Mosnad-Web01 / movie-project-A-Sanadi-A-Nabil-Feras

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Implements free to watch section #24

Closed ahmedalsanadi closed 2 days ago

ahmedalsanadi commented 2 days ago

Issue Description:

Assigned to: @ahmedalsanadi

Objective: Implement a new section in the application to display free-to-watch media, allowing users to toggle between Movies and TV categories.


  1. Fetch Free-to-Watch Media:

    • Use a custom hook to retrieve free-to-watch movies and TV shows based on the selected category (Movies or TV).
  2. Toggle Functionality:

    • Implement a toggle switch that allows users to select between the "Movies" and "TV" options.
    • The selected category should update the displayed free-to-watch media accordingly.
  3. Display Media:

    • Present the media items in a visually appealing way using a horizontal slider.
    • Each media item should include relevant details such as title, poster, vote average, and release date.
  4. Responsive Design:

    • Ensure the section is responsive and user-friendly across different devices and screen sizes.
  5. Error Handling:

    • Implement error handling to manage any issues that arise during data fetching.
    • Include loading indicators (such as placeholders) to enhance user experience.

Branch Name:
