Mottie / tablesorter

Github fork of Christian Bach's tablesorter plugin + awesomeness ~
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can tablesorter contenteditable edit a field with carriage returns in it? #886

Closed Stephen-Hazel closed 9 years ago

Stephen-Hazel commented 9 years ago

Not an issue. Just hoping there's some trick that'll let me edit multiline cells...?

I notice that when hitting return, another row of text is added to the cell. It looks great until I tab out of the cell and then everything gets jammed onto one line.

It'd be sooo cool to be able to edit text with carriage returns or even
or whatever in a cell.

any ideas?

again, thanks for a GREAT table editor.

Mottie commented 9 years ago

Hi @Stephen-Hazel!

Right now the editable widget only grabs the text (using jQuery .text()) of the table cell, so any HTML gets stripped out.

I'll go ahead and push an update to switch the widget to work with the contenteditable html (using jQuery's .html()) instead. Because of this change, if the user presses Enter, a <div> will be automatically inserted by the browser (the widget is not doing it) and any content entered will be added inside this "new line" div. If this is undesirable, use the editable_blur callback to modify the content.

Also, to enable a user to include carriage returns, the editable_enterToAccept option needs to be set to false (it is true by default).

Stephen-Hazel commented 9 years ago

That is awesome. THANK YOU!! So I just download the trunk again and it's there? Or master or whatever. Well, I'll give it a shot n see.

Mottie commented 9 years ago

Yes, the update is in the master branch, I have not push a version release yet.

Stephen-Hazel commented 9 years ago

ok cool. thanks again!

Stephen-Hazel commented 9 years ago

Hmmm, I'm having problems (sorry!) I'm pretty sure I've got the whole dist dir in there as it's latest revision. I make sure that trimContent is false and enterToAccept is false but tabbing out of a field still converts everything to one line. I think your demo still has trimContent at true. But I've got the below. as I enter returns, I do see firebug turning the div into one with kids of some sort, but when I scoot the mouse over to hit the plus, the thing blurs and the carriage returns are gone and firebug shows the ole single div thing... Rats...

   $("table thead th").data ("sorter", false);
   $(".tablesorter").each (function () {
     var ce = [], t = Number ($(this).attr ('id').substr (2));
      for (var i = 0;  i < ta [t][1];  i++)  ce [i] = i;
      $(this).tablesorter ({
         theme  : 'blue',
         widgets: ['editable'],/*, 'resizable'],*/
         initialized: function (table)      /* dont unblur */
            { table.config.$ ('mouseleave.tseditable'); },
         widgetOptions: {
            editable_columns      : ce,
            editable_enterToAccept: false,
            editable_trimContent  : false,
            editable_autoAccept   : true,
            editable_autoResort   : false,
            editable_validate     : null,
            editable_focused      : function (txt, colInd, el) {
               el.addClass    ('focused');
            editable_blur         : function (txt, colInd, el) {
dbg('ed blur txt='+txt);
               el.removeClass ('focused');
            editable_selectAll    : function (txt, colInd, el) {return true;},
            editable_wrapContent  : '<div>',
            editable_noEdit       : 'no-edit',
            editable_editComplete : 'editComplete'
      .children ('tbody').on ('editComplete', 'td', function (ev, cfg) {
        var $th = $(this),
            tn = Number ($th.closest ('table').attr ('id').substr (2)),
            tr =         $th.closest ('tr'),
            co = this.cellIndex,
            ro = tr.index ();
         if (tn == 1) {                // autocalc curr mo,ytd timeliness perc

...etc etc

Stephen-Hazel commented 9 years ago

actually, that might be me. when I validate the cell with that editComplete function, I'm using .text on it instead of .html...

For now, assume it's me and sorry for buggin ya :)

Stephen-Hazel commented 9 years ago

ok, it turns out to be a bit tricky to handle these multiline cells what with the div that's usually there, sometimes not (readonly cells). But it seems to be workin for me.

When there are multiple lines, you get breaks in there, and spaces, greater than, and less than give you those ampersand thingies. nbspc lt, gt. I'm just gonna leave them as they are in the weirdo string and stuff em in the db that way. When I need to use the cell for a report or whatever, I'll turn the br and lt and nbsp junk into normal characters then.

Hopefully this change doesn't adversely affect others who don't need linebreaks, etc.

But things are werkin!

Mottie commented 9 years ago

You could use the validate function to replace the &lt;, &gt; etc (demo)*

editable_validate: function (txt, orig, columnIndex, $element) {
    txt = txt
        .replace(/&lt;/g, '<')
        .replace(/&gt;/g, '>')
        .replace(/\<div\>(.*)\<\/div\>/g, '<br>$1')
        .replace(/&nbsp;/g, ' ');
    return txt;

Note The demo is using the widget-editable file in the master branch.

Update: I had to make the replace function use regex for global replacing ;)

Update 2: So, instead of doing a global replace on <div> and </div>, the regex looks for the div wrapper, and replaces it with a <br>... it doesn't catch every instance, but it allows adding divs in the content editable... something like this:

<div class="ok">test</div>
<span class="focused">ok</span>

The span in that example will still be wrapped in a div, I guess because the (.*) in the regex doesn't capture the span as content. I'm not the best as regex, so I'm sure there is a better way.

Stephen-Hazel commented 9 years ago

got ya. I think I'm gonna just leave the html junk in, though. Thanks