Issue: Create Responsive NavBar with Sidebar and Dark/Light Mode Toggle
Create a responsive NavBar component that includes the following features:
Logo: Place a logo on the left side of the NavBar.
Nav Items: Include the following nav items:
Genres: This should be a dropdown list fetched from the TMDB API.
Movies: This should be a dropdown list with static items (e.g., "Popular", "Top-Rated", "Now Playing", etc.).
TV Shows: This should be a dropdown list with static items (e.g., "Popular", "Top-Rated", etc.).
Actors: A simple link to the actors' page.
Dark/Light Mode Toggle: Add a button to switch between dark and light mode themes.
Responsive Design:
For smaller screens, the NavBar should collapse into a menu icon (hamburger button). When clicked, the menu icon should toggle the visibility of the navigation items.
Ensure that the NavBar remains responsive across different screen sizes (mobile, tablet, desktop).
Create a sidebar that contains the same items as the NavBar.
The sidebar should be hidden on smaller screens and accessible via the hamburger menu.
Acceptance Criteria:
[x] The NavBar is responsive and displays correctly on all screen sizes.
[x] The dropdown list for Genres is fetched dynamically from the TMDB API.
[x] The Movies and TV Shows dropdown lists contain static items.
[x] The dark/light mode toggle button works as expected, and the theme changes throughout the site.
[x] The sidebar contains the same items as the NavBar and is accessible on smaller screens when the menu icon is clicked.
[x] The NavBar and Sidebar should both use a consistent design and remain intuitive on all screen sizes.
Issue: Create Responsive NavBar with Sidebar and Dark/Light Mode Toggle
Create a responsive NavBar component that includes the following features:
Logo: Place a logo on the left side of the NavBar.
Nav Items: Include the following nav items:
Dark/Light Mode Toggle: Add a button to switch between dark and light mode themes.
Responsive Design:
Acceptance Criteria:
Assigned to : @ahmedalsanadi