MosaicManufacturing / canvas-issues

Bug reports and feature requests for Canvas
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Traveling all over during prints - Bug Report and/or Feature Request? #143

Open opy001 opened 4 years ago

opy001 commented 4 years ago

I just got my Palette 2S Pro yesterday and have been trying to calibrate it. I've noticed odd travels for the keychain. It starts out printing the ring of the keychain then lifts up and retracts to go to the other end of the keychain to start printing that perimeter. Why does it not just start at the ring? I know I have "start at corners" selected, but there is a corner at the ring. This is a minor thing and not much wasted time.

The thing that is wasting a LOT of print time is the infill. It prints a line then retracts z hops to another place and draws a line or two then retracts and z hops and goes to the other side of the keychain and prints a couple of lines. I think it did this 3 times for one infill. This is a complete waste of print time and unnecessary retracts as it should start on one side of the print and not stop until the infill is done, at least on a simple print like the keychain.

This was sliced using Canvas and the most basic settings. Is there anything I need to look at to change this?

I guess this would be a feature request to make the slicing more efficient?

I have 3 printers and use Simplify 3D for the 2 without a Palette 2S Pro and infill is the fastest part.

brandonbloch commented 4 years ago

Hi @opy001,

Labeling this as a bug as this shouldn't be happening. Would you mind providing a share link for the project (including printer + materials, if applicable) either here or to so we can investigate?

Cheers, Brandon

opy001 commented 4 years ago

I emailed a video. Here is the project.

brandonbloch commented 4 years ago

Hi @opy001,

Thank you for sending the video! To follow up, we've been able to confirm the issue on our end after importing the project, but will need some time to fully investigate and fix the issue. In the meantime, here are some general ideas that will not fix the problem per se, but would hopefully reduce the issues related to it:

Please let me know if either of those solutions helps! We'll update this thread with progress as available.

Cheers, Brandon