Mottie / Keyboard

Virtual Keyboard using jQuery ~
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Firing keydown events from Keyboard #758

Closed Cypaubr closed 4 years ago

Cypaubr commented 5 years ago

Hello, is it possible to fire keydown events when clicking on inputs or using Navigation plugin in order to get keyCode? For all keys (maybe except for the Accept and Cancel keys).

Mottie commented 5 years ago

Hi @Cypaubr!

You can use the change callback to trigger a keydown event (demo):

  .on("keydown", function(e) {
    if (e.action) {
      // updates with both virtual & physical keyboard
      // (but not on keydown)
      console.log(e.timeStamp, e.key);
    } else {
      // only physical keyboard used
    change: function(e, keyboard) {
      e.type = "keydown";
      e.key = keyboard.last.key;

Including the navigation extension won't change this behavior, unless you need to know the active key.

Cypaubr commented 5 years ago

Okay, I tested but it does not work when I click on the keyboard. And when I use the Navigation it prints my physical keyboard inputs not the virtual keyboard inputs.

Mottie commented 4 years ago

Did you try out at the demo? If it isn't behaving as you expect, please modify it to show the issue and I can try to help troubleshoot the problem.

Mottie commented 4 years ago

Oh, I see that the problem in the demo was that I was including the typing extension. It interferes, but shouldn't, with the navigation extension. Try this (demo):

$(function() {
  // change navigation toggle
  // (use Shift+F1 to prevent help page from opening)
  $.keyboard.navigationKeys.toggle = 112;

  var $ul = $("ul");
    .on("keyboardChange", function(e, keyboard) {
      if (keyboard.last.virtual) {
        // updates only with virtual keyboard use
        $ul.append("<li>" + e.timeStamp + ": " + e.action + "</li>");
      } else {
        // updates with both virtual & physical keyboard
        // console.log(e.action)
      usePreview: false
      // set start position [row-number, key-index]
      position: [0, 0],
      // selected key wraps from the end of the row to the beginning, and vice versa
      rowLooping: false,
      // true = navigate the virtual keyboard, false = navigate in input/textarea
      toggleMode: true,
      // css class added to the keyboard when toggle mode is on
      focusClass: "hasFocus"

Hopefully, you're not stuck with using only keydown since keyboardChange is a much better option.