MouseLand / Kilosort

Fast spike sorting with drift correction for up to a thousand channels
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Questions of data from custom electrodes #671

Closed dcgggg closed 1 week ago

dcgggg commented 4 weeks ago

Describe the issue:


    I would like to ask how to import the data collected by non-INTAN microfilament array electrodes into kilosort4. I am stuck in the first step of converting to binary.
    Thank you.
jacobpennington commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @dcgggg,

I don't know what format your data is in, so it's hard to give any advice. It needs to end up as a binary file (typically .bin, .bat, .dat or .raw) stored with shape (time_samples, number of channels). Kilosort's data conversion tools are just a thin (and incomplete) wrappers for SpikeInterface functions, so I would start by checking the list of "Raw Data Formats" supported by that package:

If you see your data format on that list, let me know, and I can add it to the list supported in our GUI, or you can use SpikeInterface directly to convert your data.