Mounikachenna12 / Design-and-Analysis-of-Algorithms

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Knapsack problem #31

Open Mounikachenna12 opened 1 year ago

Mounikachenna12 commented 1 year ago


void main() { int capacity, no_items, cur_weight, item; int used[10]; float total_profit; int i; int weight[10]; int value[10];

printf("Enter the capacity of knapsack:\n"); scanf("%d", &capacity);

printf("Enter the number of items:\n"); scanf("%d", &no_items);

printf("Enter the weight and value of %d item:\n", no_items); for (i = 0; i < no_items; i++) { printf("Weight[%d]:\t", i); scanf("%d", &weight[i]); printf("Value[%d]:\t", i); scanf("%d", &value[i]); }

for (i = 0; i < no_items; ++i) used[i] = 0;

cur_weight = capacity; while (cur_weight > 0) { item = -1; for (i = 0; i < no_items; ++i) if ((used[i] == 0) && ((item == -1) || ((float) value[i] / weight[i] > (float) value[item] / weight[item]))) item = i;

used[item] = 1; cur_weight -= weight[item]; total_profit += value[item]; if (cur_weight >= 0) printf("Added object %d (%d Rs., %dKg) completely in the bag. Space left: %d.\n", item + 1, value[item], weight[item], cur_weight); else { int item_percent = (int) ((1 + (float) cur_weight / weight[item]) 100); printf("Added %d%% (%d Rs., %dKg) of object %d in the bag.\n", item_percent, value[item], weight[item], item + 1); total_profit -= value[item]; total_profit += (1 + (float)cur_weight / weight[item]) value[item]; } }

printf("Filled the bag with objects worth %.2f Rs.\n", total_profit);

Mounikachenna12 commented 1 year ago

Enter the capacity of knapsack: 50 Enter the number of items: 3 Enter the weight and value of 3 item: Weight[0]: 10 Value[0]: 60 Weight[1]: 20 Value[1]: 100 Weight[2]: 30 Value[2]: 120 Added object 1 (60 Rs., 10Kg) completely in the bag. Space left: 40. Added object 2 (100 Rs., 20Kg) completely in the bag. Space left: 20. Added 66% (120 Rs., 30Kg) of object 3 in the bag. Filled the bag with objects worth 240.00 Rs.