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LYE/SOAP....How to Make Lye from soap ashes... #268

Open Morningstar88 opened 3 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

In France, the lye roll is known as a mauricette, it was invented by Paul Poulaillon in the Alsace region when he opened the first Poulaillon bakery in 1973. It was later registered as a trademark with an alternate name, Moricette, in 1985.[1] The lard was then replaced by rapeseed oil.[2]

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago


Lye roll and pretzels immediately after baking. In order to cause a Maillard reaction during baking for the characteristic browning effect, a lye roll needs to be coated with a high pH (alkaline) solution. The higher the pH, the stronger the reaction. Lye (sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or potassium hydroxide (KOH)) is a highly alkaline agent most commonly used for the purpose.

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

To create lye from the hydrogen peroxide and baking soda paste, you can indeed use electrolysis. Here's how it works:

  1. Ingredients:

    • Hydrogen peroxide (available in most pharmacies)
    • Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
  2. Procedure:

    • Mix the hydrogen peroxide and baking soda in a container.
    • Place the container under a gentle heat source (like a desk lamp) to warm it up.
    • The chemical reactions occur:
      • First: $$2\text{NaHCO}_3 + \text{H}_2\text{O}_2 \rightarrow \text{Na}_2\text{O}_2 + 2\text{H}_2\text{O} + 2\text{CO}_2$$ (baking soda + hydrogen peroxide → sodium peroxide + water + carbon dioxide)
      • Then: $$\text{Na}_2\text{O}_2 + \text{H}_2\text{O} \rightarrow 2\text{NaOH} + (\text{O})^\uparrow$$ (sodium peroxide + water → 2 sodium hydroxides + a single oxygen atom)
      • This creates lye (sodium hydroxide) and water after the gases have bubbled out.
  3. Safety Precautions:

    • Wear rubber gloves and splash-guarding goggles for safety.
    • Use a glass container to avoid reactions with other materials.

Remember, lye is caustic, so handle it carefully! 🧪🌟

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/11/2024 (1) How to make homemade Lye. (2) How to make lye. (3) Making Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) From Salt. (4) How to Make Lye From Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide. (5) baking soday yields? - chemistry household resolved - Ask MetaFilter. (6) DIY Homemade Stain Remover (That Actually Works). (7) undefined. (8) Old Fashioned Cucumber Lime Pickles (with Pickling Lime). (9) Lye-Cured Green Olives Recipe - The Spruce Eats. (10) Hominy (Lye Method) | (11) ABC’s of Home-Cured, Green-Ripe Olives - Division of Agriculture and .... (12) How to Make Lye From Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide. (13) Stephanie M. Liu J0617. (14) 17.7: Electrolysis - Chemistry LibreTexts.

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago


Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago
05/25/2020 12:59 PMReport Abusive PostReport Copyright Violation | Conspiracy, the source of hydrogen peroxide and lyeThe alledgedly ways to make them is likely not the real way. The methods are hidden. -- | -- 05/25/2020 12:59 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Conspiracy, the source of hydrogen peroxide and lye The alledgedly ways to make them is likely not the real way. The methods are hidden.
Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago
I make my own lye using baking soda. I bake the soda in a cookie sheet on 350 for 2 hours then store. It serves my needs for lye when making baked goods. Bagels, pretzels etc. --
Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

[quote:Jake:MV80NDAxMDcxXzgwMTIzNzI0X0JGQTIzNkMw] [youtube][/youtube]


[youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] [/quote]

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

I make my own lye using baking soda. I bake the soda in a cookie sheet on 350 for 2 hours then store. It serves my needs for lye when making baked goods. Bagels, pretzels etc. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 78344550

doesnt make lye but sodium carbonate. adequate for cooking purposes. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 75075716

Indeed. They are making washing soda.

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

Don’t play with lye. Quoting: ChefElvis

No reason to be afraid, ya wear gloves and goggles and be careful. Dont allow TPTB to keep you in fear....its a waste of your time and soul.

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

How do i know? I make my own soap and never have to buy lotions...soap companies sell it to you cuz they dry your skin out with their poisons and suck you dry!

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago


Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago
I've made my own lye soap/ laundry soap etc for years now. That's all we use. I can't figure out why all those retards only buy organic foods, only drink filtered water, but wash themselves with store bought chemically treated "soap". Or wash their clothes in all that stinking crap they call laundry detergent. --
Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

First I would say... if someone told me to Drink Red Sea Water / and Red Devil Lye I would question their sanity.

Shocking allegations from former JZ Knight follower

Posted 5:57 PM, April 18, 2014, by Q13 FOX News Staff, Updated at 06:08pm, April 18, 2014

Coverdale said her family started following Knight more than three decades ago

She said members were encouraged to drink a concoction of Dead Sea water mixed with Red Devil Lye to enlighten themselves. She said her mother and brother were among those who drank the lye concoction.

“This wasn’t just a onetime thing,” Coverdale said “They were taking it for five years and Ramtha at one point told them to chug it. This was not just a teaspoon in the morning, in the evening. People were losing their hair.” . “If I feed you lye, it’s going to cause huge ulcers in your esophagus; it could kill you if you took it straight,” Keay said.

The physician said he met many of the followers through his practice and was so concerned that he wrote a letter to the Thurston County Health Department warning that followers were getting sick and, Keay claimed, even dying.

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago
Red devil lye, fats of your choice and use a saponification table to get the sodium hydroxide to fat ratio correct. I use a stick blender to get the reaction going --
Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago
Actually that is how all soap is made, except glycerin soap --
Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago
  -- Mix the sodium hydroxide in the correct amount of water outside. Add the lye to the water, not the other way. Exothermic reaction and irritating fumes  
Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago
Container will get hot enough to burn your hands if you're stupid enough to be holding it. These days, with such a dumbed down genetically degraded population...just go buy your soap. --
Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

been making soap for years after saponification there is no lye

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

Interesting! Me too! I'm getting closer and closer to be fully offgrid. Last week, I managed to extract about 1 litter of oil from primrose seeds. I already use only corn oil I extract myself, organic corn BTW. Wheat, rice, beans, eggs, chicken and tilapia(don't know the name in english, but its a fish), potatoes, lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage, brussel sprouts, carrots beet, green beans, many kinds of pumpkins, watermelons, mellons, oranges, avocados, apples, pineaples, nuts, sugar cane, milk... all that organic enough to feed the whole family and with a lot of leftovers which I sell and buy the things I don't produce...YET.

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

I make soap. It's so much better than store bought. My family loves it. I do lotions, salves and balms, too. I would never go back.

The lather depends on the ingredients you use. It can be creamy or foamy. It's always better.

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

There are many recipes online. You must use proper equipment. Soap Queen is a good place to start. She has a lot of videos on YouTube you can watch.

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

Just an update on the soap making...Going reall well! Waaay easier then I thought it would be made a bunch but this mechanic soap turned out awesome, used ground coffee beans and oats for grit. Won't be rich but I'll smell good.


Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

ether,ephedrine,and lye simply

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

Ephedrine will give you cat like reflex and the big T will give you the drive to live in this crazy ass world. Use this info wisely. All disclaimers apply.

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

made from the ephedra plant. also calaled "mormon tea". it is like a strong caffeine.

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

In the former ussr they used to make a potent drug out of ephedrine hydrochloride, potassium permanganate and spirit vinegar. Right in a kitchen in 15 minutes. This made many man an especially menam hooked after a single use.

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago
Ephedrine Sulfate injection 50mg x 2. Probably the strongest shit I ever tried in my life. :\| --  
Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago
Shocking allegations from former --- Drinking Concoction of Lye and Sea WaterFirst I would say... if someone told me to Drink Red Sea Water / and Red Devil Lye I would question their sanity.Shocking allegations from former JZ Knight followerPosted 5:57 PM, April 18, 2014, by Q13 FOX News Staff, Updated at 06:08pm, April 18, 2014Coverdale said her family started following Knight more than three decades agoShe said members were encouraged to drink a concoction of Dead Sea water mixed with Red Devil Lye to enlighten themselves. She said her mother and brother were among those who drank the lye concoction.“This wasn’t just a onetime thing,” Coverdale said“They were taking it for five years and Ramtha at one point told them to chug it. This was not just a teaspoon in the morning, in the evening. People were losing their hair.”.“If I feed you lye, it’s going to cause huge ulcers in your esophagus; it could kill you if you took it straight,” Keay said.The physician said he met many of the followers through his practice and was so concerned that he wrote a letter to the Thurston County Health Department warning that followers were getting sick and, Keay claimed, even dying.[link to] -- Sponsored by RevcontentTrending NowThe 50 Most Romantic Hotels in the World for...Best HotelExploring the Top 50 Beach Paradises...bakeintoThe 50 Most Romantic Hotels in the World for...Best HotelExploring the Top 50 Beach Paradises...bakeintoThe 50 Most Romantic Hotels in the World for...Best HotelExploring the Top 50 Beach Paradises...bakeintoThe 50 Most Romantic Hotels in the World for...Best HotelExploring the Top 50 Beach Paradises...bakeintoThe 50 Most Romantic Hotels in the World for...Best HotelExploring the Top 50 Beach Paradises...bakeinto Anonymous CowardUser ID: 68673583 United States06/21/2015 12:46 PMReport Abusive PostReport Copyright Violation | Re: Shocking allegations from former --- Drinking Concoction of Lye and Sea WaterThe sad thing is, there are dumbfucks out there who follow that scam artist bitch. Anonymous CowardUser ID: 6367822 United States06/21/2015 12:50 PMReport Abusive PostReport Copyright Violation | Re: Shocking allegations from former --- Drinking Concoction of Lye and Sea WaterMight as well just eat Lutefisk. LOL![link to (secure)]It is made from aged stockfish (air-dried whitefish) or dried/salted whitefish (klippfisk) and lye (lut). It is gelatinous in texture. Its name literally means "lye fish". Nerve03User ID: 64790149 United States06/21/2015 01:17 PMReport Abusive PostReport Copyright Violation | Re: Shocking allegations from former --- Drinking Concoction of Lye and Sea Waterwho is JZ knight? Shocking allegations from former --- Drinking Concoction of Lye and Sea Water First I would say... if someone told me to Drink Red Sea Water / and Red Devil Lye I would question their sanity. Shocking allegations from former JZ Knight follower Posted 5:57 PM, April 18, 2014, by Q13 FOX News Staff, Updated at 06:08pm, April 18, 2014 Coverdale said her family started following Knight more than three decades ago She said members were encouraged to drink a concoction of Dead Sea water mixed with Red Devil Lye to enlighten themselves. She said her mother and brother were among those who drank the lye concoction. “This wasn’t just a onetime thing,” Coverdale said “They were taking it for five years and Ramtha at one point told them to chug it. This was not just a teaspoon in the morning, in the evening. People were losing their hair.” . “If I feed you lye, it’s going to cause huge ulcers in your esophagus; it could kill you if you took it straight,” Keay said. The physician said he met many of the followers through his practice and was so concerned that he wrote a letter to the Thurston County Health Department warning that followers were getting sick and, Keay claimed, even dying. [[link to](] [Sponsored by Revcontent](javascript:;)Trending Now Anonymous Coward User ID: 68673583 United States 06/21/2015 12:46 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Shocking allegations from former --- Drinking Concoction of Lye and Sea Water The sad thing is, there are dumbfucks out there who follow that scam artist bitch. Anonymous Coward User ID: 6367822 United States 06/21/2015 12:50 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Shocking allegations from former --- Drinking Concoction of Lye and Sea Water Might as well just eat Lutefisk. LOL! [[link to (secure)](] It is made from aged stockfish (air-dried whitefish) or dried/salted whitefish (klippfisk) and lye (lut). It is gelatinous in texture. Its name literally means "lye fish". [Nerve03]( User ID: 64790149 United States 06/21/2015 01:17 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Shocking allegations from former --- Drinking Concoction of Lye and Sea Water who is JZ knight?
Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

You can order it online, you have to have a copy of your drivers license. It is a bit of a nightmare since people make meth or something with it.

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

some Home Depot do carry lye, in the plumbing 3 kg plastic jugs.

Crystal Drain Opener

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago
^^^THIS- Only in my area, Lowe's carries it instead of Home Depot. It is only this brand that is pure lye (you can read it right on the bottle- lye is the only ingredient). --
Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago
Just go purchase some caustic soda from a industrial supply store. It comes in a bucket of powder. Same thing, makes it really easy. --
Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

It really is just ashes from a wood fire, add water, it then turns to lye.

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

Sudafed is one way. Use the internet to find ANYTHING you want if you have the money. Don't forget to thank the LGBTQ community for the accessibility to Testosterone. Big Government tried to lock it down also, for your on good of course.

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

Usually the process is conducted on a brine (an aqueous solution of NaCl), in which case sodium hydroxide (NaOH), hydrogen, and chlorine result. When using calcium chloride or potassium chloride, the products contain calcium or potassium instead of sodium. Related processes are known that use molten NaCl to give chlorine and sodium metal or condensed hydrogen chloride to give hydrogen and chlorine.

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

Although the first formation of chlorine by the electrolysis of brine was attributed to chemist William Cruikshank in 1800, it was 90 years later that the electrolytic method was used successfully on a commercial scale. Industrial scale production began in 1892.[7] In 1833, Faraday formulated the laws that governed the electrolysis of aqueous solutions, and patents were issued to Cook and Watt in 1851 and to Stanley in 1853 for the electrolytic production of chlorine from brine

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

Lye and potash are both alkaline substances, but they differ in their chemical composition and uses. Here's a brief overview:



The main difference lies in the metal element of their hydroxides—lye contains sodium, while potash contains potassium. They are not interchangeable and have different properties and uses in various applications³.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/13/2024 (1) What’s the Difference Between Sodium Hydroxide and ... - RusticWise. (2) Lye - Wikipedia. (3) Lye vs Potash - What's the difference? | WikiDiff. (4) Caveman to Chemist Projects: Lime and Lye. (5) Is there a difference from making potash from lye or ash?.[1]( (6) undefined. (7)

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

Cheers! Regarding your question, soapy water does not deactivate chlorine. In fact, adding soap to water that contains chlorine, such as a swimming pool, can disrupt the pH balance and lead to issues like cloudiness and foam formation¹. It's important to maintain the proper chemical balance in pools to ensure the effectiveness of chlorine in sanitizing the water.

For general cleaning purposes, if chlorine needs to be neutralized, substances like hydrogen peroxide are used instead of soapy water⁴. However, it's always best to follow specific guidelines for the type of cleaning or maintenance you're doing to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/13/2024 (1) What Happens When You Put Soap in a Pool? - OpenWaterHQ. (2) How to Neutralize Bleach With Hydrogen Peroxide | Clorox®. (3) How to Effectively Use Soapy Water for Plants (Without Hurting Them!). (4) Effects of soapy water on plants - Greenhouse Today.

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

Yes, that's correct! Hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) can neutralize chlorine through a chemical reaction. When hydrogen peroxide is added to water containing chlorine, it reacts with the chlorine to form water (H₂O) and oxygen (O₂). This reaction effectively removes the active chlorine from the water, rendering it neutral.

Here's a simplified version of the chemical reaction: $$ \text{H}_2\text{O}_2 + \text{Cl}_2 \rightarrow \text{H}_2\text{O} + 2\text{Cl}^- + \text{O}_2 $$

This process is used in various applications, including swimming pools, to reduce chlorine levels. For instance, if a pool is overchlorinated, adding hydrogen peroxide can help bring down the chlorine concentration to a safer level¹. It's a quick and effective method to correct the chlorine balance without having to wait for it to dissipate naturally.

However, it's important to note that the hydrogen peroxide used for pools is much stronger than the typical household variety found in pharmacies. Pool-grade hydrogen peroxide is specially formulated for this purpose⁴.

In addition to hydrogen peroxide, other substances like sodium thiosulfate and ascorbic acid are also used to neutralize chlorine in pools². It's essential to follow proper guidelines and dosages when using these chemicals to ensure safety and maintain the right balance in the water.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/13/2024 (1) How to Neutralize Pool Chlorine: The Ultimate Guide - Pool Tips USA. (2) Using a Chlorine Neutralizer to Keep Your Swimming Pool Safe. (3) What Is a Chlorine Neutralizer? (& How to Use It) - Pool Research. (4) How to Purify Water With Hydrogen Peroxide | Our Everyday Life.[2]( (5) How to Use Peroxide Instead of Chlorine in a Swimming Pool - Weekand.


Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

Hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) can be neutralized by various substances, depending on the context and the concentration of H₂O₂. Here are some common neutralizers:

It's important to handle the neutralization process carefully, especially with higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, as the reaction can be exothermic and produce heat. For household concentrations (around 3%), simply diluting with water and allowing it to decompose naturally is often sufficient¹. For stronger solutions, specific neutralizing agents should be used following safety guidelines.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/13/2024 (1) How Do You Neutralize Hydrogen Peroxide? -[1]([2]([3]( (2) 15.9: Hydrogen Peroxide is a Harmful - Reactive Oxygen Species.[1]( (3) Hydrogen Peroxide Solution | FDA. (4) How to Neutralize Bleach: 11 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow. (5) Getty Images.

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

Hello! When you add lemon juice, which contains citric acid, to a weak hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) solution, the citric acid can act as a catalyst for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water (H₂O) and oxygen (O₂) gas. This reaction is represented by the following equation:

$$ 2H_2O_2 \rightarrow 2H_2O + O_2 $$

The citric acid in lemon juice helps to speed up this reaction, although it is not consumed in the process. It's important to note that the reaction can be quite slow without a catalyst, but the presence of citric acid, even in small amounts, can significantly increase the rate of decomposition⁵⁶. The reaction is also influenced by factors such as temperature and pH level¹.

So, in essence, adding lemon juice to a weak H₂O₂ solution initiates a catalytic reaction that results in the production of water and oxygen gas. Cheers to chemistry! 🍋🧪

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/13/2024 (1) Investigating an enzyme-controlled reaction: catalase and hydrogen .... (2) Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) Reactions and Chemical Properties. (3) Stability of the Buffer System of Lemon Juice - JSTOR Home. (4) The influence of lemon juice & sugar on the ph-value. (5) Lemon Juice: Acidic or Alkaline, and Does It Matter? - Healthline. (6) undefined. (7) What happens when you mix baking soda and lemon juice?. (8) Titration of lemon juice (Chemistry Laboratory Previews).

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

The gas emitted during the reaction between hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) and citric acid from lemon juice is oxygen (O₂). This is a result of the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas, which can be observed as bubbles forming in the solution. Here's the chemical equation again for clarity:

$$ 2H_2O_2 \rightarrow 2H_2O + O_2 $$

So, when you see bubbles after adding lemon juice to hydrogen peroxide, that's oxygen gas being released. Pretty cool, right? 😊

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

Yes, the chlorine smell was definitely from somewhere else. The reaction between citric acid and hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) does not produce chlorine gas. In the reaction where citric acid catalyzes the decomposition of H₂O₂, the only gas produced is oxygen (O₂).

Chlorine gas has a distinct and strong odor and is not a byproduct of the reaction you described. If you smelled chlorine, it could have been due to the presence of other chemicals or reactions taking place nearby. It's important to ensure good ventilation when working with chemicals to avoid inhaling potentially harmful gases. Always be cautious and try to identify the source of any unexpected odors when conducting experiments. Stay safe! 😊

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/13/2024 (1) 2.3.3 Reactions of the Halide Ions - Save My Exams. (2) The Reactions of Chlorine | CIE A Level Chemistry Revision Notes 2025. (3) safety - What is the possible side product when mixing citric acid .... (4) How exactly does copper react with hydrogen peroxide, salt and citric acid?.

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago


thanks.. now what happens when you add baking soda to a weak h2o2 solution? are trace amounts of lye created?

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago


When you mix baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and hydrogen peroxide in equal parts by weight, a chemical reaction occurs. This reaction produces water, oxygen gas, and sodium percarbonate [1].

Here is a breakdown of what happens when you mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide together:

Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a compound that readily decomposes into water (H2O) and oxygen gas (O2). This decomposition reaction is exothermic, meaning it releases heat energy. Reaction with Baking Soda: Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3) is a basic compound. When it comes into contact with the acidic hydrogen peroxide, a neutralization reaction occurs. This reaction results in the formation of water and sodium percarbonate (Na2CO3·H2O2), also known as sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate. Formation of Sodium Percarbonate: Sodium percarbonate is a solid compound that is commonly used as a cleaning agent and laundry detergent. It is a combination of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Sodium percarbonate is a powerful oxidizing agent and can release oxygen when dissolved in water. Overall, the reaction between baking soda and hydrogen peroxide produces water, oxygen gas, and sodium percarbonate. The release of oxygen gas can cause the mixture to become pressurized, as observed in some cases

Morningstar88 commented 2 months ago

Does baking soda and water make lye? Homemade Lye Water with step-by-step photos | Eat, Little Bird A good substitute for lye water is a simple homemade lye water. You can make your own lye water at home with just baking soda and water. Baking soda is an alkaline substance, and baking the baking soda intensifies its alkaline properties.Sep 13, 2022