Morningstar88 / kalki-search

Распределенная поисковая система с открытым исходным кодом - Raspredelennaya poiskovaya sistema s otkrytym iskhodnym kodom-Оформим за 15 минут Oformim za 15 minut ____\_____ KALKI: VillageSearchEngine \_ Distributed Open Source - Beginner Set up in 15 minutes ________\________ Mesin pencari sumber terbuka terdistribusi-Siapkan dalam 15 men
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Drafts Repos #271

Open Morningstar88 opened 1 month ago

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago


The Art of talking to AI, or anyone, is the art of asking questions.

I was a teacher and corporate trainer in Taipei. If I didn't learn conversations and questions, Id be eating glass noodles and beans all week.

If you ask a Balinese person what he ate for breakfast, he will smile and tell you. If you ask her how to say "star power" in bahasa Indonesia, he will tell you. If you ask them where the waterfalls that cleanse your soul are... they will tell you.

Ask a question, get an answer. AKA. You get what you Google.


Here are some cool questions you can ask any AI.

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

What are the latest farming techniques that could help my country?

How do I get started in Ai ?

Is CSS hard?

How do I start with CSS?