MoseleyBioinformaticsLab / ICIKendallTau

Information-Content-Informed Kendall-tau in R
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support feature or sample wise missing values #1

Open rmflight opened 3 years ago

rmflight commented 3 years ago

Currently only a single missing value is supported data-set wide, by providing a single zero_value.

It should be possible to provide feature or sample wise zero values by the user providing a vector that is the same length as either the columns or rows, this would determine whether it is feature or sample wise.

rmflight commented 3 years ago

The way to implement this is at the R code level, where the imputed values are replaced with NA in the data matrix, and then the C++ code handles the missingness.

rmflight commented 3 years ago

After discussion with @hunter-moseley, a design would be to create new parameters:

global_na = c(NA, Inf, 0)
feature_na = NULL
sample_na = NULL

So then if the user changes the global_na they can do that.