Motion-Project / motion

Motion, a software motion detector. Home page:
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Error on 4.5.1 #1715

Closed nfontan closed 1 year ago

nfontan commented 1 year ago

Did you read the guide?


What is the base version number of Motion being used?


What was the install method?

Installed via package tool

What is base architecture?


What is the distro being used?


Disto version number

Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

Camera type(s) being used?

Network camera with RTSP

Describe the issue/problem and steps to reproduce

I was using version pi_buster_motion_4.4.0-1_armhf.deb and everything was working fine, but when updating to version pi_buster_motion_4.5.1-1_armhf.deb it shows the following error: motion_init: Error capturing first image

Similar to Issue

I tried to follow the suggestions indicated there, but the error persists.

ffplay output image

Motion log output at log_level 8

[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] motion_startup: Motion 4.5.1 Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] motion_startup: Using default log type (ALL)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (ALL)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] become_daemon: Motion going to daemon mode
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] motion_startup: Motion running as daemon process
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] conf_output_parms: Writing configuration parameters from all files (1):
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] Thread 0 - Config file: /etc/motion/motion.conf
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] daemon                    on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] setup_mode                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] pid_file                  
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] log_file                  /var/log/motion/motion.log
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] log_level                 9
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] log_type                  ALL
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] quiet                     on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] native_language           off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] watchdog_tmo              30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] watchdog_kill             10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] camera_name               
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] camera_id                 0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] target_dir                /media/pen/cam
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] video_device              /dev/video0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] video_params              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] auto_brightness           3
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] tuner_device              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] roundrobin_frames         1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] roundrobin_skip           1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] roundrobin_switchfilter   off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] netcam_url                <redacted>
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] netcam_params             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] netcam_high_url           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] netcam_high_params        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] netcam_userpass           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] mmalcam_name              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] mmalcam_params            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] width                     1280
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] height                    720
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] framerate                 25
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] minimum_frame_time        0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] rotate                    0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] flip_axis                 none
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] locate_motion_mode        off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] locate_motion_style       box
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] text_left                 Frente
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] text_right                %Y-%m-%d\n%T-%q
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] text_changes              off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] text_scale                2
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] text_event                %Y%m%d%H%M%S
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] emulate_motion            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] pause                     off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] threshold                 1500
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] threshold_maximum         0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] threshold_tune            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] noise_level               32
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] noise_tune                on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] despeckle_filter          EedDl
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] area_detect               
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] mask_file                 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] mask_privacy              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] smart_mask_speed          0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] lightswitch_percent       0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] lightswitch_frames        5
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] minimum_motion_frames     1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] event_gap                 60
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] pre_capture               30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] post_capture              90
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] on_event_start            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] on_event_end              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] on_picture_save           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] on_area_detected          
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] on_motion_detected        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] on_movie_start            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] on_movie_end              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] on_camera_lost            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] on_camera_found           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] picture_output            best
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] picture_output_motion     off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] picture_type              jpeg
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] picture_quality           75
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] picture_exif              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] picture_filename          %v-%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%q
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] snapshot_interval         0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] snapshot_filename         %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-snapshot
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] movie_output              on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] movie_output_motion       off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] movie_max_time            600
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] movie_bps                 400000
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] movie_quality             100
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] movie_codec               mkv
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] movie_duplicate_frames    off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] movie_passthrough         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] movie_filename            %t-%v-%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] movie_extpipe_use         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] movie_extpipe             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] timelapse_interval        0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] timelapse_mode            daily
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] timelapse_fps             30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] timelapse_codec           mpg
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] timelapse_filename        %Y%m%d-timelapse
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] video_pipe                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] video_pipe_motion         
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webcontrol_port           8084
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webcontrol_ipv6           off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webcontrol_localhost      off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webcontrol_parms          1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webcontrol_interface      0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webcontrol_auth_method    0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webcontrol_authentication 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webcontrol_tls            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webcontrol_cert           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webcontrol_key            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webcontrol_header_params  
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webcontrol_lock_minutes   5
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webcontrol_lock_attempts  5
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webcontrol_lock_max_ips   25
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] stream_port               8888
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] stream_localhost          off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] stream_auth_method        2
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] stream_authentication     <redacted>
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] stream_tls                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] stream_header_params      
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] stream_preview_scale      25
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] stream_preview_newline    off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] stream_preview_method     0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] stream_quality            50
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] stream_grey               off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] stream_motion             off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] stream_maxrate            1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] stream_limit              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] database_type             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] database_dbname           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] database_host             localhost
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] database_port             0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] database_user             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] database_password         
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] database_busy_timeout     0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] sql_log_picture           off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] sql_log_snapshot          off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] sql_log_movie             off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] sql_log_timelapse         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] sql_query_start           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] sql_query_stop            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] sql_query                 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_type                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_auto                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_port                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_motorx              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_motorx_reverse      off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_motory              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_motory_reverse      off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_maxx                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_minx                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_maxy                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_miny                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_homex               128
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_homey               128
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_iomojo_id           0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_step_angle_x        10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_step_angle_y        10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_move_wait           10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_speed               255
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_stepsize            40
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] track_generic_move        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] camera                    
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] camera_dir                
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] motion_ntc: v4l2   : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] motion_ntc: bktr   : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] motion_ntc: webp   : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] motion_ntc: mmal   : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] motion_ntc: ffmpeg : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] motion_ntc: mysql  : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] motion_ntc: MariaDB: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] motion_ntc: sqlite3: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] motion_ntc: pgsql  : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] motion_ntc: nls    : available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webu_start_strm: Starting all camera streams on port 8888
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webu_mhd_features_basic: Basic authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webu_mhd_features_digest: Digest authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webu_mhd_features_ipv6: IPV6: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webu_mhd_features_tls: SSL/TLS: available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webu_strm_ntc: Started camera 0 stream on port 8888
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webu_start_ctrl: Starting webcontrol on port 8084
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webu_mhd_features_basic: Basic authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webu_mhd_features_digest: Digest authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webu_mhd_features_ipv6: IPV6: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webu_mhd_features_tls: SSL/TLS: available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 17 18:20:03] webu_start_ctrl: Started webcontrol on port 8084
[0:motion] [NTC] [ENC] [Oct 17 18:20:03] ffmpeg_global_init: ffmpeg libavcodec version 58.35.100 libavformat version 58.20.100
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] dbse_global_init: Initializing database
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] translate_init: Language: English
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 0 is from /etc/motion/motion.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 0 Camera Name: (null) Service: rtsp:
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] main: Waiting for threads to finish, pid: 6626
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] motion_init: Camera 0 started: motion detection Enabled
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] [Oct 17 18:20:03] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:03] netcam_rtsp_set_parms: Setting up norm stream.
[1:ml1] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] util_parms_add: Parsed: >decoder< >NULL<
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:03] netcam_rtsp_set_path: Setting up rtsp via netcam
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:03] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: Setting rtsp/rtmp
[1:ml1] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] util_parms_add: Parsed: >rtsp_transport< >tcp<
[1:ml1] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:03] util_parms_add: Parsed: >allowed_media_types< >video<
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:03] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: rtsp_transport = tcp
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:03] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: allowed_media_types = video
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:03] netcam_rtsp_open_context: norm: Opened camera((null))
[1:av0] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:06] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: HW Devices: 
[1:av0] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:06] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: vdpau (not implemented)
[1:av0] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:06] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: vaapi (available)
[1:av0] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:06] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: drm (not implemented)
[1:av0] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:06] netcam_init_swdecoder: norm: Initializing decoder
[1:av0] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:06] netcam_rtsp_open_codec: norm: Decoder opened
[1:ml1] [DBG] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:06] netcam_check_buffsize: expanding buffer from [0/0] to [0/1384448] bytes.
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] Above message repeats 1 times
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:06] netcam_rtsp_read_image: norm: capture_rate not specified in netcam_params. Using 26
[1:ml1] [DBG] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:06] netcam_check_buffsize: expanding buffer from [1382400/1384448] to [1382400/2764800] bytes.
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] Above message repeats 1 times
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:06] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[2:nc2] [NTC] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:06] netcam_rtsp_handler: norm: Camera handler thread [2] started
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:06] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: Setting rtsp/rtmp
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:06] netcam_rtsp_open_context: norm: Opened camera((null))
[2:av2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:11] netcam_init_swdecoder: norm: Initializing decoder
[2:av2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:11] netcam_rtsp_open_codec: norm: Decoder opened
[2:nc2] [NTC] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:11] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Camera ((null)) connected
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:11] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Netcam capture_rate is 26.
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:11] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Camera source is 25 FPS
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:12] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 31 items
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:13] motion_loop: Thread exiting
[1:ml1] [INF] [VID] [Oct 17 18:20:13] vid_close: calling netcam_rtsp_cleanup
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:13] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: norm: Shutting down network camera.
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:14] netcam_rtsp_interrupt: norm: Camera reading ((null)) timed out
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:14] netcam_rtsp_read_image: norm: Interrupted
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:14] netcam_rtsp_interrupt: norm: Camera reading ((null)) timed out
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:14] netcam_rtsp_handler: norm: Handler loop finished.
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:15] netcam_rtsp_handler: netcam camera handler: finish set, exiting
[1:ml1] [NTC] [NET] [Oct 17 18:20:15] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: Normal resolution: Shut down complete.
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:16] main: Threads finished
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:16] main: Motion terminating
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 17 18:20:17] motion_remove_pid: Closing logfile (/var/log/motion/motion.log).

randomly the log shows another error image

Mr-Dave commented 1 year ago

I am unable to see anything in the log provided. In the screen print log, it seems that Motion just continued on. Is the stream available? Does it occur when not running in daemon mode?

nfontan commented 1 year ago

I am unable to see anything in the log provided. In the screen print log, it seems that Motion just continued on. Is the stream available? Does it occur when not running in daemon mode?

Thanks for answering! I tried the "daemon off" flag and it started correctly, but I turned it ON again and it failed again. What can cause this?

I attach both logs

Daemon off

[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:24:15] motion_startup: Motion 4.5.1 Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:24:15] motion_startup: Using default log type (ALL)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:24:15] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (NTC)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:24:15] become_daemon: Motion going to daemon mode
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:24:15] motion_startup: Motion running as daemon process
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 18 00:24:15] webu_start_strm: Starting all camera streams on port 8888
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 18 00:24:15] webu_strm_ntc: Started camera 0 stream on port 8888
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 18 00:24:15] webu_start_ctrl: Starting webcontrol on port 8084
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 18 00:24:15] webu_start_ctrl: Started webcontrol on port 8084
[0:motion] [NTC] [ENC] [Oct 18 00:24:15] ffmpeg_global_init: ffmpeg libavcodec version 58.35.100 libavformat version 58.20.100
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [oct 18 00:24:15] translate_init: Idioma: Español
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [oct 18 00:24:15] motion_start_thread: ID de cámara: 0 es de /etc/motion/motion.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [oct 18 00:24:15] motion_start_thread: ID de cámara: 0 Nombre de cámara: (null) Servicio: rtsp:
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [oct 18 00:24:15] main: Esperando que los hilos terminen, pid: 14363
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] [oct 18 00:24:15] motion_init: Cámara 0 iniciada: detección de movimiento Habilitado
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] [oct 18 00:24:15] vid_start: Abriendo Netcam RTSP
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] [oct 18 00:24:22] image_ring_resize: Cambiar el tamaño del búfer de captura previa a 1 elementos
[2:nc2] [NTC] [NET] [oct 18 00:24:22] netcam_rtsp_handler: norma: Comenzó el subproceso del controlador de la cámara [ 2]
[1:ml1] [ERR] [ALL] [oct 18 00:24:32] motion_init: Error al capturar la primera imagen
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] [oct 18 00:24:32] image_ring_resize: Cambiar el tamaño del búfer de captura previa a 31 elementos
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] [oct 18 00:24:32] motion_loop: Hilo saliendo
[1:ml1] [NTC] [NET] [oct 18 00:24:34] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: Resolución normal: cierre completo.
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [oct 18 00:24:34] main: Hilos terminados
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [oct 18 00:24:34] main: Movimiento terminando
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [oct 18 00:24:34] motion_remove_pid: Archivo de registro de cierre ( /var/log/motion/motion.log).
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] motion_startup: Motion 4.5.1 Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] motion_startup: Using default log type (ALL)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (ALL)
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] conf_output_parms: Writing configuration parameters from all files (1):
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] Thread 0 - Config file: /etc/motion/motion.conf
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] daemon                    off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] setup_mode                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] pid_file                  
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] log_file                  /var/log/motion/motion.log
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] log_level                 9
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] log_type                  ALL
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] quiet                     on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] native_language           off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] watchdog_tmo              30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] watchdog_kill             10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] camera_name               
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] camera_id                 0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] target_dir                /media/pen/cam
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] video_device              /dev/video0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] video_params              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] auto_brightness           3
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] tuner_device              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] roundrobin_frames         1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] roundrobin_skip           1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] roundrobin_switchfilter   off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] netcam_url                <redacted>
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] netcam_params             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] netcam_high_url           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] netcam_high_params        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] netcam_userpass           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] mmalcam_name              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] mmalcam_params            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] width                     1280
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] height                    720
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] framerate                 25
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] minimum_frame_time        0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] rotate                    0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] flip_axis                 none
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] locate_motion_mode        off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] locate_motion_style       box
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] text_left                 Frente
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] text_right                %Y-%m-%d\n%T-%q
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] text_changes              off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] text_scale                2
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] text_event                %Y%m%d%H%M%S
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] emulate_motion            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] pause                     off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] threshold                 1500
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] threshold_maximum         0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] threshold_tune            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] noise_level               32
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] noise_tune                on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] despeckle_filter          EedDl
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] area_detect               
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] mask_file                 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] mask_privacy              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] smart_mask_speed          0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] lightswitch_percent       0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] lightswitch_frames        5
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] minimum_motion_frames     1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] event_gap                 60
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] pre_capture               30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] post_capture              90
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] on_event_start            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] on_event_end              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] on_picture_save           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] on_area_detected          
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] on_motion_detected        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] on_movie_start            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] on_movie_end              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] on_camera_lost            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] on_camera_found           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] picture_output            best
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] picture_output_motion     off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] picture_type              jpeg
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] picture_quality           75
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] picture_exif              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] picture_filename          %v-%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%q
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] snapshot_interval         0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] snapshot_filename         %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-snapshot
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] movie_output              on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] movie_output_motion       off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] movie_max_time            600
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] movie_bps                 400000
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] movie_quality             100
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] movie_codec               mkv
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] movie_duplicate_frames    off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] movie_passthrough         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] movie_filename            %t-%v-%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] movie_extpipe_use         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] movie_extpipe             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] timelapse_interval        0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] timelapse_mode            daily
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] timelapse_fps             30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] timelapse_codec           mpg
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] timelapse_filename        %Y%m%d-timelapse
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] video_pipe                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] video_pipe_motion         
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webcontrol_port           8084
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webcontrol_ipv6           off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webcontrol_localhost      off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webcontrol_parms          1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webcontrol_interface      0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webcontrol_auth_method    0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webcontrol_authentication 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webcontrol_tls            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webcontrol_cert           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webcontrol_key            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webcontrol_header_params  
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webcontrol_lock_minutes   5
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webcontrol_lock_attempts  5
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webcontrol_lock_max_ips   25
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] stream_port               8888
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] stream_localhost          off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] stream_auth_method        2
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] stream_authentication     <redacted>
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] stream_tls                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] stream_header_params      
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] stream_preview_scale      25
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] stream_preview_newline    off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] stream_preview_method     0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] stream_quality            50
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] stream_grey               off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] stream_motion             off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] stream_maxrate            1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] stream_limit              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] database_type             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] database_dbname           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] database_host             localhost
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] database_port             0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] database_user             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] database_password         
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] database_busy_timeout     0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] sql_log_picture           off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] sql_log_snapshot          off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] sql_log_movie             off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] sql_log_timelapse         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] sql_query_start           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] sql_query_stop            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] sql_query                 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_type                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_auto                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_port                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_motorx              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_motorx_reverse      off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_motory              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_motory_reverse      off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_maxx                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_minx                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_maxy                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_miny                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_homex               128
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_homey               128
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_iomojo_id           0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_step_angle_x        10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_step_angle_y        10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_move_wait           10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_speed               255
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_stepsize            40
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] track_generic_move        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] camera                    
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] camera_dir                
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] motion_ntc: v4l2   : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] motion_ntc: bktr   : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] motion_ntc: webp   : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] motion_ntc: mmal   : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] motion_ntc: ffmpeg : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] motion_ntc: mysql  : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] motion_ntc: MariaDB: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] motion_ntc: sqlite3: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] motion_ntc: pgsql  : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] motion_ntc: nls    : available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webu_start_strm: Starting all camera streams on port 8888
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webu_mhd_features_basic: Basic authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webu_mhd_features_digest: Digest authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webu_mhd_features_ipv6: IPV6: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webu_mhd_features_tls: SSL/TLS: available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webu_strm_ntc: Started camera 0 stream on port 8888
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webu_start_ctrl: Starting webcontrol on port 8084
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webu_mhd_features_basic: Basic authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webu_mhd_features_digest: Digest authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webu_mhd_features_ipv6: IPV6: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webu_mhd_features_tls: SSL/TLS: available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 18 00:25:55] webu_start_ctrl: Started webcontrol on port 8084
[0:motion] [NTC] [ENC] [Oct 18 00:25:55] ffmpeg_global_init: ffmpeg libavcodec version 58.35.100 libavformat version 58.20.100
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] dbse_global_init: Initializing database
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] translate_init: Language: English
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 0 is from /etc/motion/motion.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 0 Camera Name: (null) Service: rtsp:
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] main: Waiting for threads to finish, pid: 14420
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] motion_init: Camera 0 started: motion detection Enabled
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] [Oct 18 00:25:55] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:25:55] netcam_rtsp_set_parms: Setting up norm stream.
[1:ml1] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] util_parms_add: Parsed: >decoder< >NULL<
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:25:55] netcam_rtsp_set_path: Setting up rtsp via netcam
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:25:55] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: Setting rtsp/rtmp
[1:ml1] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] util_parms_add: Parsed: >rtsp_transport< >tcp<
[1:ml1] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:55] util_parms_add: Parsed: >allowed_media_types< >video<
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:25:55] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: rtsp_transport = tcp
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:25:55] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: allowed_media_types = video
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:25:56] netcam_rtsp_open_context: norm: Opened camera((null))
[1:av0] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:25:59] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: HW Devices: 
[1:av0] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:25:59] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: vdpau (not implemented)
[1:av0] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:25:59] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: vaapi (available)
[1:av0] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:25:59] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: drm (not implemented)
[1:av0] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:25:59] netcam_init_swdecoder: norm: Initializing decoder
[1:av0] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:25:59] netcam_rtsp_open_codec: norm: Decoder opened
[1:ml1] [DBG] [NET] [Oct 18 00:25:59] netcam_check_buffsize: expanding buffer from [0/0] to [0/1384448] bytes.
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] Above message repeats 1 times
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:25:59] netcam_rtsp_read_image: norm: capture_rate not specified in netcam_params. Using 26
[1:ml1] [DBG] [NET] [Oct 18 00:25:59] netcam_check_buffsize: expanding buffer from [1382400/1384448] to [1382400/2764800] bytes.
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] Above message repeats 1 times
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:25:59] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[2:nc2] [NTC] [NET] Above message repeats 1 times
[2:nc2] [NTC] [NET] [Oct 18 00:25:59] netcam_rtsp_handler: norm: Camera handler thread [2] started
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:25:59] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: Setting rtsp/rtmp
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:25:59] netcam_rtsp_open_context: norm: Opened camera((null))
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:01] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:01] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:01] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[2:av2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:02] netcam_init_swdecoder: norm: Initializing decoder
[2:av2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:02] netcam_rtsp_open_codec: norm: Decoder opened
[2:nc2] [NTC] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:02] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Camera ((null)) connected
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:02] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Netcam capture_rate is 26.
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:02] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Camera source is 25 FPS
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:02] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:02] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:02] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:03] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:03] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:03] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:03] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:03] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:03] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:03] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:03] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:03] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:03] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 31 items
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:03] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:03] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:03] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:03] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:03] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:03] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:03] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:03] webu_answer_strm: Connection from:
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:04] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:04] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:04] webu_answer_strm: Connection from:
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:04] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:04] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:04] webu_answer_strm: Connection from:
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:04] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:04] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:04] webu_answer_strm: Connection from:
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:04] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:04] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:04] webu_answer_strm: Connection from:
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:04] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:04] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:04] webu_answer_strm: Connection from:
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:05] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:05] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:05] webu_answer_strm: Connection from:
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:05] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:05] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:05] webu_answer_strm: Connection from:
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:05] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:05] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:05] webu_answer_strm: Connection from:
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:05] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:05] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:05] webu_answer_strm: Connection from:
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:10] motion_detected: Motion detected - starting event 1.
[1:ml1] [INF] [EVT] [Oct 18 00:26:10] event_ffmpeg_newfile: Source FPS 27
[1:ml1] [INF] [ENC] [Oct 18 00:26:10] ffmpeg_set_quality: libx264 codec vbr/crf/bit_rate: 0
[1:ml1] [NTC] [EVT] [Oct 18 00:26:10] event_newfile: Writing movie to file: /media/pen/cam/0-01-2023-10-18_00-26-09.mkv
[2:nc2] [INF] [ENC] [Oct 18 00:26:14] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: error while decoding MB 27 33, bytestream -5
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:14] netcam_rtsp_decode_video: Ignoring packet with invalid data
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:14] netcam_rtsp_read_image: norm: av_read_frame: End of file
[2:nc2] [ERR] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:14] netcam_rtsp_handler_reconnect: norm: Reconnecting with camera....
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:14] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: Setting rtsp/rtmp
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:14] netcam_rtsp_open_context: norm: Opened camera((null))
[2:av2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:19] netcam_init_swdecoder: norm: Initializing decoder
[2:av2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:19] netcam_rtsp_open_codec: norm: Decoder opened
[2:nc2] [NTC] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:20] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Camera ((null)) connected
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:20] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Netcam capture_rate is 26.
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:20] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Camera source is 25 FPS
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:31] netcam_rtsp_read_image: norm: av_read_frame: End of file
[2:nc2] [ERR] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:31] netcam_rtsp_handler_reconnect: norm: Reconnecting with camera....
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:31] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: Setting rtsp/rtmp
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:31] netcam_rtsp_open_context: norm: Opened camera((null))
[1:ml1] [NTC] [EVT] [Oct 18 00:26:32] event_newfile: Writing image to file: /media/pen/cam/01-2023-10-18_00-26-10-06.jpg
[1:ml1] [DBG] [EVT] [Oct 18 00:26:32] event_closefile: Saved movie to file: /media/pen/cam/0-01-2023-10-18_00-26-09.mkv
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:32] mlp_actions: End of event 1
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:32] motion_loop: Thread exiting
[1:ml1] [INF] [VID] [Oct 18 00:26:32] vid_close: calling netcam_rtsp_cleanup
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:32] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: norm: Shutting down network camera.
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:32] netcam_rtsp_interrupt: norm: Camera ((null)) timed out
[2:nc2] [INF] [ENC] [Oct 18 00:26:33] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: error while decoding MB 40 37, bytestream -37
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:33] netcam_rtsp_interrupt: norm: Camera ((null)) timed out
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] Above message repeats 1 times
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:33] netcam_rtsp_handler: norm: Handler loop finished.
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:34] netcam_rtsp_handler: netcam camera handler: finish set, exiting
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:34] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /favicon.ico
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:34] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /favicon.ico
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:34] webu_parseurl: camid: >favicon.ico< cmd1: >< cmd2: >< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:34] webu_answer_strm: Stream process requested to finish.
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:34] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /favicon.ico
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:34] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /favicon.ico
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:34] webu_parseurl: camid: >favicon.ico< cmd1: >< cmd2: >< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:34] webu_answer_strm: Stream process requested to finish.
[1:ml1] [NTC] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:34] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: Normal resolution: Shut down complete.
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:34] main: Threads finished
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:34] main: Motion terminating
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:34] motion_remove_pid: Closing logfile (/var/log/motion/motion.log).

Daemon on

[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] motion_startup: Motion 4.5.1 Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] motion_startup: Using default log type (ALL)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (ALL)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] become_daemon: Motion going to daemon mode
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] motion_startup: Motion running as daemon process
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] conf_output_parms: Writing configuration parameters from all files (1):
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] Thread 0 - Config file: /etc/motion/motion.conf
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] daemon                    on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] setup_mode                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] pid_file                  
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] log_file                  /var/log/motion/motion.log
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] log_level                 9
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] log_type                  ALL
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] quiet                     on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] native_language           off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] watchdog_tmo              30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] watchdog_kill             10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] camera_name               
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] camera_id                 0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] target_dir                /media/pen/cam
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] video_device              /dev/video0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] video_params              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] auto_brightness           3
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] tuner_device              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] roundrobin_frames         1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] roundrobin_skip           1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] roundrobin_switchfilter   off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] netcam_url                <redacted>
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] netcam_params             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] netcam_high_url           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] netcam_high_params        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] netcam_userpass           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] mmalcam_name              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] mmalcam_params            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] width                     1280
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] height                    720
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] framerate                 25
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] minimum_frame_time        0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] rotate                    0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] flip_axis                 none
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] locate_motion_mode        off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] locate_motion_style       box
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] text_left                 Frente
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] text_right                %Y-%m-%d\n%T-%q
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] text_changes              off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] text_scale                2
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] text_event                %Y%m%d%H%M%S
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] emulate_motion            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] pause                     off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] threshold                 1500
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] threshold_maximum         0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] threshold_tune            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] noise_level               32
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] noise_tune                on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] despeckle_filter          EedDl
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] area_detect               
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] mask_file                 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] mask_privacy              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] smart_mask_speed          0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] lightswitch_percent       0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] lightswitch_frames        5
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] minimum_motion_frames     1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] event_gap                 60
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] pre_capture               30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] post_capture              90
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] on_event_start            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] on_event_end              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] on_picture_save           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] on_area_detected          
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] on_motion_detected        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] on_movie_start            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] on_movie_end              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] on_camera_lost            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] on_camera_found           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] picture_output            best
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] picture_output_motion     off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] picture_type              jpeg
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] picture_quality           75
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] picture_exif              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] picture_filename          %v-%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%q
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] snapshot_interval         0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] snapshot_filename         %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-snapshot
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] movie_output              on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] movie_output_motion       off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] movie_max_time            600
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] movie_bps                 400000
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] movie_quality             100
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] movie_codec               mkv
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] movie_duplicate_frames    off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] movie_passthrough         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] movie_filename            %t-%v-%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] movie_extpipe_use         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] movie_extpipe             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] timelapse_interval        0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] timelapse_mode            daily
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] timelapse_fps             30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] timelapse_codec           mpg
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] timelapse_filename        %Y%m%d-timelapse
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] video_pipe                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] video_pipe_motion         
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webcontrol_port           8084
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webcontrol_ipv6           off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webcontrol_localhost      off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webcontrol_parms          1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webcontrol_interface      0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webcontrol_auth_method    0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webcontrol_authentication 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webcontrol_tls            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webcontrol_cert           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webcontrol_key            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webcontrol_header_params  
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webcontrol_lock_minutes   5
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webcontrol_lock_attempts  5
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webcontrol_lock_max_ips   25
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] stream_port               8888
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] stream_localhost          off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] stream_auth_method        2
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] stream_authentication     <redacted>
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] stream_tls                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] stream_header_params      
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] stream_preview_scale      25
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] stream_preview_newline    off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] stream_preview_method     0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] stream_quality            50
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] stream_grey               off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] stream_motion             off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] stream_maxrate            1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] stream_limit              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] database_type             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] database_dbname           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] database_host             localhost
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] database_port             0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] database_user             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] database_password         
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] database_busy_timeout     0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] sql_log_picture           off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] sql_log_snapshot          off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] sql_log_movie             off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] sql_log_timelapse         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] sql_query_start           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] sql_query_stop            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] sql_query                 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_type                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_auto                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_port                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_motorx              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_motorx_reverse      off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_motory              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_motory_reverse      off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_maxx                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_minx                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_maxy                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_miny                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_homex               128
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_homey               128
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_iomojo_id           0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_step_angle_x        10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_step_angle_y        10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_move_wait           10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_speed               255
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_stepsize            40
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] track_generic_move        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] camera                    
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] camera_dir                
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] motion_ntc: v4l2   : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] motion_ntc: bktr   : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] motion_ntc: webp   : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] motion_ntc: mmal   : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] motion_ntc: ffmpeg : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] motion_ntc: mysql  : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] motion_ntc: MariaDB: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] motion_ntc: sqlite3: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] motion_ntc: pgsql  : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] motion_ntc: nls    : available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webu_start_strm: Starting all camera streams on port 8888
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webu_mhd_features_basic: Basic authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webu_mhd_features_digest: Digest authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webu_mhd_features_ipv6: IPV6: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webu_mhd_features_tls: SSL/TLS: available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webu_strm_ntc: Started camera 0 stream on port 8888
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webu_start_ctrl: Starting webcontrol on port 8084
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webu_mhd_features_basic: Basic authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webu_mhd_features_digest: Digest authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webu_mhd_features_ipv6: IPV6: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webu_mhd_features_tls: SSL/TLS: available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:35] webu_start_ctrl: Started webcontrol on port 8084
[0:motion] [NTC] [ENC] [Oct 18 00:26:35] ffmpeg_global_init: ffmpeg libavcodec version 58.35.100 libavformat version 58.20.100
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] dbse_global_init: Initializing database
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] translate_init: Language: English
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 0 is from /etc/motion/motion.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 0 Camera Name: (null) Service: rtsp:
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] main: Waiting for threads to finish, pid: 14475
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] motion_init: Camera 0 started: motion detection Enabled
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] [Oct 18 00:26:35] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:35] netcam_rtsp_set_parms: Setting up norm stream.
[1:ml1] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] util_parms_add: Parsed: >decoder< >NULL<
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:35] netcam_rtsp_set_path: Setting up rtsp via netcam
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:35] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: Setting rtsp/rtmp
[1:ml1] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] util_parms_add: Parsed: >rtsp_transport< >tcp<
[1:ml1] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:35] util_parms_add: Parsed: >allowed_media_types< >video<
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:35] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: rtsp_transport = tcp
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:35] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: allowed_media_types = video
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:36] netcam_rtsp_open_context: norm: Opened camera((null))
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:40] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:40] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:40] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:41] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:41] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:41] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[1:av0] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:41] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: HW Devices: 
[1:av0] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:41] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: vdpau (not implemented)
[1:av0] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:41] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: vaapi (available)
[1:av0] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:41] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: drm (not implemented)
[1:av0] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:41] netcam_init_swdecoder: norm: Initializing decoder
[1:av0] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:41] netcam_rtsp_open_codec: norm: Decoder opened
[1:ml1] [DBG] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:41] netcam_check_buffsize: expanding buffer from [0/0] to [0/1384448] bytes.
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] Above message repeats 1 times
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:41] netcam_rtsp_read_image: norm: capture_rate not specified in netcam_params. Using 26
[1:ml1] [DBG] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:41] netcam_check_buffsize: expanding buffer from [1382400/1384448] to [1382400/2764800] bytes.
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] Above message repeats 1 times
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:41] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[2:nc2] [NTC] [NET] Above message repeats 1 times
[2:nc2] [NTC] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:41] netcam_rtsp_handler: norm: Camera handler thread [2] started
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:41] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: Setting rtsp/rtmp
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:41] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:41] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:41] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:42] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:42] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:42] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:42] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:42] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:42] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:42] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:42] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:42] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:43] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:43] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:43] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:43] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:43] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:43] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:43] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:43] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:43] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:43] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:43] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:43] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:43] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:43] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:43] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:43] netcam_rtsp_open_context: norm: Opened camera((null))
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:44] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:44] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:44] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:44] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:44] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:44] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:44] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:44] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:44] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:44] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:44] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:44] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:44] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:44] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:44] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:45] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:45] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:45] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:45] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:45] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:45] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:45] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:45] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:45] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:45] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:45] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:45] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:45] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:45] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:45] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:46] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:46] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:46] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:51] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:51] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 18 00:26:51] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[1:ml1] [ERR] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:51] motion_init: Error capturing first image
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:51] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 31 items
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:52] motion_loop: Thread exiting
[1:ml1] [INF] [VID] [Oct 18 00:26:52] vid_close: calling netcam_rtsp_cleanup
[1:ml1] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:52] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: norm: Shutting down network camera.
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:52] netcam_rtsp_interrupt: norm: Camera ((null)) timed out
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] Above message repeats 2 times
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:52] netcam_rtsp_handler: norm: Handler loop finished.
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:53] netcam_rtsp_handler: netcam camera handler: finish set, exiting
[1:ml1] [NTC] [NET] [Oct 18 00:26:54] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: Normal resolution: Shut down complete.
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:54] main: Threads finished
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:54] main: Motion terminating
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 00:26:54] motion_remove_pid: Closing logfile (/var/log/motion/motion.log).
tosiara commented 1 year ago

I tried the "daemon off" flag and it started correctly

But in the provided log I can see that with daemon off it doesn't work either: netcam_rtsp_read_image: norm: av_read_frame: End of file

What do you mean by "started correctly"?

nfontan commented 1 year ago


I see many of these events in the log, but the program is working, taking the videos and photos correctly. As well as web streaming

[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 18 07:05:26] motion_detected: Motion detected - starting event 7.
[1:ml1] [INF] [EVT] [Oct 18 07:05:26] event_ffmpeg_newfile: Source FPS 27
[1:ml1] [INF] [ENC] [Oct 18 07:05:26] ffmpeg_set_quality: libx264 codec vbr/crf/bit_rate: 0
[1:ml1] [NTC] [EVT] [Oct 18 07:05:26] event_newfile: Writing movie to file: /media/pen/cam/0-07-2023-10-18_07-05-25.mkv
[2:nc2] [INF] [ENC] [Oct 18 07:05:34] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: error while decoding MB 70 42, bytestream -38
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:34] netcam_rtsp_decode_video: Ignoring packet with invalid data
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:34] netcam_rtsp_read_image: norm: av_read_frame: End of file
[2:nc2] [ERR] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:34] netcam_rtsp_handler_reconnect: norm: Reconnecting with camera....
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:34] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: Setting rtsp/rtmp
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:35] netcam_rtsp_open_context: norm: Opened camera((null))
[2:av2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:43] netcam_init_swdecoder: norm: Initializing decoder
[2:av2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:43] netcam_rtsp_open_codec: norm: Decoder opened
[2:nc2] [NTC] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:43] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Camera ((null)) connected
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:43] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Netcam capture_rate is 26.
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:43] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Camera source is 25 FPS
[2:nc2] [INF] [ENC] [Oct 18 07:05:45] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: error while decoding MB 46 28, bytestream -11
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:45] netcam_rtsp_decode_video: Ignoring packet with invalid data
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:45] netcam_rtsp_read_image: norm: av_read_frame: End of file
[2:nc2] [ERR] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:45] netcam_rtsp_handler_reconnect: norm: Reconnecting with camera....
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:45] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: Setting rtsp/rtmp
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:45] netcam_rtsp_open_context: norm: Opened camera((null))
[2:av2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:46] netcam_init_swdecoder: norm: Initializing decoder
[2:av2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:46] netcam_rtsp_open_codec: norm: Decoder opened
[2:nc2] [NTC] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:46] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Camera ((null)) connected
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:46] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Netcam capture_rate is 26.
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:46] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Camera source is 25 FPS
[2:nc2] [INF] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:57] netcam_rtsp_read_image: norm: av_read_frame: End of file
[2:nc2] [ERR] [NET] [Oct 18 07:05:57] netcam_rtsp_handler_reconnect: norm: Reconnecting with camera....


anyway, I see a lot of errors and reconnections

Mr-Dave commented 1 year ago

I'm going to move this over to a discussion. In my opinion, this is caused by it running on a PI and overwhelming the CPU with such a large image and frame rate.

I'd say to lower the FPS in the camera configuration software, and then make likewise changes in the capture_rate in Motion. The frequent disconnects that occur between Motion and the camera are solved by increasing the capture_rate. As a result, if after you lower the camera FPS to something reasonable like 5, use a capture_rate of something like 7. If the disconnects still occur, increase the capture_rate to 8 (if the CPU can handle it), or lower the camera FPS to 4.