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Chocolate KuGua And other healthy recipes.GLP Chats. #77

Open Morningstar88 opened 4 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 4 months ago

Don't be a Pringles programmer.

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

OP is stumbling towards the finish line- just like I did.373 once asked me if I could raise the dead and reanimate matter.I said.If you had, well, listen to me and my group.[b]Liposomal vitamin C.Iodine.Chanca Piedra.Baking soda.KN Tincture.Chilly tincture.Doctor Schultz.Doctor Linus Pauling.MMS1.MMS-2.Jim Humble.Barley grass.Doctor Ann Wigmore.Doctor Joanna Budwig.[/b]If you had put a only a few of those protocols together.[i]People would have been walking out of dialysis.Walking out of heart disease wards.Doctor Klenner could cure polio in a few days.[/i]I think it was him.If you [b]listen to us[/b].You could have a [b]world wide medical revolution.[/b]And it's already happening.People are quickly starting to eat healthy.So my question to you.Mr. Mczade of Kentucky.What use does the video have in this context?Spoink.

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

OP is stumbling towards the finish line- just like I did.373 once asked me if I could raise the dead and reanimate matter.I said.If you had, well, listend to me and my group.Liposomal vitamin C.Iodine.Chanca Piedra.Baking soda.KN Tincture.Chili tincture.Doctor Schulze.Doctor Linus Pauling.MMS1.MMS-2.Jim Humble.Barley grass.Doctor Ann Wigmore.Doctor Joanna Budwig.If you had put a only a few of those protocols together.People would have been walking out of dialysis.Walking out of heart disease wards.Doctor Klenner could cure polio in a few days.I think it was him.If you listen to us.You could have a world wide medical revolution.And it's already happening.People are quickly starting to eat healthy.So my question to you.Mr. Mczade of Kentucky.What use does a video have in this context?Spoink.

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Hey OP, I could regenerate soil with my hands.Using iodine, hypochlorous acid, ginger, and some other equipment.Then I can identify obscure species of mint.And I can replant them.Then I can go on Facebook and get some yoginis to come with me.Then I can start a project called Penestanan Regeneration Soil Project.And log it on GitHub so people can scale it.But you don't accept that.[i]Because you're looking for people who can make sparks come out of their eyes.[/i]In your own time, [b]brains[/b].

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

Morningstar88 commented 3 months ago

You are incorrect, sorry. There's only 2 things that occur in the universe; 1) Taylor Swift 2) Taxes Please revisit your hypothesis, reevaluate your calculations and you'll come to the correct conclusion.