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Dopamine - From B Country College AI #277

Open Morningstar88 opened 3 weeks ago

Morningstar88 commented 3 weeks ago

Deep breathing and meditation are great ways to reduce dopamine, as it will help focus on other stuff inside the body like seratonin and other hormones. Some foods that can help in reducing dopamine and instead increase seratonin and hormones that are good for the body are whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish-oil. This is because of the chemicals like magnesium, vitamin B6 and omega-3 that are in these foods which help to reduce dopamine and instead increase better hormones.

Morningstar88 commented 3 weeks ago

Heavy carbs like pasta can have a relation to dopamine because they can cause large spikes in blood sugar levels, which then leads the body to produce more insulin. This can cause a drop in dopamine levels afterwards, making you feel 'low' and potentially even wanting more carbs, creating a cycle of spikes and crashes in dopamine levels.