Mottokrosh / SheetIssues

Issue tracking for Mottokrosh's Eldritch Online Character Sheet
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Overall Layout #11

Open PGarrano opened 10 years ago

PGarrano commented 10 years ago

Some things could use some shuffling about. AC items seem a better fit under Defence, since weapons/attacks go under Offence, after all. And Spells still need lots of love. I'm playing a Paladin/Oracle right now, I have no other option than placing Lay on Hands / Smite Evil under "Spell-like and other powers" which, while making sense, would fit much better "Special Abilities" (hopefully, with a use counter). Also, no support for separate spell lists. Mystic Theurges would also have this issue. Some place to note down Caster Level would also be helpful.

Mottokrosh commented 10 years ago

I appreciate all feedback, even if I don't always agree with it all. :) I'm sure in most cases, we can come to agreements. On top of the people contributing to this issues list, I also have my fellow players giving me feedback, which isn't always reflected here.

Most of the points you mention are deliberate design decisions. Let me tackle them in turn.

  1. AC items layout - I tried to stay close to the paper character sheet, so you have AC (and how it breaks down) at the top of the defence section, while you list the actual items providing these bonuses further down, closer to the gear section.
  2. Spell-like powers - What we do at our table is list the abilities under Special Abilities, and then also put them in the Spell-likes section, where we track their usage.
  3. Separate spell lists - Yes, that's a bigger task that will require more work. It's in the wishlist for a future version. I see this becoming very useful for multi-classing or for multiple spellbooks. Not just a layout issue though, so after version 1.0, and things are stable, that'll get worked on.
  4. Caster level - I use the Class & Level field at the top of the sheet for this, and put it in brackets behind item names and such.