Morpheus1101 / Avaritia

The Minecraft mod to end all mods
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[Feature Request] Extreme Developer Table #154

Open chaosblad3 opened 5 years ago

chaosblad3 commented 5 years ago

Basically you place down a creative spawned version of the extreme crafting table, fill it with items of your choice as well as the chosen result item in the right slot, choose via a toggle whether it is shapeless or not, then click an Export button and it automatically scans the contents and generates the appropriate tweaker script by bringing up a text window in-game that you can copy it from, or ideally then have the option to save it directly to a .zs file in the appropriate directory for it to be read in when the recipes are reloaded.

That way modpack developers don't have to spend hour and hours alt tabbing between a notepad file and the game while creating new recipes, they can just set up the recipe how they want it and hit a button and it's good to go!

If you're feeling particularly nice you could even add a regular Dev Table for generating 3x3 recipe scripts in-game ;)

Morpheus1101 commented 5 years ago

This is all ready a planned feature

WanionCane commented 5 years ago

this is interesting, Bigger Crafting Tables has all of it, excluding the 3x3 table. you guys can use my code if you guys want, since Bigger Crafting Tables was pretty much a failure =/