Closed fozix closed 6 years ago
Hi @fozix!
If I am guessing correctly, the usePreview
is set to it's default of true
. In that case, the code above isn't bound to the preview input.
The keyboard plugin includes a change
callback function which is the method to use to detect input changes; but if the accept function is called on every input change, as seen in the provided code, the keyboard would close. I suspect you want to set the autoAccept
option set to true
autoAccept: true,
change: function(event, keyboard, el) {
console.log("This change callback is called on every user interaction");
Hi @Mottie
No I'm not using usePreview=true.
I know that accept() will close the input but I did that because i have no idea how to accept data without closing the keyboard. Thanks for your help.
Here is the configuration:
// set this to ISO 639-1 language code to override language set by the layout
// language defaults to "en" if not found
language: null, // string or array
rtl: false, // language direction right-to-left
usePreview: false,
// *** choose layout ***
layout: "french-azerty-1",
customLayout: { normal: ["{cancel}"] },
position: {
// null (attach to input/textarea) or a jQuery object (attach elsewhere)
of: $("#keyboard-anchor"),
my: "center top",
at: "center top",
// at2 is used when "usePreview" is false (centers keyboard at the bottom
// of the input/textarea)
at2: "center bottom",
collision: "flipfit flipfit"
// allow jQuery position utility to reposition the keyboard on window resize
reposition: true,
// preview added above keyboard if true, original input/textarea used if false
// usePreview : true,
// if true, the keyboard will always be visible
alwaysOpen: false,
// give the preview initial focus when the keyboard becomes visible
initialFocus: true,
// Avoid focusing the input the keyboard is attached to
noFocus: false,
// if true, keyboard will remain open even if the input loses focus.
stayOpen: false,
// Prevents the keyboard from closing when the user clicks or
// presses outside the keyboard. The `autoAccept` option must
// also be set to true when this option is true or changes are lost
userClosed: false,
// if true, keyboard will not close if you press escape.
ignoreEsc: false,
// if true, keyboard will only closed on click event instead of mousedown or
// touchstart. The user can scroll the page without closing the keyboard.
closeByClickEvent: false,
// *** change keyboard language & look ***
display: {
// \u2714 = check mark - same action as accept
a: "\u2714:Accept (Shift-Enter)",
accept: "Accepter:Accepter (Shift-Enter)",
alt: "AltGr:Alternate Graphemes",
// \u2190 = outlined left arrow with x inside
b: "\u2190:Backspace",
bksp: "Bksp:Backspace",
// \u2716 = big X, close - same action as cancel
c: "\u2716:Cancel (Esc)",
cancel: "Cancel:Cancel (Esc)",
// clear num pad
clear: "C:Clear",
clearAll: "Clear:Clear",
combo: "\u00f6:Toggle Combo Keys",
// decimal point for num pad (optional);
// change '.' to ',' for European format
dec: ".:Decimal",
// down, then left arrow - enter symbol
e: "\u21b5:Enter",
empty: "\u00a0", //
enter: "Enter:Enter",
// \u2190 = left arrow (move caret)
left: "\u2190",
// caps lock
lock: "\u21ea Lock:Caps Lock",
next: "Next",
prev: "Prev",
// \u2192 = right arrow (move caret)
right: "\u2192",
// \u21e7 = thick hollow up arrow
s: "\u21e7:Shift",
shift: "Shift:Shift",
// \u00b1 = +/- sign for num pad
sign: "\u00b1:Change Sign",
space: " :Space",
// \u21e5 = right arrow to bar; used since this virtual
// keyboard works with one directional tabs
t: "\u21e5:Tab",
// \u21b9 is the true tab symbol (left & right arrows)
tab: "\u21e5 Tab:Tab",
// replaced by an image
toggle: " ",
// added to titles of keys
// accept key status when acceptValid:true
valid: "valid",
invalid: "invalid",
// combo key states
active: "active",
disabled: "disabled"
// Message added to the key title while hovering, if the mousewheel plugin exists
wheelMessage: "Use mousewheel to see other keys",
css: {
// input & preview
input: "ui-widget-content ui-corner-all",
// keyboard container
container: "ui-widget-content ui-widget ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix",
// keyboard container extra class (same as container, but separate)
popup: "",
// default state
buttonDefault: "ui-state-default ui-corner-all",
// hovered button
buttonHover: "ui-state-hover",
// Action keys (e.g. Accept, Cancel, Tab, etc); replaces "actionClass"
buttonAction: "ui-state-active",
// used when disabling the decimal button {dec}
buttonDisabled: "ui-state-disabled",
// empty button class name {empty}
buttonEmpty: "ui-keyboard-empty"
// *** Useability ***
// Auto-accept content when clicking outside the keyboard (popup will close)
autoAccept: true,
// Auto-accept content even if the user presses escape
// (only works if `autoAccept` is `true`)
autoAcceptOnEsc: false,
// Prevents direct input in the preview window when true
lockInput: false,
// Prevent keys not in the displayed keyboard from being typed in
restrictInput: false,
// Additional allowed characters while restrictInput is true
restrictInclude: "", // e.g. 'a b foo \ud83d\ude38'
// Check input against validate function, if valid the accept button
// is clickable; if invalid, the accept button is disabled.
acceptValid: true,
// Auto-accept when input is valid; requires `acceptValid`
// set `true` & validate callback
autoAcceptOnValid: false,
// if acceptValid is true & the validate function returns a false, this option
// will cancel a keyboard close only after the accept button is pressed
cancelClose: true,
// Use tab to navigate between input fields
tabNavigation: false,
// press enter (shift-enter in textarea) to go to the next input field
enterNavigation: true,
// mod key options: 'ctrlKey', 'shiftKey', 'altKey', 'metaKey' (MAC only)
// alt-enter to go to previous; shift-alt-enter to accept & go to previous
enterMod: "altKey",
// if true, the next button will stop on the last keyboard input/textarea;
// prev button stops at first
// if false, the next button will wrap to target the first input/textarea;
// prev will go to the last
stopAtEnd: true,
// Set this to append the keyboard immediately after the input/textarea it
// is attached to. This option works best when the input container doesn't
// have a set width and when the "tabNavigation" option is true
appendLocally: false,
// Append the keyboard to a desired element. This can be a jQuery selector
// string or object
appendTo: "body",
// If false, the shift key will remain active until the next key is (mouse)
// clicked on; if true it will stay active until pressed again
stickyShift: true,
// caret placed at the end of any text when keyboard becomes visible
caretToEnd: true,
// Prevent pasting content into the area
preventPaste: false,
// caret stays this many pixels from the edge of the input
// while scrolling left/right; use "c" or "center" to center
// the caret while scrolling
scrollAdjustment: 10,
// Set the max number of characters allowed in the input, setting it to
// false disables this option
maxLength: false,
// allow inserting characters @ caret when maxLength is set
maxInsert: true,
// Mouse repeat delay - when clicking/touching a virtual keyboard key, after
// this delay the key will start repeating
repeatDelay: 500,
// Mouse repeat rate - after the repeatDelay, this is the rate (characters
// per second) at which the key is repeated. Added to simulate holding down
// a real keyboard key and having it repeat. I haven't calculated the upper
// limit of this rate, but it is limited to how fast the javascript can
// process the keys. And for me, in Firefox, it's around 20.
repeatRate: 20,
// resets the keyboard to the default keyset when visible
resetDefault: false,
// Event (namespaced) on the input to reveal the keyboard. To disable it,
// just set it to an empty string ''.
openOn: "focus",
// When the character is added to the input
keyBinding: "mousedown touchstart",
// enable/disable mousewheel functionality
// enabling still depends on the mousewheel plugin
useWheel: true,
// combos (emulate dead keys)
// if user inputs `a the script converts it to à, ^o becomes ô, etc.
useCombos: true,
// *** Methods ***
// Callbacks - add code inside any of these callback functions as desired
initialized: function(e, keyboard, el) {},
beforeVisible: function(e, keyboard, el) {},
visible: function(e, keyboard, el) {},
beforeInsert: function(e, keyboard, el, textToAdd) {
return textToAdd;
change: function(e, keyboard, el) {},
beforeClose: function(e, keyboard, el, accepted) {},
accepted: function(e, keyboard, el) {},
canceled: function(e, keyboard, el) {},
restricted: function(e, keyboard, el) {},
hidden: function(e, keyboard, el) {},
// called instead of base.switchInput
switchInput: function(keyboard, goToNext, isAccepted) {},
// used if you want to create a custom layout or modify the built-in keyboard
create: function(keyboard) {
return keyboard.buildKeyboard();
// build key callback (individual keys)
buildKey: function(keyboard, data) {
data = {
// true if key is an action key
isAction : [boolean],
// key class name suffix ( prefix = 'ui-keyboard-' ); may include
// decimal ascii value of character
name : [string],
// text inserted (non-action keys)
value : [string],
// title attribute of key
title : [string],
// keyaction name
action : [string],
// HTML of the key; it includes a <span> wrapping the text
html : [string],
// jQuery selector of key which is already appended to keyboard
// use to modify key HTML
$key : [object]
return data;
// this callback is called just before the "beforeClose" to check the value
// if the value is valid, return true and the keyboard will continue as it
// should (close if not always open, etc)
// if the value is not value, return false and the clear the keyboard value
// ( like this "keyboard.$preview.val('');" ), if desired
// The validate function is called after each input, the "isClosing" value
// will be false; when the accept button is clicked, "isClosing" is true
validate: function(keyboard, value, isClosing) {
return true;
Hmm, ok what do you mean by "accept"? Does it need to submit the form while the user is typing?
Can you bind to the keyboardChange
event instead of the change
The keyboard accept
function will close the keyboard unless you have the alwaysOpen
option set to true
Hi @Mottie,
As I was suspecting, its not a real keyboard issu but an issu of communication between jquery and AngularJS scope.
I resolved this by a triggering a "change" event when "keyboardChange" event is triggered.
$('.keyboard').on('keyboardChange', function(){
This alert angularJS that the model value changed.
Thanks a lot for your help.
I'm guessing this issue has been resolved, so I'm going to close it. If you continue to have problems, please feel free to continue the discussion in this thread.
I used this code for my AngularJS app. It is using 'ngVirtualKeyboard' and 'deviceDetector' to hide keyboard on mobile devices.
function decorateNgVirtualKeyboard($provide) {
$provide.decorator('ngVirtualKeyboardDirective', function ($delegate) {
var link = $delegate[0].link;
var directive = $delegate[0];
directive.controller = function ($scope, deviceDetector) {
$scope.deviceDetector = deviceDetector;
directive.compile = function (tElem, tAttrs) {
return function (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
if (scope.deviceDetector.isMobile() || scope.deviceDetector.isTablet()) {
scope.config.change = function () {
link.apply(this, arguments);
return $delegate;
This is not an issu of keyboard maybe but i'm facing a problem when using keyboard with angularjs.
With a form, I show the button continue when all my needed inputs are filled with data. This verification is made in angularJS controller based on scope and models associated to thoes inputs.
The problem is while i'm typing, the model isn't updated and i need to click outside the keyboard to close it, in order to trigger an accept(). It means that even if the last input contains data, the button continue doesn't appear and it needs to close keyboard.
Do you have any idea how to accept data while typing in input field.
I tried this but it doesn't work. I'm under IE8 .....
Thanks for your help.