Mouse-Imaging-Centre / pydpiper

Python code for flexible pipeline control
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montage fails on Graham #438

Open nzxwang opened 4 years ago

nzxwang commented 4 years ago

montage: unable to read font(null)' @ error/annotate.c/RenderFreetype/1362`

The solution is simply to specify the font with the -font flag. Any system font printed by running convert -list font will work. For example -font DejaVu-Sans. This is annoying... Should we allow the user to specify a flag or default to something that might work?

gdevenyi commented 4 years ago

Instead you could build the imagemagick inside minc-toolkit so you get an older version that shouldn't do this.

nzxwang commented 4 years ago

that sounds like a much better idea actually. do you have experience installing imagemagick? is it a difficult one?

gdevenyi commented 4 years ago

In minc-toolkit, just add -DMT_BUILD_IM:BOOL=ON to have it build in imagemagick

nzxwang commented 4 years ago

@gdevenyi thanks for your help. I tried to install minc-toolkit, but I was getting errors and it seems like this may become a time investment that isnt worth the montage stages, though I'll keep your suggestion in mind for the next minc-toolkit release.