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Match naming to RESO Data Dictionary #5

Open bhubbard opened 7 years ago

bhubbard commented 7 years ago

It might make sense to match naming to the RESO Data Dictionary standard. For example, here are all the names for contacts (aka leads) in RESO.

Anniversary The wedding anniversary of the contact; month, day and year.
AssistantEmail  Email address of the contact's assistant.
AssistantName   Name of the contact's assistant.
AssistantPhone  Phone number of the contact's assistant.
AssistantPhoneExt   Phone number extension of the contact's assistant.
Birthdate   The birthday of the contact; month, day and year.
BusinessFax North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens).  Other conventions should use the common local standard.  International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol.
Children    A list of the names of the contact's children in a comma separated list.
Company The contact's company or employer.
ContactKey  A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the ContactKey is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId.
ContactKeyNumeric   A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the ContactKey is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId.  This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ContactKey field.
ContactLoginId  The local, well-known identifier for the contact. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system and is used by the Contact to logon to a client portal in that system.
ContactPassword A client password that the member wishes to share with other systems. Normal security considerations apply and are the responsibility of the entity utilizing this field.
ContactStatus   The status of the contact.  Active, Inactive, On Vacation, Deleted, etc.,
ContactType The type of contact.  i.e. Business, Friend, Family, Prospect, Ready to Buy, etc.
Department  The department in which the contact works.
DirectPhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens).  Other conventions should use the common local standard.  International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol.
Email   The preferred Email address of the contact.
Email2  The secondary email address of the contact.
Email3  The tertiary email address of the contact.
FirstName   The first name of the Member.
FullName    The full name of the Member. (First Middle Last) or a alternate full name.
Gender  The contact's gender.
Groups  Also knows as Tags, Categories, Circles,
HomeAddress1    The street number, direction, name and suffix of the contact's home.
HomeAddress2    The unit/suite number of the contact's home.
HomeCarrierRoute    The group of addresses to which the USPS assigns the same code to aid in mail delivery. For the USPS, these codes are 9 digits: 5 numbers for the ZIP Code, one letter for the carrier route type, and 3 numbers for the carrier route number.
HomeCity    The city of the contact's home.
HomeCountry The country abbreviation in a postal address.
HomeCountyOrParish  The county or parish in which the contact's home is addressed.
HomeFax North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens).  Other conventions should use the common local standard.  International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol.
HomePhone   North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens).  Other conventions should use the common local standard.  International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol.
HomePostalCode  The postal code of the contact's home.
HomePostalCodePlus4 The extension of the postal/zip code.  i.e. +4
HomeStateOrProvince The state or province in which the contact's home is addressed.
JobTitle    The title or position of the member within their organization.
Language    The languages spoken by the contact.
LastName    The last name of the Member.
MiddleName  The middle name of the Member.
MobilePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens).  Other conventions should use the common local standard.  International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol.
ModificationTimestamp   Date/time the contact record was last modified.
NamePrefix  Prefix to the name (e.g. Dr. Mr. Ms. etc.)
NameSuffix  Suffix to the surname (e.g. Esq.,  Jr.,  III etc.)
Nickname    An alternate name used by the Member, usually as a substitute for the first name.
Notes   Notes about the client.
OfficePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens).  Other conventions should use the common local standard.  International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol.
OfficePhoneExt  The extension of the given phone number (if applicable).
OriginalEntryTimestamp  Date/time the contact record was originally input into the source system.
OriginatingSystemContactKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system.  The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record.  For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the Contact was input.  There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System.  See Source System Key for more information.
OriginatingSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider.  The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record.  For example; the name of the MLS where the Contact was input.  In cases where the Originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields.
OriginatingSystemName   The name of the Originating record provider.  Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the Contact is originally input by the member.  The legal name of the company.
OtherAddress1   The other street number, direction, name and suffix of the contact.
OtherAddress2   The other unit/suite number of the contact.
OtherCarrierRoute   The group of addresses to which the USPS assigns the same code to aid in mail delivery. For the USPS, these codes are 9 digits: 5 numbers for the ZIP Code, one letter for the carrier route type, and 3 numbers for the carrier route number.
OtherCity   The other city of the contact.
OtherCountry    The other country abbreviation in a postal address.
OtherCountyOrParish The other county or parish in which contact is addressed.
OtherPhone  The "other" phone option allowing members to convey additional phone numbers other than those already covered by the VoiceMailExt, OfficePhoneExt, etc., fields.  This is a repeating element.  Use the OtherPhoneType for a selection of additional phone types.
OtherPhone  The "other" phone option allowing members to convey additional phone numbers other than those already covered by the HomePhone, VoiceMail, etc., fields.  This is a repeating element.  Use the OtherPhoneType for a selection of additional phone types.
OtherPhoneType  The type of "other" phone that does not already exist in the given phone fields or if a second of any type of phone field is needed.  i.e. HomePhone2,  BrothersPhone, etc.  This is used as the list of options for the Other Phone repeating elements.
OtherPostalCode The other postal code of the contact.
OtherPostalCodePlus4    The other extension of the postal/zip code.  i.e. +4
OtherStateOrProvince    The other state or province in which the contact is addressed.
OwnerMemberID   The local, well-known identifier for the member owning the contact.
OwnerMemberKey  The unique identifier (key) of the member owning the contact. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey.
OwnerMemberKeyNumeric   The unique identifier (key) of the member owning the contact. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey.  This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the OwnerMemberKey field.
Pager   North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens).  Other conventions should use the common local standard.  International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol.
PhoneTTYTTD North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens).  Other conventions should use the common local standard.  International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol.
PreferredAddress    A list of the address options Home, Work and Other used to determine the address preferred by the client.
PreferredPhone  A list of the phone options Office, Mobile, Direct, Voicemail, Other used to determine the phone preferred by the client.
ReferredBy  Name of the person who referred the contact.
SocialMedia The website URL or ID of social media site or account of the member.  This is a repeating element.  Replace [Type] with any of the options from the SocialMediaType field to create a unique field for that type of social media.  For example: SocialMediaFacebookUrlOrID, SocialMediaSkypeUrlOrID, etc.
SocialMediaType A list of types of sites, blog, social media, the Member URL or ID is referring to.  i.e. Website, Blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype, etc.,  This list is used to populate the Type with repeating Social Media URL or ID types.
SourceSystemContactKey  The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System.  The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received.  In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields.
SourceSystemID  The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider.  The source system is the system from which the record was directly received.  In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields.
SourceSystemName    The name of the immediate record provider.  The system from which the record was directly received.  The legal name of the company.
SpousePartnerName   The contact's spouse or partner.
TollFreePhone   North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens).  Other conventions should use the common local standard.  International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol.
UserDefinedFieldName    [#] This field is a repeating element.  If this field is repeated, add 1, 2, 3, etc., to the end of the field.
UserDefinedFieldValue   [#] This field is a repeating element.  If this field is repeated, add 1, 2, 3, etc., to the end of the field.
VoiceMail   North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens).  Other conventions should use the common local standard.  International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol.
VoiceMailExt    The extension of the given phone number (if applicable).
WorkAddress1    The street number, direction, name and suffix of the contact's work.
WorkAddress2    The unit/suite number of the contact's work.
WorkCarrierRoute    The group of addresses to which the USPS assigns the same code to aid in mail delivery. For the USPS, these codes are 9 digits: 5 numbers for the ZIP Code, one letter for the carrier route type, and 3 numbers for the carrier route number.
WorkCity    The city of the contact's work.
WorkCountry The country abbreviation in a postal address.
WorkCountyOrParish  The county or parish in which the contact's work is addressed.
WorkPostalCode  The postal code of the contact's work.
WorkPostalCodePlus4 The extension of the postal/zip code.  i.e. +4
WorkStateOrProvince The state or province in which the contact's work is addressed.

So the first one would be:

<meta name="lead_anniversary"   content=" {{DATE}} " />
bhubbard commented 7 years ago

Some of the users like @RobLarsonCRMLS in the Real Estate Issue may be interested in this project/issue.

EBashkoff commented 7 years ago

This is a nice idea. This is an overwhelming list of items, but my suggestion would be to include an Appendix at the end of our current landing page that includes these as "optional" lead attributes as a suggested naming scheme for custom metadata entries. Currently, the spec supports custom naming of attributes, so the only modification of your suggested naming scheme would be to convert the camelcase names to snakecase names. Thanks for your suggestion.

RobLarsonCRMLS commented 7 years ago has a contact structure and some lead aspects. We also have the involvement from the big lead generators such as Zillow, Homes and After you've had a look I'd be happy to look at any differentials and suggestions; and take them back to RESO for review.

Rob Larson Chief Information Officer California Regional MLS

T 909.859.2055 | C 909.263.1263 | E

On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 6:19 AM -0700, "Eric Bashkoff"<> wrote:

This is a nice idea. This is an overwhelming list of items, but my suggestion would be to include an Appendix at the end of our current landing page that includes these as "optional" lead attributes as a suggested naming scheme for custom metadata entries. Currently, the spec supports custom naming of attributes, so the only modification of your suggested naming scheme would be to convert the camelcase names to snakecase names. Thanks for your suggestion.

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