Mottie / Keyboard

Virtual Keyboard using jQuery ~
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control keyboard with cursor keys #22

Closed c33s closed 12 years ago

c33s commented 13 years ago

i have looked in the faq & read over the wiki but found nothing about it. i would need a virtual keyboard which is controlable by the cursor keys and an enter key, like on a remote control. is your keyboard capable of this?

Mottie commented 13 years ago

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this... You can control the caret position inside of the keyboard manually using all of the navigation keys: arrow, page, home and end. You should even be able to use shift navigation keys for selection.

So do you mean reposition the caret using script from outside of the keyboard? I'm not sure I can picture what you mean so could you provide me an example on how it would be used?

c33s commented 13 years ago

thank you for you fast reply.

i only tested the keyboard on your demo page: if i click on the "enter something" text box under "QWERTY Text" the keyboard appears. if i correctly understand you, i sould be able to move the blue box, (on this picture at the number "2"), with the arrow keys, but it don't work for me. with the mouse i can select which key i want to press and then i click the mouse button to add the letter into the text area. i would need the same behavior but without a mouse but a tv remote control .

is this possible with your vkeyboard out of the box?

functionality i would need:

i hope i descripted my request better than before :)

Mottie commented 13 years ago

Ahhh ok I understand now... I had an issue with this before in that it was originally made to allow using the tab key to cycle through the virtual keyboard keys. But then because the input lost focus, IE would completely forget where it was.

So, I think this might be possible just from thinking about it, but it would only work for text inputs and not textareas. How should I handle shift and alt key sets?

c33s commented 13 years ago

i should have added images right in my first post, they really help to descripe what i meant :)

tab would really quite unhandy to cycle through the keys, so i would add a setting like "use cursor keys for autocompletion" (i have seen you used them to select a word of the autocompletion) or "use cursor keys for blue-box movement"

how is the blue box called? cursor? caret?

if you control the blue box via the cursor arrows, the behavior of the shift, alt, .. keys should be exactly the same as via mouse control.

why would the navigation of the cursor key not work with an textarea? to be honest, i haven't viewed your code, i just tried the demo, read the wiki and thought about if you keyboard would match what i am looking for.

for my understanding i would navigate through form fields with tab or the cursor arrows. so i can jump from field to field with tab/arrows. if i enter a textarea or field the keyboard spawns. focus jumps to the virtual keyboard (not the textarea or input field).

what do you think about that? is this possible with your cool keyboard out of the box? is it hacked in with just a few mods or do i have to go a complet different way?

Mottie commented 13 years ago

The blue box, as it is now, is just a "hovered" key. It highlights to allow better visualization.

One other problem that comes to mind are password type inputs. I made those specifically not show the highlight so people looking over your shoulder can't see what keys are being typed. How would the arrow navigation work with these types of inputs?

The main problem with making the arrow keys only work on the virtual keyboard is that you might want to navigate the caret inside of form element to insert or delete text. Yes, you can use the mouse to move the caret, but then why completely avoid the mouse for the method you are proposing.

Anyway, I was thinking I could just add an option that is an all or nothing sort of method or maybe just make an extension that would allow the arrows keys to make it so that they only act on the virtual keyboard. Then you don't use the extension if you want the arrows keys to navigate the caret inside of the form element.

What do you think?

Mottie commented 13 years ago

Hi C33s!

Ok, try the new navigation extension (demo here)

c33s commented 13 years ago

hi mottie,

wow your are fast :) haven't replied to your previous post and you post the ready solution. you rock :)

password fields

i think "no hightlighting" in "tv remote control"-mode (i call it trc-mode) is not possible. for the trc mode it has to be enough to simply not see the letters which were entered.

or maybe only make the border visible, instead of filling the whole box and maybe change the highlight color to a less eye-catching one (but keep in mind, that tvs maybe have a limited color space compared with a high quality monitor).


really a good solution


for the navigation it is just the remote control, so you should think about navigation only with the cursor key and the ok button. there is no mouse on a remote control :)

to navigate in the text itself, it will be necessary to have also virtual arrow keys too. every key which to user should be able to press, have to be on the keyboard.


i just tested your demo, the basic functionality works like charm, just had a few problems:

Mottie commented 13 years ago

Hi c33s!

Ok, I guess I didn't prevent password field highlights with this extension. But it won't highlight when using a mouse hover.

Adding navigation arrows may work, but I'll have to think about it a bit more... I've had a lot of problems with caret positioning and it is especially troublesome to have the script change the position. So let me think about the best way to do this and I'll update the extension.

I haven't been able to replicate the problem you mention with the blue box jumping all over. The way the script works is that if you press up or down, it goes to the same index number key from the left side. If you want it to go in a straight line, then make all the buttons the same size.

I just updated the extension to fix the enter key problem - I thought it was more important than waiting for me to figure out how to deal with caret navigation. :)

c33s commented 13 years ago


your enhancement works very well. you have done a great job.

i will try to reproduce the bug i had with your new version, i will try to screencapture it. i hope i will have enough time next week, i have quite a lot of work right now.

thank you very much for your hard work

Mottie commented 13 years ago

Hi c33s!

Ok try the latest version. I added a toggle key (F1, which you can change) that switches between navigating the keyboard and inside the text/input area. I think that might be the best solution, what do you think?

The bug you were mentioning occurs when you open and close the keyboard more than once. Each time you do it, it adds another key that it jumps over - so that's been fixed too :)

c33s commented 13 years ago


you simply rock!

i will try the functionality on the tv box as soon as possible to give you better feedback if i can hook the f1 key. in my case i only need a "show keyboard" and a "hide keyboard" hook. if the keyboard is shown the focus is always on the keyboard. if i exit the keyboard the focus is back on the text area.

Mottie commented 12 years ago

If you are still having problems, please feel free to reopen this issue :)