MountainDrew8 / CalamityMod

Has something in it that does stuff
119 stars 33 forks source link

source code? #17

Open hx3k11 opened 2 years ago

hx3k11 commented 2 years ago

hey can i get source code plz....

TomyLobo commented 2 years ago

+1, I would also like the source code

Velosofy commented 2 years ago

There is no way mods like Calamity will go open source

TomyLobo commented 2 years ago

yeah, I only wanted it so I can make a fork without some, let's say, controversial NPC names. People want to play the game without thinking about politics, so I wanted them out.

But I found a way to patch the mod using TML.Patcher to extract the mod and Mono.Cecil to patch the names out of the binary. Just a shame that I can't share that change with the world, cause that would be illegal.

colegmr commented 2 years ago

Ok ill bite I have to know what names are you talking about? I read through all the calamity names and cant find anything even remotely controversial.

TomyLobo commented 2 years ago

oh maybe they removed Ben Shapiro from the list by now, I haven't checked. He was there in

colegmr commented 2 years ago

oooo... I think I remember that now that you mention it But yeah hes gone and good riddance the last thing we need is jews in our video games

Disclaimer: (This is a sarcastic joke )^^^

seriously tho probably a good thing they took it out Right or left real world politics don't belong anywhere near video games and yea I doubt the source code thing will ever happen anyway thanks for replying

IDGCaptainRussia94 commented 2 years ago

Kinda makes you wonder what they contributed to the arctic code vault when they've never even used Github outside of getting icon uploading rights.

lkyc2k commented 2 years ago

I can't help but feel intentionally mislead since this is a website for OPEN SOURCE, and they distribute with both 'Source' and 'Source code.tar.gz', yet they are distributing PROPRIETARY software...

It feels like they're trying to trick users into believing the source code is being / can be audited by a third party.

Velosofy commented 2 years ago

Both of those archived "Source Code" are there by default by Github, sourcing from the repo.

I'm sure they made this just so they can have a place to host their mod files.

IDGCaptainRussia94 commented 2 years ago

Both of those archived "Source Code" are there by default by Github, sourcing from the repo.

I'm sure they made this just so they can have a place to host their mod files.

as stated previously: mod icon, and also 50MB upload limit Fab has no intention of using GitHub for the purpose it was meant for, the guy is far too paranoid of people plagiarizing his (even thou alot of it isn't his anymore) work.

...Even though most people who would do that don't use GitHub... Yeah.

IDGCaptainRussia94 commented 2 years ago

I can't help but feel intentionally mislead since this is a website for OPEN SOURCE, and they distribute with both 'Source' and 'Source code.tar.gz', yet they are distributing PROPRIETARY software...

It feels like they're trying to trick users into believing the source code is being / can be audited by a third party.

Nah it's less complex than that, you see...

Terraria modding is still largely run by a bunch of children (IE people learn their 1st code here and many are under 18, very few experienced people come in from outside) who don't understand the concept of Open Sourcing and licensing, Hence why there's so many closed source (AKA PROPRIETARY) mods. People generally refuse to cooperate because everyone here has some kind of guts and glory popularity fetish, especially wanting to be like Calamity, and using libraries and dependencies makes you look weaker and less skilled because you didn't do it yourself.

As stated in my previous response: only reason this is here is because TML gives you enhanced uploading rights by linking a GitHub; they only did it for this purpose.

However because 1.4 mods are moving to the Steam Workshop I'd say this problem will fix itself and you'll stop seeing "open source but not really" mods on github.