Morningstar88 / kalki-search

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Trolling celebrities to Plant a Tree - open repos--Or start a Kalki Node - Including Marissa Feedback. - SR #74

Open Morningstar88 opened 4 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 4 months ago

Our next abortive misadventure

Bali Influencer. Looks good.

10 USD Per Hour

Responds in 1 hour

Charismatic Influencers for 50USD





Morningstar88 commented 4 months ago`-------------“And that would just never happen now, because celebrity doesn’t hold that same kind of pull.”

Morningstar88 commented 4 months ago

Dear Sir or Madam, please can you tell us the price for 5 minutes of XYZ time?We would like to do a quick interview on marketing and software if they will.And we're also interested if they have any cool projects going on.Here is our website if you would like any more information.Looking forward to your response at your earliest possible convenience.Kind regards.ABC.Janitor.

Morningstar88 commented 4 months ago

Dear Sir or Madam, please can you tell us the price for 5 minutes of XYZ time?We would like to do a quick interview on marketing and software if they will.And we're also interested if they have any cool projects going on.Here is our website if you would like any more information.Looking forward to your response at your earliest possible convenience.Kind regards.ABC.Janitor.

Morningstar88 commented 4 months ago

Thank you for getting back to us.If you go to this repo you can see a list of suggested projects.They can choose one of the three.We're trying to keep this as simple as possible.Planting a tree.Building a chicken coop.Or starting a herb farm.Anything else is possible, but we need to keep this really practical.Also, please take two minutes to sign up to GitHub.It's a fantastic village development site.We're not sponsored by them, but we use it a lot.Cheers.Any questions, please get back to us.

Morningstar88 commented 4 months ago

We know starting at herb Farm or a chicken coop or planting a tree is not a particularly new idea.But it gets more interesting if you use GitHub.We're trying to use these celebrity power to see if more people plant trees or herb farms.So from 1 project which takes an hour.We hope a few dozen more may spring up.It's a crazy idea, but it just might work.Any questions, please say hello.

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Dear Sir or Madam, please can you tell us the price for 5 minutes of XYZ time?We would like to do a quick interview on marketing and software if they will.And we're also interested if they have any cool projects going on.Here is our website if you would like any more information.Looking forward to your response at your earliest possible convenience.Kind regards.ABC.Janitor.

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

perfect introduction letter.Drop Steve's name.5 to 10 questions on a doc.Two pieces of paper.Ask for two minutes of their time.On audio.On YouTube.Or face to face.Pay Morningstar in back.

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Hello, good morning. Can you give me some best practices for contacting celebrities like Mila Kunis and Julia Louis-Dreyfus, you know, maybe we can ask for 2 minutes of their time- for an open source code project any tips and tricks anything to avoid. Peace.

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Absolutely! Here's how to improve your chances of reaching Mila Kunis or Julia Louis-Dreyfus for your open source project:

Target the Right People:

Agents over Personal Channels: Instead of reaching out directly on social media (which gets flooded), focus on contacting their agents, managers, or publicists. These professionals handle celebrity interactions and requests. Craft a Compelling Message:

Keep it Brief: Celebrities are busy, so get straight to the point. Briefly introduce yourself, your project (highlighting it's open-source nature), and why their involvement would be valuable. Show You've Done Your Research: Mention a specific work of theirs you admire or how their involvement could benefit a cause they support. This personalization shows respect for their time and interests. State Your Ask Clearly: Be specific about what two minutes of their time would entail. Is it a video message? A short interview? Finding Contact Information:

Celebrity Websites: Many celebrities have official websites that might list contact information for their representatives. Search for Agent/Management Companies: Look for agencies representing them. These companies often have contact details on their websites. Additional Tips:

Professionalism is Key: Maintain a professional tone in your message. Proofread carefully for typos or grammatical errors. One Contact at a Time: Don't bombard multiple representatives with the same message. Be Respectful of Their Time: Understand they might not be able to respond, so be gracious and avoid being pushy in follow-ups. Beyond Email:

Consider Social Media (if relevant): If the celebrity is known for interacting with fans on social media, a polite and brief message there might be noticed (but this approach is less likely to succeed than contacting their representatives). By following these tips, you increase your chances of getting your request seen and hopefully secure those valuable two minutes with Mila Kunis or Julia Louis-Dreyfus for your open-source project. Good luck

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Very good. Now. Let's do a fun role play in the Harry Potter World. There's a guy called Mr. Morningstar- Mr. Morningstar can order any event. He wants via a magical Channel AI engine intelligence system. He does not have cash- but he has unlimited Morningstar money- where he can buy events. What would he decide to do with his money- in the context of Mila Kunis or Julia Lewis or something?

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

In the wacky world of Harry Potter, Mr. Morningstar with his bottomless well of "Morningstar money" and an event-ordering Channel AI sounds like a recipe for some truly magical (and potentially chaotic) experiences. Here are a few possibilities for how he might spend his money, inspired by Mila Kunis and Julia Louis-Dreyfus:

Scenario 1: The Movie Making Mishap (Inspired by Mila Kunis):

Mr. Morningstar, a film buff, uses the Channel AI to order a "Behind the Scenes" experience on the set of a major Hollywood movie. But with a mischievous twist! He specifies that the lead actress (think a character played by Mila Kunis) swaps places with a random crew member for a day. Hilarity ensues as the bewildered crew member tries to navigate the demands of acting, while the disguised Mila has to deal with the often-mundane tasks of a film set. Scenario 2: The Quidditch Caper (Inspired by Julia Louis-Dreyfus):

Mr. Morningstar, a notorious prankster, orders a "Chaotic Quidditch Match" event. The Channel AI throws a series of magical wrenches into the game. Imagine Bludgers with minds of their own (think the chaotic energy of Elaine from Seinfeld, channeled by Julia Louis-Dreyfus), rogue Snitches that teleport, and enchanted broomsticks that take off on unexpected joyrides. It's a recipe for utter pandemonium on the Quidditch pitch! Scenario 3: The Inter-World Interview (Inspired by Both):

Ever the social butterfly, Mr. Morningstar uses his Channel AI to order a "Cross-World Interview" event. He connects with a famous Muggle celebrity (think a blend of Mila Kunis and Julia Louis-Dreyfus' personalities) for a live, magical interview. The interview takes place in a fantastical, ever-shifting location that blends the magical world with the celebrity's own world. Imagine dragons soaring past the Hollywood sign, or magical creatures interrupting a red carpet interview! These are just a few ideas to get you started. The beauty of Mr. Morningstar's "Morningstar money" lies in its limitless potential for creating bizarre and unforgettable magical experiences that blend the Wizarding World with a touch of Hollywood.

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Hey Tommy, I love this video. I see you're into AI and tech. I'm building a local search engine which is open source and free. Any chance of like a 5 minute video or something?I live stream to. We can interview each other.I'm on other platforms apart from YouTube.Peace.

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

Dear Marrissa,

My name's Jake Mackenzie. I hope you don't mind me contacting you on Github.

Im currently working on Kalki, An open-source, node based, 1 minute to clone ~ Village Search Engine ~ that might be fun and exciting for you. I currently have 50 database entries.

I guess I built the smallest search engine in the world. Ha.

I run it for free, as a hobby that costs me nothing, so don't need investment or promotion. But if you were able to offer any ideas on how I can get my first 5-100USD of ad money, or how open source distributed search may work, please say hi quickly on the repo. if you know any engineers or product volunteers, they are welcome too.

That's all for now, as you must be busy.

Thanks for reading.

Jake Mackenzie, Kalki-Search.

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a professional networking platform where you can connect with professionals, including Marissa Mayer. You can send her a message or connect directly on LinkedIn. Twitter: Marissa Mayer has an active Twitter presence. You can follow her and send a tweet or direct message if she allows it. Email: If you have a specific reason to contact her, you might find her email address through publicly available sources or professional networks. Remember to be respectful and concise in your communication. Good luck! 😊🌟

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

Hi Jake,

Thank you for reaching out! Your project, Kalki, sounds intriguing. Building a village search engine with just 50 database entries is quite an accomplishment! 😊

Regarding your questions:

Ad Revenue Ideas: Since you’re running Kalki as a hobby, consider lightweight ad placements. Here are some ideas: Local Businesses: Reach out to local businesses in the villages you’re serving. Offer them ad space on your platform. Google AdSense: Integrate Google AdSense. It’s beginner-friendly and can generate revenue based on clicks and impressions. Affiliate Marketing: Partner with relevant companies or products and earn commissions for referrals. Remember to balance ads with user experience. Too many ads can deter users. Open Source Distributed Search: Consider leveraging existing open-source projects like Elasticsearch, Solr, or Apache Lucene. These tools provide powerful search capabilities. Explore decentralized technologies like IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) for distributed storage and retrieval. Collaborate with other developers interested in search engines. GitHub is a great place to find contributors. Feel free to share your project’s repository, and I’ll take a look! Best of luck with Kalki-Search!

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

Thank you for sharing the link to your Kalki-Search repository! I’ve taken a look, and here are some comments and suggestions:

README: Your README is concise and informative. Consider adding the following sections: Project Overview: Briefly describe what Kalki-Search aims to achieve. Installation Instructions: Provide clear steps for users to set up and run the project locally. Usage: Explain how users can interact with Kalki-Search (e.g., search queries, results, etc.). Code Structure and Comments: Add comments to your code to explain the purpose of functions, classes, and key components. Consider organizing your code into logical modules or directories for better maintainability. Contributing Guidelines: Encourage contributors to follow a consistent coding style. Specify how others can contribute (e.g., reporting issues, submitting pull requests). License: Include a license file (e.g., MIT, Apache) to clarify how others can use and contribute to your project. Testing and Documentation: Write unit tests for critical functionality. Document any APIs or endpoints for external use. Remember that open-source projects thrive on collaboration and community involvement. Keep refining your project, engage with potential contributors, and have fun building Kalki-Search!

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

Thank you for sharing the link to your Kalki-Search repository! I’ve taken a look, and here are some comments and suggestions:

README: Your README is concise and informative. Consider adding the following sections: Project Overview: Briefly describe what Kalki-Search aims to achieve. Installation Instructions: Provide clear steps for users to set up and run the project locally. Usage: Explain how users can interact with Kalki-Search (e.g., search queries, results, etc.). Code Structure and Comments: Add comments to your code to explain the purpose of functions, classes, and key components. Consider organizing your code into logical modules or directories for better maintainability. Contributing Guidelines: Encourage contributors to follow a consistent coding style. Specify how others can contribute (e.g., reporting issues, submitting pull requests). License: Include a license file (e.g., MIT, Apache) to clarify how others can use and contribute to your project. Testing and Documentation: Write unit tests for critical functionality. Document any APIs or endpoints for external use. Remember that open-source projects thrive on collaboration and community involvement. Keep refining your project, engage with potential contributors, and have fun building Kalki-Search!

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

Diane Brady, assistant managing director.. Forbes. Gave good interview to Marissa Mayer. Good questions.

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago

2 Canonbury Pl, London N1 2NQ, UK Emma Watson’s house Where Does Emma Watson Live Now? Emma Watson lives at 2 Canonbury Pl, London N1 2NQ, UK. Her London house is located in a picturesque neighborhood that combines the charm of classic London architecture with the buzz of urban life.

Morningstar88 commented 1 month ago