MoseleyBioinformaticsLab / GOcats

A tool for categorizing Gene Ontology into subgraphs of user-defined emergent concepts
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Update citation #22

Closed ehinderer closed 2 years ago

ehinderer commented 2 years ago

@hunter-moseley This should address #21. However note that the only way I was able to correctly format two citations was to put them both into a "reference" section and note in the message to please cite both. The format only allows for a single "preferred-citation" flag on one article and complains that it cannot be parsed if multiple are listed. Maybe I'm not doing something correctly but there's no description in the documentation on how to cite multiple sources. It's as if there was no consideration of the possibility that anyone would ever cite multiple references... very frustrating if so.

Please let me know if you see any errors or if you know how to do what I was describing above.


hunter-moseley commented 2 years ago


You are not doing anything incorrect. The CITATIONS.ctf file can contain more than one citations, but only the last one (or first one) is used.