Open shoulders opened 8 months ago
This is the CSS code for retro theme when keys are pressed. (from themes.css) --color-keycaps-legends-pressed: #2f3674; --color-keycaps-bg-pressed: #a4a9b0; --color-keycaps-shadow-pressed: #7f8489;
are you referring to the --color-keycaps-legends-pressed that has not high enough contrast? I think a color like this would be good to address that: --color-keycaps-legends-pressed: #080e42;
if you think this new color has enough contrast, I will change it.
I will have a look at these and let you tomorow if that is ok.
Alright, I already added the new color. See If that's good enough when you have time.
When using the grey layout the colour for the highlighted buttons does not have high contrast so it is hard to see at a glance what buttons have already been pressed.
proposed solution
use a high contrast colour for showing buttons that have been pressed, such as purple.