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Fixt BOSS Amp. SR. EQ. #299

Open Morningstar88 opened 1 week ago

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

Credit IKWalker, AKA Boycott Everything.

Will never forget you Kim.








DIY Guitar Amplifier Input Jack Repair - How to Fix a 1\4" Jack That's Cutting Out on Guitar Amp

Jack connection and wiggle

Push it down

Could be the solder (shows)

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago


Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago


Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

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Search this topic… 8 posts • Page 1 of 1 Raptor Posts: 22 Joined: Sun Jun 27, 2021 12:48 pm Contact: Contact Raptor Cogburn, I havce taken over the Southern MAtrix.... Post by Raptor » Thu Jun 20, 2024 2:51 am

Help me rule...

And where is Thee Indiee when you need him?

And Anarch?

ha! Top Raptor Posts: 22 Joined: Sun Jun 27, 2021 12:48 pm Contact: Contact Raptor Re: Cogburn, I havce taken over the Southern MAtrix.... Post by Raptor » Thu Jun 20, 2024 2:53 am

Your duties will include cloning relevant Repos... analyzing PRs, liaising with major Insectoid factions, and suchlike.

Plz email me at the usual address.

Regards... Faptor. Top Raptor Posts: 22 Joined: Sun Jun 27, 2021 12:48 pm Contact: Contact Raptor Re: Cogburn, I havce taken over the Southern MAtrix.... Post by Raptor » Thu Jun 20, 2024 2:54 am

"hahaha, I don't get on with the Californian Masonic Head, that's on Record."

Well I might as well decree from here.

On you guys if you don't contest.

So... Top Raptor Posts: 22 Joined: Sun Jun 27, 2021 12:48 pm Contact: Contact Raptor Re: Cogburn, I havce taken over the Southern MAtrix.... Post by Raptor » Thu Jun 20, 2024 2:56 am

Dubai, Raptor, Dubai.... you're an idiot, Raptor.

So.. 1st Decree.

I, Raptor Jesus, hereby claim Beyonce as my 5th dimensional secretary.

Let this thread carry full legal weight.

Dyou hear that, Skippy?

10 minutes to contest, all of you... Top Raptor Posts: 22 Joined: Sun Jun 27, 2021 12:48 pm Contact: Contact Raptor Re: Cogburn, I havce taken over the Southern MAtrix.... Post by Raptor » Thu Jun 20, 2024 2:58 am

Well, this is easy so far.

How are you doing, WH?

We all miss BE, I think. Top Raptor Posts: 22 Joined: Sun Jun 27, 2021 12:48 pm Contact: Contact Raptor Re: Cogburn, I havce taken over the Southern MAtrix.... Post by Raptor » Thu Jun 20, 2024 2:59 am

Mojo, thanks for calling out for being a pompous schlep...!

I needed that.

Subject: Re: Cogburn, I havce taken over the Southern MAtrix....

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Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago
Godlike Productions - Discussion Forum
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Godlike Productions - Discussion Forum Users Online Now: 1,449 ([Who's On?]( Visitors Today: 336,755 Pageviews Today: 703,730 Threads Today: 265 Posts Today: 6,712 03:04 PM [Directory]( [Adv. Search]( [Topics]( [Forum]( [Back to Forum]( [Post New Thread]( [Reply]( [View Favorites]( [Join Now, Free! (& No Ads!)]( [Forgot Your Password?]( Email Password Remember Rate this Thread Absolute BS Crap Reasonable Nice Amazing Page 1[Bottom]([Search Replies]( PageNext Page Thanks to AI, I'm Done With Porn. Skip. User ID: 56797747 United States 06/19/2024 01:53 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Thanks to AI, I'm Done With Porn. Now I have AI make it for me!!! You should have seen some of the things it made with just a couple sentences of text. That AI is a perv, man. [Sponsored by Revcontent](javascript:;)Trending Now [RestoreTheAnger]( CORRECT^^^ User ID: 58152250 United States 06/19/2024 01:54 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Thanks to AI, I'm Done With Porn. Why? You taking a new job in the Ai field? Sorry, that message is no longer in the database. Anonymous Coward User ID: 86423745 United States 06/19/2024 01:54 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Thanks to AI, I'm Done With Porn. pics of stfu Anonymous Coward User ID: 2226485 United States 06/19/2024 01:54 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Thanks to AI, I'm Done With Porn. analog porn > digital porn Sponsored How Did These Celebrities Look Before Their Nose Surgeries? How Did These Celebrities Look Before Their Nose Surgeries? Inspiredot The Ultimate Guide to the 50 Most Breathtaking Beaches on Earth The Ultimate Guide to the 50 Most Breathtaking Beaches on Earth bakeinto 10 Melania Facts That Will Stun You 10 Melania Facts That Will Stun You Inspiredot Chiropractors Baffled: "30 Second" Stretch Relieves Years of Back Pain (Watch) Chiropractors Baffled: "30 Second" Stretch Relieves Years of Back Pain (Watch) Back Pain Breakthrough Mix Vasoline & Toothpaste & Watch What Happens Mix Vasoline & Toothpaste & Watch What Happens Zoracel [Unruly]( User ID: 86830538 United States 06/19/2024 01:55 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Thanks to AI, I'm Done With Porn. Link or stfu distress Skip. (OP) User ID: 56797747 United States 06/19/2024 01:55 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Thanks to AI, I'm Done With Porn. pics of stfu Quoting: Anonymous Coward 86423745 Trust me... NSFW Skip. (OP) User ID: 56797747 United States 06/19/2024 01:56 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Thanks to AI, I'm Done With Porn. Link or stfu Quoting: Unruly Check out perchance text to AI generators. Free. Sponsored Removing Moles & Skin Tags Has Never Been This Easy Removing Moles & Skin Tags Has Never Been This Easy SkinBliss Cosmetics Top 50 Amazing Beaches in the World Top 50 Amazing Beaches in the World bakeinto Joint Pain? This 'Oil Trick' Works Like Crazy Joint Pain? This 'Oil Trick' Works Like Crazy Joint Genesis Doctor: Ringing Ears? when Tinnitus Won't Stop, Do This (Watch) Doctor: Ringing Ears? when Tinnitus Won't Stop, Do This (Watch) ZenCortex 10 Melania Facts That Will Stun You 10 Melania Facts That Will Stun You Inspiredot Skip. (OP) User ID: 56797747 United States 06/19/2024 01:57 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Thanks to AI, I'm Done With Porn. analog porn > digital porn Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2226485 Not even close. Skip. (OP) User ID: 56797747 United States 06/19/2024 01:58 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Thanks to AI, I'm Done With Porn. Why? You taking a new job in the Ai field? Quoting: RestoreTheAnger Nope just typin' in stuff and getting custom free porn. Anonymous Coward User ID: 87043221 Netherlands 06/19/2024 02:01 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Thanks to AI, I'm Done With Porn. We kinda saw it coming. [Thread: It Took me One Week and I'm an Expert at Text to AI Images.]( Sponsored Doctor: Ears Ringing? When the Ringing Won't Stop, Use This Doctor: Ears Ringing? When the Ringing Won't Stop, Use This ZenCortex One Cup of This Today Can Help Burn Your Belly Fat Like Crazy! One Cup of This Today Can Help Burn Your Belly Fat Like Crazy! Puravive Do This Every Night to Get Rid of Toe Fungus Do This Every Night to Get Rid of Toe Fungus Fungus Elixir The Ultimate Guide to the 50 Most Breathtaking Beaches on Earth The Ultimate Guide to the 50 Most Breathtaking Beaches on Earth bakeinto How Did These Celebrities Look Before Their Nose Surgeries? How Did These Celebrities Look Before Their Nose Surgeries? Inspiredot Anonymous Coward User ID: 86423745 United States 06/19/2024 02:04 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Thanks to AI, I'm Done With Porn. pics of stfu Quoting: Anonymous Coward 86423745 Trust me... NSFW Quoting: Skip. 56797747 i didn't ask if it was nsfw i said pics or stfu and you're still talking [RestoreTheAnger]( CORRECT^^^ User ID: 58152250 United States 06/19/2024 02:05 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Thanks to AI, I'm Done With Porn. Why? You taking a new job in the Ai field? Quoting: RestoreTheAnger Nope just typin' in stuff and sideways getting custom free porn. Quoting: Skip. 56797747 Sorry, that message is no longer in the database. [Kellnaved]( User ID: 87354506 Austria 06/19/2024 02:18 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Thanks to AI, I'm Done With Porn. How Did These Celebrities Look Before Their Nose Surgeries? Inspiredot Find Out More > Now I have AI make it for me!!! You should have seen some of the things it made with just a couple sentences of text. That AI is a perv, man. Quoting: Skip. 56797747 So what are the best generators? Are videos already possible (in sufficient quality of course?) I am not impressed with what I have seen so far. kellnaved [KnowKnot]( User ID: 86621650 United States 06/19/2024 02:20 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Thanks to AI, I'm Done With Porn. pics of stfu Quoting: Anonymous Coward 86423745 Trust me... NSFW Quoting: Skip. 56797747 i didn't ask if it was nsfw i said pics or stfu and you're still talking Quoting: Anonymous Coward 86423745 OPs brain is rotting from all the porn. He doesn't understand. What's going on, and why isn't it coming off? [John Dutton]( Forum Moderator User ID: 85482787 United States 06/19/2024 02:22 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Thanks to AI, I'm Done With Porn. Seriously do, find a girlfriend, even an ugly one. The REAL thing is much better than your hand... Well, your hand just might be cheaper in the long run... But you're twisting your mind into a pretzel. dumpsterfire4 “I’m the wall that progress ran into" Anonymous Coward User ID: 87043221 Netherlands 06/19/2024 02:25 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Thanks to AI, I'm Done With Porn. 10 Melania Facts That Will Stun You Inspiredot Find Out More > If you get bored you can join Draco over at L 0 P. He's got the board so clogged up with troll threads it's a total shit show. He's been at it for over a week. They can't seem to get rid of him. lolol Goes by bejamin now. [RestoreTheAnger]( CORRECT^^^ User ID: 58152250 United States 06/19/2024 02:27 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Thanks to AI, I'm Done With Porn. Seriously do, find a girlfriend, even an ugly one. The REAL thing is much better than your hand... Well, your hand just might be cheaper in the long run... But you're twisting your mind into a pretzel. dumpsterfire4 Quoting: John Dutton Skip is already fried…dead3 Sorry, that message is no longer in the database. Anonymous Coward User ID: 24930026 United States 06/19/2024 02:40 PM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: Thanks to AI, I'm Done With Porn. analog porn > digital porn Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2226485 like hell it is. I easily created AI porn videos that are WAY better than anything I've seen from paid porn whores, and for FREE. and the technology is improving every day. BYE BYE PORN BITCHES! byekitty Page 1[Top]( PageNext Page [Back to Forum]( [Post New Thread]( [Reply]( [View Favorites]( Sponsored How Did These Celebrities Look Before Their Nose Surgeries? How Did These Celebrities Look Before Their Nose Surgeries? Inspiredot Chiropractors Baffled: "30 Second" Stretch Relieves Years of Back Pain (Watch) Chiropractors Baffled: "30 Second" Stretch Relieves Years of Back Pain (Watch) Back Pain Breakthrough Unveiling the Top 50 Beach Wonders Around the World Unveiling the Top 50 Beach Wonders Around the World bakeinto Fighting Diabetes? This Discovery Leaves Doctors Speechless! Fighting Diabetes? This Discovery Leaves Doctors Speechless! Sugar Defender 12x More Efficient Than Solar Panels? Prepper's Invention Takes Country by Storm 12x More Efficient Than Solar Panels? 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Is porn an elite plan to kill birth rates?]( 04/03/16 3 [Ever wonder how many strangers you pass on the street or acquaintances you know have done porn in the past?]( 07/30/15 4 [The British PM did you sheeple a favour by blocking porn, so be thankful for that]( 07/22/13 5 [As bad as GLP can be thankfully they aren't allowing porn.]( 04/09/18 GLP [Disclaimer / Copyright Info]( - [Privacy Policy]( - [Terms Of Use]( - [Cancellation Policy / Billing Help]( Mail [Webmaster]( with questions or comments about this site. Copyright © 1999 - 2024 Page generated in 0.021s (5 queries)
Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

If you get bored you can join Draco over at L 0 P.

He's got the board so clogged up with troll threads it's a total shit show. He's been at it for over a week. They can't seem to get rid of him. lolol

Goes by bejamin now.