Moving-Castles / this-cursed-machine

Body horror fulfilment center simulator
MIT License
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Bad client performance because of frequent entities store updates #264

Open pwrstudio opened 1 month ago

pwrstudio commented 1 month ago

Continuation of


Client is laggy. The entities store is updated every time any table is updated.

Due to how the tables are structured, with CarriedBy, indicating which pod a machine belongs in, not being a key there does not seem to be a way for us to filter to only get the content of the players pod from the indexer.

The loading problem in was improved by not relying on the update streams to set the initial local state. Rather using this:

And then ignoring updates where the new and old values are the same:

Problems are:

How do we ignore updates that are not relevant to the player?

The heavy part of the update is this:

Solutions / improvements