MountaintopLotus / braintrust

A Dockerized platform for running Stable Diffusion, on AWS (for now)
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 2 forks source link

Dev container #110

Open JohnTigue opened 1 year ago

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

There should be a VS Code dev container set up in this repo. It should:

Even without a dev container, the repo should be such that dev should be able to:

  1. git clone open_stables
  2. copilot init
  3. enjoy their cluster

The above requires that aws-cli and copilot are installed. With a dev container, the dev could clone the repo and not have to install any tools on their local system (except for two config text files in ~/.aws).

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

StableStudio has a very interesting postCreateCommand:

"postCreateCommand": "
cd /home/node && 
git clone webui && 
cd webui && 
python -m venv ~/.webui-venv && 
bash -c 'source ~/.webui-venv/bin/activate' && 
pip install torch==2.0.1+cu118 torchvision==0.15.2+cu118 --extra-index-url && 
pip install -r requirements_versions.txt"
JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

Notice also that it calls out for the Nvidia drivers it is going to need:

    "features": {
        "": {
            "cudaVersion": "11.8",
            "installCudnn": true,
            "installNvtx": true
        "": {
            "version": "3.10.6"