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Godlike Productions - Discussion Forum Users Online Now: 1,630 ([Who's On?]( Visitors Today: 472,955 Pageviews Today: 839,584 Threads Today: 301 Posts Today: 6,118 12:57 PM [Directory]( [Adv. Search]( [Topics]( [Forum]( [Back to Forum]( [Post New Thread]( [Reply]( [View Favorites]( [Join Now, Free! (& No Ads!)]( [Forgot Your Password?]( Email Password Remember Rate this Thread Absolute BS Crap Reasonable Nice Amazing Page 1 [2]( [3]( [4]([Bottom]([Search Replies]( Page[Next Page]( The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy [The Reverse Engineer]( [Offer Upgrade]( User ID: 79585113 United States 10/23/2021 12:05 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy I have discovered a weird little rabbit hole about parasites, their possible link to cancer, and efforts to make sure we are vulnerable to them. I was reading a long pdf called "Parasite Pill" which made these claims (and which I can't seem to link to): The following bits were especially interesting to me: Every domestic animal is regularly given anti-parasitic drugs, except humans. One of the most commonly used anti-parasitics is called fenbendazole. It is used to treat horses, cows, dogs, mice, reptiles, fish, seals.. basically every animal. It is considered to be extremely safe. It binds to something in the parasites and starves them and kills their eggs without affecting the animal. But for some reason, if an animal is being raised for human consumption, there are strict rules that you have to make sure there are no traces of fenbendazole in the animal when it is slaughtered. An interesting rule, when you consider that glyphosate is a known carcinogen and they spray that on food right before it is harvested. So, after reading all this, I thought it might be worth buying some and trying it. If you go on Amazon, the autocomplete suggests "fenbendazole for dogs," "fenbendazole for humans," fenbendazole for humans cancer." If you click on one for humans, it takes you to a product that has only 3 stars, and people calling it out for only being 7 percent even though it claims to be 99 percent pure. Why would someone try to sell something fake? I went on eBay and bought a bottle that shipped from Poland, but then I looked more closely at the description, which said, "As a 3rd party US reseller, we are not responsible for the purity of this product." When it arrived, it was shipped through Amazon! Into the garbage. So then, I looked up the dog dewormer "Panacur C" on Amazon, and looked at the reviews. They were all by people using it as an alternative cancer treatment! Apparently in 2018, Johns Hopkins did a study where they needed to grow tumors on rats, and the tumors wouldn't grow. It turned out they had all been dewormed with fenbendazole, and that was the reason. After that, someone took a pouch of Panacur C every day, and claimed it cured their cancer. I thought this was all very interesting, and relevant to what's going on now. If covid is just the flu, why are we talking about Ivermectin at all? Why are the "alternative" treatments all anti-parasitics? Does the shot really have some kind of parasite inside it? "The Parasite Pill" suggests that parasites are the link between demonic influences and humans. Could that be true? Think of "the elite" - aren't they essentially parasites themselves? [Sponsored by Revcontent](javascript:;)Trending Now [PapaLung]( User ID: 11934135 Canada 10/23/2021 12:11 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy Makes sense if you look at the Old Testament laws around food and slaughter. Anonymous Coward User ID: 79798854 United States 10/23/2021 12:12 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy All true. Stop sharing this information. Seriously. [~LSDMTHC~]( User ID: 76004767 United States 10/23/2021 12:18 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy I remember that guy who cured his cancer with that stuff. Ok let’s go a little deeper. Ivermectin, supposedly anti cancer. - [[link to (secure)](] I’m not saying I believe what I’m about to type and honestly I’ve never even thought this before now. What if Covid/mRNA tech does contain/is parasitic? That would explain why ivermectin cures you. Now, what if Covid/mRNA tech is meant to cause long term problems, such as cancer? Thoughts? Floridian. Christian, Father, Hard worker and a millenial. Fuck Big Pharma! Don’t be a pussy, if you leave red at least leave your name. I can’t guarantee I’ll be alive come this time next year… [~LSDMTHC~]( User ID: 76004767 United States 10/23/2021 12:19 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy All true. Stop sharing this information. Seriously. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 79798854 Yeah come on OP, you might save a life, what’s your problem!? /s Floridian. Christian, Father, Hard worker and a millenial. Fuck Big Pharma! Don’t be a pussy, if you leave red at least leave your name. I can’t guarantee I’ll be alive come this time next year… [HarMegiddo]( User ID: 80952714 10/23/2021 12:30 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy Elon Musk Net Worth 2022 NetWorth Find Out More > I bring this up all the time. Ivermectin & HCQ, both anti-parasitics. And yesterday I believe, I brought out the fact that for decades, these parasites were said tobpermeate the brains of heavily populated areas, from NY to Brazil, particularly in their brains. Also, the old book "germ theory" outlines the lies of not just germs but viruses, and the lies regarding the pharmaceutical industry. Man who cured his own cancer Last Edited by [HarMegiddo]( on 10/23/2021 12:30 AM HarMegiddo Anonymous Coward User ID: 81038706 United States 10/23/2021 12:37 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy Maybe people are getting parasites because Americans have been eating ass a lot lately? Anonymous Coward User ID: 80504958 Luxembourg 10/23/2021 12:37 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy Yeah, those are charge carry out orders from their tapeworms (unknowingly). Like taking seeds out of plants (which are antiparasitic). Of course the sociopath thinks they are doing it to control the food supply, etc....but those are not the REAL reason. Fungus loves metals...hence the chemtrails. We are ruled by "marxist" diseased humans who think they are clean and others are unclean. Of course it is the opposite with their pathogens in complete command. Take your Rope Worms Out. Do the natural protocols plus how much better anyone gets. Search Volinsky Rope Parasites. Look at all the photos. Take yours out and join the club....almost impossible to get rid of though. You are merely trimming the bush. Anonymous Coward User ID: 80504958 Luxembourg 10/23/2021 12:38 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy Maybe people are getting parasites because Americans have been eating ass a lot lately? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 81038706 Obviously eating ass is parasite driven in the first place. Anonymous Coward User ID: 80400312 United States 10/23/2021 12:42 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy [Thread: Microtubules: How Anti-Parasitic Drugs Defeat Viruses and Tumors]( [Cap’n Obvious]( User ID: 78963999 United States 10/23/2021 12:46 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy 10 Melania Facts That Will Stun You Inspiredot Find Out More > Yeah, those are charge carry out orders from their tapeworms (unknowingly). Like taking seeds out of plants (which are antiparasitic). Of course the sociopath thinks they are doing it to control the food supply, etc....but those are not the REAL reason. Fungus loves metals...hence the chemtrails. We are ruled by "marxist" diseased humans who think they are clean and others are unclean. Of course it is the opposite with their pathogens in complete command. Take your Rope Worms Out. Do the natural protocols plus how much better anyone gets. Search Volinsky Rope Parasites. Look at all the photos. Take yours out and join the club....almost impossible to get rid of though. You are merely trimming the bush. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 80504958 Wtf did you just say? Have a nice day = GFY. GFY = Go Fuck Yourself. If this offends you then have a nice day. [TBKNY]( User ID: 76810050 United States 10/23/2021 01:02 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy I have discovered a weird little rabbit hole about parasites, their possible link to cancer, and efforts to make sure we are vulnerable to them. I was reading a long pdf called "Parasite Pill" which made these claims (and which I can't seem to link to): The following bits were especially interesting to me: Every domestic animal is regularly given anti-parasitic drugs, except humans. One of the most commonly used anti-parasitics is called fenbendazole. It is used to treat horses, cows, dogs, mice, reptiles, fish, seals.. basically every animal. It is considered to be extremely safe. It binds to something in the parasites and starves them and kills their eggs without affecting the animal. But for some reason, if an animal is being raised for human consumption, there are strict rules that you have to make sure there are no traces of fenbendazole in the animal when it is slaughtered. An interesting rule, when you consider that glyphosate is a known carcinogen and they spray that on food right before it is harvested. So, after reading all this, I thought it might be worth buying some and trying it. If you go on Amazon, the autocomplete suggests "fenbendazole for dogs," "fenbendazole for humans," fenbendazole for humans cancer." If you click on one for humans, it takes you to a product that has only 3 stars, and people calling it out for only being 7 percent even though it claims to be 99 percent pure. Why would someone try to sell something fake? I went on eBay and bought a bottle that shipped from Poland, but then I looked more closely at the description, which said, "As a 3rd party US reseller, we are not responsible for the purity of this product." When it arrived, it was shipped through Amazon! Into the garbage. So then, I looked up the dog dewormer "Panacur C" on Amazon, and looked at the reviews. They were all by people using it as an alternative cancer treatment! Apparently in 2018, Johns Hopkins did a study where they needed to grow tumors on rats, and the tumors wouldn't grow. It turned out they had all been dewormed with fenbendazole, and that was the reason. After that, someone took a pouch of Panacur C every day, and claimed it cured their cancer. I thought this was all very interesting, and relevant to what's going on now. If covid is just the flu, why are we talking about Ivermectin at all? Why are the "alternative" treatments all anti-parasitics? Does the shot really have some kind of parasite inside it? "The Parasite Pill" suggests that parasites are the link between demonic influences and humans. Could that be true? Think of "the elite" - aren't they essentially parasites themselves? Quoting: The Reverse Engineer [[link to (secure)](] read this guy's website. Anonymous Coward User ID: 80739915 United States 10/23/2021 01:26 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy Check out tumor tales on YouTube. Guy got a brain tumor and was given 2 months to live. He started taking Fenbendazol and it’s been over 2 years now. He eats right and runs marathons. Last MRI showed the tumor shrinking. If he had taken the idiot route and took chemo he’d be dead as fuck. [Question, Mark]( User ID: 81033690 United States 10/23/2021 04:00 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy What about taking "Diatomaceous Earth?" It is great for parasites and you simply mix it with warm water. Just don't breathe in the fine powder. [Daozen]( User ID: 59187844 Taiwan 10/23/2021 04:02 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy All true. Stop sharing this information. Seriously. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 79798854 Crikey. Daozen appears to be mentally impaired, but harmless. Attention! You are in a Private Universe. Simulation Terms of Service: h t t p s ://godlikemidnight . vercel . app The world is a feeling. "The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words." [eyeDR3]( User ID: 79828781 United States 10/23/2021 04:14 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy 10 Melania Facts That Will Stun You Inspiredot Find Out More > I'm using fenbendazole on my dog with adenocarcinoma. He was at deaths door. Had internal bleeding even. Doctor gave him days. It's been almost 4 months. I'm a HUGE believer. :memorybanner: Anonymous Coward User ID: 80110080 10/23/2021 04:19 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy Most cancers are essentially parassites who escaped the gut and moved elsewhere in the body to eat poisonous substances like heavy metals...but then died there. The problem is than then bacteria will try to decompose this dead foreign body by anaerobic fermentation. [Daozen]( User ID: 59187844 Taiwan 10/23/2021 04:26 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy Maybe parasites are at the root of most illnesses. They probably don't want us to fix the root cause. Daozen appears to be mentally impaired, but harmless. Attention! You are in a Private Universe. Simulation Terms of Service: h t t p s ://godlikemidnight . vercel . app The world is a feeling. "The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words." [ChefElvis]( User ID: 13147426 United States 10/23/2021 04:26 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy The reptilians are a parasite. godzilla A legend in my own mind [Daozen]( User ID: 59187844 Taiwan 10/23/2021 04:27 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy I'm using fenbendazole on my dog with adenocarcinoma. He was at deaths door. Had internal bleeding even. Doctor gave him days. It's been almost 4 months. I'm a HUGE believer. Quoting: eyeDR3 Good to hear. Have you tried any yourself? It seems to work equally well on humans. Daozen appears to be mentally impaired, but harmless. Attention! You are in a Private Universe. Simulation Terms of Service: h t t p s ://godlikemidnight . vercel . app The world is a feeling. "The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words." Anonymous Coward User ID: 81010128 United States 10/23/2021 05:11 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy 10 Melania Facts That Will Stun You Inspiredot Find Out More > I have discovered a weird little rabbit hole about parasites, their possible link to cancer, and efforts to make sure we are vulnerable to them. I was reading a long pdf called "Parasite Pill" which made these claims (and which I can't seem to link to): The following bits were especially interesting to me: Every domestic animal is regularly given anti-parasitic drugs, except humans. One of the most commonly used anti-parasitics is called fenbendazole. It is used to treat horses, cows, dogs, mice, reptiles, fish, seals.. basically every animal. It is considered to be extremely safe. It binds to something in the parasites and starves them and kills their eggs without affecting the animal. But for some reason, if an animal is being raised for human consumption, there are strict rules that you have to make sure there are no traces of fenbendazole in the animal when it is slaughtered. An interesting rule, when you consider that glyphosate is a known carcinogen and they spray that on food right before it is harvested. So, after reading all this, I thought it might be worth buying some and trying it. If you go on Amazon, the autocomplete suggests "fenbendazole for dogs," "fenbendazole for humans," fenbendazole for humans cancer." If you click on one for humans, it takes you to a product that has only 3 stars, and people calling it out for only being 7 percent even though it claims to be 99 percent pure. Why would someone try to sell something fake? I went on eBay and bought a bottle that shipped from Poland, but then I looked more closely at the description, which said, "As a 3rd party US reseller, we are not responsible for the purity of this product." When it arrived, it was shipped through Amazon! Into the garbage. So then, I looked up the dog dewormer "Panacur C" on Amazon, and looked at the reviews. They were all by people using it as an alternative cancer treatment! Apparently in 2018, Johns Hopkins did a study where they needed to grow tumors on rats, and the tumors wouldn't grow. It turned out they had all been dewormed with fenbendazole, and that was the reason. After that, someone took a pouch of Panacur C every day, and claimed it cured their cancer. I thought this was all very interesting, and relevant to what's going on now. If covid is just the flu, why are we talking about Ivermectin at all? Why are the "alternative" treatments all anti-parasitics? Does the shot really have some kind of parasite inside it? "The Parasite Pill" suggests that parasites are the link between demonic influences and humans. Could that be true? Think of "the elite" - aren't they essentially parasites themselves? Quoting: The Reverse Engineer So did you see the post about Covid backwards is Divoc? Divoc is a basically demon who takes over its host... Sugar and bready foods that feed "candida" AKA PARASITES like the rope worms protect themselves from our stomach acid with mucous and YEAST Brain controlling parasites tell you what to do through stomach signals to the brain Brainwashed Mind controlled They feed these things inside us. Easier to manipulate and control and dumb down... WHOLE NEW LEVEL Control people through "mapping" brain/body/chemical signals... And then send them the same signals that make their own legs walk, but it wont be you walking yourself... Signals sent to your body through nanotechnology with magnetic properties I think it is possible. They want your permission to give them full access to your body (not gods natural defenses) Just look at how people in China/Wuhan were in broad daylight*going about their day Then all of a sudden some weird energy would catch like 1 person off guard, everyone in the room stepped back, some video taped, and for some reason these people STOPPED BREATHING Could there have been some signal being directed at a person who had taken a "Vax" couple years prior to people not being in their beds sick... Fall dead in the street in regular clothes? I see a demonstration of a technology that "worked" for the elite, then some elite asshole spent money on getting it out to the whole world. Anonymous Coward User ID: 51161325 United Kingdom 10/23/2021 05:14 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy I experimented recently. I decided to take mebendazole for 3 days. 200mg a day. After taking this I noticed an increase in my levels of alertness and general wellbeing. Felt like I had more energy. I'm planning to use this again maybe in a month and see if it has a noticeable effect. But what is the difference between fenbendazole and mebendazole? I know mebendazole is marketed for human use - I haven't tried fenbendazole - OP I agree with your theory - I was thinking the same; probably that everyone is infected with parasites, and that maybe the people who are getting ill or sick often is because the parasites compromise their immune system allowing infection. Get rid of parasites = normal immune system = decreased chance of illness perhaps. [Agent 99]( User ID: 77082640 United States 10/23/2021 05:15 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy Only 3 factors to all disease: bacteria, virus, parasite. Fungal is topical and feeds on dead things. Correct, Humans don't debug, since the Industrial Era and everyone moved off the farm (Agricultural Era) and into cities. Pharma made big business out of "treating" diseases like it's some fucking mystery and we have no idea where they came from. [Agent 99]( User ID: 77082640 United States 10/23/2021 05:17 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy I experimented recently. I decided to take mebendazole for 3 days. 200mg a day. After taking this I noticed an increase in my levels of alertness and general wellbeing. Felt like I had more energy. I'm planning to use this again maybe in a month and see if it has a noticeable effect. But what is the difference between fenbendazole and mebendazole? I know mebendazole is marketed for human use - I haven't tried fenbendazole - OP I agree with your theory - I was thinking the same; probably that everyone is infected with parasites, and that maybe the people who are getting ill or sick often is because the parasites compromise their immune system allowing infection. Get rid of parasites = normal immune system = decreased chance of illness perhaps. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 51161325 Don't overdose. Farmers rule, twice a year, Spring and Fall. Castor oil was the old remedy for things. Kids thought it was parents being mean to force this on them. hahah. [Agent 99]( User ID: 77082640 United States 10/23/2021 05:18 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy Another observation. Prescription prices for these products are like $800 a dose because the COMPANIES and patent holders are trying to corner the market on these natural and available products. [Pres. Elect Festus Hoggbottom]( User ID: 78382070 United States 10/23/2021 05:23 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy 10 Melania Facts That Will Stun You Inspiredot Find Out More > What about taking "Diatomaceous Earth?" It is great for parasites and you simply mix it with warm water. Just don't breathe in the fine powder. Quoting: Question, Mark It absolutely works and kills parasites, but only in the digestive tract. Blood parasites are another matter altogether. I did it. I did it on purpose. And I'll do it again. [Terentius Afer]( User ID: 78097385 United States 10/23/2021 05:45 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy All true. Stop sharing this information. Seriously. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 79798854 [LucyLucid]( User ID: 80208748 United States 10/23/2021 05:54 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy Interesting topic, Good post I had persistent sinus inflamation this summer after a vacation where I consumed a lot of sugar and unhealthy food, spent time in crowded places, and flew on crowded plane. It was still hanging on after 3 weeks. I fasted for one day and then took 2 sugar cubes soaked in Diamond G terpentine (anti-parasitic and anti-fungal) the next morning. I felt a little bit sick that day, but the next morning it was completely cleared up and I felt amazing. Anonymous Coward User ID: 81039055 France 10/23/2021 06:14 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy Interesting topic, Good post I had persistent sinus inflamation this summer after a vacation where I consumed a lot of sugar and unhealthy food, spent time in crowded places, and flew on crowded plane. It was still hanging on after 3 weeks. I fasted for one day and then took 2 sugar cubes soaked in Diamond G terpentine (anti-parasitic and anti-fungal) the next morning. I felt a little bit sick that day, but the next morning it was completely cleared up and I felt amazing. Quoting: LucyLucid Andrew Kauffman mentioned turpentine on one of his videos, said it was used in the past for over 100 ailments listed in the Merk manual (early 1900's I think). I picked some up (it's called terabenthine here) and was surprised at how pleasant it smells. I haven't taken any internally yet because I'm not sick in any major way. My throat does get irritated when I talk too much though and I found some lozenges containing pine resin, aka turpentine. They definitely made a big difference. [Daozen]( User ID: 81039436 Taiwan 10/23/2021 06:22 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy Turpentine is one of my favourite remedies. Going to pick some up on Tuesday. It's not true that it damages the kidneys. Cleans them, if anything. Daozen appears to be mentally impaired, but harmless. Attention! You are in a Private Universe. Simulation Terms of Service: h t t p s ://godlikemidnight . vercel . app The world is a feeling. "The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words." [LisaDiane]( User ID: 79668908 United States 10/23/2021 06:39 AM [Report Abusive Post]( [Report Copyright Violation]( Re: The parasite fenbendazole conspiracy I have been taking Fenbendazole for 22 months for cancer. I first began the protocol 4 days and 3 days off. But now I take it daily. My kidney and liver function have not been affected by this daily use. I did have surgery for my cancer, but it has not spread anywhere else. In regards to Covid, I have been exposed to Covid so many times and have never gotten it. I believe that taking fenbendazole, vitamin D3, zinc and Vitamin C has kept my immune system strong. I purchase my fenbendazole through as they have put in into pill form for humans. You can also buy fenbendazole on amazon, some pet stores, or under the brand of Panacur or Safeguard. LisaDiane Page 1 [2]( [3]( [4]([Top]( Page[Next Page]( [Back to Forum]( [Post New Thread]( [Reply]( [View Favorites]( Sponsored Elon Musk Net Worth 2022 Elon Musk Net Worth 2022 NetWorth 10 Melania Facts That Will Stun You 10 Melania Facts That Will Stun You Inspiredot Fighting Diabetes? This Discovery Leaves Doctors Speechless! Fighting Diabetes? This Discovery Leaves Doctors Speechless! Sugar Defender Do This Every Night to Get Rid of Toe Fungus Do This Every Night to Get Rid of Toe Fungus Fungus Elixir Ringing Ears? If You Have Tinnitus, Do This Immediately! Ringing Ears? If You Have Tinnitus, Do This Immediately! ZenCortex 12x More Efficient Than Solar Panels? Prepper's Invention Takes Country by Storm 12x More Efficient Than Solar Panels? Prepper's Invention Takes Country by Storm Solar Switch 4 Warning Signs of Dementia (#3 is Scary) 4 Warning Signs of Dementia (#3 is Scary) Pineal Guardian Simple Method Helps Restore Vision So Fast, You'll Throw Away Your Glasses Simple Method Helps Restore Vision So Fast, You'll Throw Away Your Glasses Vision 20 Urologist: Many Men With an Enlarged Prostate Don't Know About This Simple Trick Urologist: Many Men With an Enlarged Prostate Don't Know About This Simple Trick Titan Flow One Cup of This Today Can Help Burn Your Belly Fat Like Crazy! One Cup of This Today Can Help Burn Your Belly Fat Like Crazy! Puravive [Walmart Center for Racial Equity Update: Advancing Equity in Criminal Justice]( Walmart Center for Racial Equity Update: Advancing Equity in Criminal Justice [The Close Relationship Between Stress and Sleep]( The Close Relationship Between Stress and Sleep Related Threads 1 [Miracle Drugs: Ivermectin and Fenbendazole The two drugs are Ivermectin and Fenbendazole, both are used as gastrointestinal anti-parasite drug.]( 05/22/24 2 [Fenbendazole, a broad-spectrum anti-parasitic drug, can be a potential anti-tumor agent.]( 03/06/23 3 [Fenbendazole -- anyone take this anti-parasitic dog dewormer??]( 11/17/22 GLP [Disclaimer / Copyright Info]( - [Privacy Policy]( - [Terms Of Use]( - [Cancellation Policy / Billing Help]( Mail [Webmaster]( with questions or comments about this site. Copyright © 1999 - 2024 Page generated in 0.095s (13 queries)
Morningstar88 commented 2 days ago
All cancer, yeast, parasites and viral infected cells ferment sugar to produce adenosine triphosphate or ATP. This is called anaerobic metabolism. In 1931 Dr Otto Warburg received the Nobel prize for proving this and verified through thousands of experiments. Ivermectin fenbenazole and hydroxychloroquine all site Warburg effect. These drugs block the fermentation process. Under normal cellular respiration ATP is formed in the organelle called the mitochondria. This is called aerobic metabolism. In 1981 Dr nabutto Yamamoto discovered a metabolic waste product of anaerobic cellular respiration called alpha acetyl n galactoseaminidase or Nagalase for short. Nagalase deglycosates the sugars off the d3 molecule. The body converts the d3 to Gc protein or globulin component. Gc protein is required to activate the M1 machrophages. The M1 macrophages engulf and destroy cancer and viral infected cells. When Nagalase level hits .91 you are done. The underlying viral infection or cancer or disease from a specific viral infected cell takes over. 1 why has not one Doctor know the name of Dr Otto Warburg or Dr nabutto Yamamoto or ever heard of Nagalase. This is the very heart of diseases. --
Morningstar88 commented 2 days ago

Morningstar88 commented 2 days ago

Many of the doctors who were murdered were working with Nagalase. The evil ones do not want any advances in this knowledge.