MovementDAO / DAO-Proposals

The Movement DAO Proposals
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universal strategy game #9

Open bruncho opened 6 years ago

bruncho commented 6 years ago idea 1.) to make a demo for a game for 50 000 players (soccer teams) so that we can show it to the investors and all users, 11 levels, something like a shell of the english football structure, each league to have 24 teams (user-numbers) ... the teams-users-players-numbers (UNTs) play matches every 6 hours so we could have 52 seasons in a year .. all promotions, relegation, tables, rewards etc can be made before any user register as kind pre-game demo ... so, that all investors can see it running .... then we can open the game to all users universally, if we fill 50K in one shell we start the next structure ... etc 1.) universally, each user has free 5 shots by default, so software can do the matches, the value of 5 shots is $5, if player-user wants to buy 6th shot for certain match he has to buy it for $5, 7th for $10, 8th for $20, and so on ....! 2.) a user has right on only one team on one IP, but we can sell him as many teams he wants, so that is second way how do we earn as the site 3.) for all 50 000 teams-users-numbers (UNTs) we have to assign the rewards which are linked on the coefficient 1 ..... so, depending on our bankroll situation, we can always change 1 to 0.9 or 1.1 ... or change value of 1 to be $1 or 0.5$ or $1.5 or so .. that is the 3rd way how do we can earn as the site (the game) 4.) the game is universal but we can have a particular part, as in pokers, means that players can play matches anytime they want if they find opponent, that is 4th way of earnings 5.) the fifth way of earning would be if we keep sportsbetting ledger on our matches, similar to official competitions of the teams on the pitch thanks, any thing more, i am on skype: skayovo .. or trota tgm, or reply here ...

idea 2.) then i see you have new way of making crypto money, can you tell me lively and short, what is the method, so far they based fiats on thin air printing (exploiting), cryptos on mining (hard working), i based divine money on minding (being good) ... some are with new DAG technology which probably tend to go to moral side of the balance of the civilisation ...: technology <<-perfect <best <bettergoodier>goodiest> divine ->> morality ... somewhere between good and goodier .... nhhh ... anyway, thanks for answers .... my DAB is divine account balance that we have presumably all granted from any divine providence in experience .... amount of 737373 divine dollars for life per person ... you can send me all ethereum addresses of your development team so that i can send you 1 dd or more to see it in practice ... 1 dd (divine dollar=0.00123 ether) .... then i will subtract 1 dd from your DAB to 737372 and increase my DAB to 737393 (as i have already bought 19 dd from other ppl) .... and so on ... we trade, exchange, donate and divinate most of all, you can buy my dd from my DAB and send tx so we have record in the ledger, this is my DAB: 0xbE7CD41E060CDb07c548D6C65F1d786E43f1c392 brenderson frebonder 737392d$ ..thanks ... zik zik