( (3) HTML to JSON Converter. (4) Online HTML to JSON Converter | developerXYZ. (5) Best HTML to JSON Converter Online tool - Code Beautify. (6) Getty Images.

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

[ { "title": "", "link": "", "description": "", "image": "", "categories": [], "level": "" }, { "title": "", "link": "", "description": "", "image": "", "categories": [], "level": "" } ]

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

GitHub Actions is a relatively new feature introduced by GitHub. It's not directly part of Git itself, but rather an integrated service provided by GitHub to automate workflows within your repositories. With GitHub Actions, you can define custom workflows using YAML files, trigger them based on events (such as pushes, pull requests, or scheduled intervals), and perform various tasks like building, testing, deploying, or even modifying files. It's a powerful tool for automating repetitive tasks in your development process! 😊

Morningstar88 commented 2 weeks ago

name: Update Issue Tracker

on: issues: types:

jobs: update-issue: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: