MortJC / homebridge-platform-orbit

Orbit Irrigation System platform plugin for HomeBridge
MIT License
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Sprinkler stations have disappeared in HomeKit #45

Closed kellery82 closed 2 years ago

kellery82 commented 2 years ago

I don’t 100% think that this is an issue with the plug-in, rather an issue with the latest iOS version. I can no longer see my sprinklers in HomeKit. I can configure and modify, but not switch a station on. I upgraded to 15.4 and believe that this might be the cause as my wife’s phone shows them fine and is not on 15.4 yet. Can anyone else confirm if this is an issue for them on iOS 15.4?

Sprinkler stations are still visible in homebridge, no errors in the logs nor any issues accessing using the orbit application.

Thanks in advance,


6403FD6C-4A88-4961-B411-4A4DF22F29CA 37B2E81A-8FC7-4E98-BC77-3D73D9DA14ED

mitch7391 commented 2 years ago

@kellery82 a quick suggestion could be to delete the accessory cache in the Homebridge UI settings? Then when you reboot it will add them afresh and hopefully they are back to normal.

kellery82 commented 2 years ago

Thanks mitch7391, good suggestion, I tried this, it seemed to work. I started renaming the stations in HomeKit and then It disappeared again. Tried removing cache, re-adding, etc. but cannot get them back :(

mitch7391 commented 2 years ago

@kellery82 so you cannot get them back at all? That is quite odd if so… If you haven’t already tried rebooting Homebridge, I would suggest doing that or if not I would try rebooting the orbit device.

kellery82 commented 2 years ago

@mitch7391, all good, I have it working now. It's strange, if i tap "Stirling Sprinklers" from the Room "Outdoors", nothing is displayed, but if I hold for a few seconds on "Stirling Sprinklers" from the Room "Outdoors", it works and shows the stations. I'm happy with this. FYI, I tried the other Orbit plugin and had the same issue,

jdmtv001 commented 2 years ago

I am having the same issue and just like @mitch7391 same behavior. Controls will show up in the room or on the main screen/favorite only if you hold it for a couple of seconds. If you just tap on it controls are no longer displayed. Clearing cache, rebooting homebridge, orbit, and iPhone, behavior still exist.

mitch7391 commented 2 years ago

I had not actually looked into if this was an issue for me but provided what I thought was maybe some quick win advice. I did just check now however, and found I have the same issue; but I do not think it is an issue with the plug-in.

It seems on the favorites page that it takes two long presses for it to populate the sprinkler zones; the first press always hangs indefinitely with no zones loaded (blank screen). I had found in the room they live in (for me that is 'Front Yard') it takes more than twice to get the zones to populate.

I do not believe this was an issue before iOS 15.4, but I could be wrong.

jdmtv001 commented 2 years ago

It might be IOS 15.4 related, not sure. I don't have a lot of plug-ins installed but none if them have this behavior except this one. Maybe something with how B-Hybe API work? API changes? Is odd behavior.

mitch7391 commented 2 years ago

Yeah that is a fair point, there has been a couple of ‘big fix’ updates for the B-Hyve app recently. I have however noticed a bit of odd behaviour for how Siri interacts with my aircon since iOS 15.4, so I figured it was not out of the realms of possibility haha… @MortJC would maybe be able to better answer about the plug-in side of things here though.

MortJC commented 2 years ago

I tested on iOS 15.3 without issue. However after upgrading to iOS 15.4.1 I'm having the same issue when opening the accessory from the Favourite screen. Looks an issue with Home on iOS 15.4.x.

jdmtv001 commented 2 years ago

iPhone and Home Pod both are up to date 15.4.1. How do I enable debug just for this plugin?

MortJC commented 2 years ago

See for how to turn on debigging.

jdmtv001 commented 2 years ago

Here it is:Setup Payload:

[4/4/2022, 2:44:31 AM] [orbit] Launched child bridge with PID 17335 [4/4/2022, 2:44:32 AM] Registering platform 'homebridge-platform-orbit.orbit' [4/4/2022, 2:44:32 AM] [orbit] Loaded homebridge-platform-orbit v1.5.2 child bridge successfully [4/4/2022, 2:44:32 AM] Loaded 1 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.0EBEC752C55B. [4/4/2022, 2:44:32 AM] [orbit] Starting PlatformOrbit using homebridge API 2.7 [4/4/2022, 2:44:32 AM] [orbit] Loading accessory from cache Smart WIFI Timer [4/4/2022, 2:44:32 AM] Publishing bridge accessory (name: orbit, publishInfo: { username: '0E:BE:C7:52:C5:5B', port: 48187, pincode: '*-*-', category: 2, bind: undefined, mdns: undefined, addIdentifyingMaterial: true, advertiser: undefined }). [4/4/2022, 2:44:32 AM] [orbit] Loading the devices [4/4/2022, 2:44:32 AM] Homebridge v1.4.0 (HAP v0.10.0) (orbit) is running on port 48187. [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Configuring cached device Smart WIFI Timer [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Configure Irrigation service Smart WIFI Timer [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Configure Valve service Front door [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Configure Valve service House side [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Configure Valve service Garage side [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Configure Valve service Front lawn [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Configure Valve service Back house lawn [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Configure Valve service Back fence lawn [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] openConnection [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] onMessage [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] sync [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] IrrigationSystem Smart WIFI Timer Active = ACTIVE [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] IrrigationSystem Smart WIFI Timer ProgramMode = 1 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] IrrigationSystem Smart WIFI Timer InUse = NOT_IN_USE [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] IrrigationSystem Smart WIFI Timer RemainingDuration = 0 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] IrrigationSystem Smart WIFI Timer StatusFault = NO_FAULT [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Front door Active = INACTIVE [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Front door InUse = NOT_IN_USE [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Front door ValveType = 1 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Front door SetDuration = 600 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Front door RemainingDuration = 0 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Front door IsConfigured = CONFIGURED [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Front door StatusFault = NO_FAULT [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve House side Active = INACTIVE [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve House side InUse = NOT_IN_USE [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve House side ValveType = 1 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve House side SetDuration = 600 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve House side RemainingDuration = 0 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve House side IsConfigured = CONFIGURED [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve House side StatusFault = NO_FAULT [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Garage side Active = INACTIVE [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Garage side InUse = NOT_IN_USE [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Garage side ValveType = 1 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Garage side SetDuration = 600 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Garage side RemainingDuration = 0 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Garage side IsConfigured = CONFIGURED [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Garage side StatusFault = NO_FAULT [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Front lawn Active = INACTIVE [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Front lawn InUse = NOT_IN_USE [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Front lawn ValveType = 1 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Front lawn SetDuration = 600 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Front lawn RemainingDuration = 0 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Front lawn IsConfigured = CONFIGURED [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Front lawn StatusFault = NO_FAULT [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Back house lawn Active = INACTIVE [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Back house lawn InUse = NOT_IN_USE [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Back house lawn ValveType = 1 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Back house lawn SetDuration = 600 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Back house lawn RemainingDuration = 0 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Back house lawn IsConfigured = CONFIGURED [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Back house lawn StatusFault = NO_FAULT [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Back fence lawn Active = INACTIVE [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Back fence lawn InUse = NOT_IN_USE [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Back fence lawn ValveType = 1 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Back fence lawn SetDuration = 600 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Back fence lawn RemainingDuration = 0 [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Back fence lawn IsConfigured = CONFIGURED [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] Valve Back fence lawn StatusFault = NO_FAULT [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] WebSocket open [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] TX {"event":"app_connection","orbit_session_token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXUyJ9.eyJ1c2VyLWlkIjoiNWNmNDJjOTc0ZjBjN2Q4NDFlMGIyMjAyIiwiYXBwLWlkIjoiT3JiaXQgU3VwcG9ydCBEYXNoYm9hcmQifQ.a-LFZNl2dC_mtUiVpp9MicHKfJmuf6ojUN7O9v3X5zw","subscribe_device_id":"5cf42cc14f0c7d841e0b2220"} [4/4/2022, 2:44:33 AM] [orbit] TX {"event":"sync","device_id":"5cf42cc14f0c7d841e0b2220"} [4/4/2022, 2:44:34 AM] [orbit] RX {"event":"program_changed","device_id":"5cf42cc14f0c7d841e0b2220","program":{"name":"New lawn morning ","program_start_date":"2022-04-02T05:00:00.000Z","frequency":{"type":"days","days":[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]},"updated_at":"2022-04-04T01:44:33.421Z","updated_via":"wifi","start_times":["06:15"],"id":"624911044f0c040b8ba4a49c","budget":100,"device_id":"5cf42cc14f0c7d841e0b2220","program":"a","run_times":[{"run_time":10,"station":4}],"enabled":true,"created_at":"2022-04-03T03:14:12.061Z"},"lifecycle_phase":"update","timestamp":"2022-04-04T01:44:33.430Z"} [4/4/2022, 2:44:34 AM] [orbit] program_change - do nothing [4/4/2022, 2:44:34 AM] [orbit] RX {"event":"change_mode","mode":"auto","device_id":"5cf42cc14f0c7d841e0b2220","timestamp":"2022-04-04T01:44:32.000Z"} [4/4/2022, 2:44:34 AM] [orbit] change_mode auto [4/4/2022, 2:44:34 AM] [orbit] RX {"event":"rain_delay","delay":0,"rain_sensors":[],"device_id":"5cf42cc14f0c7d841e0b2220","timestamp":"2022-04-04T01:44:32.000Z"} [4/4/2022, 2:44:34 AM] [orbit] rain_delay - do nothing [4/4/2022, 2:44:34 AM] [orbit] RX {"timestamp":"2022-04-04T01:44:32.000Z","event":"device_idle","stream-id":"193ae501-f124-42b6-9217-36c2497fbf97","client-topics":["device-clients-1"],"gateway-topic":"devices-2","device_id":"5cf42cc14f0c7d841e0b2220"} [4/4/2022, 2:44:34 AM] [orbit] Watering_complete or device_idle [4/4/2022, 2:44:34 AM] [orbit] RX {"event":"program_changed","device_id":"5cf42cc14f0c7d841e0b2220","program":{"name":"New lawn morning ","program_start_date":"2022-04-02T05:00:00.000Z","frequency":{"type":"days","days":[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]},"updated_at":"2022-04-04T01:44:33.660Z","updated_via":"wifi","start_times":["06:15"],"id":"624911044f0c040b8ba4a49c","budget":100,"device_id":"5cf42cc14f0c7d841e0b2220","program":"a","run_times":[{"run_time":10,"station":4}],"enabled":false,"created_at":"2022-04-03T03:14:12.061Z"},"lifecycle_phase":"update","timestamp":"2022-04-04T01:44:33.667Z"} [4/4/2022, 2:44:34 AM] [orbit] program_change - do nothing [4/4/2022, 2:44:34 AM] [orbit] RX {"event":"program_changed","device_id":"5cf42cc14f0c7d841e0b2220","program":{"name":"New lawn evening ","program_start_date":"2022-04-02T05:00:00.000Z","frequency":{"type":"days","days":[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]},"updated_at":"2022-04-04T01:44:33.643Z","updated_via":"wifi","start_times":["19:15"],"id":"6249115f4f0c66c76b36916d","budget":100,"device_id":"5cf42cc14f0c7d841e0b2220","program":"b","run_times":[{"run_time":10,"station":4}],"enabled":true,"created_at":"2022-04-03T03:15:43.384Z"},"lifecycle_phase":"update","timestamp":"2022-04-04T01:44:33.655Z"} [4/4/2022, 2:44:34 AM] [orbit] program_change - do nothing [4/4/2022, 2:44:34 AM] [orbit] RX {"event":"program_changed","device_id":"5cf42cc14f0c7d841e0b2220","program":{"name":"New lawn morning ","program_start_date":"2022-04-02T05:00:00.000Z","frequency":{"type":"days","days":[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]},"updated_at":"2022-04-04T01:44:33.649Z","updated_via":"wifi","start_times":["06:15"],"id":"624911044f0c040b8ba4a49c","budget":100,"device_id":"5cf42cc14f0c7d841e0b2220","program":"a","run_times":[{"run_time":10,"station":4}],"enabled":true,"created_at":"2022-04-03T03:14:12.061Z"},"lifecycle_phase":"update","timestamp":"2022-04-04T01:44:33.658Z"} [4/4/2022, 2:44:34 AM] [orbit] program_change - do nothing [4/4/2022, 2:44:34 AM] [orbit] RX {"event":"program_changed","device_id":"5cf42cc14f0c7d841e0b2220","program":{"name":"New lawn evening ","program_start_date":"2022-04-02T05:00:00.000Z","frequency":{"type":"days","days":[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]},"updated_at":"2022-04-04T01:44:33.651Z","updated_via":"wifi","start_times":["19:15"],"id":"6249115f4f0c66c76b36916d","budget":100,"device_id":"5cf42cc14f0c7d841e0b2220","program":"b","run_times":[{"run_time":10,"station":4}],"enabled":true,"created_at":"2022-04-03T03:15:43.384Z"},"lifecycle_phase":"update","timestamp":"2022-04-04T01:44:33.662Z"} [4/4/2022, 2:44:34 AM] [orbit] program_change - do nothing [4/4/2022, 2:44:34 AM] [orbit] RX {"event":"program_changed","device_id":"5cf42cc14f0c7d841e0b2220","program":{"name":"New lawn evening ","program_start_date":"2022-04-02T05:00:00.000Z","frequency":{"type":"days","days":[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]},"updated_at":"2022-04-04T01:44:33.663Z","updated_via":"wifi","start_times":["19:15"],"id":"6249115f4f0c66c76b36916d","budget":100,"device_id":"5cf42cc14f0c7d841e0b2220","program":"b","run_times":[{"run_time":10,"station":4}],"enabled":false,"created_at":"2022-04-03T03:15:43.384Z"},"lifecycle_phase":"update","timestamp":"2022-04-04T01:44:33.670Z"} [4/4/2022, 2:44:34 AM] [orbit] program_change - do nothing [4/4/2022, 2:44:58 AM] [orbit] TX {"event":"ping"} [4/4/2022, 2:45:15 AM] [orbit] RX {"event":"change_mode","mode":"auto","device_id":"5cf42cc14f0c7d841e0b2220","timestamp":"2022-04-04T01:45:13.000Z"} [4/4/2022, 2:45:15 AM] [orbit] change_mode auto [4/4/2022, 2:45:23 AM] [orbit] TX {"event":"ping"} [4/4/2022, 2:45:48 AM] [orbit] TX {"event":"ping"}

MortJC commented 2 years ago

Thanks. Sprinklers disappearing in homekit from the favourites menu appears to be a bug in the iOS 15.4.x. I have the same issue since upgrading my phone to iOS 15.4.1 from 15.3.x.