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Jupyter notebooks #50

Open JohnTigue opened 1 year ago

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

This issue is the hub for tracking SD-based Jupyter notebooks. See also SageMaker (#27).

All the big cloud platforms have services for deploying Jupyter notebooks:

Simply because notebooks are awesome, Jupyter notebooks have been adopted by the SD community. But surely Colab providing access to free GPUs has something to do with the adoption :). Nonetheless, there are some very nice SD Jupyter notebooks out there.

Some notebooks that deploy SD tech

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

Katherine Crowson is a big player in the SD world. She was one of the solo guests on the Stability "conference" in December. She both puts out art but also is a tool maker. For example, here is one of her notebooks, Stable Diffusion KLMC2 Animation:

Generate animations with Stable Diffusion 1.4, using the KLMC2 discretization of underdamped Langevin dynamics. The notebook is largely inspired by Ajay Jain and Ben Poole's paper Journey to the BAOAB-limit—thank you so much for it!

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

And pursuant to my previous comment, here is the latest example animation work derived from Crowson's KLMC2 notebook: David Marxon Twitter:

Now we're cooking! KLMC2 dreaming from an init image (fork of @RiversHaveWings nb), ramping up noise and guidance (keyframe all the things!) to collect local semantic inertia before exploring the latent, w/ prompt via @pharmapsychotic 's CLIP interrogator :)

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

Continue from previous comment… David Marx on twitter:

Here's my fork of @RiversHaveWings KLMC2 notebook which adds keyframing for prompts and a few other things [on Colab]

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

10 Awesome Google Colab Notebooks on Stable Diffusion

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

No idea where I found this over the last three weeks: EasyMode_Stable_Diffusion.ipynb

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

created a site to share and find Colab Notebooks which links to

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

Would it be possible to train my own SD model in Google Colab? Answer: yes.

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

I'm starting to see folks just using Dockerize SD and then JupyterLab for the UI. This is good.

JohnTigue commented 1 year ago

One of the weird quirks of Invoke that we recently ran into is that there is no way to upload models into it via the webui. The models have to downloaded to the server (outside the InvokeAI webUI) and then the server can find the files in a folder it is pointed at.

JupyterLab has webUI for uploading files and downloading files: 1.4) Importing and Exporting Data in JupyterLab