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Update Code - #332

Closed NirmaanAI closed 1 month ago

NirmaanAI commented 2 months ago

Morpheus Lumerin Node Dashboard




We've incorporated your suggestions from the last issue and successfully developed a fully functional dashboard that integrates information from the Lumerin Node Contracts. To achieve this, we forked, deployed, and verified the official Lumerin contracts, creating a 1:1 replica. This forked version was populated with on-chain data to register providers, models, bids, and open/close sessions.

We revamped the UI and frontend to align with the official Morpheus design and developed a new backend to fetch on-chain data for models, providers, bids, and sessions. To optimize performance, we implemented a state-of-the-art caching mechanism that updates every few minutes, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Key features added include:

We introduced "mMOR" as the smallest unit of MOR (1 MOR = 10^18 mMOR). The provider page offers a personalized view for providers to track their metrics and performance, including claimable balances, hosted models, average daily IPS graphs, and model earnings tables.