MorpheusAIs / Morpheus

Morpheus - A Network For Powering Smart Agents - Compute + Code + Capital + Community
MIT License
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Request: Non-GUI version for Ubuntu - CLI #193

Open XCHSystems opened 7 months ago

XCHSystems commented 7 months ago

Since most "Compute" deployments will be DC bound and headless, you need to incorporate a CLI version of Morpheus that does not require a GUI

All the GPU resources should be for the AI workload and not consumed by any GUI, most of our platforms go into datacenters where the only allowed access is SSH. Installing a GUI also screws with NVIDIA drivers and CUDA.

I'd also like to ask about other GPU Vendors, such as the Intel GPU MAX which uses C++, and also the new AI Accelerators on the 4th and 5th Gen XEONs (Advanced Matrix Extensions), which are much more efficient at inferencing than the GPU

DavidAJohnston commented 7 months ago

Good suggestion. Love to see a pull request on this CLI version of Morpheus.

Morpheus should be agnostic to type of Compute used. Right now its everything that can use with Ollama.

YashKumarVerma commented 5 months ago

I'm interested in working on this. I strongly support the fact that there shouldn't be a need to setup an electron application in order to use the project, as electron comes with its benefits and tradeoffs.

DavidAJohnston commented 5 months ago

How many hours of work to do you think this would take @YashKumarVerma ? Seems worth doing, though maybe closer to when the Compute phase 2 is gearing up to go live in the coming months. Also be sure to see the latest 0.0.6 version in Beta.