MountaintopLotus / braintrust

A Dockerized platform for running Stable Diffusion, on AWS (for now)
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Discord bot for image generation #22

Open JohnTigue opened 1 year ago

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

For pay – after a free trial period – Midjourney has a bot that can be used in Discord servers: Use Midjourney on your own Discord Server. And, so the good peeps in the Stability centric community have reimplemented that as open source:

Here's another Apache licensed imple of SDXL 4images in Discord:

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

Stability had a service just like Midjourney's on their Discord, Here is how to use it: Stable Diffusion Discord BOT is back!!! How to use it, features!

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

Multipart DIY discord bot instructions:

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

Running Stable Diffusion on AWS Lambda:

I wanted to share that I've successfully put a fork of the stable diffusion ( to execute on AWS Lambda.

So, that would be more cost effective since we'd only be paying for what we use, not idle servers. No GPUs in Lambas, so probably a bit slow.

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

Now here's a solid solution: An elastic deployment of Stable Diffusion with Discord on AWS (2022-12-23).

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

Also, Deploying a Pretrained Stable Diffusion Model in AWS Lambda.

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

Looks like #58 is going to give us this for free :) Why not have our pretrained models for folks to use INSIDE our Discord. That sounds quite useful: same thing a Midjourney bot but private with our models.

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

Seems we need to set up a Discord app ID, a la Python Discord Bot Tutorial – Code a Discord Bot And Host it for Free.

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

Discord Diffusion: Bot for image generation via Stable Diffusion

A commercial service but they do talk discord integration, including code, which I've never seen before so might come in handy.

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

Yesterday, I stumbled upon a commercial service that is providing SD Discord bot as a service. Whatever, I'd much rather have internal control of that (this is going to get to being messy if we're not careful. Docker, please). But they did mention using the bot to entertain one's community. So, we can use it for internal Discord initially, but we should figure out how to use SD in our PUBLIC Discord, with pre-trained models that know about Al-Suya and other characters, et cetera.

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

During the meeting just now DanB decided we should definitely move forward with deploying this Discord bot, INTERNALLY not (yet) in the public Discord.

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

This thing is a hybrid architecture: A Docker-based render cluster and a Lambda-based web front, with the two connected via a SQS message queue. For our own Hypnowerk, not that I've learned that the latest AWS copilot can strap on serverless aspects… this could be greatly simplied.

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

Note that although this was not the immediate goal, this could (and should) be folded into hypnowerk, as both repos are MIT licensed:

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

This Sarakis video is about a tool we do not care about. But it also discusses some of the rigmarole for getting a bot authed in Discord, which we do care about.